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Time to love me

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Time to love me

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 12/02/1970
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Time to love me!

  2. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary Time to love me!

  3. Time to love me

    July 2006 Band Crew

  4. Time to love me

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Happy Birthday Leona! :happybday: :happybday2::happybday:
  5. Time to love me

    The WAITRESS noticed!! NSV!!!

    Nana, I'm very happy for you. It IS very annoying when you lose weight and nobody notices. BUT when someone finally does, it's like floating on a cloud. I've been going through this too, but i've only lost 11 pounds since surgery but I've lost a total of 16 since i've started the program. I feel that my clothes are not so tight anymore, or should I say they are loose. Then yesterday my friend of 20 years came over and on the way in she said you look so awesome, are you losing weight? I was so happy. I'm a closet bandster so she had no clue that i have the band. Anyhow, this is about you today! Congrats to you.
  6. Time to love me

    Who is having success with their Band?

    Wild, I understand that your frustrated but you need to understand that the first 6 weeks are for healing, not weightloss. If you lose any weight, it's considered a "bonus". I'm a around 3 weeks out from surgery and things have been slow for me, compared to others, but like you i'm on the lower side of the scale compared to some (I'm still fat). It seems to be that the more weight you have to lose, the quicker it comes off in the beginning. You know how the saying goes. The last 15 pounds are always the hardest, it sort of applies with the band, IMO. Once you get a fill things should start right up for you, that is my hope too. We just need to remember that with the band the average weightloss is 1-2 pounds per week. The band does have a slower weightloss. It's all worth it, not to mention that it's the healthy way to lose. Please don't take this as a neg. post, it's not meant to be. Best of luck to you! 12 pounds is a great start, better than mine. Keep your chin up, you can do this. To answer the above question. I didn't have band related complications, more post surgery. but I did have pneumonia and a pulminary embolism (blood clot). That kept me in the hospital for 8 days out of the 3 weeks that i've been banded.
  7. Time to love me

    July 2006 Band Crew

    GO STEPH!!!! TWOTERVILLE, TWOTERVILLE.. TWOTERVILLE. YOU CAN DO IT! Please post and let us know how you did.
  8. Time to love me

    Can only hope to lose 65% of excess weight???

    Debi..I'm so frustrated with this stupid guideline too. My doc didn't tell me this, he told me I'll lose as much as i want (within reason) if I follow the food and exercise program. He did, however, tell me that I will never be a size 2. LOL age has something to do with this too. I'm 35 and 5'6, I weight 228.5 The 65% weightloss guide is bull crap, I think. It most likely is the average for the band. So this include those who abuse the band, those who mostly follow the rules and people who are rule followers. IMO there are many people who take this band for granted. There are those who cheat & eat around the band and then you have the die hard people who are truly giving 100% to making this all work, not to mention the ones who are in between those two. Now don't get me wrong, i'm sure everyone has eating things that we shouldn't eat. We all have the band because we have food issues. We are all human and once in awhile it's okay to "cheat". BUT at the same time i really think that some people believe that this is a magic band and that they don't have to exercise or eat right. I am only a little over 3 weeks out of surgery, so I'm not eating solids yet. BUT I have started to exercise and before I had the band, I did start my healthy eating plan, I lost weight and felt good about myself. And NO I wasn't perfect, I had one cheat item a week. I will continue to cheat once a week. The nutritionist said it's better to cheat once a week or I'll set myself up for failure when I finally had it and eat out the house. LOL It just pisses me off that a doc can say 65% is what you'll lose and that your goal is unrealistic!!! Come on, we'll do just fine. Once we start losing weight, we'll have the motivation to want to take more off and we'll do what ever it takes for us to get to the point of where we feel most comfortable. Whether it be 145 or 175, I don't care as long as i'm healthy & happy. Every pound I lose is better than what I weighed pre-band. I look at it as a diet, I know most people don't like to look at it the same way, we've dieted all of our lives. Shall we call it a life change? In the end we need to eat right, drink Water and exercise. The same stuff we would have to do to lose weight if we were not banded. We just have a little band telling us it's time to put down the fork. Hang in there and be positive. You can get close to goal, if not at goal. There will be plenty of people here to help you get through this. I know I'll need all the help I can get when it gets to those last 20 pounds. If I don't get there, then I don't. I'll give it my all. In the end.. I just want to be healthy.
  9. Time to love me

    Just for fun - misconceptions?

    LOL well some of these are quite amusing. BUT this just makes me feel extremely happy that I only told my husband about my surgery. I didn't want to deal with the bull shit nor the stupid ass questions. But, mainly.. i really didn't want people to babysit me and lean over my shoulder watching my every move or shall i say.. every bite. LOL Keep up the laughs.. some of these are great.
  10. Time to love me

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats to JMO, Leona, Donna Marie and Ruthie on your great weight loss! My goodness Ruthie what a great start for you. I think you have every right to be bragging right now, if anything it's motivation for all of us. Good work! I also agree that the amount of weight people need to lose has a lot to do with weight loss, in the beginning. The more you weigh the quicker it will fall off, compared to someone who may only need to lose 60 pounds. But it does even out in the end. WHO CARES LOL any weight loss is amazing. To me, it's more than what i would have lost without the band. ALSO, ERICSMOM.. you have done awesome girlie.... maybe you need to do a little bragging. LOL I'm so proud of all of us, we will do this. It's even better that we all have each other to share the highs and the lows with.
  11. Time to love me

    WOW! I feel so great right now!

    Great job! Sounds like you have hit your sweet spot, for now. I hope it's the last fill for you! 12 pounds is a wonderful start.
  12. Time to love me

    Mandatory support group

    I think that it is CRAZY that they would even have those two groups meet at the same time. I go to Lahey in Burlington, MA and they do two seperate support groups because they are very much different from one another. This is one of the reasons why I stayed away from the Boston Hospitals. Some, not all, of the hospital meetings were hard pressing for GBP. For anyone who went to Boston Hosp. please don't take offense to this. This is in no way, shape or form saying anything about the Dr's. I think the doctors are amazing. It just upsets me that lapband and GBP are treated the same, when they are completely diff. I actually think we need to be educated more about the lapband, due to the careful guides we need to know for eating and preventing pb'ing, sliming.. and so on. Go with what you want. DO NOT let ANYONE pull you away from what you want. There are many pros and cons to both. I have been banded for just a little over 3 weeks and i am happy i got the band. Yes, the weight comes off slower BUT there are less issues with the band, IMO. Also, from what i hear there is less chance of having severe excess skin. I also would like to know if this was a info. session or the support group? In the info. session, they would talk about both surgeries. But, I wonder why they wouldn't spend equal time on each procedure. Also, find out if this Dr. is one of those docs who do mostly RNY's vs Bands. Sometimes you get those docs that try to talk you out of the band. Keep an open mind and see where the doc stands and also, see if there is another doc available in the practice that you can meet with, that isn't so much pro RNY. I'm not sure what hosp. you are going with but there is a very nice lady named Diva that was banded in Boston, you might want to chat with her. Maybe you both go to the same Dr. or Hosp. Anyway.. best of luck to you! Please keep us informed on how things work for you. If you need someone to chat w/ PM me. Last time we chatted it was fun.
  13. Time to love me

    Sample Menus

    I can not give you a normal meal day for me yet, i'm still on liquids. but, i was told by my nutrititionist to eat 6 small meals a day, as she puts it. I do eat breakfast, lunch and dinner... but i have a healthy "snack' 3 times a day. The nutritionist requires this to have Protein. I use string cheese, yogurt.. turkey rolled up and so on. I'm told with the exception of sleep time. I should never go 4 hours without eating, it will set me up for a bad meal choice. but like always, listen to your own doc or nutrit. best of luck to all!
  14. Time to love me

    TT vs Body Lift

    I am told that my ins. will pay for PS but i would have to have documented treatments stating i've had infections, rashes and i'm sure many other issues.
  15. Time to love me

    Prayer for son afer 4 wheeler wreck

    Sherri, I first have to say that I'm happy that your son is going to be okay. Thank GOD! I"m so sorry that this has happened to him and I pray he has a quick recovery. Secondly, lots of hugs to you... it must be so hard to see your child in distress. stay positive and strong, you and your family will get through this. Lots of prayers are being sent your way.

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