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  1. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    It's really taking a lot of getting used to whem people tell me I look great lol. I mean, before, people would tell me I looked nice, or I'd get the "oh you have such a pretty face" stuff, or I'd be in weight watchers and losing a little bit here and there and people would say "are you losing weight? It's starting to show"...and I would always smile and say thank you, then crawl under a rock because I felt like they were just saying it to be nice. Now, any time I see someone that I don't see on an every day basis, they go crazy over how I look lol. It's kind of embarrassing! Can anyone relate??
  2. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    I'm thinking about changing my bariatric Vitamin. What does everyone take, is it once a day and is it chewable? Inquiring minds
    Hope everyone is well and happy.
  3. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    @@amylynns I was trying to respond to your post about the gallbladder, but when I hit the little quote thing, it brings me to respond to someone else's post, Ellen with a lap band. Lol so weird. Anyways, I had my gallbladder removed a few yrs ago, so it def couldn't have been that. I'm thinking it was just a tight muscle and it must have been right on the spot where food passes thru, like pressing on it. All gone now lol
  4. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Me too :-\ It took me forever to pass the 200 mark. I got to 194, now I keep going up to 197 and back down and back up. So frustrating!
  5. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Amylynns, I'm glad it is benign! Still so much for a kid to go thru, poor guy. Hopefully it slows down like u said! :-\
    Beni, the pain is gone. I didn't get a chance to call the surgeons office on Monday, because work was so crazy. By the time Tuesday came, I didn't feel it anymore, so I'm assuming it was just a muscle thing in my back. So for now, I'm just letting it go and if it comes back, I will call for sure. I hope you feel better soon! :-)
  6. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Took some cold medicine as I was running a fever. Nope, back to bed. Now my head is floating two feet above my shoulders. Cup of tea #3 coming up. I am not a good patient at all when I am sick. I have so much to do but here I lay like a wet noodle, lol.
    Luna, not sure what that pain could be, a bit odd. Is it better?
    Amylynns, I am glad your son got the benign tumor taken cared of. That sounds like such a nuisance but such is life. My 14 year old is also 6 feet tall. We must stop feeding our children! We are doing too good of a job.
  7. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    I gained back my two pounds lost. I guess I'm still stalled. Other than that nothing new to report.
    Beni, sorry your sick. A spring cold at that. Hate those.
  8. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    Someone had asked me the other day about my son and his surgery.
    He's ok. He's 14 yrs old. He has what's called an inter-muscular vascular tumor in his elbow. Back in 2013 he had it surgically removed. We did another MRI the next year and it was growing back. The surgeon pretty much left it up to my son when he wanted surgery again....With the original tumor (non cancerous by the way) the ulna nerve in his arm ran right through the middle of the tumor, so it was a pretty big, 5 hour surgery to dissect it away from the nerve. Then he literally moved the nerve to another area. So when the tumor started growing back, our hope was that he wouldn't have pain, since that nerve was moved. But he did have pain. He took it as long as he could--pretty much wanted to get through his basketball season as school first. :-) SO...anyway--this time, they tried a new procedure. Instead of opening up his arm again, they used a type of live MRI laser deal. He has 6 puncture wounds in his arm, where they put the laser machine in, and literally lasered away the tumor. THey'll do another MRI in 3 months to see if it's growing again. THe Dr. said with these types of tumors, they typically keep growing back, especially through puberty. So hopefully when he's done growing, it'll slow down. He's 6' tall right now at age 14, so we'll see how much more growing he has to do!
    Beni--Sorry you're sick! :-( I had a horrible sore throat and sinus pressure ALL over my head last week. It was so painful. It was when I was at the hospital with Zach. Ughh..so miserable.
    Heading out for my MRI on my back/hip. I'm very confident it's going to turn out to be absolutely nothing, but I'll make my Dr. happy and get it done.....
  9. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    I have a cold, my first sickness since surgery. It was a nice 6 months. I feel like staying in bed all day. My allergies are killing me and i think the Zyrtec is not working as well. I am wondering if my shorter GI track is causing less absorption of the medicine. I did lose one pound. Hurray for me!
  10. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    @Luna222---If you haven't called your Dr. yet, you might want to just call in and ask them? That seem odd!? Do you have your gallbladder? I had mine out back in 2009 and I remember having pain between my shoulder blades, along with other pain, but might be worth checking out.
    Nothing else new to report here either. I'm PMS-ing this week, so I'm feeling bloated. I think I'll just stay off the scale for a few days.
    I think Spring was here for half a day then skipped to summer! It's toasty today, and humid. Ick. Can't we just have a nice 70 degree day? :-)
  11. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Shadow427 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Hi Everyone...
    Nothing new to report. Just plugging along!
  12. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to smiley922 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Mom and I on her last good day, Wednesday.

  13. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to smiley922 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Hey group, been a bit, taking care of mom in DC, wont be long now. Her friends keep bringing treats, candied pecans mmm badddd. I had someone put them on a high shelf outa reach. Finally dropped another 1.5 pounds, hadn't lost in 3 weeks. Working towards my dr's goal of 110, 8 pounds to go. I dont like how thin my face is, but realize I prolly won't stay thos thin based on statistics so try not to worry. Sometimes I think about ignoring my dr's goal, but he is the expert and he gave me the tool that got me here so...
  14. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Omg I find my hair EVERYWHERE!!!! I need to get a little dust buster vacuum thing to keep in my bathroom, cuz every morning it gets all over the floor and my sink vanity. I'm scared to cook for anyone other than my parents and my boyfriend lol, cuz I don't want someone else pulling a hair out of their food lol. Sigh.
    So I had an mri of my knee last week, just went for the results yesterday. The arthritis in my knees is worse now. My knee caps are turned out, something with the way they were when I was born. Over the years it get painful, and being overweight makes it that much worse. So he said I have pretty much no cartilage in my knees. There's some but it's very very thin. Soooo, that means I can't run. He said no running or anything with high impact on the knees. And I will more than likely need a total knee replacement down the road, but because of my age, we aren't entertaining that thought yet. Ugh! I am so disappointed, because I signed up for my first 5k, and I was hoping to get into more and more. But..now I can't. The damage was already done when I was so heavy and put so much weight and pressure on my poor knees. So sad. I am very happy that I had this surgery when I did though, because I probably would have ended up with a knee replacement in the near future.
  15. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    Goodness, I've gotten behind on here. My son had surgery in Rochester,MN at mayo Clinic, so I've been gone for 3 days. Kind of glad to be back at work today! (haha, so I can catch up on my social networks! LOL!)
    My hair: Yes, I just told my hair stylist a week or so ago that it'd been itching really bad. Thought for sure I had bugs or something, LOL! No bugs! She's having me try a Paul Mitchell brand moisturizing Shampoo and conditioner. It's ALOT better in just a week!! ALOT!
    I'm not losing near as much hair I was, so I'm relieved that's calmed down. I think the biggest help was increasing my protein!
    I just had a color glaze put on mine too when I was there last, and it's a really good moisturizing glaze, so that may have helped too.
    I'm also finding I'm able to eat more at a meal, but as long as I'm still losing I still feel very much in control. I hadn't been sick after eating for about 2 weeks and I actually got worried that I wasn't going to have that "safety net" to keep me in check. But then, BAM, I got sick on something. (can't remember what now) I was relieved actually.
    We ate a lot of hospital food the last 3 days, and a lot of eating out. At the hospital I made pretty good choices though, but I noticed things were very high in sodium, WOW! Eating out also--my goodness, didn't eat a whole lot because it was way too salty for me!
    I wasn't too surprised when the scale was the same this morning, actually a bit surprised when I didn't have a "sodium gain!"
    By the way---I'm in the 160's!!!! Whoohooo!!!!!
    My ticker is still messed up! I deleted it completely. And then looked at my posts, it was gone--the one that wouldn't update correctly.
    Then I re-created a new one. It showed up on my posts, ALONG with the WRONG one again!?
    I sent a message to the head guy, Alex, on here. Maybe he can just go in and delete it for me.
    Ok, I'd better go get some of this work done that didn't seem to get done itself while I was gone!
  16. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    The scale this morning showed 2 lbs lost. I had not step on it the entire week because it was driving me crazy.
    My goodness you all sound exactly like me. I feel like I am looking in the mirror.
    1. My hair is still falling like crazy, I now find hair in my food and I know it's mine
    2. My scalp is itchy and flaking off in Patches and even dandruff Shampoo is not helping. It is however making my hair feel like steel wool. Not what I was going for.
    3. I too stopped coloring my hair for a bit because I think my scalp/hair can't handle it. Hello grey hair!
    4. I can eat a lot more. I ate a whole salad in the period of 30 minutes. Slowly but surely! I never once even begun to feel like I had enough. It was scary. I could get in trouble and eat too much. I did notice when I eat a hamburger (sans bun) I can only eat 2/3 to 3/4 of it. I think this is what they mean by slider foods versus non-sliders. It maybe we have to eat that meat/chicken/fish first and then the rest because it will fill us up. Also, I ate a whole bowl of chopped strawberries the other day. One tiny bite at a time they were all gone. Oh no, I have to get super busy because if I sit around I will get in trouble.
  17. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I eat about a cup of food too. If I eat too much less then I am just hungry an hour later and end up eating things I shouldn't. I am good at keeping at about a cup or less, but also need to work really hard on my snacking and eating little bites here and there. I know that is how things slip up and things start to come back.....and that I a huge huge fear.
    I have not had children yet and I want to have the best habits, and health before I do try and get pregnant. (no not any time too soon) But I know this is the time to correct myself and make new normals.
  18. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to LisaCO in OCTOBER 2014   
    My scalp dont itch but my hair has thinned alot. Luckily I started with thick hair. I do see short hair sticking out in places so I am hoping its starting to grow back. I take my Biotin everyday. My docs office said to get in your Protein daily. This will help with thinning hair etc...
  19. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Shadow427 in OCTOBER 2014   
    My scalp didn't itch until I read your threads! Thanks for the power of suggestion!

  20. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to joankrie in OCTOBER 2014   
    Yes!! Thats happening to me too! I find it scarey! But, I am very mindful to stop for fear of gao ing weight back. And plus, my family will comment, and say.. hey, you're eating too much! Lol! Got to love the support system!!
  21. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to joankrie in OCTOBER 2014   
    Good for you!! My stall is consistent! Ive lost 2 lbs last week, and nothing since. However, im really ok with the stalls now. Just as long as im still losing in a healthy manner, all is well!
    Im down 105lbs/higest weight, and 55 to go! Size 16 from 26. Slowly, creeping into a 14. But, ladies.. my body has changed/obviously, but Im losing my ass, and my waist has a muffin top! Totally opposite from before I lost control of my weight!
    Anybody else having the same experience??
  22. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Yea that's what I am at right now, about a cup. I still want more if I eat less. And that's an old habit too I'm bringing hummus and veggies for a snack today, hopefully that will keep me satisfied. I'm trying not to wash my hair every day now. I used the shower cap this morning, and it's killing me lol. I feel ick. Even tho I showered!
    I agree, it is def hard, I always worry that this is it. Hopefully not!
  23. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    Beni and Luna, I was up to eating about a cup per meal and my PA said she was happy with that. My thought was "no way". I've decreased my meal size and I'm still full and satisfied. I was getting to the point that I was eating because it tasted good and that's an old habit that got me here in the first place. It's a realization that really scares me.
    My stall began at the six month mark too, I was October 8th. It's easy to say we should count or blessings but the reality of it is you worry that this is it. That was a constant worry. I'm feeling back on track, at least hopeful that I am.
    As for the itchy scalp. Ugh, I try not to scratch in public and have switched conditioners twice. I'm also not coloring. Oh hello grey hairs. Sigh.
  24. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I have the itchy scalp and sort of dandruff too! My Hair loss is slowly decreasing, but still comes out alot. But the scalp thing is a new thing, I just started noticing it last week. I was in the shower and my scalp felt tingly and then itchy...after that it's like every day I'm scratching my head! Beni, I have noticed that as well. I can eat way more than I feel like I should be able to. My ditz of a PA doesn't seem to think that's an issue. Idk. I don't like it though. I feel like it's going to bring in old habits, eating too much, always being hungry. :-(
  25. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Hey, I have itchy scalp and dandruff. My hair is also falling like crazy. I am in the weight stall from hell too. It seems like every pound I lose comes right back the next day. Today I am at the 6 month mark. Shouldn't complain too much because I did lose 84 lbs. It's just in the last month it was less then 2 lbs. I also noticed I can eat a lot more then I used to. For example, I went out with friends for lunch, I had a salad with salmon and usually I could only eat 1/2 of the portion. I ate the whole thing today over 1/2 hour period. It's a reasonable sized salad but that's a new one for me. It used to be I couldn't eat more then 1/4 cup of food at a time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
