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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Don't give up ladies, I know I slowed down many times keep on with the new life style changes and it will come off. If you still feel like it is not budging call your NUT or Doctor. they should have recommendations. We are all different and have different needs.
  2. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to layknee in OCTOBER 2014   
    dont feel bad I started 303 by surgery 284 now I'm 217. It's slow going but I'm losing inches over pounds.
  3. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to layknee in OCTOBER 2014   
    its the same for me the pounds aren't moving but the inches are. Today I'm at 217lbs but I fit a 14W suit. Color me surprised.  
  4. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to filmgal in OCTOBER 2014   
    Hi Everyone,
    I have finally found my way back to the site. I also have been reading everyone's posts and have been relieved to see the "stall" has affected nearly all of us. I am about 14 pounds from the 200 pound brick wall I have not broken through in a bazillion years. I was stuck at 215-220 wall for nearly seven weeks. Even with the increase in activity. For me Protein does seem to be the key to losing. I am getting rid of my clothes which is oddly difficult. But they are falling off literally. While I have been stuck I think inches are leaving. I'll take inches. I really love this group, even if I am not talking all that much. Just saying...
  5. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    OOOOPS!!! I totally put the wrong weights in that last post! Haha!
    I was 167 this morning....had been stuck at 168 for a couple weeks and had bumped up to 170, not 180!
  6. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    @Beni--Hey! I've been reading everyone's posts, just no time to sit and reply!
    So glad the scale is moving for you again! yay!!!
    Mine has been on 178 for a couple weeks. Even creeped up to 180 for a couple days, BUT, it was during my monthly, so figured it was from that. This morning it was at 176, but I like to stay at a # for a couple days before I'll record it, LOL!
    So busy here! We have 2 of our boys graduating high school! We did one party last weekend, this weekend is the actual graduation ceremony, and then the other son's party is the 24th. THEN--Brett and I and the 2 boys leave for Hawaii on June 3rd! It's going to be here before I know it and I'M NOT READY!! I need clothes for Hawaii!!! Plus, I REALLY wanted to find a dress for graduation---OH--and we have a wedding to go to on the 23rd also, which I'd like to find a dress for too. **Sigh** I have no time to shop!
    We're in about the same size Beni. I got a couple pair of 11/12 pants at Maurices. Cannot believe I fit into that size comfortably. I haven't worn that size since before I got pregnant with my first baby and she's 21 1/2 now!! :D
    Dresses are going to be an issue for me. My calves have always been big, and dresses do no compliment them at all. UGH....We'll see! Just found out I don't have to work on Saturday now, so hopefully I can go shopping! Yay!
  7. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Blast my ticker is wrong too. It should say 179 and that I have lost 91 pounds. I have edited the thing twice to no avail.
    I had a very long stall 6 weeks of yo-yo weight but things are moving again. What changed? I have been eating more Protein ,veggies, fruit and salads. But I am way busier then I was. I am moving all day long. Sitting down is reserved for the car, no kidding. I was getting kind of slow again. No wet noodle syndrome for me anymore. Remember a few months back I was doing all the windows just to move. I am on that mode again. My entire day is filled with activity. It's what works best for me it seems. I am sure I will have stalls again because I am sure my body will need a rest soon. I cannot keep this pace 24/7. I have been shopping for clothing, size 12 now. It's amazing how hard it is to find a size 12. Boy, if I was a 10, I would be in great luck. It seems all the size 12s are gone. I have also noticed because the selection is now huge the shopping is actually harder because to find anything that works, I have to go through so much junk. Exhausting! For example, I have been looking for a dress for 3 days and I cannot find anything I like. Nothing feels right or looks good. So many stores!!!!!!!
  8. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    So very sorry for your loss. I'll always remember that picture of you and wonder woman mom. She was a person with a sense of humor. Love that! So glad you were able to share those fun moments with her. People it's what is all about.
  9. Like
    Glyndalin got a reaction from PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Howdy, folks.
    I've been out of pocket traveling for work and then an "aging parent" crisis. I'm doing fine. I'm down 121 pounds, 53 pounds since the surgery on 10/27. I'm wearing a size 12-14, which I haven't done since 7th grade. I don't have a weight goal because I've never been this small before. Just waiting to see where the weight settles. Honestly, if I don't lose another pound, I'm gonna be happy anyway.
    I eat between 1000-1400 calories a day, depending on activity level. At my 6-month checkup, the doctor said we have to wait a bit longer to get rid of the hernias (Oscar, Ernie and Bert), so I'm still severely restricted on exercise.
    And we're walking... and we're walking...
    I (unfortunately? fortunately?) have no dumping syndrome at all, so I can pretty much eat anything I want - not always a good thing. It's okay, though, because as you can see from the stats, I'd lost 68 pounds before the surgery. The pouch keeps me from overeating and will help me from gaining back, which has been my problem in the past.
    So I guess that catches you all up! I hope I'll be able to check in more frequently for the next couple of weeks.

    Here's me and my WONDERFUL boss at the conference in April.

    Here's my before picture (303 lbs).

  10. Like
    Glyndalin got a reaction from PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Howdy, folks.
    I've been out of pocket traveling for work and then an "aging parent" crisis. I'm doing fine. I'm down 121 pounds, 53 pounds since the surgery on 10/27. I'm wearing a size 12-14, which I haven't done since 7th grade. I don't have a weight goal because I've never been this small before. Just waiting to see where the weight settles. Honestly, if I don't lose another pound, I'm gonna be happy anyway.
    I eat between 1000-1400 calories a day, depending on activity level. At my 6-month checkup, the doctor said we have to wait a bit longer to get rid of the hernias (Oscar, Ernie and Bert), so I'm still severely restricted on exercise.
    And we're walking... and we're walking...
    I (unfortunately? fortunately?) have no dumping syndrome at all, so I can pretty much eat anything I want - not always a good thing. It's okay, though, because as you can see from the stats, I'd lost 68 pounds before the surgery. The pouch keeps me from overeating and will help me from gaining back, which has been my problem in the past.
    So I guess that catches you all up! I hope I'll be able to check in more frequently for the next couple of weeks.

    Here's me and my WONDERFUL boss at the conference in April.

    Here's my before picture (303 lbs).

  11. Like
    Glyndalin got a reaction from PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Howdy, folks.
    I've been out of pocket traveling for work and then an "aging parent" crisis. I'm doing fine. I'm down 121 pounds, 53 pounds since the surgery on 10/27. I'm wearing a size 12-14, which I haven't done since 7th grade. I don't have a weight goal because I've never been this small before. Just waiting to see where the weight settles. Honestly, if I don't lose another pound, I'm gonna be happy anyway.
    I eat between 1000-1400 calories a day, depending on activity level. At my 6-month checkup, the doctor said we have to wait a bit longer to get rid of the hernias (Oscar, Ernie and Bert), so I'm still severely restricted on exercise.
    And we're walking... and we're walking...
    I (unfortunately? fortunately?) have no dumping syndrome at all, so I can pretty much eat anything I want - not always a good thing. It's okay, though, because as you can see from the stats, I'd lost 68 pounds before the surgery. The pouch keeps me from overeating and will help me from gaining back, which has been my problem in the past.
    So I guess that catches you all up! I hope I'll be able to check in more frequently for the next couple of weeks.

    Here's me and my WONDERFUL boss at the conference in April.

    Here's my before picture (303 lbs).

  12. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    I missed this post. I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers and love sent your way.
  13. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to CRMMFW in OCTOBER 2014   
    Hello Glads
    My stats:
    106.8 pounds lost
    Current weight 153 lbs
    Height 4'11
    @@smiley sorry for ur loss????
  14. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    I'm at my half way point. Lost 60 still have sixty more to go. Have been stalled for a couple of months. I haven't been to upset about it. But I'm really ready to see more progress.
    Love seeing everyone's numbers. Gives me the hope I need.
  15. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to AuriP in OCTOBER 2014   
    Hey folks, been been a while. Not doing so good and am so sad and happy to see the amazing losses. I've been stuck within 4 lbs up and down for the past 2 months. I feel like I'll never get there, I've been eating right and exercise, I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm seriously ready to throw in the towel and am really regretting even doing this to myself. All that alterations for 50 lbs.
  16. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Mariew24 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Way to go on the great losses. Since October 22nd, I've lost 90 lbs and my knees feel great!
  17. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to LisaCO in OCTOBER 2014   
    Awesome smiley & Beni!
    Surgery date October 1st. I have lost 130 lbs. I weigh 202 today :) :) 37 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I am so excited to get to onederland!
  18. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to smiley922 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Wtg Beni, and everyone else on all their hard work. Anyone interested in doing a quick roll call check in and see what we hqve lost as the "October 2014" group? Total loss of 107 here
  19. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Shadow427 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Gang - I had a super bad week last week... Last Monday I was laid-off from work. Then, on the way home from work I was in a car accident. A woman was talking on her cell phone and ran a red light. T-boned me and pinned me in my car... The new car I had for only 2 weeks and hadn't even made a payment yet.
    Fortunately, my injuries weren't as bad as originally thought... Getting physical therapy for neck. Shoulder and back.
    I think my ego hurts more from loosing my job, though...
  20. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    What a week! I am so sorry, we all have those and we come out stronger but while going through the process it can be horrible. Here's a big hug going your way " X " and this too shall pass.
  21. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to smiley922 in OCTOBER 2014   
    Lost my mom Thursday, She passed peacefully while I held her hand and told her I loved her. It was a long 5 months since she was diagnosed. I realize I have a lot of mourning to do, but i am back home in GA, ready to get back on plan and lose that last 10, the dr wants me to.
  22. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Lost 90 lbs, whoo, whoo! Can hardly believe it. This is the weight I was after having my first child. Once I lost the pregnancy weight and things settled down. Unbelievable!
    What has worked lately is staying very busy. I mean, physically busy. Not much sitting around for me at all. Getting all the Protein in is still soooo hard.
  23. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to Bronxmerci in OCTOBER 2014   
    Im 168 now this is me and my baby!

  24. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I take Bariatric Advantage Multi Advanced EA, and the calcium chews (caramel is my favorite) Then I take Biotin and B12 I just get from the store. I love the BA and all my labs have been better than before surgery :-)
  25. Like
    Glyndalin reacted to brown eyed gal in OCTOBER 2014   
    YES! I live a small town that I was not born in but have lived here for 28 years. Since my kids are grown, I rarely see people other than the 14 people that work in my building. I go to work and go home in the country. If I go shopping, it's usually out of town. So when I do run into people that haven't seen me since before starting this journey, I almost feel embarrassed, especially when they ask "how" I did it. I chose to only tell those I'm close to. Just this week I've told two people that I've been working on this since last June and I eat high Protein, low carb, low calorie and work out (which is the truth). I have had a couple of men look me over, I'm 56, and that makes me uncomfortable. Guess I'd better get used to it. I find myself not wearing real form fitting clothes. And I still have 25 pounds to go to get to my goal! lol!

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