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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by loriemoms

  1. I waited a year and do have a drink once in awhile. If course no beer as it's carbonated. But wind and mixed drinks no issues with accept drink them slow as you get drunk very fast. It wears off a little slower too and if course don't eat with it. I did that once and I thought my stomach was going to exploid.

  2. I always have Protein before I go to bed. It helps me sleep and also helps keep my blood sugar level during the night. I agree with the shakes, and sometimes I will have an egg or yogurt. (BTW, NEVER chew gum! If you swallow it, you can do some damage they tell me, but also it creates air in your stomach/pouch) I also will drink herbal tea with unflavored Protein Powder in it. I have one of those frothers that helps it dissolve and it makes it so smooth and creamy, And helps me sleep as well.

  3. I am sorry to hear you have having so many problems. And not showing much success for all your struggles.

    Have you thought about going to therapy? The reason I was fat to begin with is that I learned I had a horrible relationship to food. I learned that it was my only comfort, no matter what I was doing in my life. Even with a loving husband and a great job, I wanted to eat, especially sugar. I love sugar. I needed my sleeve to help control getting hunger as I worked on my addiction. My therapist told me that sugar addiction is worse than cocaine addiction. I worked (and am still working) on how to give myself comfort in ways other than food, and WHY I wanted this comfort. (my childhood affected a lot of this) and learning self love. I still struggle to try to lose all the weight, and have days where I just want to eat a whole box of oreo Cookies, but I can look at it and ask myself why, what is triggering it, etc. The sleeve helps me from not eating the whole box of oreos while I work out why I want to.

    It sounds like a lot of your problems maybe from not eating right as well. With the sleeve, I have found you can eat slider food and gain weight and have no ill effects from it. I can still eat a whole bag of chips if I wanted to, but can't eat more than 3 ounces of Protein. You may want to sit down and look at what you are eating, and make sure it is pure Protein. Remember, its not calories, its content.

    btw, if you have Netflix, you have to watch Fed Up. It talks a lot about sugar addiction. It is sad what is happening in this country!

    Good luck to you. I think you need to start looking at the inside before you can help the outside. When you do, I am sure you will do better! Hugs to you!

  4. When I went for last appointment and I asked my doctor the same thing, I wasn't sure what I should be eating now. He sent me over to my NUT, who sat down with me and went over that now I can eat 1000 calories a day, but they have to be meaningful Protein calories. I also discovered slider foods I can eat and eat and I also avoid them. The problem when you have an injury, your PT will tell you one thing and you have to follow him/her to avoid further injury, Mine told me even the treadmill will damage my shoulder again till it is healed (because you swing your arms and a lot of people the grab the bar in front, which puts strain on the shoulder) I have worked myself up to 3 miles a day walking the dog (I have this wonderful leash that goes around your waist) and I don't even break out in a sweat. As your body gets used to it, you have to up it to make it work.

  5. I am so glad you posted this, because the exact same thing is happening to me. I have found I can eat a lot more food and don't feel full, and so also have gained about 20 lbs. Then you get depressed because you have "fallen off the wagon" and eat more! I didn't know you can get a revision..would insurance pay for this? How would that work?

    Currently, I am going to therapy to try to figure out why I can't control my eating, and hopefuly will stop from climbing up that ladder again! It also been 2 years for me and that seems to be the magic number where the sleeve no longer really works. I have tried everything, went back to shakes, lost like maybe 5 lbs, then as soon as I went back to food, gain it back. I also had a torn rotator cuff and am still recovering. I can do walking, but can't do not do the stair climbing and other weight training I was doing before. Simple walking my body just laughs at. You get to a point where you need to up your level, but when your body won't let you because of injury, its really hard to find that balance. Would love to hear of any solutions as well! Bless you, we can do this!!

  6. a lot depends on how much you need to lose. I think you are doing great! I only lost like 1/2 a ln a week at the beginning and have a ton of stalls. My doctor said that was perfect for me and I lost the 75 % they predicted within a year. You may want to increase your food, not eating enough slows it down too! But I think you are doing great!

  7. The hospital I went to also made me wear their slippers. I brought my own pillow and a nice robe to wear over their funky gown. And my ipod with a couple of books on it, but I found I was too busy (really!) to listen to them. I walked a LOT and slept between walks. Also, bring a bottle of a premade Protein drink. They do not give you any Protein in the hospital, and you can only get a few sips in of the nasty bouillon Soup. You won't be able to drink much of your drink either (not shakes, something like Isopure) but a few sips, but that little bit of protein will really help you feel better. I was only in the hospital two days, so it wasn't very long. That is great idea about the lip balm, your mouth is very dry! Make sure you leave all your rings and such at home, my husband had to wear my wedding ring on his pinky while I was in surgery! haha. Good luck with your preop and your surgery!

  8. Thank you for all the hints! I have been trying to read, but the medication makes it hard to concentrate so I have been thumbing through magazines. Right now, I don't have much use of my left arm (its in a sling) so doing anything with my hands has been hard! When I can start using the arm again, I will certainly try some of the hints (especially my nails..all the Biotin has really made them nice) Thanks extra for the hint on eating lots of meat and filing things like that. Lettuce wraps, here I come! I just will be glad to be myself again.

  9. A couple of months ago I had a really bad fall and chipped my knee and tore my rotator cuff. The knee is healing nicely but finally had the rotator cuff surgery. During this time period I could not do ANY walking or treadmill and after the surgery my doctor told me I couldn't work so I have to take two weeks off. Even to type this is painful! I cant even sit and knit or do puzzles or anything. So I have been sitting in front of the tv, and eating. I found I was boredom eating and even ate some days where I made myself sick. I have discovered that carbs are easy to digest and not getting enough Protein I am sure. If I have to eat another almond or Protein Bar, I am going to die. I am also on medication that is making me hungry too I think. I am allowed to go back to walking but still cannot use my shoulder for anything and am BORED TO DEATH! How do you handle boredom eating? The pounds are starting slip back on, and I am getting so depressed. I tried to go back on just shakes, but found I as so hungry and just don't know what to do with myself till I can return to work. My husband told me not to worry about it, I have to get my shoulder better, but I do not want to have to lose a ton of weight after I am healed and am afraid of having to face that. What can I do? I am evening debating picking up smoking again to give my mouth something to do! I have never really been an emotional eater and learned long ago how to handle boredom eating with knitting or projects, but am lost now! Any ideas?

  10. I lost so much hair, I had bald spots! I take Biotin which helped a little, but Proud stated, it calms down and grows back

    Speaking of which I have to tell y'all an interesting story about my Hair loss. I used to have super curly hair, and as I got older, it became straighter. I also have baby fine hair. So I was heart broken when my hair fell out as I didn't have much to begin with! My doctors and beauticians all told me the diabetic drugs and menopause was causing my hair to be straight. That I will never have my curly hair anymore. When my hair started to grow back, it looked awful with different lengths and was a mess, so I had it cut short. Now that it is growing back full throttle it is my OLD hair! Its curly and soft and beautiful. I don't know if it was I was so unhealthy before or all the Vitamins I take now or the walking or the fact I no longer take ANY diabetic drugs or insullin, but i am loving it! I didnt know how to work straight hair, I always had such easy curly hair, and I am so happy.

    So be patient with the hair loss. It will come back and will come back better than ever!! In the meanwhile, get some cute hats. I wore little beanies and what my husband called "Jessie hats" (from Breaking Bad) in the winter and nobody really noticed.

  11. I bought an ice cream maker and just starting making Protein strawberry ice cream. Almond milk (unsweetened) a couple of scoops of unijury unflavored a package of stevia and fresh strawberries. It is deicious, even my family eats it and I feel like I am being so sinful! I also made it with fresh cherries. I am not a big chocolate person but am thinking of trying to make some with pistachios.

    I also make a meat sauce with ground beef, chopped up tomatoes, basil, oregano, a little red wine, onions, garlic..just a basic meat sauce, let it cook nice and thick. My family eats it on spaghetti and if I am really dying for spaghetti, I have the barilla Protein spaghetti but I LOVE this on squash. I will even just make zuchini and put it on top of it. I also use it for "fakepizza" where I just melt cheese on it. I also tried the miracle noodles, but didnt care for the texture, but they are great in casseroles.

    Another favorite of mine is I take a avocado and just mash it up with a tablespoon of salsa. It is sooo good! I will eat it alone or have with quinoa chips.

    I agree, I also make the cheese chips (just melt your favorite shredded cheese in the oven in little piles, they melt and once they are cool are great little chips!

    Almonds is also my favorite snack. I sprinkle them with old bay. God its good.

    What I like most about these items are they are VERY filling. Just like a 1/4 cup of sauce and I am FULL. And it stays with me. Skinny Pop is also so good and I can never eat the 3 cups you are allowed to have. 1/2 cup and I am done!

  12. When I had my surgery, the day I checked out of the hospital, my doctor came in and quizzed me He said Ok, how much Protein a day? How much Water? How much walking? Even almost two years later, I still go in every 6 months for a weigh in and see how I am doing. A good doctor doesn't cut and dump you. I am also amazed how many questions are asked here about what can I eat now that I have had surgery. Your nut should have given you a list. I also had a follow up after each stage with my nut, and went over what to eat with that stage. I think people are afraid to ask their doctors questions. You are paying them enough, USE them!

  13. Congrats on that first step! I am also a food addict and love Pamela Peak's books. She talks a lot about how to not only adjust how your addiction works but has good work outs.

    The surgery is going to help you a lot to get started, but like stated, it is ONLY a tool. Once you are fully healed, you will be amazed how much sugar and junk you can still eat so it is important that you are addressing this addiction now. You are approaching this the right way!

    I agree, Overeaters anonymous will help you a lot...just the support of others who are going through the same thing is amazing.

    Good luck and welcome to the journey!

  14. I made one with ricotta cheese and banana. 100g ricotta to 1 banana. It freezed hard though so id say make it and eat the same day or be prepared to pull it out if the freezer a w hile before eating. I dont have an icecream maker. Probably would have been better with one

    Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

    Thank you ! That sounds really good!

  15. Summer is here and I always CRAVE ice cream. I have a wonderful ice cream maker and want to make some frozen yogurt and high Protein ice cream. I have seen some recipes online for high protein recipes for people who are trying to build their muscles and I think I can make them (they are usually almond milk, Protein powder and fruit etc) I would love to find some sleeve approved recipes and frozen yogurt recipes. Does anyone have any they just love to share?

  16. I agree, your body is starvation mode. Eat more Protein and try to get a walk in every day. The walking will kick your body into gear. Also, I know it sounds weird but get enough sleep. I always stall whenever i get real busy at work and pull a few late/all nighters. Happens every time. I don't know why! I guess your body is working so hard to lose you gotta get your rest!

    Seriously, we are all different and you will start losing.

  17. I take Lexapro (took it pre-op and still take it) My doctor gave it to me to help with the depression and anxiety attacks I was getting when I hit full blown menopause. I have had no side affects from it, its a tiny pill so no problems taking it. I love it, it also gives me a lot of energy, but doesn't suppress my appetite. I also have problems sleeping with it, but (now don't judge!) I smoke weed to help me sleep. I did try Welbutrin in the past (a Happy Pill is a good name for it..doesn't it have a smiling face on it?) It didn't help me at all, and also made my anxiety worse.

  18. I love good will and if you have them, uptown cheapskate for jeans. They are a lot cheaper and usually all broken in! I have the opposite problem..I have a straight up and down body, with skinny legs. I used to wear mens jeans all the time because I was built like a man, but now they rise too high up for me and don't fit me right. I wear a size 12, but a lot of times have to go with a 14 because my waist is only 2 inches smaller then my hips and I am only 5 foot 2. So I get baggy butt syndrome. haha! I wish I could transfer some fat from my saggy boobs to my butt....

  19. I had a very physical job when I had my sleeve...I am a (don't laugh) Pastry Chef. I went back to work after one week after surgery, felt great! I agree, just no heavy lifting. I had my helpers help me with bags of flour and sugar (50 lb bags) and lifting the 60 quart bowls, but I was able to stay on my feet with no problem and didn't have any pain. Just watch your limitations and ask your boss if you can have modified days, where you work shorter hours or the same hours with longer breaks so you can rest. You will feel really tired at the end of the day so make sure you get plenty of Water and rest.

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