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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jrob04

  1. Totally normal to be nervous/anxious/worried. I thought of my wife and daughter and wondered what would happen to them if "this didn't go right". I then thought about what could/would happen if I didn't do it! Good luck on Friday and we'll see you on the other side of the sleeve!

  2. Not to sound cliche' but....IT DOES GET BETTER! Give it some time and you'll feel better, you'll have increased energy and you will thrive! I was sleeved in November, 2014. It was rough going at first but I now feel better than I have in my entire life! The good outweighs the bad. I no longer have high blood pressure, my cholesterol is normal AND I no longer need my cpap!

    You must try to make the right decisions 100% of the time. We are human, however, and will slip. Just don't beat yourself up over it. This is a new journey and way of life for you. Embrace it and know that you are not in this alone!

  3. It's getting much better! I agree with other posters - the benefits of the weight loss outweigh the moobs in the beginning. I've been lifting weights (I'm nearly 5 months post op) and see changes in my upper chest. I still have the moobs but they are smaller and I've lost quite a bit that extended under my arms.

    Don't worry about it. You will see real transformation!

  4. @@nymetzfan11 : Good luck and welcome! I've found, as I'm sure you have, everyone here to be very supportive and welcoming. Good luck with your appointment. I found that keeping a detailed file and log of every visit, conversation, etc. helped in going throught the approval process. Ask lots of questions of your surgeon and utilize the patient advocate if available. They really help!

  5. Hi Guys,

    Just joined and looking forward to next steps. I've been contemplating and researching Bariatric surgery for years. Finally "pulled the trigger" and thought I'd have to wait for a drawn out approval process. It was approximately five weeks from initial consult with surgeon to the pre-op appointment when I set my surgery date. Full insurance approval happened within two weeks.

    I'm feeling really blessed and nervous. Excited is a better description. I'm 43 yrs old and have ALWAYS been the big guy. Looking forward to turning the page to a better, healthier, longer life!

  6. Hi Guys,

    Just joined and looking forward to next steps. I've been contemplating and researching Bariatric surgery for years. Finally "pulled the trigger" and thought I'd have to wait for a drawn out approval process. It was approximately five weeks from initial consult with surgeon to the pre-op appointment when I set my surgery date. Full insurance approval happened within two weeks.

    I'm feeling really blessed and nervous. Excited is a better description. I'm 43 yrs old and have ALWAYS been a big guy. Looking forward to turning the page to a better, healthier, longer life!

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