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Posts posted by Twirpo75

  1. So a few days ago I posted that I couldn't reach the 100lbs lost mark. Well.. I did it. I finally did it. It has not been easy but if it had, it wouldn't have been worth it. I've noticed so many things about myself lately that I am proud of. With every pound lost, a little more of the fun inner girl comes out. I went inner tubing two weeks ago. I've not done that since I was like 10. I still have about 50 lbs to lose. But do you know the last time I had ONLY 50 lbs to lose?! ME EITHER! My rings are too big, my watch is too big, my clothes are too big. And it's AWESOME!! It's worth all the tears and frustration. It's worth all of it. Fight hard my friends. You are literally fighting for your life. And dammit... WE CAN DO THIS!!

  2. I'm about 9 months out from surgery and CANNOT hit the 100lbs lost mark. I've stalled at 95 lbs for about 3 months now. And because I am an emotional eater, every time I weigh myself and I'm still at the same place, I grab a bag is pico de gallo chips. It's a vicious cycle that I can't stop. I thought by now I would be at goal but I still have 58 lbs until then. OMG. I'm so frustrated with myself. So disappointed. I see shows with people who have eating disorders and I really feel like I do too, just the opposite end of the spectrum. Please tell me I am not alone in this daily struggle. Please tell me other people have had this happen. And please tell me how to make it stop. Other than not eating the chips. I brought peaches to work today instead of chips.

  3. I've learned so much. I agree that I learned I don't need food to be happy. I also learned that I am beautiful inside and out. Even if I don't often feel it. The hard lessons came too. I learned what food addiction looks like when you are on the outside looking in. That was a hard one because it made me reflect on my whole family. But I never voice anything negative. My filter is strongly in place.

    I've learned how to really love myself and everyone around me. And it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I don't avoid mirrors and I give out lots of free hugs.

  4. http://www.pureprotein.com/products/?categories=bars&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Pure+Protein_2015_Bars_Brand&utm_term=+pure%20+protein%20bar%20nutrition%20facts&gclid=CjwKEAjwjd2pBRDB4o_ymcieoAQSJABm4egoSGTkn4843zgjyNGxVK330VdTFhn7_Ij0zjJIz07tqhoC2ZHw_wcB

    These are the bars I eat. If you click on the ingredient list the whole nutritional label comes up. The salted caramel has 20 grams of carbs. But they are DELICIOUS! I get them at Wal-Mart but I've also seen them at Target. They are so yummy and the perfect size. I have a bizzare love-hate relationship with Peanut Butter so these bars are perfect for me. After a month long liquid diet I just couldn't do Protein drink anymore. Then I found these.

    Good luck!!

  5. I thought my memory issues were just me going crazy!! And I thought I was the only one who had this issue. It's good to know others have struggled with this! I forgot how to spell my nephews name one day. I helped raise the kid. But couldn't remember if it was Tristan or Tristen. Then I started noticing I was forgetting other things. Everyone around me says it's just because I am almost 40 (Shh!) but I knew it was more than that. Depression was a big issue for a while too. That one was a real struggle. It's already something I have dealt with for years. But after surgery I really felt like I had lost my best friend. food wasn't there for me anymore. It was a real stage of mourning. That's something I wasn't at all prepared for. I live 5 hours from my family so it's just my son and I. I felt alone in life and alone in the fight to get healthy. It was hard. But I know from past experiences that Prozac helped, so I got back on it. I feel so much better now. So much negativity has finally left me. This life is defiantly not for the weak. It's a struggle. But we can all struggle together. =)

  6. I usually wake up between 3 and 4 feeling like total crap. But only for a little while. It's a strange feeling. Like so hungry that I feel like I am STARVING, but nauseous too. I hate it. I just drink some juice and it calms down. So I calm down. Then I watch Netfix until my day starts at 630 and then drag my tired butt to bed at 8pm. Even with Ambian or Lunesta I don't sleep like I did when I was younger. I don't think mine is surgery related though. I hope yours gets better soon!!

  7. Three days ago I cut about 12" of hair off because it was thinning. I got my Protein, I take Biotin, I use Vioxin Shampoo. You name it, I do it. I was told it comes back and I do see some short hairs in the mix. So I think it does. I heard it stops falling out around the 6 month mark. Which I am almost up to. I lost about 1/3 of my hair. If not more. So, fingers crossed it gets better!! =)


    You are not the first or last to freak out about the surgery. Take comfort in knowing this makes you normal! I was pretty freaked out. But it honestly wasn't the most horrible thing I've been through. It wasn't Disneyland, but it's managable. You can do this! Just stay calm. You won't regret it in the long run. I know I don't. But I'm almost 6 months out. Everything is going to be fine. And you now have a bunch of really amazing friends you can come to for help. We get it. And we are all here for you.

    Good luck tomorrow! You're gonna do GREAT!! *HUGS*

  9. First off, I'm so sorry. We have enough stress in our lives without people adding to it. When I started this process, I told everyone about it. I wanted people to know I was LOUD and PROUD that I was taking conrol of my life back. I have no shame. I will say that when my Fiance told some of his friends that I don't know, I was upset. Because then I had total strangers asking me about my journey. I understand your want and need for privacy. And I'm sorry that was violated. All you can do now is voice your hurt to those family members and from now on, keep your private stuff private. But don't be private because you are ashamed. Hold your head up high. You're a WARRIOR!!

    Congratulations on your journey!!

  10. I'm 5 months out and have probably half the hair I did a year ago. The first month after surgery I was big on Protein. Then for a month or two I slacked off. I tried to get it in, but life was nothing but STRESS. So I got what I could. About 2 months ago I started being very, very diligent about taking my Vitamins and Biotin. I get my Protein everyday. But still my hair falls out. I have long hair and I have no plans to cut it until after my wedding. So I just work with what I have until then. I did read an article that said most people lose a lot of hair in the first 6 months and then it starts to grow back as your body chemistry equals out. So I am hoping that in the next month I start to see some hair coming back. I've also been really stressed out. So that could be part of it.

    Let's hope it get's better or we all look GREAT with short hair!!


  11. My hair is going crazy on me. I have pretty long hair. And it's kinda thin, but really curly. Lately it has been dead and frizzy. And now it's starting to come out like crazy! I've been taking Biotin but not like I should. I am starting today though! Every day I comb it and it looks like I am flushing a cat down the toilet! I'll be destroyed if my hair doesn't go back to what it used to be. ='/

  12. I hade my surgery Oct 6, 2014. So I am almost 3 months out. I've thrown up only once. And that was about 3 weeks after surgery because I ate a little too much. But it wasn't horrendous. I've been through worse. I've dealt with a lot more mentally then physically. This process has tested me in every way possible. But I'm thinner now then I have been in a least 20 years. I don't regret any of it. I only wish I had a support system that understood how hard this is. I've found a lot of inner peace by reading these forums. It's good to know I don't travel this road alone. Just remember that nothing worth having comes easy. Like a Phoenix you just have to rise from the ashes. =) It's worth it. I promise! =)

  13. First off I wish you the best of luck. Realistically, it sounds like you have a good chance of getting it approved with everything that's going on. I truly hope they let you get it.

    At my highest I was 352. But I'm also 5'11" so I carry my weight different. I had quite a lot on my belly but I balanced it out with a big butt and linebacker shoulders. I'm not positive, but I think some of my people came from Norway because we are built large and in charge. Anyway, I too had chronic back pain. I also have scoliosis (probably the only reason I didn't get to 6'1") and I deal with that. As I have lost weight my back pain has gotten better, but even 72 lbs down it isn't gone. It's a process. And there have been days when my back felt worse than when I started this all. Please, PLEASE do not go into this thinking it is a miracle cure to back pain. It takes time and it takes a lot of work on our part. And even then it may not go totally away. I would suggest to start working on losing weight now while you’re waiting for your answer. It makes post surgery so much easier. You said you have a 12 month old daughter. Congratulations! Babyies are awesome! Your body right now is carrying the same weight it did while you were pregnant. It's like being 12 months pregnant all the time. That weight pulls on your spine. So I have another suggestion. While I was losing weight I went to Wal-Mart and got a tank top that is like Spanx. Only easier to get on. It's two layers of fabric and it will look small, but trust me, you can get one on. I cut the boob part out of mine because it smashed my girls. They didn't like that. But what it does is hold the weight up, close to you. Not pulling on you. It also keeps you from getting folds in your skin and rashes. I wear mine all day, every day. I cannot put into words the relief it has brought. Not only does it make me look slimmer, it helps my back so, so much. It cost about $20 and it’s by underwear. They have one that is like $15 and just one layer fabric. Don't be fooled. It doesn't do much. I don't like it. I have 3 or 4 of the double layer and LOVE them! Trust me on that. It will help the rash too by keeping it open to dry.

    One piece of really good news. I was told that down the road if I have rashes like that it will allow my surgeon to do a Tummy Tuck as part of the surgery cost. I don't know how all of that works, but if it means a free tummy tuck, I'M IN! So your rash issue might be good to have later on down the road. I've never had one, but in about another 80 lbs, I might figure out a way to get one. That sounds horrible! SORRY!

  14. I'm a Daddy's Girl still at 39. I get what you're saying. And I have two suggestions. One, approach him and talk to him about it. Just the two of you, alone. Remind him you love him and you're more than happy to help him through the process is he needs it. And he will. Tell him you want your future kids to know their Grandpa. And two, this is the hard one. Just love him. Accept his choice if he says he doesn't want it. Don't push him into something he might regret. The surgery is great, but it's not for everyone. Even if we want it to be. Love him no matter his weight as he has obviously loved you very much. Be the light in his darkness. It sounds like he's having a hard time and us Daddy's Girls can light them up like no other person can. Just love him.

  15. The only thing I obsessed over was the weight I had to lose for surgery. Which was 34 lbs for me. I tried everything. I ended up only being successful when my PCP put me on Phentermine. It was a miracle for me. It didn't wire me out like a crack head. It just gave me the energy I ended to get that weight off. I swear there were days I would jump on the scale twice in a day to check my progress. Want to know what good it did me? The day I went for my final weigh in with the surgeon we all got an email from the company I work for saying you no longer had to lose weight for the surgery.

    :o <<That was me. And then :angry: was me. I worked so hard!! But now, 71 lbs down, all day, everyday!! :D

  16. I didn't meet my first real boyfriend until I was 24. And he was my first at everything. He made it very clear that he preferred bigger girls so I felt comfortable with him. It was the first time I ever let my guard down and enjoyed my body. He told me something I will never forget and I keep in the front of my brain. We were talking about my past insecurities with guys and he said "Did you expect to shock them when you got naked? That they would jump up and yell "You're fat?!"? As if they didn't know when they laid down with you?" He's right. And as a now 39 yr old engaged woman I can tell you, there are men who like heavy women. They love it. We all have our standards. I prefer tall, thick men. I ended up with a tall, skinny one, but I haven't had the chance to fatten him up yet. =) But I will once we are married. There is a key for every lock girl. Love yourself, and love your body. Even the part you hate most might be what your dream man has been looking for all along. Embrace it!! =)

  17. Thank you everyone. It's all so new to me. I read the article that was posted and I think I understand more now. It does seem like a lot to lose 21 lbs in a month or so. But when it just stops I assume I had done nothing wrong and just failed. It's crazy but I think this whole process is 90% mental. Which I didn't expect going into it. =) I appreciate all of you!!

  18. In a way it's good to know I am not the only one who has struggled with this. But it hurts my heart to know other people are too. This should be a positive experience but for me so far it has only been one struggle after another. I see the weight coming off now so it feels a little more real to me now. But it's still very hard to know that the support I thought I had wasn't there. I'm so, so, so, grateful for this page and being able to come here to learn from other people. Thank you everyone for your kind words!! Good luck to all of us!! =)

  19. I've spent a lot of time thinking about all this. And bouncing it off some of my best friends who know my mom well enough. And I have a few ideas. I do think food is the way that my mom says "I love you" because she never says the words. And I see her pushing it at people that I know she loves. I've started to wonder if the reason she's become so hostile is because she feels like she won't be able to tell me she loves me in her way. That, for me, is so much easier to understand than her doing all this to me on purpose. And yes, she is morbidly obese too. So food is her best friend too. And has been for a very long time. I remember being like 9 and her buying chocolate covered cherries and telling us kids not to tell my dad. It was "Our secret". So it all goes back years.

    I've decided not to brush her off or end our relationship. The lucky side of it is that I live 6 hours from all of my immediate family. So it's not something I will have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm grateful for that right now. So I figure I am just going to put some time into me, my son, my fiance, and our future. I do afterall have a VERY tiny wedding to get ready for. By tiny I literally mean me, my son, my fiance, and a friend or two at the courthouse. TINY. But with the ways things are going I'm either going to have to get my dress taken in or a find a new one. That's my victory for today. And that's pretty damn amazing... =)

  20. So I think she has always in a way spoiled the grandkids with food. Part of the talking her and I did while she was here was me explaining to her that I don't mind my son having treats once in awhile. He's still a kid. But I don't want him developing bad habits like I did. And I swear to you, he could choose fresh strawberries over Peanut Butter cups ANYDAY. But she tries very hard to almost force him to eat food he doesn't like. Junk food. And she knows he doesn't eat Oreo ice cream. So the vouchers really were pointless. And only good until Halloween. I'm going to give them to him tonight and offer to get him one. But I know he won't eat it. So maybe he can hand them out to friends at school who will eat them. I don't want my son to be 4th generation chunky butt. That terrifies me. And I've tried to do right by him.

    I do try to remember this is my journey. And I think it would be like me trying to understand what it's like for someone put on dialysis. Something life altering like that. When my niece was on Dialysis we all had to learn her new ways of doing things. But I never, never lost my compassion towards her. And I feel that my mom has lost hers. It's hard to explain but my mom is a very spoiled person who is used to getting what she wants. And if it interfers with someone elses life, she doesn't care. Her famous line is "It's fine. It's fine.". Which others have taken as disrespectful in the past. But she pays no attention to that either. She's very spoiled and very self absorbed. I think that's part of what bothers me the most. I feel like she COULD have some compassion. But that would take effort on her part. And it's easier to just buy people with treats. Maybe the fact that she feels she can't buy my love with treats anymore is what is making her so hostile. I honestly don't know. When we butted heads and she left it was because we had argued and when I tried to apologize and talk through it she just blew up and yelled "I can't take this! We're leaving!". It was weird. And horrible. It's all very confusing.

    And you're right about not being alone because I have my son. He is the greatest piece of my life. I have my fiance too, but we don't live together (and won't until we are married this winter) so he doesn't see the everyday craziness that this can all be. He sees enough and I tell him everything. But it's different to live it day to day. My son has been my biggest cheerleader in all this. That kid man... he's the best!! But he is only 12 and I try not to put too much on those shoulders. So I try to limit it there. It's just a lonely process for me so far.

  21. I posted a topic before about the struggles I have faced with my family on this journey. Brief history for those who didn't see it. My family all supported my decision to get sleeved. Until both my parents came to stay with me when I had the surgery. They were going to help with my 12 yr old son. My Mom spent a massive amount of time bringing unhealthy food into the house while claiming it was for my son. Who, by the way, is not heavy. Totally healthy BMI and an AMAZING Quarterback for his middle school. Anyhow my Mom and I butted heads several times and they finally just packed up and left 2 days after I got home from the hospital. It pretty much destroyed our relationship. So I've felt alone for awhile. But today I stopped to grab the mail on my way to work and she had sent a Halloween card to my son and I and in it were 6 Oreo ice cream sandwich vouchers. Am I crazy or has she lost her mind? I honestly feel like she is trying to sabotage this process. When she left she left so much crap food in my house. And now this. It feels like a slap to the face. But I don't know if I am just being emotional from all this.

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