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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Smiley63

  1. I just found this forum and have a question. I had my surgery 2years ago, out of country, to save money and therefore had no post op advice. My weight loss is acceptable however my Iron levels are extremely low and have found that iron supplements or even iron shots do not work. Is this common? And if so, how do you manage to keep your iron levels at a safe and consistent level? Because of my low iron, I am unable to workout and feel terribly unfit which is ironic as I was honestly fitter when I was heavier. Thank you so much.
  2. Smiley63


    Thank you for your responses. My dr. seems to think anemia is common after the sleeve because they've removed half our stomach. Iron is absorbed in the small intestine and that's been compromised (apparently) My family physician is not very familiar with bariatrics. I'm looking for a local doctor who assists in the post care of bariatric patients. Because I had it done out of country, I was on my own once I returned back home. I don't seem to absorbing iron through food, shots or supplements. -- Only infusions. I'm sure my periods don't help matters but I doubt they're the main cause. I was just wondering if others are having the same problem? And if so, how are you being treated?
  3. I can relate to your post. I had my sleeve 2 years ago and I still don't enjoy food. It took me forever to find an acceptable shake and finally I tried Carnation Instant Breakfast. It's fantastic! Tastes just like chocolate milk! No thick texture or Protein after taste. It may not be as high in protein as some, but it's a fantastic start! supplements are key to preventing hair loss. It's not just lack of protein that causes hair loss. Lack of Iron and Vit B also cause hair loss. I've experienced hair loss due to very low iron but I had very thick hair to begin with so it's not too terrible. Best of luck to you. Hang in there!!

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