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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaPal

  1. AmandaPal

    Food Obsession

    Okay, I'm about 1.5 years out and have lost 139 lbs. I'm proud of this. I'm pushing for the last 30 lbs to come off but I'm dealing with a food obsession. I've started counseling and taking vyvanse but the obsessions are still there. If my mind is not occupied, or if the task is simple, I am thinking about food. Especially junk food. I go through periods where I'm fine and others that I cant seem to put Protein inside me even though it's around. I try to keep "bad" food out but it ends up here. I'm also being treated for anxiety and depression. Which I've had for years but every doctor had said it would go away if I lost weight (don't you love when drs don't take you seriously?!). At any rate, it still exists and persists and feels even worse. So... If anyone else goes through this (my doc said 4 in 10 do), what advice can you give? I know I need a hobby of sorts but it's hard sometimes to even get out of bed with the depression. Sometimes I don't feel worth it. (I know I am, but depression is voice that sticks when you don't want it to.) Any book recommendations? I have an anxiety workbook but was interested in a food obsession book that may have worked for someone else. I just asked for help a few months ago from my dr. I've started new meds but hoped to get back to some community support. Please go easy! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  2. AmandaPal

    Food Obsession

    Thanks everyone. I just looked up yoga and am going to try to go. The problem is I keep food out of the house but when I obsess over it, I HAVE to go get it. I can think of nothing else. It is a serious addiction. I'm actually very lucky to have found a dr. that takes it seriously. My program has a general practitioner that specializes in bariatric issues and he is so supportive. I have pets...they are the loves of my life. Two kitties. I am working on getting support. We have a group but sometimes I just can't make myself go. I need to. I feel good today. I need to remember the feeling. It feels good to finally talk to people. You guys are so great. I couldn't be more thankful for the kind words and advice. Now to stay motivated! ♡ Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  3. AmandaPal

    Food Obsession

    Thanks so much for taking the time with such a thoughtful reply! It means so much to me! Just the other day, I felt more positive. As with depression, I can go weeks in a funk and it's those times the food obsession kicks in. It's there in good times too but I can fight it easier. I'm my own biggest critic (like most) and super self aware. I know I need to keep my brain busy and I've been working on that. I am also a huge reader and have been reading lots of mysteries lately. I so much appreciate the book recommendation! I will check it out. It's been a year of reaching out for me. I usually keep all my problems, no matter how small, to myself. In the good times, I reach out. I suppose that since I can't stuff those feelings down with food anymore, I have realized I need to actually need to cope. My problem, so to speak, is finding that initial motivation and getting past old habits. I work and come home. I live alone and don't have much of a social life. I've considered myself a loner but I see now that I need to spend time with people. I think yoga is a great idea! Thanks so much again! I'm so glad to hear from you and take your advice to heart. I love that you have found things to help your anxiety and depression. It let's me know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Best Regards, Amanda Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  4. AmandaPal

    Leak Test

    They did my leak test as part of the surgery.
  5. AmandaPal

    Pre-Op Diet~ Thoughts

    Yeah it was terrible. Hopefully yours is a one day thing.
  6. AmandaPal

    Pre-Op Diet~ Thoughts

    Same diet but I was allowed broths. Yes on the runs. Had them for 12 days. Tomorrow is my surgery. Good luck! You can do it.
  7. AmandaPal

    KC Bariatric Hospital

    Everyone is so kind there. Reception leaves a bit to be desired but the surgeon and staff are just great! I feel very informed and supported. I feel good and ready.
  8. AmandaPal

    KC Bariatric Hospital

    That's where I'm going! Dr Hamilton for me. 4 days to go.
  9. AmandaPal

    Dec 30th Anyone?

    Yes. Two week liquid diet. 9th day and haven't had any head hunger today! Good luck!
  10. AmandaPal

    Fat Hormones?

    I believe estrogen stores fat or vice versa, so when fat is burned estrogen floods your system which explains the things people have posted.
  11. AmandaPal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    I'm on day three and you are not alone. I was questioning my surgery decision by night one! Some is head hunger and I just end up arguing with those "eat something!" thoughts. So far so good. Grumpy, hungry, and tired but I know it's just two weeks and I'm off to better things. I'm trying to focus on the future. Good luck, fellow sleevers. We got this
  12. AmandaPal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    Went in for my two week pre op today at the KC Baratric center. I was feeling ready but the second I got on the elevators I got so nervous. After meeting with the surgeon I felt better. Everyone there has been so great and I know I'm in good hands. Ready to get finals over with and start the liquid diet.
  13. AmandaPal

    So hungry!

    I buy chicken stock and fortify it with thyme, rosemary, cloves, two onions, halved, and lemon juice because I find that flavor comforting. I let it simmer for a few hours, and I have to tell you, it's how I'm going to get through this. My diet starts Thursday and I'm ready!
  14. AmandaPal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    My two cents. I decided to skip Christmas this year because I didn't want to put myself in that situation. It was really hard for me but my family understood and are supportive. I'm one of the bakers in my family (currently in culinary school for it ), but others will pitch in and make it happen. Ultimately, that decision has to be up to what makes you feel most comfortable. Good luck! If i may ask, how old are your kids? Maybe they can make the pies.
  15. AmandaPal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    I have a bit of "advice" on the protein shakes. One thing that really makes me gag are the chunky bits that dont get dissolved when you first make them. I just couldnt get one down. Now I make my shakes the night before and let them sit overnight. I give 'em a quick shake in the morning and the chunks arent there. I do strain through a mesh strainer just as a added precaution by its not necessary. No more floaties! In case anyone cant get past the chunky bits like me, hope this helps if you hadn't heard it before. My diet starts in one week (on my Birthday!) so I've been practicing.
  16. AmandaPal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    Unjury will send you a sample pack for 30 bucks. It comes with two of each vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, unflavored, and chicken broth protein and a shaker. Its how I found what I liked. They ship quick too and I always get a personal, hand-written "Thank you." Kind of a nice touch.
  17. AmandaPal

    December 30th for me!

    Dec 30 here too!
  18. AmandaPal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    Dec 30 for me too!
  19. December 30 for me! I'll be having it done at the Bariatric center in Kansas City with Dr. Hamilton. I'm very excited!
  20. AmandaPal

    Any December Sleevers

    12/30 in Kansas City for me.
  21. AmandaPal

    EGD questions.

    My experience was weird. They gave me the drugs, I walked in and laid down and they put a mouth guard in and put the scope down. I walked out. The weird part is I remember telling my grandma (who was with me) about what they did but a few hours later I didn't remember the procedure; I just remembered what I told my grandma what had occurred. No pain but as others have mentioned, I slept all day and was very drowsy. Good luck!
  22. AmandaPal

    December 30th anyone?

    Me too! I'll be in sleeved in Kansas City.
  23. AmandaPal

    My Journey - the beginning

    Thank you! As someone who expects to excel at everything I do, it's been hard for me to recognize obesity as a disease and weight loss as something I can't "win" at despite trying over and over again. I am fully aware this is a ridiculous attitude but sometimes my biggest hurdle is myself. That's why I'm starting with small goals that I know I need to start now in order to achieve the best results. Thanks so much for your response!
  24. My name is Amanda and I am 26. It's all moved rather quickly. However the most beneficial has been the pre op class and psychologist visits. My biggest hurdle is myself. I really gave up on myself when I hit 300lbs. It made me feel like a failure. My weight and inability to conquer it frustrates me very much. I'm quite the perfectionist and have trouble not beating myself up or recognizing small successes. So after my last visit with the psychologist, I bought stickers and behavior charts to chart my progress. I made small goals like "start chewing food 30x," "stop drinking 30 min before meals" etc. In order to establish better habits before surgery. They are small and the stickers are a bit silly but I know I need to take a step back and recognize that I need to change along with the surgery. Of course I cleaned my apartment and lost my new cookbook that has recipes for post surgery...oh dear. One of my goals is to start trying those meals and shopping smarter. Learning positive self-talk and moving slowly along. I'll get there.
  25. AmandaPal

    October 13th

    That's where I am going and that's my surgeon too! I'm just waiting for insurance approval and we'll see from there. Good luck on your journey!

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