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Posts posted by Lauriep

  1. This was a fantastic question! I've read a lot but have not heard about the emotional aspect, helps me by giving me something to prepare for. My surgery date is Nov 3.

    I could have sworn that I saw someone mention apps that were helpful in reminding them to get their Fluid intake. I've looked at MyFitnessPal but haven't found that feature, do you guys have suggestions?

  2. wow it's funny that you mention that about ibuprofen, I was literally told the opposite this week. I still have one more visit with my surgeon next week, I think I have a lot of questions for her, I may have been given mis-information about a few things, a lot of my fears may be resolved at that appointment.

    Congrats @@MichiganChic on your success! and @@Kindle also!

    @@Packerfan61964 and @JakeLancaster I wish you the best, if I read right you guys are having surgery this month?

    @@*Lexie* I see you are right about where I am, but 2 months out, am interested to know how you are doing?

    @@MisforMimi are you post or pre surgery?

  3. Wow, great stuff. I guess I wouldn't be here at all if I thought I really could do it on my own. Just like the rest of us, it's been a constant struggle with losses and regaining. Even this last month, my last NUT visit was over a month ago and in mental preparation for the surgery I've been having too many food funerals and have actually set myself back to where I was at the beginning of August. So yea, I mean no, I obviously can't do it on my own! Yesterday's appointment had me shaking in my shoes, I've slept on it and let a lot of it sink in and am feeling a little better today.

    Thank you so much for your candor! You guys hit a lot of nails right in the head for me. Reminded me why I started down this path to begin with.

    One of my goals is to be able to shop in a specific store I haven't set foot in in many many years, so shopping is right up there with no diabetes and no double knee replacements before I'm 50!

    It's soooo good to hear that there are some who have exceeded those averages! I know this whole process isn't going to be easy, and am glad to hear that putting in the effort will show better results than I had heard. I'm not afraid of hard work at all, actually started today looking into a personal trainer at my gym so that I still have some accountability when I'm tired. I'm not a lazy person at all, but I am sure the time will come when I just don't want to! I am also infamous for just finding something 'more important' to do every day vs. going to the gym.

    I was really hoping that the lower end of that average was reported by those who expected surgery to be the panacea, and just didn't put in any effort. I just couldn't imagine that anyone would go through this process and not appreciate it and take advantage of the opportunity, so was having a hard time wrapping my head around the 60% of your excess number! I thought that was mighty low. And would have been really concerned if the responses to this thread confirmed that fear.

    Would live to hear your steps to successes?

    I have a great eating plan and a great NUT who gave me a great place to start, but struggle with the right exercises, and am actually getting tired already of the Protein shakes (I've only tried 2). I'm not a real foodie so will be fine with missing most things for awhile just need to find creative things with the shakes.< /p>

    What were your favorites?

    What obstacles did you overcome and how?

    Was there one (or a few) thing(s) specifically that you could say were the secrets to your abilities to get passed the 60%

  4. So I've had my first pre-op appointment for a VSG on 11/03 and left there terrified. I learned that the average or expected weight loss is 60% of your excess weight. For me that is only 90 lbs. 90lbs. 90 lbs!!

    I've read these these threads and you guys are a fantastic group! I see so many of you with losses well beyond the 3 digit mark (for me I would be ecstatic with a 150 lb loss) and really enjoyed your positivity and willingness to help or just cheer on! I am hoping there is anyone (hopefully a lot of you) who have surpassed the average?

    I am actually reconsidering the surgery altogether today. This is going to be a major life change.

    All along I've thought, 'no big whoop'! I'll have to change my lifestyle and eating habits to be healthier! New diet=new me! But today I learned about all of the other things. Like no more ibuprofen, forever, sort of things. (Which is something I take on a regular basis for another non weight related issue ) so many things that you cannot do for years if not forever.

    And am starting to wonder if a lifetime of thinking about or documenting every morsel of food that enters my mouth, or constant concerns about whether or not I can take this drug or drink that drink, making sure I don't forget all of these daily Vitamins, I am talking (if I am lucky) another 30 years on this earth, for 90 lbs?

    Yes I know this is a lot of weight, but I've lost 30 already while going through managed nutrition in the last 6 months.

    Should I still go through this irreversible surgery?

    Am hoping there are others who have lost more than the average and are willing to share how? I'd like to know that there are some who actually have reached a full weight loss goal and not just 60%of their excess.

    ~~so confused???? help?

  5. There are so many posts in response I don't know if someone else said this or not, but my surgery is scheduled Nov 3 and I am also TERRIFIED! But like anything in life it will be as you expect it to be. If you think it will suck it will suck, and if you think it will be great it will be. That is why there are so many positive people here.

    The positive outlook will help get you through the worst of it. And I am sure there will be some really bad moments, for me at least. But there is a reason that we are doing this and staying focused on the other end of the path you're on will help you get thru it and quickly. Keep your eye on the prize and not focus on the fear. This group has already eased a lot of my fear as I take my next steps.

    Certain foods that you can't eat for awhile? Well are they foods that packed the weight on initially? That's how I look at that. If I am going to lose the weight and keep it off, unfortunately I have to start eating like my skinny minny girlfriends! And that will mean no Waffle House, for awhile at least. And in a few months I'll try a few bites and be satisfied with it. I won't be able to eat those horrible things I love so much, because if I do? I'll wind up right back where I am right now. A bite now and again never killed anyone p, but everything has to be done in moderation, indulgence and a diet like I had pre-surgery well... Negates the surgery all together! Keep your chin up!!

  6. Wow, I love love love your story!

    What is an OA?

    Our struggles are similar, it took the death of my mom just before my 45th b-day (due to complications caused by obesity) and realizing I was following right in her footsteps, to get me serious about making a change. I realized I am 45, not 85, time to start living on the right path! I couldn't bear the thought of forcing my husband into caring for me the way hers had for her fir so long and so young!

    I will say that the lack of accountability is too much for me. I've had 6 months of managed nutrition and did very well, but have a 2 month lag from my last weigh in with the NUT and surgery. The fear of not being to eat certain things for months if not forever, have me wanting them all the more, add to that I thought surgery would be less than 30 days away so waited until the last minute to quit smoking! Argh! I really need to get back on track.

    Weighing every day: I can see the pros and cons. I haven't bothered at home because I was weighing in monthly w/ NUT and didn't want to stress myself out w/ ounces at a time, and am afraid to right now! It felt good to see pounds shredded at one time. But post surgery for me also, if I see a gain, I'll know right away to make a change.

    I do worry about the stalls, they are the reason no diet in the past has worked for me, I give up when I don't see progress or movement.

    Aaahhh... pizza is mine as well, I have not yet been able to surrender it just yet. It's the one thing I allow myself right now, and have my sights on it all week while I graze on healthy food. It's almost like a reward for me.

    Tracking carbs and calories sounds like a great tool, I have only been tracking Protein, sugar and fat at this point. bread is like crack! I can do well without it, but once I taste it? It's all downhill from there!

    I love your statement about 300 lb brains being unable to understand portions! I've said similar things recently. There is a reason I'm fat (and don't have a problem saying that!) I had to learn why I am and how I got that way, to understand how not to return to it. No 'diet plan' has ever taught me that! A fat brain doesn't understand why it is, only how to sustain the body it sits on. And that I got the way by not paying attention. When I get busy talking while eating I pay less attention.

    I tried really hard to get out of the required 6 months with the NUT, really because I'm just impatient. But it truly was the best thing I've done, ever!

    I feel ya on the activity also! My body is screaming back at me! My knees gave in to my brain for a little while and they have finally decided they are not having this anymore! But I started doing exactly as you did. I USED to drive around until a spot close to the door at the grocery store became available, now I choose a spot at the far end and in a different aisle than the cart return is. It forces me to walk to the car and back to the store again. And after a little weight loss already I'm finding it a LOT easier! I'm no longer deciding if I want to go some place based on how far of a walk I'd have to give.

    I may just try the Water aerobics, I hadn't because, well, I just thought, 'I'm not going anywhere in my bathing suit where there are other people'! My surgery is Nov 3, and it will be too cold then to get outside. Fortunately I love Christmas shopping! But don't that will be enough.

    How great for you to be able to participate in activities with your kids now!!

    I was considering a Fit Bit or the like. But don't know anything about any of them. What made you decide on that one?

    So... I had not heard that I should expect a change 'hormonally' at all! 5 months!?!?

    I still have some crazy dream that a bikini is in my future before I'm 50! And in the back of my brain I know that's not going to happen, but for awhile I'll let the front drive me for awhile and worry about that disappointment later when I'm wearing a size 10 and no longer dealing with the co-morbidities!

    I wish you luck with the legs, is that something that can be resolved with PS?

    Please feel free to share away! There are so many stories online but none similar to mine, it's been hard to find a story I can relate to. I love the before and after pictures and am so happy for those with great success, but really no one has talked about what it took to get there, what worked and what didn't, so thank you for that. I was impressed by your loss in a short period if time, and thought you would have some incredible insights. I really want to know what the higher rates are that cause the average to be 60% of excess weight loss, what did those people at the higher end of that spectrum do differently than those at the lower end? I don't plan on sitting still while my body does all of the work, I need to ensure I don't return to this lifestyle.

    Thank you again!!

  7. Have you guys not had regular visits with nutritionists and already started in your healthy eating plan? My surgeon required 6 months of managed nutrition during which I began the necessary Vitamin regiment and monthly weigh ins, after guidance on fat/ calorie/ Protein and sugars. In fact she had us counting protein every day to ensure an intake of 60 grams or more daily. I honestly could not imagine approaching this surgery without that education. It was invaluable. Beginning practicing early how to eat properly and healthily for 6 months made it a habit that I'll continue, in fact I've already lost 30 lbs just utilizing what I've learned. I strongly suggest if you are only meeting with a NUT once, you commit to memory what they teach you. I can't tell you what it was for me to truly learn how I got this way, and how I can prevent it again.

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