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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by bellabloom

  1. Hi everyone. I'm Bella and I'm starting this thread for those of us having our surgery December 2014.

    How is everyone doing? Tell a little bit about yourself and how your surgery went, or if it's coming up still.

    Let's keep in touch as we progress throughout the next phase.

    A great way to kick in the new year!!

    My surgery was December 4th and although I had some rough moments all in all I had no complications.

    I had this surgery because of back pain issues and I was already on pain meds so that part was harder for me, I had a lot more pain that usual.

    My stats are 5'6, sw 240, cw 224, age 34. 2 kids, single, have been overweight since my first pregnancy.

    I am about 12 days or so out and went out for the first time today. Felt like a baby calf learning to walk. My incisions are healing up nicely!

    I have been eating some Protein Shakes, yogurt, tea, crystal light, and strained Soups. The mental need to eat has been a little rough but it seems to be going away somewhat. I find it hard to be around food or see someone eating. My biggest craving has been for a sandwich! Today I had Decaf coffee and it was Wonderful.

    My goals this year are to get to goal weight, start working out again, and get off pain meds.

    Introduce yourself!!

  2. Well, when I have lost weight in the past I remember a trainer telling me when you hit a stall, change your routine. It shocks your body into losing again. So you could try, if you feel well enough, adding in or upping your workouts now. Weight training etc. something different.

    Also, look at it this way. It probably means your body is gearing up for a big loss. Just relax don't stress, keep eating etc. you'll probably see a good drop all of a sudden.

  3. Are you making sure your not taking in too many liquid calories? You have been in the liquid stage for a long time.

    If not, I wouldn't worry about it at all. In fact, I would not keep weighing in everyday. Stressing about it can make you hold on to the weight! Just focus on your recovery and eating the right things and don't worry about your scale. Weigh in once a week. You will lose. It's not possible to eat do little and not lose weight.

  4. I would think hormones go through radical changes during extreme weight loss. I would wait to do anything drastic like ablation surgery until you have given your body some time to regulate itself. For instance after pregnancy, periods take some time to become normal again due to hormonal fluctuation. Our bodies just went through major surgery and ablation is also quite an intense surgery.

    It takes time. Your body may have never even been thin before. It has to adjust. Rest and drink Water, focus on healing.

  5. A lot of members have been posting about how much time they will need to recover and /or take off work.

    I think a thread on this is a good idea. Share your experience on how much time you needed to take off work, how long you were in the hospital, how long until you felt healed.

    I myself want to say this : this is MAJOR surgery.

    Depending on your state of health and age to begin with, everyone's experience is different. So if someone says hey, I was ice skating two days later!! Well, maybe she was. But maybe she was 25, in good shape, and a low BMI without major health conditions.

    So what applies to her may not apply to you.

    This surgery for me was very intense. I spent three days in the hospital due to gas pain and regurgitating blood foam etc. your stomach and intestines are rerouted and your body can be quite shocked by this. I went home on the fourth day and felt okay, but I needed painkillers for several days because my stomach hurt quite a bit.

    Now, a week later, I could probably return to a desk job but I am still very tired. Lack of food, lack of Water, mental emotional feelings. All this takes time to process.

    I feel taking a week is a minimum requirement, two weeks very good, three ideal with any complications.

    I have five incisions in my belly and bruising all over my legs and arms from needle sticks. Here are some photos for you too see.

    The incisions were not nearly that painful, not anywhere close to a c-section. But the gas pain was much much more painful than a c-section.

    This is major life changing surgery and afterwards basically a fasting diet for a week or so. It is not a trip to get a cavity filled. It's a non reversal body altering major surgical procedure.

    Hope this helps!

    post-235696-14185349172348_thumb.jpg post-235696-14185349320727_thumb.jpg post-235696-1418534941601_thumb.jpg

  6. I don't know from experience but I do know that once I gained weight my periods became more painful.

    Weight affects your hormones a lot, as does it affect your core strength.

    When I was thinner I used to workout and stretch during my periods to help them hurt less. Once I gained weight I became inactive and never wanted to workout much less on my period.

    I bet your periods will change for the better. :)

  7. My incisions. Sorry I have 5 of them.

    My leg from the heparin shots. You come out pretty worn and torn.

    I'm not saying the surgery is horrendous and unthinkable. I'm just saying be realistic about what your getting in too. Take a week at the minimum. So you don't use it? Fine. Take the week to get your head around all the changes in your routine and life. post-235696-14185336518368_thumb.jpg post-235696-14185336622468_thumb.jpg

    Also a lot of people on here say they only spent one night in hospital with gastric bypass. My best friend and I both had the surgery. She spent four days and I spent three.

    I just have to wonder with all the advertising I see for Mexican doctors on here how many members of this community are actually marketing positive experiences for this business.

    The surgery is fine but it's surgery!


  8. Basically, I think what people need to realize is yes, there is a chance you may pop right up and be okay and go to the mall Christmas shopping the best day. Ha. Maybe a few people.

    But think about it. I have seven incisions an inch long in my abdomen. One was in my diaphragm ouch. And have you ever done a low calorie diet or juice fast? This is more akin to a Water fast. No food. Basically a few ounces of food. Getting used to that is enough to want to be at home.

    Put those two together, with driving restrictions if your in pain mess, and sheer exhaustion from having major surgery.

    Definitely take a week, two if you can swing in. I'm on day 8 and just have enough energy to put around the house.

  9. I feel it is very important you realize that people are different. Different weights, different ages, different health issues. Our bodies react differently. Stay positive but realize you are about to have major surgery and radically change your body and there is no going back. Prepare yourself for some rough road, it's major surgery! Not a trip to the dentist.

    At best is goes very easy for you. At worst, you have some pain and a longer recovery. Complications are rare.

    Is it worth it to you to have your weight loss?

    This surgery puts a shackle around your ability to eat. That's what it does. Just be honest with yourself about wether you are making a choice for the best and willing to go through a little pain to get there. It passes

    Anyone who says this surgery is a snap of the fingers is probably getting paid or very lucky.

    I have had the surgery and had two other friends have it and it was not a wam bam thank you Mamn for us.

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