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Posts posted by bellabloom

  1. I'm doing really terrible. This morning my weight dropped again to 116.

    Boost makes me dump crazy bad.

    Yesterday I ate a banana, sushi, salad, steak taco, cheese, fried calamari, and a second steak taco. But my calories only came to 1600 at the end of the day. And I lost more weight.

    My insurance changed and I lost my eating disorder therapist. She wasn't helping me anyway. And I'm not TRYING to lose weight. Clearly I'm eating! Anorexics don't eat like this. I need a dietician and I'm looking for one that can work with me.

    The main problems are the restriction I have in my sleeve, lack of appetite, and a very fast metabolism.

    It may have something to do with me being overweight for only 5 years. Before I gained weight during pregnancy I was extremely fit and muscular. I still am even without exercise.

    What could be going on is some hyper metabolism. I guess when weight gets very low after a period of starvation, the metabolism actually speeds up super fast when eating begins again. This is why it's so difficult for anorexics to gain weight even in treatment. I'm not sure if I'm having that or not but I am getting night sweats which is a symptom. I didn't think my weight low enough to have this going on. Maybe I'm wrong. Anorexics in treatment are fed about 3000-4000 a day. There's no way I can do that.

    Things aren't good right now. I'm just not sure what to do next. I just want this to be okay and my weight to maintain.

    My energy level is very good and I feel good... But I'm looking a bit scary

  2. I agree, something here does not make sense at all. I wonder if you either have a serious medical condition or a serious eating disorder.

    You are the only person that can actually make yourself eat and timely. It has to become your priority if you want to stay healthy in the long term.

    With RNY you really do get your hunger back, I am not sure why that hasn't happened for you but I am guessing when you are hungry, you are ignoring it because you are busy. If you don't want to keep dropping weight you need to pay attention and act on it.

    It sounds like you can pretty much eat whatever you want without the repercussions of weight gain. The only issue is some foods you dump on and others that would likely make you dump, you don't.

    I will say that I have met many RNY patients who still dump many many years later so I am not convinced at all that ever stops completely. They just learn how to live with it differently. The same is true about the malabsorption factor. I met a guy that had RNY 15 years ago. He eats small meals all day long because his body still malabsorbs. He looks great, still has a lot of restriction which requires that he eats small amounts all day long.

    I know my pouch is definitely on the small side which means to get to my Protein count and about 1000 calories a day, I have to eat 3 good meals a day and snack in between.

    I have to really concentrate when I eat or I might just eat a tiny amount and be hungry a short time later.

    You're eating a thousand calories a day. Could you double that if you wanted to? Do you think you could physically do it without resorting to eating junk food?

  3. I do have extreme dumping even after a year. It has not gotten better, in fact it's gotten worse. If I eat too much quality I dump, if I eat to much fat and sugar combined I dump, if I eat a high dairy food with sugar I dump.

    I am eating all of those high calorie foods but not in high enough quantities.

    The problem is I am full so easily and have no appetite. 1800 is barely enough to keep my weight on and a lot of days I don't hit that amount. I'm struggling to hit that amount.

    I find eating tedious and boring. I have very little desire for food. This is a side effect of this surgery that not a lot of people get but some do.

    Skipping meals is certainly a big issue. Having a lack of appetite is harder than you can guess. It's really difficult to eat when you're simply not hungry.

    The truth is I've always found eating to be rather tedious. It's amazing I got up to the weight I did. I used to binge eat my feelings and since I broke that connection I find eating to be just another chore I have to do.

    Say I eat an avocado for Breakfast. That's about 300 calories. I will be so full for hours- I'll barely eat lunch. But day I do eat a hamburger! That's 500 calories.

    At that point I'm at 800 calories. There is no way I'll have room for a snack. At dinner I have a burrito for 350 calories. That's 1150. I'll add guacamole for another 150 cals. That's 1300.

    That's really hard as it is for me to do. I'll be so full from this. I might shovel down another snack at about 10pm of a banana with Peanut Butter or something to make 1400-1600.

    The issue is I think I need about 1900-2200 calories. So little by little I'm still losing weight. And I can't afford to!

    If I increase the calories in my meals I'm just that much more full and eat less on the next meal.

    It's really frustrating me. I need to do better with this.

    I went to my NUT with this thinking that she would encourage me to eat more and that she would say I was on the right track somewhat.

    She actually did not like my meals at all and wanted me to cut out all sugar and high fat food, and to greatly limit my carbs. I was like "have you taken a look at me?????"

    She obviously mostly deals with people trying to lose weight still or regaining and doesn't understand my situation. If I ate low carb high Protein low fat, I'd be a walking skeleton in about a month.

  4. Milk makes me dump badly. Can't even do yogurt.

    I can do cheese and I do.

    I know!! I have to eat all day. It's so hard. It's dicusting. I find it soooo hard. I'm hoping that this will get better in time.

    I was doing better when I was eating a lot of Taco Bell but I got so tired of it and I worried that eventually the tide would turn and I would start to gain from it. And it's so bad for you.

    I eat oatmeal, eggs, waffles, Bagels, bacon, ranch dressing, cheeses, pizza, sandwiches, Thai and Chinese, Pasta, steak, hummus, pita, fruit, Beans, sometimes Protein bars, Jerky, avocados....and much more

    It's not what- it's that the quantity is so low. I've become a one meal wonder. I know it's really my fault but I just had to post about it because although it seems like an easy fix, it's not going easily!!!

    I only made 800 calories today and I feel repulsed at the idea of eating more because I am so full already. I had steak for dinner and that tipped me over the edge


  5. Have you tried adding whole grains back into your diet? They are good carbs that may also increase your appetite.

    Brown rice, barley, quinoa......

    Oh my gosh totally. I eat all kinds of carbs. It would be crazy for me not to eat carbs. Today I ate a huge brown rice and bean burrito with quinoa. But it took me all day to eat it and it was my only real meal. So filling!!

    I eat bread and Bagels, even Cookies, Pasta... I eat whatever I want that won't make me sick. I don't try and cut out any foods anymore. What would be the point.

  6. I have become INCREDIBLY picky. It's not even funny how many men I've said no to lately. I just see all the red flags- or there isn't enough spark or attraction ... Even the inkling of something wrong makes me bail.

    Just waiting for love to hit like a lightning bolt I guess. And not settling for anyone less than awesome.

  7. I, on the other hand, am losing weigh at 1800 calories per day give or take and am at goal weight. I need to raise to at least 2000 but I suspect more like 2200.

    Everyone is very different. It depends on your muscle mass. Trial and error is the best way to figure it out. I use an app called "lose it" to track my calorie intake and weight. That's how I have figured out my metabolism.

    I suggest starting higher and decreasing until you see weight loss. Protein requirements depend on your weight and gender.

  8. I miss being able to just eat without thinking about carefully chewing and pacing every bite.

    I miss ice cream cones and being able to eat without worrying about dumping.

    I miss my ass when I was in my 20s.

    I do NOT miss binge eating. I do NOT miss the exhaustion, depression, and guilt I felt. I DO NOT miss hating my body and being afraid of my reflection. I don't miss the way I used to sweat all the time, the foot pain, the huge 42 bras I wore, the plus size stores, the pain after eating too much.

    I don't miss any of anything being fat enough to turn back!!!!!!!! Thank god I had this surgery.

  9. Cowgirl Jane I think we have some things in common. :)

    I am also being VERY selective at this point.

    I went on a lunch date yesterday with a guy who was nice enough but another with a long list of sob stories. Why does it seem like there are so many people out there with tales of woe? Is life really that hard?

    No job.... Recent divorce... Moved AWAY from his young kids... Fancy car ( does not impress at all) and no back teeth.

    No thanks. And he faked a call during our lunch with a "job offer". Whatever.


    It's still fun. I'm looking forward to rejecting some more!!! Haha. Or visa versa. I get rejected too.

  10. Umm, true confession, while I told myself I was looking for love at the beginning of the year (after some very significant weight loss) I think I was really just looking for fun. I found it. Every first date ended up with great sex. I didn't really calm down and finish sowing all the wild oats until August. You may be resisting because you want the affirmation. I think that's what I wanted (at least for a season). Not trying to knock you off stride and I am certainly not one to judge, but be open to that idea.

    Hmm. It's worth a thought. A year ago this was certainly the case. I wanted the attention and compliments.

    But it's been a year and while its still nice to get compliments and attention, I get plenty of that and I don't have to look for it. Not to toot my own horn too loudly but I get checked out a lot just in daily life. So I don't really need a date for that. And I don't do casual sex so it's not about sex at all.

    But sometimes I do wonder, what is it that I want? Do I really want a relationship? To be in love? To settle down?

    Today I had a lunch date and he started talking about being ready to settle down and I'm thinking ugh. No thanks to that.

    It has been so long since I've been in love with someone quality that I can't even remember how it felt. I know I wanted to grow old with him.

    Let's just hope I get lucky and another love like that finds me, so I can ask myself- what do I want? And actually have an opportunity to get it.

  11. I'm feeling better today and more optimistic. I went out on an online date last night and while I wasn't attracted to him, it was fun.

    I'm not going to stop dating or looking. No one finds love sitting on their couch eating popcorn and watching it on tv. When my kids aren't home, I'd rather be out socializing and enjoying my time even if it's not fireworks. I have had a tough year and the last thing I want to do is stay home and stare at the wall trying to "get happy in myself."

    I am happy in myself. I'm really proud of myself. I've gone through some shit and come out still feeling optimistic about life.

    My new years resolution is to choose someone amazing, and walk away from red flags early on. This is going to be the year I find someone incredible because I finally know what I need.

  12. Actually my weight is exactly the same as when I went into treatment. And yes, I'm okay with it as long as I am not losing more. My goal was never to gain, it was to learn to maintain. My BMI is 19 which is healthy and has been for a few months now.

    But this thread isn't about me. Let's get back on track.

    I've read "thinner" and thought is was one of Kings scarier stories!! Losing too much weight can be as upsetting as going the opposite direction. After trying to lose weight ones whole life, and finally have success, it can be very challenging to slow the roll.

    I don't know how many people after wls actually do become underweight. I don't think it's very common, but it certainly must happen. You always here the story " my best friends neighbors friends daughter had that surgery and now she is a bag of bones!" But I've only seen 2 or 3 people post on BP that I would consider underweight.

    One thing is that once we start to reach our set point or ideal weight, our bodies regulate that by increasing hunger, cooling down, etc. It's really hard to lose the lower you go.

    I would know, I'm the anorexic chic on here. ????????

  13. All true! I don't want to take a break though. I want to go out and have fun! I just want to have it be fun. Why does it matter if we click and fall in love or we don't?? I should be able to just enjoy the adventure. It was like that before and should be again.

    I don't really care if I fall in love as long as I feel like I'm alive and enjoying my life. Falling in love should be a side effect of living vibrantly.

    I think I am afraid of choosing poorly again. Yeah. I am.

    Someone who is happy in life. I need to get that tattooed somewhere.

  14. I have a lot of trouble opening up to people emotionally and admitting to my struggles and flaws. I like to appear perfect for as long as possible because I don't think someone will accept imperfect me.

    That has been coming up a lot since I've started dating again post my divorce and I'm starting to try and open up more. Lots of people go around being perfectly honest about their life challenges and I respect that.

    What's difficult is opening up to the wrong person. It's so hard for me to begin with that I get terribly hurt if they aren't receptive or empathetic. I have dated narcissistic men and it isn't something I want to repeat.

    I hope whoever I am with next is someone I can share myself with. I don't want to start another relationship walking on eggshells to be perfect. It's exhausting.

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