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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by bellabloom

  1. bellabloom

    Head Hunger

    I feel a strong desire for the foods I used to eat and kind of sad to give up my food binges and being able to have pig outs or just eat to escape etc. I definitely keep thinking of food more than I thought I would. By I am assuming (being only a few days post surgery) that it takes some time to forget those habits and replace them with new ones. And there is NO WAY I could eat much of anything right now. I manage to get down 4 tblsp of yogurt this morning and I feel like I am going to burst and can't even face the Water I need to drink. It's like having a shackle over my stomach. I think over time one forgets. I hope! I keep craving spicy food not surprising that is my favorite It's just a tough choice but it's one we make for our health. I really love food and it's sad to give it up but I keep reminding myself over time that we can have foods we like in smaller portions.
  2. bellabloom

    Will water keep me fat?

    I've been moving and walking a ton in fact they asked me to slow it down. I just had soooo much gas pain it was terrible, vomiting blood, choking all kinds of crap. I just hope I can stick with it and really make this change. I'm a little scared at how thinking of food makes me want to eat even though I know I can! Probably something to do with only havering a few tablespoons of water and broth for 5'days. I just want to get home and get in bed, have something other than broth and lemonade.
  3. bellabloom

    Will water keep me fat?

    Hi dj's, no I'm not home yet. Ive had a really hard time with gas pain, vomiting, spitting foam, and now choking in my sleep. I'm actually feeling a lot of head hunger and cravings for food Erich is weird. I am so ready to go home. My doctors are all looking at me like I'm a druggie because I don't want them to take me off of diladid but seriously, as long as I am in the hospital I'm drinking the champagne pain meds while I can! I'm ready to leave but still unsure, my hospital has given me next to no instructions about food. I'm trying out 4oz of fluids right now and it's going okay. Thanks for getting in touch B
  4. bellabloom

    We are Rockstars

    I think if you are at home you should try walk every couple of hours! I'm still in hospital and I have leg pampers on. I walk 1x per hour. I think it's great that you are sleeping well, *i meant "leg pumpers" !!
  5. Just so everyone knows, this post was satire. And now that I have had surgery and know how hard it is, I'm not exactly laughing anymore!! I know I'm in pain when I can't even laugh about myself!!! I'm glad I made some folks laugh though. It is a major ideal an fits important to remain on the bright side!
  6. bellabloom

    Day 4, home

    I cannot agree with you more. This surgery is really really painful. I am still in the hospital first night have awful gas pains, throwing up bloody Mucas and just praying for it to end. The easy way out? Yeah right. I am paying for every binge and every extra bite I ever took right now. Us people that make it through this surgery a strong as nails.
  7. I have had a herniated disk in my low back for a year and have been prescribed narcotics for it. I hate taking them and they work less and less for me each month, my world revolves around the pills and wether my pain is tolerable enough to function. I can even describe how brutal my back pain has become, I cry on a daily basis. I am hoping this rny surgery will resolve my back pain or at least diminish it so I can get off these awful meds and not suffer as much. Have any of you had chronic back pain go away after losing you weight?? How much weight did you need to lose before you felt improvement.? I am 34 yrs old, 5'6 and currently 238 pounds
  8. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm just nervous about my surgery tomorrow and was blowing off steam by joking. I think it was my way of reminding myself that though this surgery will fix my weight it's not going to prevent me from making mistakes in life and it's up to me to work towards the life I want regardless of my weight. It seems like this site is full of perfect people who are totally committed and following their orders perfectly and having no slip ups at all, just perfect little angels and I just wanted to say- hey, if your not perfect, like me, if your scared like me, and if you are staring real life in the face and know that even post surgery life won't be easy all the time, I'm hear for you. Let's be great, successful, and imperfect together. I would have a hard time finding support in a site where anyone who isn't perfect or jokes around at the hard truths gets shunned. It makes me happy to make people laugh and not to take life too seriously all of the time because most of the time, it is!! Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them and hope you are all doing well.
  9. Today my pain management doctor tried to talk me out of rny surgery. I have been having terrible back and hip pain for the last year. Painkillers run my life and I am so ready to stop them. I hate the pain clinic and I hate being in pain!! I have a herniated disk right in my low back ( which is e region of the back most connected to weight) and I carry allllll my weight in my stomach, it's like being 9 months pregnant forever. He said that he has many patients who had rny and some of them are now in wheelchairs or skeletons. I thought- well the skeleton part isn't all bad! Hahaha. He is Indian or Arab maybe and he said his moral, ethical, emotional, and spiritual beliefs tell him it is wrong to rearrange our bodies. He told me my back pain has nothing to do with my weight, that my weight is fine how it is, and if I just work out my core muscles my back pain will go away. He said I am not morbidly obese ( I weight 240 and am 5'6) and that there are better ways to change my weight, and that I honestly don't need to lose weight. He said he would call my rny surgeon and talk to him if I wanted and he would give me the phone number of one of his patients who had rny and she would talk me out of it. Hmmmmm. What do you think? Also do you think he would call my surgeon and tell him not to do the surgery for me? I know I'm crazy but you know people do crazy things. He said if I was his sister he would never let me do this surgery. And then he wrote me a script for Percocet and told me he'd like to inject my spine with a steroid. I have an "inflammation" problem.
  10. I am having surgery on December 4th and am taking this weekend to get ready for the changes in my life. I plan on relaxing, eating a few things I am going to miss (I don't have a pre-op), amongst other things. Here is my list- read it to get ideas and post your top ten below! Must do tasks to get surgery ready 1: clean my house top to bottom 2. Clean put the fridge and pantry and restock with our new foods and shakes, etc. 3. Make a 30 day meal plan for kids dinners and lunches, make a new bi- weekly grocery list 4. Set up my home gym area for post op and schedule my workouts for when I am healed 5. Complete all work related tasks and orders and let friends know I will be taking two weeks off 6. Take a before photo and paste it in planning binder 7. Pack for the hospital stay (will be streaming doctor house on my iPad!) 8. Make sure all bills and rents are paid up to date 9. Buy Water bottles, Protein shakers, travel Soup mugs, travel lunch box and coolers. 10: write letters to my children and family in case the worst happens in surgery. Write out a DNR and funeral inductions along with passwords to accounts and phone numbers they might need, instructions for personal belongings, etc. better safe then sorry! That's it folks! Let's hear about yours! 5'6 Cw: 242 Gw: 120
  11. I have been thinking a lot about how I want not only my stomach size to change, but that i want my dietary habits to completely change for the better. I believe in the power of habits and I need to use this tool to break many or most of mine. I have been thinking about how I eat but also about how my kids eat, age 2 and 5. My son is five and is a very picky eater and very slim. His favorite food is an apple! My daughter is 2 and she is already a little plump, and she will eat anything you put in front of her and is a sweets aholic. I don't want then to have a weight problem one day and suffer the way I have. For a long time I have worried about their diet. We eat family well, mostly whole food without any fast food usually, we don't drink soda and barely ever drink juice We eat out occasionally but mostly eat from home. The meals I make are fairly carb heavy but my kids usually prefer to eat the Protein unless it is spaghetti or pizza. We eat things like stew, chicken Soup, pizza, grilled cheese, tacos, spaghetti, lasagna, hamburgers, eggs, etc. We eat a lot of desert sweets. We love to eat ice cream, cake, Cookies, fudge, candy, etc. we eat tons of it. I want to take refined super totally off our menus and out of our house. I also want to eat only lean protein and whole grain, unprocessed carbs, increase our vegetables and cut out pizza and juice altogether. I don't mind the kids eating wheat bread but I won't post surgery. I'd like to replace the Desserts with fruit or yogurt or take them out entirely- which do you think is better? Is it easier to just go cold turkey and stop doing dessert? I was raised eating desert and I find I am programmed to crave sweets after eating. I was to undo this habit and not give it to my kids. I also want to eat my last meal of the day by 6, 6:30 and be done for the day. I've though about writing out some meal plans for us to follow for the first few months and would love suggestions. Also, my kids take food to to school with them and I need ideas for healthy lunches that don't involve processed carbs. Do you all think this is possible? Any advice? I'm worried my sweets cravings are going to make me miserable. I also found a link to a bariatric food pyramid. Pretty awesome!!! http://www.drsharma.ca/obesity-the-bariatric-food-pyramid.html
  12. Wishing you hope and love, and the best turnout for your situation. I do hope you will take this very seriously as two lives depend on your choices now.
  13. bellabloom

    surgery date

    Mine is on the 4th!!!! I am so excited and just scared it could be canceled for some fluke reason, please don't let it be I had to pull sooooo many strings to make this happen !!! Should I call my doctors office and just let them know all the major strings I had to pull and to please not cancel my surgery? I had to have people travel from out of town to watch my children and they won't be able to return for a reschedule and I was going to have to go to the surgery alone ( because no one could go with me but then my best friend got her mom from out of town to watch her daughter and now she is going but she won't be able to do that again. So I am just thinking maybe to let them know all of this so they don't move me without a super important reason.
  14. bellabloom

    5 mo out: extreme fatigue

    I still think you need more Water NOT coffee. I hope you are feeling better. Also excessive can really help fatigue. When your metabolism gets burning you will feel a rush of energy, and it also tells your body to burn fat, not burn glucose, which creates a better energy source for you body and weight loo as well. It's the best thing you can do for fatigue. Excessive in the morning first thing and you will double your energy all day.
  15. bellabloom

    Should I or Not?

    No freakin way. Unless you want to hate life and axe murder everyone.
  16. bellabloom


    Crush up your pills and down the hatch. You can do it. If you are taking pain pills trust me you will do it once your in withdrawals.
  17. I am suffering from a herniated disk in my low back. Has anyone had a low back issue get better after losing weight? I'm desperate to be out of pain and off of pain meds.
  18. bellabloom

    5 mo out: extreme fatigue

    Also the dizziness can be caused by an inner ear infection and or allergies. But I would look into the meds first off and get seriously thinking about the long term safety and purpose of a medication. We often bandaid ourselves with meds only to trade one problem for a host of others.
  19. bellabloom

    5 mo out: extreme fatigue

    More calories. Also medications have side effects. You are taking meds I would look into them. Medications are not Our friends. Consider finding other ways to treat or stave off your migraine. Also caffeine can both dehydrate you and make you tired. Try getting rid of the coffee and drinking more Water. Your "stay awake" medicine sounds pretty scary. You need restful sleep, a good schedule, more high Quality calories and to get rid of the meds.
  20. bellabloom

    Ideal size?

    Size ten for your height is a pretty conservative unless you are big boned. I bet you would look really good at an eight or even six! Go for it girl! I am 5'6 and I weigh 238. I wear a size 18-20. I'd like to weigh 120-125 and wear a size 2-4. Partly because I'd love to be that slender and finally for the first time have slender legs and partly because if I then gain back 10 pounds over a few years I would still be in a healthy weight range. Why not set a low goal now when we have the highest chance of succeeding to It!! It gives me some wiggle room.
  21. bellabloom

    Sweet Tooth

    Anyhow'. That was more convincing then "eat a pickle" don't you think? I used to eat whole jars of them and it never worked for me.
  22. bellabloom

    Sweet Tooth

    I would not cave on this one. In fact I would try taking most of the carbs out of your diet instead and upping your Protein and veggies. Our bodies tend to crave the opposite of what they need. I also believe that sugar and carbs and namely Processed foods Lead to Cravings like the kind you are having. Sugar is a major problem for me and I intend to cut it out of my life for good after gastric. I am doing a lot of research on the subject and even if I weren't having surgery I would be cutting out the carbs from my diet other than veggies and small amounts of fruit. Processed carbs are for certain the culprit and I think many fail on gastric namely because they keep eating these designer foods that are created to cause cravings and do not provide nutrition to Our bodies.
  23. bellabloom

    No replies?

    Try a cooler tag line like: "fasting to Death, need help!" Or "ten ways to Slim down for Jesus. " Sorry it may seem crude but that is the way to get your posts read. I'm in marketing. After that fill you post with personal experiences and examples with funny anecdotes (like how one time I was binging and accidentally ate a paper towel ) and direct questions to your readers. Ask them to Share. What do you think? Would this make you answer her question??
  24. I wonder how many people,gain weight to pass their 40 bmi if they are only a pound shy?
  25. bellabloom

    Finally! A LIGHT!

    I have dec 4th. Feel like I'm going to go nuts. Also I can't gain anyyy weight but I don't have a preop diet! Should I just do one now? Thanksgiving scares the crap out of me!,

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