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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by bellabloom

  1. Thanks cat daddy. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm so glad your okay!! As it turns out I have gallstones!!! Surprise!! And I may have an ulcer. They are doing an edoscopy and gallbladder removal surgery at the same time. This has likely been why I've had such a hard time eating. I've been in pain on and off the last two weeks but my back meds were masking it until it got so bad they didn't work anymore. I'm surprised I never would have guessed and I'm so glad I came into the er although I had to drive. I have to stay in the hospital until Friday. So that's what's going on!! Thanks everyone
  2. bellabloom

    Having my doubts

    Okay. First of all I think what you are having to go through is a bunch of dog crap. No one should have to wait 6 months for this surgery. You obviously cannot do well on a diet or you wouldn't be obese!!! So what, that figure your going to be able to do well now? What crap I am so sorry you have the waiting period. If it was me- and this is just me! I would stuff my bra with weights on the first weight in and take one out every time. Because I don't think it's right to withhold a life saving surgery from someone because they can't go on a diet- which is why they need it in the first place. This surgery is amazing and you Should do whatever it takes to make it happen. Try and do well most of the time when you can. Read the book intuitive eating. It will help you find a good steady flow on maintaining your weight so you don't gain. Make some food choices but don't fall into deprivation or you will binge and gain weight. Wait the 6 months. Try and incorporate some healthy habits and try to get on track with your smoking. It's hard to quit coping mechanisms and it's hard to make life changes but you can do it. Smoking needs to go because it will destroy your Health and it won't work after surgery. But give yourself a break okay. You are making progress and sometimes you have to take a step back and try again. As far as trying to lose a bunch of weight before surgery- if my doctor had requires that I would have looked elsewhere. Seriously. If you could lose weight so easily why in the heck would you do this!! My doctor did not require a weight loss test. I had to meet with him and fast the day before and that was it. He is smart enough to realize that we can't loose weight. Duh. Why put us through more mental and emotional torture??? You should not do that to yourself. Find a new doctor and ask them what their requirements are up front. If they require weightloss pass!!! Especially if you don't think you can do it. Some people can and good for them. For me I was so good and carb addicted it would have sent me into a binge for sure which leads to emotional upset and feelings of failure and self worth. I said no more. Obesity is a disease and your struggling with it. Be kind to yourself. Now that I have had bypass all of my food cravings and need for sugar have vanished. Food is wonderful but I don't need it to be happy and it doesn't run my life. This surgery gave me my life back and you need to go for it. You will not regret it I promise. Do whatever you need to do for YOUR best interest.
  3. That's a great idea cat daddy. I'm still at the er. Nothing got better so I figured what the heck I'll just go in. Luckily I have awesome insurance. I think perhaps something could be stuck but I'm not nauseated at all so I don't know. Also it didn't start until hours after I ate. It just hurts like hell. At the very least they can give me a shot of pain meds until this passes. It's fire in my belly!
  4. bellabloom

    To hospital or not? Help

    I called my doctor last week and they said go ahead and go to the hospital but it was a three hour drive and I had to find someone to watch my children. I called today and let them know that I am going in. They said okay that's what they want me to do. I basically have felt for days like there is fire in my stomach. It's up high right under my ribs, a cramping, burning, wave like sensation and is not getting better at all. It's worse if I lay down. I am at the er waiting to get brought in. My doctor said they will run tests and hydrate me as I can eat or drink. Stomach pain has been an ongoing issue for me but never this extreme. I don't want to end up with a major emergency far away from my surgeon so I figured better safe than sorry when it wouldn't let up. It's three hours but it could mean my life and future Health so I came in. Hopefully it nothing!!!!!! But it feels pretty narly right now. I take narcotics for my back daily and even those aren't making any difference in the pain whatsoever. It's definitely not gas pain, it feels totally different than that felt. Could be I have something stuck but I would think that would have resolved by now. Let's hope that's what it is.
  5. bellabloom

    Smoking weed pre op

    Sorry if I seem judgemental. I have no problem with recreational occasional use. I have smoked weed before and well- it have the munchies!!!! Plenty of times. Like I said, I'm from humbolt. Ives seen a lot of people spend there lives surrounded by a haze and while I'm all for legalization and fun, and I do agree there are some therapeutic effects it is my personal opinion that weed is not a good thing to use daily. I'm entitled to the way I see it aren't i? I've seen a lot of people live unproductive lives because of mj. Just my thoughts. I'm sorry that you have arthritis. I hope it gets better for you!!! I know what it's like to live with chronic pain.
  6. It's morning and I'm still in so much pain. Thank you for your input. This is what I thought too but the beef meat was really soft and I thought it would be like ground beef which I have had before and didn't bother me. Potatos is on my food list and I actually scraped most of them off because I don't like to eat carbs. All I can think is it was the Water but it's not relenting so I'm going to the er today. It's scaring me. It feels like my pouch is on fire!!! I have no problem backing off on food it's just that I'm getting about 200 calories a day already and I know that I should be eating more. Everything just discusts me at this point and I'm not sure what is going to work for me long term. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if I can come up with some solution but for now I just want out of pain!!
  7. Do it. The band does not take away the grehlin and other hormones in your stomach that induce cravings and hunger. The bypass does. It's totally different. Most surgeons don't even do bands anymore. They don't work for most people. Bypass works. Period. You will live it. Your husband will like it once you are doing awesome and instead of eating and worrying about food all day you actually have energy and hopefully even sex life!!! Ha ! Gastric bypass takes away your desire for food!!! That's the best thing about it. You won't have to deal with consequences of eating cake BECUASE after a while you won't even want it.
  8. bellabloom

    Food addict...I need to start again

    It's a lot more complex than a mental addiction, I'm sorry to tell you. Over eating has it's basis in biology and the way our bodies and blood sugar function. Obesity is not just a choice, it's a disease. This surgery is the closest thing to a cure for what you are dealing with. Do it. Before surgery I was a carb junkie and sugar aholic to the extreme. I can't stand that stuff now. The surgery removes the grehlin ( which causes hunger) and the hormones in your stomach that create sugar cravings. It stabilizes your blood sugar. These are things no amount of 12 stepping will do for you. Obesity and drug addiction are not the same thing, no way. You have to eat to LIVE. Please don't beat yourself up you have a disorder. Your body will fight you every step of the way to hold on to your weight. That's the way we are evolved. And the chemicals you crave in foods create stronger and stronger cravings. It's not you fault. Have the surgery and never look back. Given you may have some emotional,ties to food to work through but it's so much easier from this side of the bench.
  9. bellabloom

    Weight gain...

    Just stick it out. Don't increase your calories that's a mistake. You can increase your protein and lower your carbs , that will break your stall
  10. bellabloom

    All alone in this

    You need to consider how you can go on and live a happy life being such a yes person all the time. Clearly your being to giving to your family and you need to be more selfish. It's healthy to be selfish sometimes. Seriously. Have this surgery. It will change your life. Your coping with food and you need to turn those emotions outward. I would seriously consider a life change. Let your father and mother work out their issues on their own. It sounds like your dad is still capable enough. They are your parents but you don't owe them every scrap of happiness there is. Also it is time for your family to pitch in with your parents. It's not your responsibility alone!!!!!!! And as lomg as you are doing everything they won't. You need to stop and make them see what's it's doing to you. You need to give them no choice but to help out, period. You have your son to think about. It's enough!!! I would have the surgery for sure. If you have to, call a cab to get you home. Then once you feel well enough, go out and make some friends outside of your family. Take the time you invest in them and make friends who will be there for you when you need them. Get you and your son out of your current situation and when you mom qualifies she can get help from her insurance. Your son still has his whole life to live and needs you. You need you. You need to spend your time with people who love and support you. You've only got one life and this is it. I give you permission to be selfish. It's good for you and for everyone else in your life. The happier you are the more you can be there for others when they really actually need (and deserve) help. Now go and do this!!!
  11. bellabloom

    Smoking weed pre op

    I'm surprised how much this comes up. Not to be judge mental- but you know that weed increases your appetite right? Do you think maybe now is the time to quit for good? It's not really addictive physically and it's pretty hard not to eat while high. I think quitting before your surgery is a really really good idea. Bypass is very different than the sleeve, you cannot get away with as much. You don't want to be smoking after having this done, trust me. The munchies would feel like torture to me. Weed slows you down, basically makes you fat and lazy!! (When your high anyway). I know from experience how weed affects people and their lives. Maybe you should take this opportunity to turn a corner and stop using, get on the right track with your energy and lifestyle? I don't know much about you, maybe you have chronic pain or something like that. But I can't think of many reasons to smoke weed. It makes people depressed and apathetic. I'm from hum olds country the weed capital of America so I know a lot about this!!! Quit that shite!! Plus they urine test you in the hospital and if you pee dirty you may have an issue!
  12. bellabloom

    Scale Victory

    Waaaaaaa I want to be there too!!!!!! 206!!! So close. I'm thrilled for you! Don't you dare get on the scale again for another couple weeks. You never want to see the 200s again!!!!!
  13. bellabloom

    Someone Said To Me...

    I wish so Much someone would notice my weight loss. No one says anything! I wish someone would make a comment like that to me. He was trying to give you a compliment ad you should be proud to have lost so much weight!! Seriously. I've had one of my customers ask me if they could give me some dieting books. For real. I've had somone tell me they were embarrassed to be seen with me. That my face looked like a donut!! Now that's an insult. I know you feel probably a little self conscious now? Maybe trying to adjust? Or maybe this guy is a douche. But I'm proud of you for losing your weight- and you know what. I bet you were beautiful before too.
  14. bellabloom

    Anthem Blue Cross of California- All about it

    I'm doing awesome thanks for asking! 6 weeks out and 35 pounds down. It's not easy all the time but I'm so glad I did it and anthem was amazing!!
  15. bellabloom

    New in here

    It's not easy. I had my surgery the day after you. I really struggle with both food and Water. It helps if I have a water bottle with me at all times. I find I hate drinking out of glasses. I drink decaf coffee as a way to get more liquid in. Food... Sigh. I pretty much hate eating now. It's a love hate thing. I only get hungry about once a day in the afternoon. That meal is pretty much it. I try and focus on Protein. But some carbs have strayed slipping in. It's honestly tough to come up with things to eat like. I'm so sick of everything. Food makes me nauseated and sick about an hour after I eat and it lasts all day. It's so annoying. Some days are better than others and some food better than others. I definitely dump from carbs, they give me late dumping. Sick to my stomach grump and agitated. So I really wish I didn't need to eat. It also gives me anxiety to eat because I am afraid I will begin eating too much and not lose weight. I only eat about. 200-500 calories a day. I am honestly afraid to go over that. It just freaks me out to think I may slip back into my old ways. I still don't entirely trust myself, although it is getting a little better every day as I let go of who I used to be and realize that it is in the past. I don't crave sweets anymore thank goodness. I am taking this time to be rid of things I used to live my life around. The further I get along, it seems like the less I want to do things like drink coffee, eat junk or carbs, or really eat much at all. Food is super low priority. I do worry about water and protein however. I wish I could find a simpler means of getting it in that I could tolerate every day. I get sick of foods so quickly!! I used to be like that before and it's even worse now. I try and look on Pinterest for low carb meal ideas. Vitamins are also difficult. They taste so gross and I hate taking them. Sigh. But I know I have to so I'm really making an effort. I can't wait until I can swallow pills. My doctor says at three months out I can swallow pills!!! That will be amazing. Anyhow let's keep in touch. Let me know how your doing. By the way I'm 5'6. Was 240 now 206.
  16. bellabloom

    K so I ate my sushi today....

    I didn't have to do a two week liquid diet. Just fasting day before and of surgery. I definitely had my last go with sushi rolls. One month out of surgery and sushimi is a big part of my diet. Very good to eat! No rice though
  17. bellabloom

    Duodenal Switch

    Have the bypass. You lose more weight. The sleeve is much less successful. And why have two surgeries when you could have just one?? I would find a different doctor. The ds is for really really big people. 500 pounds plus. So unless you have that much to lose, go with bypass. The sleeve is for people without much to lose. Only 65% success at five years whole bypass has 85%.
  18. Can you? Probably. Should you? Probably not. it is a commitment to a life change. And bread is really what got us all here in the first place. I think you really have to commit to low carb for life and the thing about carbs is once you start it's hard to stop. For me it would be like playing with fire.
  19. bellabloom


    By the way I looked up your insurance requirements. You don't have a 6 month diet requirement. You only need to show you have tried weight loss programs like weight watchers or jenny Craig, you may need to send in proof of that. Also you will need to have your surgery at a VA hospital. http://obesitycoverage.com/tricare-weight-loss-surgery-requirements/
  20. bellabloom


    What insurance do you have? Online you can usually find the requirements if you narrow it down and know your exact insurance. Get started with your primary now regardless, that will put you ahead of the game. Oh and a word of advice on the downlow- if you have Aetna, you will want to weight in on your first weigh in as heavy as possible. I mean dress heavy, drink tons of Water before, eat a big meal- because if you don't lose on Aetna your screwed and weighing more from the beginning in water weight ect will help you. I would stuff weights in my bra if I had Aetna. For real. You do not want to let this ridiculous requirement ruin your chances!!
  21. bellabloom


    I'm so happy for you and I love your hubby. When I told my ex I wanted this surgery he told me he would leave me if I did it. Granted I wasn't that obese (yet) at 250 pounds but I was already suffering never wanting to join in on life. So I totally get we're you are coming from. You have made a great decision and you won't regret it at all.
  22. bellabloom

    What causes foaming?

    Yuck!! I hope you feel better soon. I never heard of that with rny
  23. I was told it is essential to discontinue liquid calories at two weeks
  24. Omg no. Just the opposite!! Why would you want to stretch your pounce out??? In fact we are to avoid doing anything that could stretch it. You could seriously hurt yourself trying to do this. You could burst your pouch or your intestines
  25. bellabloom

    I want to lose weight faster!

    Thanks everyone. I agree about the carbs. It's hard not to eat them they taste so good !!! But I know they aren't good for me so I'm going to work on taking them out. I'm sorry for those whose weight loss is going slower. I know that must be frustrating as hell!! I'm so eager for my old body back when I used to be thin and fit. I'm grateful to have lost so much already. I don't have a huge amount to lose either and I've only been obese about three years so my body kind of remembers I think. It was very unnatural for me to be overweight. My body kind of wants to be thin. I had an eating disorder my whole adult life which led to me gaining to this size. I used to be super fit and very slim until I had kids. Then my Ed blew up and I gained 100 pounds in about a year. I'm hoping the short duration of my obesity will help me lose weight now. I'm grateful for how far I've come and I think everyone else should be too. It's a hard surgery to go through, and it's a hard hard life being overweight and obese. It's emotional and it's draining and for me it consumer my life, cost me my marriage and my health. I wish everyone the very best and would love more ideas about how to speed this up, for me and everyone else too!

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