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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hastings

  1. Hastings

    Mexico or States

    Expecting a US doctor to care for you after you have surgery in a different country is kind of like tossing a dog a chewed on bone and expecting them to be happy to get it. Give the gravy and trust to someone else and be unhappy when the US doc doesn't like the left overs - especially if the left over is a big mess? How realistic is this? The best best is to make arrangements prior to going down to Mexico.
  2. Hang in there I know you can do it! I use Slim Fast low carb shakes. I mix containers of baby food fruit with them. The mango with a vanilla shake tastes a little like egg nog if you put nutmeg in it. I mix banana and chocolate or banana and vanilla. It is a convenient way to get some pureed fruit without a lot of mixing and not bad calorie wise.
  3. Hastings

    Making it through diet restrictions

    You can't bear the thought of never eating ice cream again? If never again eating ice cream was the worst thing that happened to you, it wouldn't be so bad, would it? Of course you can eat ice cream, but you probably wouldn't choose to, because it's a horrible food choice. You will pretty much be able to eat as normal just small amounts. I think in our minds we build it up to be something much worse than it is. If I could be thin in exchange for giving up ice cream (and I love it, trust me) - I would give it up in a flash.
  4. Hastings

    Will I be the one for whom the band doesn't work?

    My personal opinion is that it is the food addiction talking.
  5. Hastings

    Need Mild Fish Recommendations

    This is a list of fish and the mercury it may contain: Does tilapia have mercury and if so how much can you eat it all the time? - Yahoo! Answers I have been concerned about those who eat tuna every day.
  6. I walk. 1.) it gets me away from everyone, 2.) I can think better when I'm walking.
  7. Hastings

    Why do manufacturers do this ???

    Manufacturers will put on the packages whatever spin will sell the product - e.g. "heartsmart". You can't make a good decision until you read the label and know what you are looking for. I was amazed at the difference in fibre cereals. So far the winner is Fiber One with 60 calories for 1/2 cup.
  8. Hastings

    Need Mild Fish Recommendations

    We eat a lot of catfish and orange roughy. The orange roughy we just spray with olive oil and spread mrs. dash garlic and herb season and bake for ten minutes or so (look up the exact guidelines on the net, maybe). The catfish sometimes we back with a peach salsa on it it. We like both. We do eat salmon especially with different sauces on it.
  9. Hastings

    The Mental Part

    Depression as in clinical depression - or do you mean just a little down in the dumps? If the second I think that is sort of a normal let down from the hype and the newness wearing off. If the first, then see your doc.
  10. Hastings

    Am I Normal???

    Am I normal, you say? Well that is a question I've asked myself for a long time without any real answer. lol Honestly your progress sounds routine. Hang in there and perhaps it's best not to torture yourself too much with food commercials.
  11. Hastings

    Would It Kill Me....

    I think, in many ways, this entire thread points to a need for a better way to identify those who will need some additional counseling to succeed. Perhaps some sort of training on eating consciously, etc. I hope everyone succeeds. :huh2:
  12. Just calmly say you'd rather not discuss it, because it is personal. Smile gently when you say it.
  13. I found that the downward dog yoga position helped. Due to the fact that I'm obese I had to modify it a bit by putting my hands on a foot stool instead of the floor, but it seemed to encourage the gas to move. Yoga Downward Dog Pose
  14. I have the 3 ccs put in at surgery and I think I'm at my sweet spot. I'm losing at a very good rate and I am definately restricted. I get a little signal which is an uncomfortable feeling, then the hiccup and I'm done or else. I have yet to this day to feel any hunger. I'm so easily satisfied that I would never eat more than five hundred calories a day, but I do make sure I generally get more than that. I was banded March 5th.
  15. It seems strange that anything could stretch the pouch since it is open on both ends and doesn't like to be overfilled.
  16. Hastings

    Liquid Diet = Stupid!! Why????

    My son is a diabetes educator for a group of doctors. He said he was talking to the briatric surgeon and the surgeon told him they routinely reject people who show up for surgery and who have gained weight. I'm not really sure educating patients about nutrition is a Doctor's job. I think it is a nutritionist's job. The trick is to weed out those who need the counseling and nutrition training. I don't think all do. Those who need it should be able to get it.
  17. Hastings


    I was a little nervous at first to go back on real food. I'm only a bit ahead of you, I was banded on March 5th. I have found that it is ok and that I have to relearn to eat. You will have to as well, I think. Just take toddler sized bites and chew them to mush. I have been sticking with easier to eat meats, like chicken and fish for now, but it's ok. I had a small pb cause by swallowing air of all things. It wasn't bad enough to be horrible but bad enough to caution me to form new habits. I think you'll be fine, you'll just have to start over and learn to eat over.
  18. Hastings

    apology re: $700 fill

    It can be a tough journey, I know. I'm glad to see that you found a team that will support you. Hang in there and hang around, this is a good place for support.
  19. Once a doctor told me to think of dieting in this manner: imagine you are your own child (and you are in the sense that you are in your own care). When you have to make a food decision, ask yourself this question, "Would I give this food to my child if it was not in her best interest?" If the answer is no, then don't eat it. Don't think of it as depriving yourself, but as taking care of yourself. Try to remove the emotion from it. It is a sort of logic I used to get me through the liquid diet phase, which I didn't find very difficult, actually.
  20. 3fatchicks is a good site. Maybe it wasn't obesityhelp.com I was reading. The site I had in mind also had forums with pictures of nude fat people and other fetish junk as well as a forum about lap band surgery etc.
  21. I don't think you can help. You must help yourself and she much help herself. Since you know what a complex issue obesity is, I'm sure you understand her difficulty dealing with it.
  22. Hastings

    Liquid Diet = Stupid!! Why????

    Do a poll and find out how many people actually gained weight between the time they were approved and the time of surgery.
  23. obesityhelp.com be warned it's an adult site
  24. Hastings

    Is it a sign?

    It's easy enough to look for, and find, affirmation when you need it. :frown:
  25. Hastings

    Self-payer and Income taxes

    Another little addendum, I think you can file an amended tax return, if you have your receipts and can deduct the costs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
