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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Firebolt

  1. I too am looking for good/recommended Protein shakes. I have unjury at home, ready to try. But, they are Protein only, and I'd really like one that has added vitamins/minerals.

    I previously used EAS AdvantEdge shakes - 17gm Protein, 100 Cal, which I loved, but they recently changed their recipe. Now, they have little chunks in them and it makes me gag.

    I also like the Atkins shakes 15gm Protein, 160 Cal.

    Open to suggestions!

  2. I had Lapband Surgery Nov 2007. Lost 60 lbs, but eventually gained it all back. I can't blame the band (it really had to do with my compliance - chips & guac and margarita's still go down quite easily!!)

    When I decided to jump back on the band-wagon and have my band refilled (had to be unfilled due to reflux), I found that due to scar tissue around my port that it is VERY difficult to get the needle in. It can now only be done under Fluroscopy, and is just too painful/expensive to do.

    So, I've got the band, but can't get it filled to the "sweet spot" (which I never truly found btw, I always dealt with PB's, vomiting, reflux, etc). I am now considering revision surgery to have RNY Bypass done this March.

    Would I recommend the band? Probably not due to the problems I've had. But some people have been very successful. I believe that the Sleeve & RNY are proven effective, force more compliance and are a true long-term solution. Also, with the sleeve & bypass, there is a physical change in the hormones (grehlin, leptin & others) that is not created with the band.

  3. I had Lap-Band Surgery Nov. 2007. I was very successful the first two years. Went from 240 to 160 Lbs. Since then, lack of exercise, resuming bad habits, etc. I've regained almost all of it. I've tried getting back on the band-wagon, but have had very, very difficult fill procedures over the past 3 years. Due to scar tissue, it is very difficult (almost impossible) to get a fill. I have a 10cc band, and am currently filled to 7cc. I'm certain I cannot undergo another fill. Two had to be done through Fluro, needles break, takes approx 3 needles per attempt at fill, etc. My PA is the very best in the area renowned for his abilities to find ports & fill - I really do trust him.

    I am now considering revision surgery to a full RNY. Thoughts? Suggestions?

    I had the band close to when you did and like you had issues with it. This past year I had it removed because I got extremely sick. I was throwing up all the time, even with Water and no fill. I'm having the gastric sleeve done this coming Tuesday, December 20th. Maybe consider the sleeve rather than the RYN. You and I are similar sizes and I was told I was on the smaller end of the required BMI and they wouldn't even recommend the RNY because it's best not to reroute the intestines due to malabsorption. Just something to think about. Good Luck!

    Hey SpiritedOne,

    Just checking to see how you're doing after your recent surgery? I will certainly keep an open mind as I go through this process. I sure hope surgery went smoothly and you're on track for a speedy recovery!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. I asked about that, and they told me that removing scar tissue would simply create more scar tissue. I think it's about how my body - specifically - responds to injury. While the band holds fills, I really can't/won't have any more fills. It's just too stressful. I'm left shaking and suffering from an almost PTSD after a fill. And trust me, I'm pretty tolerant to pain.

  5. I had Lap-Band Surgery Nov. 2007. I was very successful the first two years. Went from 240 to 160 Lbs. Since then, lack of exercise, resuming bad habits, etc. I've regained almost all of it. I've tried getting back on the band-wagon, but have had very, very difficult fill procedures over the past 3 years. Due to scar tissue, it is very difficult (almost impossible) to get a fill. I have a 10cc band, and am currently filled to 7cc. I'm certain I cannot undergo another fill. Two had to be done through Fluro, needles break, takes approx 3 needles per attempt at fill, etc. My PA is the very best in the area renowned for his abilities to find ports & fill - I really do trust him.

    I am now considering revision surgery to a full RNY. Thoughts? Suggestions?

  6. Hi Guys! It's Firebolt here...Alive & well! It's been almost 5 years? Whoa...

    Well, as for my journey - I did amazingly well at first. I started at 243 and got down to 163 with eating right, and walking. But...Over the years, I found ways to cheat the band (I find chips & salsa go down really easy, as do crackers, anything cruncy). I'm now back up to 210, but still very thankful for the weight I've lot. The band keeps me from gaining EVEN MORE, which I'm certain I would have done.

    I've been through the "get stuck, unfill, heal, refill" stuff a few times. Only once did I have to go to the hospital (darned RICE!!) I also have "productive burps" quite often as I try to cheat my band (almost daily). I've been a bad girl & stopped walking too. I have this cyclical thing, where I'll be so tight that I go onto liquids for a few days. Then, I loosen up & simply gorge on what ever I can to make up for those days of starving. Bad - I know. I also have pretty much given up eating breakfast (too tight). Sometimes I can nibble on a Protein bar, or when I'm looser, I can eat a slice of bacon.

    You all have given me new hope & determination. I WILL walk today. Tomorrow I will try again to walk. Hoping to take it one day at a time.

    Keep us all up to date. I love to hear from all of you! Blessings to all!


  7. Hi November Nymphs!

    I know I've not been here in a long time. I DO check on you guys & read the posts every so often. I'm just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

    I'm hoding my own at 175 (60 lb lost). Got down to 160 & felt awesome! Need to get back on the bandwagon though. So, drop a line & let us know how you're doing soon!

  8. Name................ Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost...........BMI











    gabeekeeper.......101............30% ............40.2
































    Sorry I haven't been around much recently. Just thought I should update our list.

    All of you are doing sooo well! I'm amazed looking at your new pictures!

  9. Thanks Firebolt!! You look great too. Isn't it amazing?? Hey I noticed your surgeon is in Miamisburg, do you live there?? I have a girlfriend who lives there. We were there at Christmas.

    Momto1plus1, Thanks to you too! As for Miamisburg, no, we don't live there, but we live pretty close in a city called Beavercreek, about 15 minutes up Highway 675.

    Are you located anywhere close?

  10. Bandpal, I could hardly believe it's YOU when I saw your picture! You look fantastic! I'm looking at Momto 1+1 and she is looking great too!

    I'm simply fascinated by how much we've accomplished over the past year plus.

    Really good to hear you're doing well...I'll be back soon, I promise!

  11. Hi guys...Yes, it's been a long while since I dropped by. Please forgive me! Life has been very busy (I know, it's all of us, not just me!). Anyways, I thought I'd update my loss thus far.

    I glad to see so many of us doing so very, very well!

    Name.....Lbs Lost...% of orig. wgt lost.....BMI











    gabeekeeper.......101............30% ............40.2































    Keep up the good work everyone!

  12. Hi Girlmoose! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better every day. Keep up the healing & following Dr.'s orders!

    As for my Mom, she has developed new pain on the left side & went to her Dr. again today. I'm still waiting to hear. I am fearful that she had a bad infection & perhaps her Dr. isn't experienced enough with this procedure & potential complications. I am half tempted to have her come down here & see my Dr. He has ton's of experience in the procedure & has done over 1000 procedures. He specializes in WLS exclusively. Her Dr. on the other hand is a general surgeon & does Tonsilectomies & Appendectomies as well as the Lap Band. Grrrr....

    Unfortunately, she lives 4 hours away & it would be a difficult journey for her in the amt of pain she's in. She's 63 yrs old. I don't consider her a frail woman at all...she's the most athletic & outgoing person in our family!

    Please keep me up to date on your progress & how that hole is healing. It's good to hear from someone who's walked the same road.

    Take Care,


  13. Hi GirlMoose,

    I'm glad you're home. You know, the type of hole you mention is exactly what my mom has right now. Again, has to be stuffed w/clean gauze twice a day. Her Doc also said that it is best if it heals from the inside out. Less likely to become infected.

    I just wonder - will it leave a huge scar? I guess that really doesn't matter in the big picture. All that matters is that you're health & healing! Hang in there!


  14. Hi guys. It's been a while since i've posted. ...Just dropping a line to tell you i'm still here.

    Hi Annie - I too had dropped off the radar for a while, but still lurk & read what's going on.

    I wanted to let you know that I've lost enough weigh to finally fit into the Denim Skirt & the Black/White slacks you gave me a while back! Thanks Girl!

    I can now give my size 22's to my Mom (who also had the band & has lost 50 lbs).

    I hope all is going well for you. Sounds like Jess30 is doing fantastic also!

    Keep up the good work gals!


  15. Hi Girl...As I write this, you are probably in surgery. I'm sorry you've been through he** with this.

    I wanted to give an update on my Mom - she ended up needing to have the entire band/port removed. The infection had spread, and just to be certain, they removed it all. She stayed in the hospital for 4 days afterwards on IV antibiotics.

    She's been home for about 1 wk now, but woke up this morning with a lot of drainage. She's going back to her surgeon tomorrow...will keep you posted.

    In the mean time, my prayers are with you & anyone suffering from this same problem. My band has had no problems...knock on wood! But we all must remain aware & vigilant for any problems that may creep up!

  16. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI

    QatarPhil...........55......................19%...............32.2 (39.6)








    linda.................52......................23%.................29.9 5






    TxArcher............101...................25.25%.........52.8 to 39.4



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....73.....................24%.................51.3 to 39.1

    gabeekeeper.......101.....................30% ..................40.2







    Cherlita...............44.......................20%...............65 to 57.5


    tyman311..............61.....................31%...............41 to 28 (so far)


    Huskerette............54..(i gained)..........22%...............30.5


  17. Hi Girlmoose,

    I have a very specific question about the problems you've been experiencing. I was banded in 11/07, and have had no problems so far *Knock on Wood*.

    But, my Mom had the surgery in February of this year. She just found out today that she has an infected port and it will be removed tomorrow at 6am.

    Your story seems to fit almost exactly with what she has experienced.

    She started having pain in her left rib cage area. Doctors thought perhaps she cracked a rib. Pain then moved around, and the doctors thought perhaps she pulled a muscle. She has been in very bad pain for almost 1 month.

    She went to her Bariatric Surgeon last week, and he poked around and didn't find anything. He thought perhaps she was dealing with diverticulitis (infection in the bowels). They put her on antibiotics, but she couldn't tolerate them (almost an allergic reaction). She has been working w/her family doc and her bariatric doc. They did a CT scan to make sure everything was placed ok & no visable cancers. Today the Bariatric doc felt around the port area and said that it feels like there is an infection, therefore they will remove the port tomorrow.

    So, after that long story, here's my question: You mentioned that your pain started in your left rib cage area & then moved towards your port. Was your original port on the left side or right?

    Ours are on the right side (which is why pain in her left side didn't immediately correlate to the port on her right side).

    I pray that you are doing better & that the infections & surgeries are over with. Please drop me a line when you get a chance.


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