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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Chrystee

  1. It just proofs that exercise is not needed for weight loss.

    IMO exercising for weight loss feels like another chore. Like a second job that needs to be done either before or after (or both) my job I do for a living. That's why I exercise for other benefits.

    No, not needed for weight loss, but I've seen HUGE improvements in my body by building muscle. Smaller, tighter, etc.

  2. @@B-52 @@Chrystee

    The fat marbled within your muscle. Good point B-52. In maintenance its not about the weight loss anymore. I'm not afraid of gain only if its lean muscle.

    I have to admit I am a bit obsessed after seeing how my body is transforming so far. Thanks for the progression Photos!@@Chrystee. I hope others share them. It inspires me that this can be done.

    I was intimidated moving to the guy's area of the weight room. I'm now one of the guy's after a year on the floor. ;)

    YES. I love working out with the guys too now!


    Weight loss took away my booty! Its all a work in progress.

    Dub I've seen your arms..They look fantastic. Woohoo well done!. Even if its girly weights :P.

    I better check out those arms..

  3. I haven't had my WLS yet (I get sleeved on Thursday). But I'm already feeling somewhat awkward for what is in store. It's going to be awkward when I meet new people as someone who is thin, and eventually tell them that I once used to be over 200 pounds (my max weight was 255). I'm dreading that moment. But, I'm more excited about losing the weight and getting my life back than anything. :)

    You don't have to tell anyone you were overweight. I've been at goal for more than two years and those who met me at my current weight, do not know I was heavy. I don't hide it but I don't announce it either. The only people who I have to tell about my weight are the men I have relationships with. And that's my choice...I don't have to do that either. I've had two relationships that went past a date or two and both those men knew I had WLS. I'm in a commited relationship now and he knows as well. I didn't disclose it right away but I saw where we were going and wanted to get it out of the way. Oh, and FYI, the reactions were always positive not negative. Good luck and like I said...it's up to you what to tell, and to whom.

    That's right, YOU DONT.

    So I have started lying about how much I've lost to ppl at work bc they don't know about the surgery. Now I have to keep up with my weight lie.. see how one really does create another lie!! Lol

    Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App

    I am so obnoxious about it!! I thought I would be the same way.. and now I scream 143 POUNDS LOST!!

    My daughter met a young man that was working as a clerk at a gas station. He was talking to her and my daughter could tell that he liked her and was going to ask her out. Another girl was working at the gas station too. She knew my daughter from elementary and middle school. She said to the boy in front of my daughter that she used to be fat. He just looked at the girl and said well she's not now. The manager heard the conversation and he fired the girl on the spot. My daughter was so embarrassed. She never did go out with the boy.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Aw man, he might not have known what to say!

    I am struggling with the skin..... my bat wings as I call my arms... I have a lot of skin in my thighs butt area... it bothers me but it bothers me less then being overweight... I am single and it might take some time for me to be comfy with sharing myself with anyone.... but I feel so much better... still fighting with the lack of energy.... and still working on accepting that part of me... but I feel normal again.... people dont stare at me I am no longer the fattest person in any given area... and guys even hold doors open for me... I wish I had done it sooner

    I know people who have batwings that haven't been super overweight!

  4. I've been weight training a couple years. Recently getting more serious, I lost a lot of muscle after my WLS. It can take quite some time, I think. I don't use any system or plan though, I just read stuff on bodybuilding.com and do strength exercises that I put together.

  5. This one I just don't have words for; I hope it make sense. Now that I have lost weight people are much more open about their weight biases. I have a coworker who keeps remarking how "happy" my husband must be now that I am thinner-- uh, he and I didn't know he was "unhappy" before. In fact he misses some parts of plumper me (butt/boobs). I was over 200lbs when I met my husband. Another person shared snide remarks with me about people who have "let themselves go and how unrecognized able they are". Both of these people knew me at my heaviest and now at my lightest.

    Confronting weight bias post WLS has been the most awkward thing for me, I feel unprepared to address it.

    so interesting.. My husband preferred me prior..

  6. Wishing you all the luck in the world.

    I go Aug. 9th. Yikes! It's starting to real. :)

    (insurance is paying for mine. Hoping you have the same ...)

    That's your surgery date? What are you having done?

    How far post were you guys before you consulted with a plastic surgeon I'm hoping to not have to much skin I'm 27 and my surgery weight was 227 I'm 204 now and had surgery 6/13 so I'm really new just asking

    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App

    Our surgeon suggested it at my one year appointment to go ahead and make my plastics for my next follow up(which was 3 months after. It will be about a little over a year and half out if I have it in November.

  7. So I had my plastics consult.. My surgeon said that she's had really good luck with insurances paying for most of the plastics..

    We are trying for a 360 lift, I have good reason, cause I get rashes in the back where I sweat a lot (TMI, but butt crack area :( ). She also believes I don't need much in way of a breast lift, just removal of some skin to tighten them up.

    She also thinks I don't need arms redone, but a little Lipo she says will tighten my arm, and then I'm hoping for a little neck lift as well..

    I'm so excited!

  8. so many.. but..

    "When I kill her, I'll have her
    Dance upon the grave of the dead upon your name
    Die white girls, die white girls
    Dance upon the grave of the dead, upon the grave of the dead"

    Al the Killer - Coheed and Cambria..

  9. Yesterday the AC on our house went out. It was to be expected as we've been watching our neighbor's units being replaced pretty steadily over the last year and every house in my 'hood was built at the same time.

    (We were smart enough to buy home protection service last year as we watched it happen, too. ;) )

    Anywho...yesterday my kids started complaining that is was hot in the house. I'm usually freezing (bedazzled) @ss cold so I didn't even notice. Checked the AC, it was set at 76 and it was 80 in the house. Checked the breaker in the garage and the reset button on the unit. Definitely dead.

    By last night, it was a balmy 87 inside. Everyone else in the house is in misery. Me? I don't care if it takes them a week to get here. I'm like a turtle. I'm just soaking up the warmth.

    And yes, I still slept under the down comforter last night.


    I'm the same! We keep our air on 77-78 and sometimes that is too cold

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