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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Beni

  1. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@PinkPolkadot619 just looked at your before and after photo. Well done, you look amazing. A different person. I bet some people don't recognize you.
  2. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I am so excited, I am only 5 pounds to 200 lbs. I am so going to celebrate that milestone. I have to go back 13 years to be below that weight. My husband thinks I should buy something memorable to always remember that by. I said: sure what about a Porshe? Lol, that's a no. I have been thinking, but have not come up with any brilliant idea besides some jewelry.
  3. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I guess I'm lucky (not feeling it) but if I eat over 1/3 cup I am so sick it's not even funny. Like the porcelain god and I will convo for over an hour (with breaks). I can eat most anything. Stayed away from onions and green Beans because they bring back bad memories but anything is just fine. My Nut said the best way to combat hunger is to actually eat for the necessary 20 to 25 minutes. As you eat super slow it keeps you full longer. Of course mostly Protein and no drinking an hour after meal. I must say sometimes she is right but sometimes I feel hungry sooner then the 4 hours. I think what I eat matters. Give it a try. Journal what you ate and write down when you feel hunger again. You may detect a pattern. I am terrible at noticing patterns. I guess, I have a hard time focusing on that sort of stuff. I am more of a creative type and I get enthused about a project and all else goes to pot.
  4. It gets better. Just focus on sticking to the plan and all will be well. But I am not going to lie. For a bit it sucks but I assure the rewards are amazing. This is the boot camp part. As you go through your day remember this is just a phase. You will come out.
  5. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    It's so neat to see how you all describe how WLS has impacted your life. Now I get why so many people say they wish they did it sooner. It has changed my life. I have hope now. Before I was pretty much ready to give up. I was living but not really. When you are exhausted all the time as I was, it wasn't good. But that's all I knew, it was my reality. If only I had known what difference WLS would make. But I found it it anyway. This is my journey, with pitfalls and all but I am so grateful for the second chance.
  6. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @misstvb Congrats the 50s is a all new world. It seems like with every 10 pounds I find something else about me I had forgotten about. It is just wonderful. I am so glad for you.
  7. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hi, I didn't realize our thread was moved. I wonder why?
  8. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@AuriP Glad you found something new to try. It's a struggle for me too. Today is 3 months since my surgery and I am yet to make it through a full week of 5 days of exercise. Everyday it seems something happens preventing me from exercising. Hit and miss. I know, lasting success is only achieved with regular exercise. But everyday I do something but not always a full workout. Weight is going to come off slower from now on and some of it it's going to require more effort on out part. Oh well, we knew it was coming. But I already feel like a winner. Feeling so much better and my energy level is so much better. Every once in a while I still run out of steam mid-afternoon but not as often. How has your weight loss impacted your life so far?
  9. Beni

    Sick when I eat!

    I am 13 weeks along and it took me a while to figure out why I was getting sick but I did figure it out. It turns out I could only eat about 1/4 cup and since I couldn't feel full I could't tell until it was too late. Try measuring your food and stick to just that amount for a week, then increase it by a teaspoon every 2 or 3 days. It worked for me. I also was told to eat smaller bites, chew very and take at least 20 minutes to eat the 1/4 cup. I found that I was not able to sit down and eat that slow. It was like watching paint dry. So I eat while I am doing something and I drink when it's time to eat because I can have a nice warm cup of herbal tea as I relax. Also not all foods are made the same as far as our tummies are concerned. Trial and error is the game.
  10. Beni

    Tips for removing all the tape gunk!?

    I just left mine alone and everything came out with hot showers eventually.
  11. Beni

    Tomorrow is the day

    Yep, and yes you can. I did it! The worst part in many ways was the pre-op diet because you are hungry like a lion. After surgery at least you have almost no hunger. The first couple weeks are recovery mode but after that it's a ramp up to a much better you. I feel better then I felt 10 years ago. The 63 lbs lost in 13 weeks is physically liberating. I can't even describe how good I feel physically. I could just run the upstairs just for fun. Before, I made sure I had all I needed when I went downstairs in the morning and my kids were the one taking and getting things for me. I avoided stairs like the plague. Good luck
  12. Beni

    Irrational Fear?

    Half of the battle is realizing it is just that - irrational fear We are our own worse enemies sometimes. It's perfectly normal to be fearful of this. I couldn't even sleep while I was making the decision to go for it. Believe me I found every possible reason not to do it known to man. Eventually I came to my senses and realized this is about health, not my irrational fear about what might or might not happen. Good luck. This is a process and we have to go through all the stages.
  13. Stomach pain can also be from ulcer (s) and those are caused by our own stomach acid. Not much you can do except anti-acids such as Omoprozole. Gallbladders do have a tendency to go bad for WLS patients. We have an even higher incidence of issues then the general population. Oh well, life is not perfect after all. Hope you feel better very soon!
  14. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Also, we are dealing with a new way of living and eating. food was a coping mechanism for many of us before, now it's gone. It's hard. Sending lots of good wishes your way Dc
  15. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@dc0520 It is not unusual for people to develop depression after a medical situation. This is hard on our bodies. If you are just not in the mood for anything then it sounds like depression but if it's food is messing with you or you are very weak then it maybe anemia or some deficiency. Have you taken all your supplements religiously? Bypass patients are prone to vitamin deficiencies and some of then are very serious. I am saying this because you have to look at both sides of the coin. If you just can't tell please go see a doctor. GP is fine, they may have to run blood tests which we should at 3m, 6m and one year and after that every year for the rest of our life. Some people develop iron deficiencies later on, like 10 years later. I know it's hard when you don't feel good to take charge. Just make the appointment and go talk to someone.
  16. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@joankrie So sorry you are feeling discouraged. Please have in mind the expected weight loss is 5 to 2 pounds per week. You are at 2 pounds per week. Very normal. We are expected to lose weight for the next 18 months and this is a marathon not a sprint. Saying this to both you and I as i am equality guilty of wanting it faster. I had an almost 3 week stall. But my scale is moving again. I noticed my weight loss is better when I move a lot. I have resorted to power cleaning and organizing around the house. It's a desperate act at trying to move as much as I can. I also have tried to focus in high quality meals. Varied protein and fruits and veggies. I was getting in a boring routine and that's when the pita chips, crackers and bits of chocolate come into play. Remember, everyday is a new day. Today my scale was up 4 ounces. Heck! Who knows? Mater, BM, alignment of the moons of Jupiter. I certainly don't know why because I didn't do anything different yesterday. Except I drank the broth of the chicken thigh I boiled as an afternoon snack. It was a little salty maybe that caused a little water retention. Well I did have two slices of banana with chocolate fondue and they were so yummy.
  17. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@walkin'onsunshine Hi, I am doing very good thank you, what about you? Life has been fairly uneventful lately. Since my last restaurant experience 2 weeks ago I have had no nausea or vomiting. I am making a concerted effort to eat well and have tiny bits of veggies at every meal. Sometimes all I can have is 5 blueberries, one strawberry or 1/4 of a banana. My best idea so far was to cook a bunch of veggies (since slightly overcooked feel best) and make very small portions and freeze then in snack sized ziplock baggies. This way I can add then to any meal and I can also add chicken to them or any leftover Protein as leftovers come about throughout the week . This way I have lots of emergency meals for those days i am too busy and can't cook. I don't feel like cooking for me sometimes. My favorite is a chicken thigh without skin or visible fat boiled for at least an hour. I guess because it's warm and yummy for my tummy it goes down well. Salt and pepper is all it needs and I add one of my veggie medleys. Do you have favorite go to meals that always agree with you? I noticed I eat a lot less flavor. Intense flavors bother me. I used to be very adventurous with my food but now I am simple.
  18. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    What happened to everybody? Missing my best buddies!
  19. Beni

    Sick when I eat!

    12 weeks post surgery: 1. Eat very slow. One bite the size of a nail and the whole (tiny) meal should take 20 to 30 minutes. I know, slow as heck. 2. I couldn't eat more then 1/4 cup. Even an egg was too much. I would measure 1/4 cup but was prepared to stop two or three bites short. It does get better but at this stage slow and steady is the game. There were days I only ate yogurt, shakes, baby oatmeal, cream of wheat and other soft stuff with some unflavored Protein powder. But only 1 teaspoon, as too much would also upset my stomach. The tuna was mixed to a very soft consistency using a little maio and plain yogurt. Drinking is more important early on.
  20. @@snyders4 You are spot on. For whatever reason some WLS patients are not as compliant as they should. It would follow that after you have RNY, your stomach now the size of an egg and having been stapled together, you wouldn't try to eat an entire corn dog 2 days later at the County Fair. Apparently someone did and of course burst their stomach open. Congratulations for being a complete idiot would be my answer. Sadly enough there are a lot of stories like that. Nurses and doctors have some sad stories to tell.
  21. You should ask your doctor. I saw 3 doctors and asked what their complication rates were. Mine had one death in over 2,200 patients. That patient was very high risk suffering from emphysema . The other doctor had also 1 death due to a blood clot and that patient had a blood clothing disorder. I can't remember the third. The mortality rate is comparable to having your gallbladder removed. Select a doctor with lots of experience and a thriving practice.
  22. Hi, I am almost 3 months post RNY. At your stage all I could eat was 1/4 cup and I was told to start with 2 tablespoons and move up to 1/4 cup slowly. In the first month you don't eat much and as you know hunger is not a factor. You just eat because you have to. I still can only eat between1/4 and 1/3. I have 4 meals per day as per my doctor. I had to add the 4th because I can only eat a small amount. But most can eat 1/2 cup. If I fill my stomach too much I start getting nauseous and yeh, not fun. I wouldn't worry too much about how many calories you are eating. Keep your meals as per plan and quantities. I could not make it to 500 cals early on. Drinking is far more important and as you know slow is the game.
  23. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

  24. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@CRMMFW I think my pouch is very tiny or very sensitive but I have noticed I can eat a little over 1/4 now. I was told 2 to 5 lbs per week is the expected weight loss for RNY. If I was going over or below I would have to make adjustments. I would say, the weight loss is slowing down. I did have a stall and I am now back on the losing side. I will know in a week what the new normal is. I certainly could exercise more. It's a struggle for me. I do wear a shaper around my waist almost everyday. It holds my tummy in a bit. It's like a Lycra tube and it actually feels really comfortable. I also have an elastic one I used early on but it's a bit constricting. The biggest issue is all the extra skin. So much more flappy now but with clothes on I look great. Certainly not a beach ready look right now. Oh well, can't have everything. When I went shopping I noticed I have to have thicker fabric because thin fabrics show everything, not good! Keep trying to have more fruits and veggies. I think it's because we are not that hungry it's hard to get excited about food. Green Beans don't agree with me and all my veggies have to be overcooked. I am trying so hard to eat the best I can, if I feel like it or not because as we lose so much weight we need all the help we can get. I am not good with exercise that's the honest truth but I love gardening, organizing and cleaning. I am actually, on purpose, doing more of that because it gets me moving. The cleaning lady was fired and now I'm it. I gave myself the ultimatum. I would either go to the gym 5 days a week or loose the cleaning lady. I could clean all the windows once per month, making sure I use both arms, lol. I will have the most toned arms, I tell you, because I have a lot of windows. You should see my basement storage area. It's a thing of beauty. I may have to hold house tours. Kidding!
  25. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I can only eat 1/4 cup and a couple bites or I get nausea and vomiting. Not fun. But I do eat 4 times per day. 3 meals and one snack. My snack is always yogurt at 4:00 PM. I am trying to eat good meals with mostly Protein and some veggies and fruit. Sometimes I make a smoothie with fruit. It's a very small one: 1/4 banana , a couple baby spinach leaves, 6 blueberries, 1/4 of an orange and Water. It provides a change for my drink and I count it as Fluid. I need the Fiber for regularity and of course the Vitamins. This morning I cooked some veggies: sweet potato, snap peas, broccoli and black eyed peas and froze about 12 snack size ziplock bags with very small portions. As I cook some chicken, fish, etc during the week I will add that to the baggies. This way I'll always have a meal ready, even on the go. These are for when I am in a hurry or not in the mood to cook. Sort as backup meals. I also, freeze leftover baggies since it seems I always have leftovers. I was noticing that I was not doing as well on the quality of my meals. Some were great, others not so much. The other day I found myself eating bagel chips for lunch. I was just too exhausted to fix something. A big NO NO. I have to think ahead or I will get in trouble.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
