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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Beni

  1. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanksgiving. Lived through it! Made a feast for my family and was not a bit taken aback with all the cooking. My own meal was baked salmon, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and stuffing. I must add that the entire thing was 1/2 cup of food total and I didn't finish it. So we are talking a tablespoon each of the sides. Tiny, tiny meal. I ate very slow and did all that I should. About 10 minutes after my meal I started to feel unwell and for about an hour I couldn't stop burping and spiting. After the full hour, the nausea got the better of me and I threw up. This was my first nausea episode (1 month post surgery). What came up was a tiny amount but I felt better instantly. Now I know an extra teaspoon can take me over the edge. It was horrible. I am back to mashed food and only 1/4 cup. I cannot handle that again. I am thinking maybe the fish way too dry or I ate a tiny bit too much. But then I'm thinking maybe my pouch is too small. How come I can only handle a 1/4 cup of food at a time? Is that what everyone is eating?
  2. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Geez, so sorry buddy. I had a blood transfusion with my second child and I tell you I felt so much better after. They'll keep you just to monitor you for a bit. If things settle, they'll send you home soon.
  3. My weight gain started with pregnancy. 60 lbs gained with my first child. I lost 40lbs but with each child I pilled 20 pounds. Then, with 3 kids I just didn't take care of myself, I was too busy caring for my family and I didn't matter. I used food as a source of pleasure. It's what relaxed me. But I must say, I was hungry all the time. Even after a Thanksgiving meal I was hungry. I am so glad I don't feel that hunger anymore. It was horrible and there was nothing I could do to control it.
  4. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Bronxmerci So sorry, I can't believe you are going back to the ER. At this point I just want you to catch a break. Please let us know how you are doing. We are all wishing you a quick recovery.
  5. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    So sorry @Bronxmerci. I am glad you are talking to the doctor today. Something is not right. The feeling really tired after eating almost sounds like you are dumping. Meaning the food goes through you too fast and there is so much absorption that the intestinal track is overwhelmed. Of course, I'm not a doctor but I I felt it a little bit with some foods. I will feel so exhausted after eating. At first I thought it was because I was just tired but I think there is a connection between what I eat and that exhausting feeling. I just don't know yet what foods cause it because I wasn't connecting the two events. I will start a food journal and figure it out.
  6. Beni

    Just going stir crazy

    Lol. Me too. My sleep schedule is so messed up. Last night actually was not too bad. I delayed my nap until late afternoon and forced myself to stay up until 10:00 PM. I only woke up once at 2:00 AM but after a little TV in bed I managed to fall asleep and woke up at 6:00AM. I can live with that. But most days my night's sleep is 6 hours max and fractured. I think I'll have to find a routine and stick to it to reset my clock.
  7. Beni

    Just going stir crazy

    I know, me too. I am 3 weeks post-op and I have to go slower then I used to but everyday I feel stronger. I don't feel bad just don't have the energy. Also, I usually take a short nap in the afternoon or I have to go to bed by 7:00 PM. That's how tired I am.
  8. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I just got my first foaming. I had a banana and within minutes I was nauseous and ran to the bathroom to throw up. This never happened before and up came foam. Painful and I couldn't stand or sit so I ran like a chicken with it's head cut off. That was horrible. I am not having a banana again. I am going to bed because now I feel like crap. Wow!
  9. Beni

    Surgery with a leg cast !?

    I don't think that would be a good idea because blood clots are a major risk with major surgery. They can kill you. To help prevent them you are fitted with these sleeves over your legs that pump air into them to allow for better blood flow to the legs. A cast would prevent that.
  10. I am eternally grateful for everyone on the Topic: OCTOBER 2014 Post-Surgery Bypass Forum and (October Surgery Date, also a topic on Pre-Surgery Bypass Forum before we had surgery) We are this fantastic little support group. Like a train comprised of one month worth of people going through the process together. We went through all the pre-surgery prep together and now post-surgery as well. The ones ahead provide valuable experience and those behind offer support. We all look for each other almost everyday to share and be there for each other. I couldn't have done this without them. I will, forever be in their debt and they will be in my heart for just as long. We have 1265 posts on that thread alone and even more on the pre-surgery phase. Our commitment to each other is a beautiful thing.
  11. Beni

    I Have No Motivation That Pushes Me

    Let's talk Elementary Education for minute because it's simplicity will be a good analogy. Teachers know when the kids come in the morning there has to be a transition period before any real work gets underway. Teachers set up the classrooms for a daily routine where kids come in 1. hang their backpacks 2. have a warm-up worksheet -usually fun and easy with a topic previously covered to access previous knowledge By starting the process with an easy activity your brain wakes up to the next step. It's not a get up from your chair, wear gym clothes and go for a full hour of cardio. That will never work in a classroom, no surprise it doesn't work in real life. I think the unrealistic expectations of starting a exercise program with a full on Zumba class is what is preventing your success. You need a warm-up exercise. It's like a body in motion stays in motion but it can't be zero to 60 miles in 6 seconds. Ask yourself what can you do? Not I can't walk 5 miles but what can I do? I can park in the farthest spot and walk in to Target. Okay, that's all I'll do today. Next day, ask yourself what can I do? Believe me you will build up your exercise but you have to start with just a warm-up worksheet then re-access. Okay, I walked for 5 minutes, can I do another 5 minutes? Soon enough you will.
  12. ONLY? 65 pounds in 6 months is an amazing weight loss. I think you are being a little unrealistic about your body's ability to keep functioning and shedding weight more quickly. Weight stalls are a reality of this process. Some people stay at the same weight for a month. If you are following your plan and exercising there is nothing else but stay the course. Know that I think you are doing absolutely great! Congratulations on your weight loss. you must be feeling so much better.
  13. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I am almost 4 weeks past surgery and I can only eat a little more then a 1/4 cup but nowhere near a half a cup and I don't start meats until week 7. I think it is crucial to go slow in these early stages. Once we heal there will be time to try things. Right now it's time to go slow and easy. Best to be super cautious because the alternative is simply much worse. Fluids are the biggest challenge. I am thinking of getting a bottle with a lanyard like what you see at Disney Parks in the summer. It's like a necklace with a bottle hanging in the front. Allows for free hands but the bottle is right there. If I get a bottle with a pull up opener I don't have to worry about the bottle cap. I am going to look for a kids bottle at Target because it will be smaller otherwise a disposable one will do. I simply have to have more liquids and the Water bottle in front of me will be a constant reminder. For example if I go shopping and spend 1/2 hour in the supermarket. That's 1/2 hour I am not drinking. I cannot afford to loose 1/2 hour.
  14. Beni

    One Year Post Opp Update

    I am almost 4 weeks post-op with gastric bypass and I would have to agree with all the comments you made. Of course, I can't speak yet about further down the road but the pre-op and right after pre-op are spot on. I too was worried I was putting my life on the line and frankly did not go ahead with my surgery 10 years earlier because of my fear of leaving my 3 children without a mother. Even though complications do occur my fears were absolutely irrational. The statistics simply did not support my "hypothetical horrors." Most of us are low risk patients and recovery is much much easier then a c-section or even childbirth. From the minute I came home from the hospital (2 day stay) I required no pain meds except for 1 single pill of Tylenol on 3 separate occasions and it was for a headache and two stupid incidents of trying to lift/push things that were too heavy on that first week home. Because I felt fine, I was forgetting I couldn't do all that I wanted to do. The biggest annoying thing at this point is getting enough fluids in. You have to keep sipping all day and I forget. This is not bad and my 33 lbs weight loss is a dream come true. I can go up the stairs without my knees hurting and my blood pressure is normal. I FEEL GREAT. Hardest day: First day of pre-op diet. I felt hungry just like you do when you start a diet, since then I never looked back. Post-op not hungry at all. Eat to live but no longer live to eat. I LOVE MY WLS (weight loss surgery).
  15. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@tacycakes I laughed so hard at your comment about the girl on your ticker needing to stop running. I was in a stall for a week and a half and I was going stir crazy. My skin is also dry as the desert. No amount of moisturizer will keep my feet from looking like i live in the sahara desert and I walk barefoot all day. I cannot drink enough, that's the problem. I don't have nausea but I burp non-stop after I drink. So, to stop burping I have to stop drinking.
  16. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@smiley922 you new hair color is fantastic. Easy 10 years younger looking. Well done.
  17. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Luna222 I see you are also struggling with fluids. Isn't it so hard? Plus we have to allow so much time for meals when we can't drink. I am at 32 oz and its 6:45 and I still need dinner. I hope to make it to 40oz but there is no way I can make it to 50oz and that's the minimum my NUT recommends
  18. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@amylynns So sorry about your UTI, no fun. I think be getting enough fluids we are at a higher risk. I find that I stay home all day and focus only on drinking I can get 50 oz but if I go out or do anything at all I barely make it to 40oz. I can't just sit around all day. I'll go stir crazy. It is so hard to sip once every 5 minutes non-stop all day long. I start drinking at 5:00 am and don't stop until I fall asleep. With such a tiny stomach I'm full all the time
  19. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Luna222 What a great parfait. That's what I'll have. I have my appointment on Tuesday as well and that's my question. I will be at the 4 week stage as well. According to my list I can't have Turkey but I can have veggies. I am thinking of making a little stuffing without all the butter keeping it moist with chicken stock. I guess I can just take a bit if stuffing aside before adding all the butter. I'm so excited for my desert. Thank you.
  20. Beni

    Any Fun Hospital Stories?

    Apparently I have very efficient kidneys, who knew! After surgery, I was going to the bathroom about every 15 minutes. They had to unplug everything, remove the pumping leg sleeves from my legs and help me get to the bathroom. By night fall I had gone so many times the nurse decided to reduce my IV fluids. I think they were getting tired of coming to my room for the never ending bathroom trips. At one point an older nurse told me I really didn't need the leg sleeves because I was walking so much to and from bathroom. She too had enough with re-arranging the things. Sometimes they were too tight others not enough. My legs received the most care in my entire hospital stay to the point of being ridiculous.
  21. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I am not sure what Thanksgiving will be for me as I won't be allowed Turkey until week 7 and I will be on week 5 then. Has anyone thought of Thanksgiving? What are you all doing for food?
  22. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@amylynns I think my D cups are going to end up at my waist by my calculations. You lose so much fat in the breast area. My fear is that I'll end up like those poor tribal ladies whose breasts are so distended they can flip them backwards to breastfeed their babies on their backs. I have a picture baked on my mind of these breasts that look like droopy dog ears. OMG. May have to go with a breast lift. We'll see how my body rearranges itself. I used to be a 36 B but that was in college at age 22 and before babies. I would be okay with that. For now I am focused on tomorrow and another big day for me. All manner of fish, vegetables and other foods are open for me. It will be a feast as I am getting a little tired of canned tuna. I don't hate it but everyday was getting to be a bit much. I did try the canned salmon but I wasn't a fan.
  23. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    My scars are tiny but I maybe lucky on how I heal. After 3 weeks they are still pink. However, I must say my bother had a cyst at the base of his spine that had to be removed. The hole was about the size of a shot glass. Literally you could take a shot glass and fit it in. They packed it gauze and stuff for a while but it filled in completely. It took a while but at the end it was flush with the remaining area. It's incredible but the body makes tissue and builds up. @ amylynns
  24. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    This is one of my scars. The others still have glue over them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
