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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Beni

  1. I only tried the unjury vanilla and I hate it. It's too sweet for the early stages after surgery. But I think if you add it to fruit later on it may taste better. I prefer Genepro unflavored because I can add it to anything and it is the most tasteless off all the 14 different proteins I tried. A scoop is also tiny, about 1 tablespoon for 30 gr of protein versus an enormous scoop for 25 gr of Unjury. Genepro was delicious added to chicken stock those first 2 weeks after surgery when I could hardly eat. Saved me!
  2. Beni

    Many questions

    Please do not consider yourself low BMI. A 40 BMI is what insurance requires for an outright approval (no other health issues required.) In other words, they think you will have so many health problems that paying for a $20,000.00 plus procedure is a costs saving measure. I say this because I was in denial for many years and because the weight comes on over time you are lolled into a sense of apathy. Very much like the lobster who gets placed in a pot of cold Water on the stove top. The amount of damage the excess weight places on our bodies is astonishing. I can fast forward a couple decades and tell you whole story because I am it. Good luck on your decision. Only you and your doctor can make this decision but if you ask us specific questions we will gladly answer. Whatever you decide, I urge you do do something about your weight NOW.
  3. Beni

    Restless legs

    I have it and I too find that being warm helps. I place an additional blanket only over my legs. Exercise does help, if I go to bed physically tired I have a better night.
  4. I am not sure but if we don't take calcium the risk of developing osteoporosis is much more debilitating. My mother has it and as we age the bones don't fuse together well after a fracture. Basically your frame can't hold you up properly. I will take stones over what she has gone through: multiple fractures, crushed vertebrates, pins to support bones fractures and hip replacements. Once you lose bone mass you can't get it back. I know kidney stones can be painful but the alternative is much, much worse.
  5. Beni


    Try opening your mouth when the urge comes. Perhaps it's the air pressure inside of your esophagus pushing up. I had that happen once and it was because I over filled my pouch. Mind you I only eat 1/4 cup but a 1/4 cup and a teaspoon apparently spells death. The scales tip that quickly. Eating super slow (so annoying) is the only thing that works while chewing every little bite, of course.
  6. I can't figure it out. My weight loss is allover the place. Some days I gain some ounces others I loose 2 lbs and then there were the 11 days with no weight loss. If you look at a period of time such as a month, there is always weight loss but it varies so much day to day or even week to week, there is no way to detect a pattern. I eat pretty much the same and follow my plan. I am 5 weeks post surgery and I have lost 38 lbs but 14 of those was pre-surgery. So, 24 lbs in 5 weeks. But I may not lose anything for the next week. There is absolutely no way of telling. It's a boat ride and nobody knows how it will go. Not even your doctor can tell you.
  7. I take my pills whole except for the chewable Vitamin but I don't have too. I was just too shocked at hurling a normal huge vitamin into a newly created pouch but once I finish this bottle, I am moving on.
  8. Sorry, there is not much you can do but moisturize, and you will need tubs because my skin is dry as the desert all the time. Skin has a mind of it's own and everyone's is different. There are no exercises for skin only muscle can be toned but as a lot of people point out, it's very hard to grow muscle on a starvation diet. I only eat 1/4 cup, 3 times per day because that's all a pouch can handle on the first month. I would call that a starvation diet, wouldn't you? But surprisingly, I don't feel weak of hungry. Protein intake helps but in the early stages post-op you can't eat much. But it's not all bad. Your clothes will fit better and you will feel better as the pounds are shed. Good luck.
  9. I don't know what your doctor requires but my GW doctor required a 6 week diet. My understanding it is to get you used to a new way of eating and frankly to test your resolve to do this surgery. I am good with following directions and I have stuck to the plan. I wasn't too worried about it because I know myself. However, I do understand some of us may need the time to focus on a new beginning and it takes time to develop new habits. My surgeon, not with GW that ended up choosing with 2,200 procedures under his belt only required 3 days of a liquid clear diet. That's it, 3 days and it was absolutely fine. He did require that I lose 5 lbs. I was 270 when I saw him late August and was 256 the day of surgery, Oct 28th. I had to wait because of the NUT appointments required by insurance. I ended up losing 14lbs just because I was in a hurry to get going on my weight loss. I have to tell you. It's not so hard to follow the plan after surgery because you are not hungry and your stomach won't allow you to eat too much or you get sick and throw up. Once that happens, you never, never again want to eat too much. It works like a charm. My meals are 1/4 cup, no joking. I had the Bypass but I imagine the Sleeve is very similar. On the other hand, before surgery it's very hard because you are HUNGRY.
  10. I was actually told the $350 was a processing fee to submit the paperwork to insurance. I agree, you won't be denied. Technically insurance has 6 weeks to respond but it's usually much faster then that. My advice to you is to follow the paper trail. Make sure your Psy eval is sent in. Don't just assume it did. My doctor took two weeks to send it in and after I called 3 times. Those evals I was told take about 2 weeks to get sent unless you stay on it. Also, any other things like labwork, etc. It took much longer to get everything in order. If all goes well and all your paperwork is in 2 weeks. I would Imagine you are looking at a February surgery date but that's just an estimate. Things may happen faster if you get lucky. Cancellations and maybe the patient navigator is on your side. She was not on mine.
  11. GW also told me the insurance can take up to 6 weeks but usually takes 2 weeks. So, that part matches our experience. At what stage are you?
  12. Humm, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield federal employee and they took 3 days to approve.
  13. Well, at GW they told me it takes 4 weeks for the patient navigator to process the paperwork to submit for insurance because she has a two week back log and the RN has to approve it as well and she has a 2 week backlog. Once the insurance approval is received, it usually takes 6 weeks to schedule the surgery. My doctor processed the paperwork in one day, the approval was in 3 days and my surgery was 3 weeks later. I could have gone earlier but my husband was going to be out of town. They were able to schedule my surgery ahead of insurance approval because based on my BMI above 40 and my insurance they expected it to be a done deal. I am sure it would not have been the end of the world to have to wait another 2 months to get my surgery at GW but I had to do the 3 mont NUT visits and I was so ready I wanted it ASAP. But patience is a virtue. You will be fine. GW is a great Hospital and so are the doctors on the Bariatric team. Really the surgery was much better then expected for me.
  14. I did like the doctor at GW and the RN was fantastic. I went to the support group meetings twice, I think. The patient navigator lady though was not the nicest. She had an attitude. "Like I told you" kind of answers and she required 1 month to process the paperwork to submit for insurance once all the my paperwork (tests and other clearance items) was in. I was so incensed I decided to go find another doctor pronto. My doctor's office processed the paperwork in one day and insurance took 3 days to respond.
  15. I almost had my surgery at GW but the wait was so long I decided to go with my doctor who was able to do it in 1 month and he ended up being a great doctor. Zero complications and I went home after two days with no pain meds except for Tylenol. At first I thought he was joking but he was 100% right I had no pain. I did take the Tylenol the first night because I couldn't sleep and I thought it was pain and then again twice for headaches during the first week. I was much better then my C-section. I did have to sleep on my back for 3 weeks as sleeping on my side was uncomfortable but I can do any position at 4 weeks post surgery. The first week home was the hardest as getting out of bed required thinking it through. But I have a very low pain threshold. My husband calls me a pain Diva. Drinking was a little challenging for the first three days home as it took 15 minutes to get 1 ounce in with tiny sips. I had to have a schedule and a game plan because i didn't want to go back to hospital for IV fluids. You will do fine!
  16. Beni


    I had a Nuvasure ablation procedure to fix my excessive bleeding. It stops your periods completely or they are very light. I didn't have a period for 4 years except for a tiny spotting once in a while. Well, at one month post surgery I had a period. Hello, had to get stuff in a hurry and the day before thanksgiving at 5:00 PM has to be worst day to run to the grocery store to buy feminine products. There is something about this surgery and hormones. I was thinking the 38 lb weight loss may have done it. Not sure though?
  17. Beni

    Your dream outfit

    Anything in a size 8 would make me gush but at this point getting out of a size with a W in front is going to be dreamy. I have lost 38 lbs so far but have a ways to go. Boots would be amazing as my calves are too thick but I lost one inch already. Bit by bit I'll get there. You watch me!
  18. I agree, this is a purely medical decision. You and your doctors have to come to a decision together.
  19. Fast and drinking are two words that simply do not go together for me. Like oil and vinegar - no can mix. I am amazed that you can. I have to go slow or I start burping non-stop and I feel nauseous. All I have heard is to drink slowly to avoid gulping air as it causes gas pain. I would imagine drinking too fast would cause the opening from your pouch to your intestine to become bigger. Not a good thing or your meals will move through too fast but I am not sure.
  20. You had me at a plate full of cookie dough. I was like heck, how can she fit a plate full of anything. I can barely make it to my 1/4 cup meal. Getting it on one week after surgery was an impossibility. Wow, I couldn't even sleep on my side back then. Just getting out of bed required concentration. You are so funny.
  21. I have a list: Peanut Butter and banana sandwiches fried in two table spoons of butter per side until the bread gets crusty - 25 lbs gain Pasta with quattro fromagy. Its 4 cheeses, heavy whipping cream, white wine and butter (bacon doesn't hurt it) - 25 lbs Warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream - 25 lbs Cheesecake with salted caramel topping - 25 lbs cheese fries with bacon - 25 lbs That's how you get 125 lbs above a normal weight
  22. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    What did everyone do for Thanksgiving? I am dying to know how you all did?
  23. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks everyone for letting me know that eating less then a 1/2 cup is normal. At this point I eat 1/4 cup and maybe one or two bites more. i am not increasing my meal for at least a full week. I can't tell when i am full. Well at least not very well. Sometimes I get hiccups and that's a sign but other times not at all and it takes 2 or 3 minutes for my stomach to tell my brain I am full. That means the last few bites have to be spaced out. I am not super hungry ever but I do worry of not eating enough to survive. 3 times of 1/4 cup per day to me sounds like starvation. I guess that's what my fat stores are for. Good thing I have them, lol.
  24. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hi @@Bronxmerci, You look amazing. Your weight loss already makes you as a success story. The rest will fall into place. I knew you would feel better after the blood transfusion. As I mentioned, after the birth of my second child, I had to have a blood transfusion because I could not get out of bed, that's how weak I was. Within 1/2 hour I was walking around and felt so much better. I had a feeling that black stool was blood. This is a good reminder to everyone because bleeding ulcers are a possible complication of WLS. My understanding is there are only two circumstances in life where your stool is black (tar black). After being born and if there is blood in the GI track. I am not counting eating a bunch of blackberries because at this point eating a bunch of anything is out of our league. The bleeding can be slow and we won't notice it. Please everyone remember this. I am over the moon you are home. Once they get this blood issue behind you, I am 100% sure you will do great. Now that your incisions are healed they should be able to reduce or eliminate blood thinners. What did the doctor say? It is so unfortunate that you got both sides of the sword. Clot for surgery and then loss of blood from the blood thinners. Heck, that's a rough patch. I hope you feel fantastic from this point forward.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
