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Everything posted by shellyd88

  1. Some ppl just let their mouth over ride their ass don't respond to inappropriate comments let them them look as stupid and as rude as they sound it's just as rude as ppl commenting when your overweight they somehow feel the need to bring it up at every opportunity as if it has somehow escaped our notice I guess they feel superior when they can point out what they see as other ppls faults I think when ppl need to do that there is something about them they don't want ppl to figure out so they try to put the focus on others
  2. shellyd88

    Really upset with psych

    Sounds like that dr needs to put the license back in the Cracker Jack box they found it in clearly incompetent move on and ask for another dr so much for so called helping us right jeez what a whackadoo
  3. Hello I hope you have smooth sailing with your procedure and a terrific recovery and a fabulous future ahead of u with better health and activity with your children often when ppl give ultimatums it's because they are afraid of losing control over a situation that may change if you change by losing weight and gaining health no one who loves you and truly wants what's best for you would give such an ultimatum that sounds like self interest instead of your best interest and your children's I hope you move forward with confidence in your decision regardless and don't let anyone block your path to a healthier future for yourself and the children best wishes
  4. shellyd88

    Sleep study anxiety?

    Ask your dr for a sleeping pill try to relax I had one two yrs ago and was told I have severe sleep apnea if u do they will set u up for Cpap macine I'm being told I must do it again I never could get adjusted to the Cpap and after 5 months I gave up I too sleep as u have described I think I slept maybe a half hour when I was there i also can't sleep anywhere else so I sympathise the drs don't want to operate on ppl who have their oxygen levels fall very low while asleep u won't find sympathy from anyone in bariatrics regarding this matter they will simply tell u to keep trying I was told that if I do not do it my surgery will be postponed indefinitely until I do so I guess I will be trying again the ppl at the sleep clinic were really nice tho best of luck I'm an ear if u need to vent!
  5. shellyd88

    After surgery

    It's my understanding that someone must drive u home from the hospital maybe u could arrange for another family member or a friend to pick u up and drive you home if your husband cannot best of luck
  6. shellyd88

    Weight gain pre-op.

    At my first clinic appt I was weighed and told to lose x amount of wieght I was also told any wieght u loose doesn't count for ins approval unless they weigh u and record it at the dr office/ bariatric clinic different drs and clinics have different rules ask them what the protocol is that they follow that way u can know what to expect good luck
  7. shellyd88

    plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!

    Hello hey one out of three is a start missy I've been where u are with all the issues coming down on u at once I've had a flooded house a leaking roof along with a health crisis or one with my husband happening all at once I completely get how u feel I haven't been on this site very long but have read your posts as well and they are helpful and encouraging this dr sounds like someone u need to stay far away from these drs know by the very nature of what they have trained to do that they are going to deal with some kind of side effects of obesity trauma etc if this is the way he behaves in his office how must he act otherwise? I wouldn't let him touch me with a 10 foot pole a good dr uplifts and inspires one to do better get better be better not feel bad about themselves please try to find someone else sending good thoughts your way and hugs too
  8. Hello I don't know your insurance guidelines but usually if u see a gyno a cardiologist or a pulmonary dr for any reasons if u have an established relationship with a dr they can write it up and be considered by insurance company's for approval several ppl I know have done it that way hope that helps
  9. shellyd88

    It's here!

    Best of luck will send positive thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery
  10. Amen to what these ladies are saying I too had a MIL that liked to discuss everyone's business and gossip and make comments and criticize anything I did with a husband her son who would say oh she doesn't mean anything by it ughhh talk about not seeing the forest for the trees lol anyway I agree distance yourself as much as possible don't confide in her as you know the result and if she asks questions everything is fine doing well moving along etc and change subject to a totally diff topic lol or have to make a call return an email walk the dog pay the bills etc u get the idea sometimes u just can't be nice to certain ppl I hate to say it but it's true good luck
  11. shellyd88

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    Hi I'm not sure what sizes your interested in but these places have tall women's jeans /plus sizes ....... Marisota.com simplybe.com. cabionline.com. tallswag.com. Torrid.com Jjill.com longtallsally.com. Us.levi.com/tall Us.asos.com The limited.com Also gap old navy jcrew Have tall sizes u may have to check catalogs or order in store sometimes don't stock but do sell larger sizes I needed to do that at jcrew to get a gift for someone before hope this helps
  12. shellyd88

    Need support?

    Cpap? Ughhh I'm so frustrated now they are making me have a sleep study went thru all this two years ago was diagnosed severe sleep apnea had the machine tried it for 5 months was the most godawful experience I couldn't get used to it at all couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep or roll over or lay on my side or it would move or leak in a two week period I missed three days of work from being so tired I couldn't get up one day I fell back asleep never called work to say I wasn't coming around 930am boss calls says what's wrong where are u? Well let's just say it wasn't a good day I had two face masks and a nasal one I always felt like I was suffocating they say if I don't use it I can't stay in the program or have surgery if I can't sleep at all how in the heck am I supposed to make a living or even function I could just cry I'm so upset has anyone else had this issue? Any advice welcome thanks
  13. shellyd88

    menstration during surgery

    Hello I agree with everyone else suggestions about discussing this with the medical team also being in the medical field is not a keep your hands clean job for most so the people working with patients should be behaving in a PROFFESSIONAL manner which doesn't include "looks" or "faces" or "comments" after all stress changes in hormones etc can make periods come on unexpectedly and if someone landed in a hospital due to an injury or accident and were to be having a menstral cycle they would have to deal with it so they need to suck it up do their job and act professional and don't let staff treat u disrespectfully its the last thing someone needs in a hospital in pain and all that comes with surgery however having said that u must consider how u will feel with the discomfort of surgery and side effects if u are willing or will be able to deal with that as well good luck with everything
  14. Hi congrats saying a prayer and will hope for your speedy recovery!
  15. shellyd88

    Today is the day!

    Hey congrats! best wishes for a speedy recovery and moving forward to a healthier life
  16. Got a nook copy today will start reading tonight!
  17. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi yes I have tried that with her it doesn't work I have even argued with her stating she has no right to ask me this etc and she just steamrolls ppl not just me she says if u work for her she needs to know what's what and if u refuse then it's well I can't have ppl working for me that won't do what they are told she just nosy she has even tried telling me to reschedule my appts etc to when she is out of town I haven't done that and I won't it's just so tiresome having to deal with this all the time thanks so much for your thoughts and advice I guess some ppl just love butting into others bussiness
  18. Hi ok I was wondering about that because I have a boss that will not want to be inconvenienced in any way lol and amen to the good will pile lol can't wait to go to reg stores again have to say I miss chocolate tho they have me on south beach diet
  19. Hi deanieg I was wondering once u get approved and they give u a date if it doesn't work for u can u just move it around? And how long is the approval good for is there a limit like 30 days? If u don't have it within a certain period of time do u have to start over or what if u know that is thanks!
  20. shellyd88


    Congrats! A step closer to a healthier future best wishes
  21. Hi I can relate I too have met my out of pocket for the plan year and if I can't have surgery before dec 1 I'll have to pay several thousand out too it's depressing I worry the ins will deny me just long enough till I get in the new plan year
  22. Hi well u found someone also waiting lol why do u fear denial? I haven't been submitted yet I'm told it should be next month month / early nov the only thing I know is if u have some other conditions such as high blood pressure diabetes or heart issues it is supposed to help get the approval I've seen post here where people say their primary dr doesn't want to sign off if u see a specialist for any reason for a couple years such as pulmonary or cardiologist or endocrinologist they will usually sign off on it also gyno drs too I had my psych eval on tues I had to go to one of the drs on my programs list sat there for 2 hours then asked me a few questions for 10 mins and it was over lol for some reason I thought there would be more to it then that but I guess not anyway I can be a sounding board if u like good luck!
  23. shellyd88


    Prayers for your speedy recovery best wishes!
  24. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi everyone I need some ideas on how to deal with a sticky situation Any and all ideas are welcome I'm going thru this process with the hope of having surgery however I do not feel the need to tell everyone and anyone about it the issue is my boss she tells everyone my business I don't want her too she does anyway she very mean/ nasty thinks she can discuss everyone's stuff with her staff and friends/ family I have been asked by people in the past about things that have happened medical wise with myself or my husband that I never disclosed to those people so I know they heard it from her of course she feels u should keep quiet about her stuff which I do I don't have the right to tell anyone's medical stuff to anyone that's just common sense and their business to share or keep private however I feel trapped I have to tell her what's going on why I need to come late leave early take time off etc and she demands to know where your going who your seeing etc I hate it so much and while I appreciate people's concern I would not myself have shared my info with people I barely know so I don't wish to discuss these things with them now I don't plan to lie about what I'm doing if someone asks me if I've had the surgery I will say so I just want it to be my decision who and when I decide to tell or share with not hers I've tried asking nicely pls don't discuss my medical issues she does anyway she is an attorney so she knows she isn't supposed to be doing these things I feel like I have no control over my own personal information I know for a fact she knew a dr I saw for a cardiac issue and after the appt she knew things we discussed in the appt that I didn't tell her I can only assume the dr told her or someone on his staff I never went back there it upset me so much Thanks for any ideas
  25. shellyd88

    Afib after surgery

    Hello I have AFib too since 2011 haven't had WLS surgery yet I was told mine was likely caused by sleep apnea... it's possible u had it before but did not have symptoms check with your cardio dr are u are anti arrhythmic meds? u may need something to also lower your heart rate a bit in addition to the anti arrhythmic or water pills to help get excess fluid out of your body make sure u see a specialist u may need some additional testing to get definite answers good luck!

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