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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by shellyd88

  1. Wow that was fast I had my first apt sept 12 next is oct 27 in between testing testing testing ughhhh! And diet still doing some testing so long in between when u can get apts for testing they told me someone would call me re setting up sleep study and edg they did for the sleep study but not for the edg and I just waited for them to contact me believing what I was told finally last week I called to ask why I haven't been scheduled and they tell me I have to call to set it up I was like OMG I could have done that weeks ago if there wasn't miscommunication so now I have to wait till dec for edg I was so hoping to get this done before Xmass and it's just not going to happen ???? but I'm so happy for u to move forward and everyone else too!
  2. shellyd88

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    People feel they can criticize our method of losing weight there's a real lack of compassion for food addicts u have rehab for drugs and alcohol I feel like this our "rehab" so to speak much the same as drugs and alcohol if u don't work the program u will fail as obses ppl we can sometimes take a lot of crap that others wouldn't take the ppl with all the negative " opinions" are often the biggest offenders of shaming us and acting superior to us well if we lose weight what are they going to be able to insult us about? I've had ppl in my family say things to me like well "just don't eat so much ... Really? if it were that simple no one would be overwieght or offering to "cook my meals" lol that almost made fall over laughing considering I've been cooking since I was 10 yrs old taught them to cook fed them as children and adults still do who do they come to for holidays party's etc? Me! it's not a matter of not being able to cook or not understanding nutrishion it's a matter of wanting to eat too much food too often much like drugs and alcohol it's an addiction the skinny ppl just don't seem to get it
  3. @@Jacqbult congrats! U must be so happy can't wait for mine still jumping thru hoops cant get edg till dec probably won't get a date till after the new year everything thing just takes so darn long it's aggravating!
  4. shellyd88


    Hi I can't say I've ever heard of this can u tell me what is?
  5. shellyd88

    cruel family....

    I think some of it may also be guilt if they know u are trying to change your life they may be feeling guilty/ resentful knowing what they are doing is not healthy it's possible they don't want to be reminded that they are overweight or unhealthy and if u change its a reminder to them if they don't support u they don't have to change what they are doing or even acknowledge that maybe they need to I had a similar thing happen when I quit smoking most people I knew smoked one very good friend did as well but had major lung problems so when we all gradually quit smoking she was extremely hostile angry nasty etc accused us of judging her and said we weren't going to pressure her into quitting etc we did no such thing I mean really? We all had smoked too where the heck would we have the right to say anything to anyone else that would have been crazy I did have one rule I wouldn't budge on tho no one could smoke in my house after I quit which is my right after all it's my house lol I'd never tell others what to do in the their homes though so just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward u don't have justify your decisions to anyone or make them feel better about unhealthy eating and they have no right to bully you or play games to try to change your mind
  6. shellyd88

    Blood Work - Fasting

    If they ordered blood sugar or A1c or cholesterol those are all fasting
  7. shellyd88


    Hi Nate welcome how exciting for you how long have u been waiting? I didn't know they did this surgery on teens well here's to u being on the road to better health and and a happy wonderful long life I'm still pre op but I'm sure u will get many responses as to what to bring lots of people say chap stick and comfortable pants to walk around in after surgery that won't hurt incisions best of luck to u!
  8. shellyd88


    Packerfan61964 I was given suggestions such as sit and be fit by Maryann Wilson on pbs on in my area at 530 am but record it also as miss mac said u tube has many videos for gentle exercises also sparkpeople.com will send emails with sample of what to do with photos and has videos as well lots seem like they are geared toward elderly but some of us have mobility issues due to weight or other things so it will work for limitations good luck
  9. shellyd88

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    Oh man now my reply has your name spelled wrong finediva darn fingers!
  10. shellyd88

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    Fin diva lol it was the ugh nicest way I could describe it without being vulgar
  11. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi chilihot59 its a very small office and the person who is the boss is the owner and they HR tell them everything owner often is present or on phone when conversations take place they know its wrong they practice law but it's a control thing feel it's their right to know what why and when and even what dr I have no concrete proof anybody told info however they seemed to know exact conversation that took place and my exact weight number and tests ordered how else could they have known that? I never told them so it's my suspicion that staff there told as this person personally knows a dr in that office it's just humiliating this happened three yrs ago I don't tell much anymore except if I need time off and then I get grilled about it feels like being treated like a child
  12. shellyd88

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    I decided I'm not going to lie about it if someone asks me I'll say yes I did have WLS I'm not ashamed of it I simply don't give a crap what anybody thinks of my decision I simply do not choose to trot it out as a topic of discussion for people to comment on or gossip about I won't have much of choice about ppl knowing about it as the creature I work for knows and will tell anyone who cares to listen already has I know this cuz she accidently ccd me an email in which she said unkind things about me and how I need to have this surgery etc etc and family members who will do the same but I don't care anymore spent long enough making everyone's else's life easier and as far as I'm concerned they can all kiss my (hopefully) soon to be skinny ass!
  13. shellyd88

    Why is Bread so Bad?

    From the info I've read all the above comments are true also the drs say it sits like a blob in your stomach and could cause digestive issues I've read tho that way down the line very thin small pc of toasted bread such as bagel thins can be tried for tolerance but it says not to make it a habit it seems there are many opinions from various drs and nutrishionists I would seriously wait a long time before trying that but I'm pre op so it's just my opinion u better ask the professionals just to be safe
  14. shellyd88

    What to do about Thanksgiving?

    Amen ....go to the friends house u don't need the stress of a huge dinner at this time and trying to manage your new situation with a new person in the mix picky kids/diets and and snarky comments from the other kid u need time to heal and deal with adjusting not catering to others right now bring a dish to share at the friends dinner better yet let the picky kids choose what to bring and let them make it! Good luck
  15. shellyd88


    Hi I just want to say I am NOT a doctor but that may be blood settling under your skin are u in any pain? I would call your surgeon asap and ask to be seen as soon as humanly possible the surgeon office should have an on call dr 24/7 for these purposes I'm still pre op but my surgeons office has this u can get in touch with someone anytime if u can't then maybe go to urgent care just in case or emergency get an ultrasound X-rays to make sure there's no blood clots or internal bleeding did u bump into anything at all or somehow inadvertantly injure yourself? I hope all is well and good luck let us know how u make out
  16. shellyd88

    I was foolish enough to think!?

    Hey rj i sure am sorry to hear your having such an awful time I'm praying it all works out for u as soon as possible I see your posts often and agree with all that u are so inspirational and positive and yes u do have the right to be fed up with complications and mad as hell Anyway sending u hugs and good thoughts and thank u for being here a friend of mine likes this kabooti cushion sold on Amazon and contour living
  17. shellyd88

    ow :( my joints hurt

    Hello I'm sorry your hurting so badly what kind of excercise are u doing? Maybe it's too much for your joints right now maybe something gentler swimming? Supposed to not hurt joints so much also have u been stretching before whatever u do or maybe it's too long if a time for u right now try shorter periods of time hope it gets better for u
  18. Hi my list is pretty much the same as everybody else's I'd like to add not being invisible in stores where they ask everybody if they need anything while I'm ignored or having ppl say rude things to me such as "u must know where all the good restaurants are" or that I don't deserve a raise at a my job I've had for 12 years " because I'll probably just eat it" or having drs tell u if u weren't fat u wouldn't have any problems or having the medical staff talk about u and make fun of u as if u can't hear them and so many more similar stories I could give so many examples
  19. shellyd88

    Protein help!

    I've tried a few and lots don't taste too good and the ones that do taste good have tons of sugar but I love the gnc ones choc strawberry vanilla I don't care for the Orange cream by the way they will let u sample the ready to drink ones I asked lol also isopure ready to drink is good expensive tho gnc has great products I shop there get the yearly membership it's 15$ and u get a discount when shopping one or two trips pays for it and they frequently have bogo 50% off sales it's worth it they recommend the big black container gosh I can't recall the brand and the gnc women's lean choc prices are better for the powder and u mix it yourself also they have the shaker bottles with the little metal whisk inside those are awesome u can buy those at bedbathandbeyond too also the gnc powder ones in the white containers have seasonal favors like now they have banana, pumpkin like that I'm still pre op but trying things to see what I can tolerate when I first tried the gnc lean shakes ready to drink I got them at rite aid a local drug store that sells gnc products they had single bottles so I got a couple to try before buying large quantitys they were very friendly and helpful at gnc seemed very knowledgable about what they sell hope this helps also I've read many positive posts here re genepro protein powder check it out at musclegen.com it's a powder u can put in any liquid food or soup hot or cold and doesn't clump smell or taste bad tho I hear it stinks in the pkg lol but not in the food or drink and its a high protein amount and I think only one scoop is needed I plan to try it ok anyway good luck msg me anytime
  20. shellyd88


    Hi if he is having this unsupportive attitude now how will he behave after? if this is his general way of being its better u know now and consider this may not be a person u want in your life in the long term to quote a tv dr the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior u may have to be your own strongest ally I do know how it feels to not have anyone to count in it hurts however being unwilling to put up with ppls BS and standing up for yourself and expecting support when needed and respect always makes u stronger person we must have expectations of ppl in our lives and hold to standards or we just keep drawing these types of ppl into our lives best of luck to you
  21. shellyd88

    Feeling so discouraged

    I also agree I think this dr is against WLS u will probly need a clearance from him for surgery and the surgeon may require more testing so it's not completely dependent on his say so u have a reg dr? I too had a mom with very similar circumstances to yours she died at 56 yrs old and I don't want to end up that way which is why I'm doing this u will take vitamins for life we all will that's not a big deal there will an adjustment period where u need to learn what u can tolerate Everyone will go thru this u can and will loose weight with a sleeve he isn't current with his info on that look up articles and bring him the research better yet get a new heart dr best of luck to u
  22. LisaCO that's so awesome that's great to hear so many employers just don't want to hear about problems illness or need for time off only care about being inconveinced it's refreshing to see someone not be made to feel bad for taking a little time off good for u!
  23. shellyd88

    Insurance Approval - Federal BCBS

    Call your ins comp and ask the status of your application sometimes they haven't notified the dr yet or u may get a letter stating u were approved or denied drs office can sometimes get behind on paperwork and not get thru it all in a timely fashion
  24. shellyd88

    Just getting started...

    Hello Daniel welcome to the forums it's a very supportive place here and lots info too the ppl are great I'm pre op still working on getting testing done been considering this for years finally decided to do it try not to let ppl discourage you from your decision as long as u feel comfortable that u have researched the procedure and u understand what u have to do to help it work for u and u feel comfortable with the surgeon u choose put others opinions out of your mind there is of course always a risk with surgery even minor ones however our odds of having long term life threatening illness due to excessive weight are better than good not to mention all the things we miss out on or can't participate in because of it the thing is it's so very limiting living that way I do think that ppl who don't have issues with food can't understand why we can't just not eat as much if it was that simple no one would be overweight I think it's the same as any other addiction like drugs or alcohol it alters your brain to some degree I believe like being drawn to drugs or alcohol your brain says yes even when u know u shouldn't my thought is keep moving forward one say at a time until u get where u are healthy happy and can enjoy life the way u want to good luck to u!
  25. Hi Maureen u don't have to lie you aren't required to tell the law gives u the right to privacy u can simply say u are having a surgical procedure that requires some testing and u will need to take some time for dr appts if pushed say I'm sorry I don't wish to share at this time perhaps after its over and I'm feeling better I'll feel like sharing .... That doesn't mean u need to if u don't feel comfortable it's just a exit to a conversation u might not want to have a get away plan so to speak lol good luck!

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