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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by shellyd88

  1. Good luck hope all goes well and have a great recovery!
  2. shellyd88

    Sleeving Today! November 17th!

    Good luck everyone ! prayers that all goes well and a great recovery
  3. shellyd88

    Gastric sleeve maybe

    @@Shaquana523 hi welcome congrats on choosing a path to a healthier future how terrific for you such a young woman to get this chance to have a long life and not have to deal with the bad health effects of being so heavy u mentioned u are experiencing some now it gets worse as u get older sometimes family and friends will disagree with our decision to do this surgery it's usually out of fear of what they don't understand keep in mind the benefits outweigh the risks and for anyone who says your taking the easy way out ignore ignore ignore ! Theres nothing easy about this block out the negative focus on the positive you are worth it best of luck to u!
  4. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @@YellowWallpaper omg too funny I quit smoking several years ago and haven't stopped feeling testy yet lol and I couldn't agree more I was told on phone that if I had done a sleep study before I wouldn't have to do it again well a month after I enrolled I was given an ultimatum that the surgeon requires this and I have to show compliance with a freakin printout or no surgery I feel like I'm being held hostage I checked my insur claims to see what they charged was $2400 I had paid for most the previous one due to the insur I had I was so damn mad when I asked to see the report I was refused they say they can only give to the dr that ordered it am I not entitled to my own records as a patient? This really pisses me off I'm thinking there's a connection to these sleep labs they own it or have a an interest somehow after all I go to a pulmonary dr who did not force me into Cpap or refuse me care because I couldn't tolerate it he told me in fact that I'm not alone most ppl don't tolerate it well or at all and isn't it funny I'm still alive? I went to a dr office once that was trying to push $100 a month gym membership on u every time u went there have a hard enough time paying bills like I have a 100 a month for a gym Well I was told u don't meet surgeon until all requirements are met I was also told I would be contacted for tests well it seems only for some tests I wasted so much time waiting to be contacted when I called and asked I was told oh no u need to set it up its like u don't get the truth a good example I was told on a piece of paper which I have still that at my last apt I was supposed to bring my support person and I was seeing the surgeon well we sat there for 2 hours then I was told dr wasn't there I wouldn't be seeing him that day etc so not only was I pissed but my support person took of work to come when I said hey what the hell I was told well u couldn't have been told that nobody meets the dr until all requirements are met I showed them the paper I was told well it's a clerical error hah! My ass every time I go there they bill my insur like almost $600 I get weighed 5 mins tops see a nurse 5/ 10 mins then the nutritionist another 5/10 mins so for less than 30 mins they get a bundle I lose time at work to sit there for two hours I hate this whole process I can't wait to have the surgery and for it o be over I'm so beyond tired of being jerked around
  5. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @@fortheloveofme yes I'm going for the sleeve oh by the way part of the testing is a sleep study and if nessecary Cpap they told me it's mandatory and I have to do a certain amount of weeks of compliance with Cpap and prove it with a printout before I can even meet the surgeon I was told if I don't no sugery
  6. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @@fortheloveofme hi I have bcbs as well my plan does cover it I checked before I started the program they accept my insur at the buff gen bariatric program I cant speak to anything else I don't have a surgery date yet all my stuff isn't done yet so it hasn't been submitted to insur yet however I have a high bmi and co morbids so I guess time will tell I have heard that this group doesn't care for doing lapband however I happen to know that some have been done just last month in fact so maybe that isn't true u can call your insur ask if it's covered if u don't know or check online I tried doing that I had trouble finding it so I called if u ask them to send u the guidelines they have to I hit mine in the mail in about 5 days I'd say hope that helps
  7. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @@fortheloveofme ha! that happens to all of us lol I cant comment on any of those other drs as I don't know about them however the program at bflo General does require u to have a support person they must attend the seminar with u and some of the clinic meetings it doesn't have to be your husband
  8. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @@fortheloveofme hi I've just exchanged hellos and some small chit chat with a few ppl that say they are in the area so nice to meet u happy to have another local in the mix here I'm going to the bariatric clinic at buffalo general hospital u can go online and sign up for info packet a seminar etc an application its in the center for minimally invasive surgery d building U can call as well I started in August u have to fill out an application I asked for it to mailed it took a month and a couple calls u may better off doing it online u have to attend a seminar which is about 1.5. To 2 hours before u can even get an apt at the clinic first appt will be approx 3 hours so plan for it also bring your papers they give u every time or else they tell u the appt doesn't count also if u reschedule apts they told me I'd have to start all over which means attending a seminar and starting at the beginning my surgeon is supposed to be dr posner I'm told by many ppl he is very strict and doesn't fool around there's is also a dr Hoffman I'm told is equally good I don't know any of them tho to say I can't recall the other dr name I'm still jumping thru hoops getting testing done etc I'm not expecting surgery until probably end of jan maybe they also put u on a diet to lose weight first etc so prepare yourself I have my third apt in early dec after an endoscopy on dec 5 I'm supposed to possibly meet the surgeon so that's where I stand do far let me know if I can help
  9. @@TNchick I can relate I'm not on all liquids yet as I don't have a surgery date yet I think I'll be in jan but they have me on south beach to lose wieght meat and vegs only a little fruit now but no pasta rice bread it's boring as hell I've sorta gotten used to it but still have trouble missing chocolate and desserts I just keep any junk out of the house or else I'll eat it lol I have started using protein shakes tho wanted to see what I could tolerate so far I like the gnc total lean ready to drink chocolate and strawberry but not the vanilla
  10. shellyd88

    6 months before and After

    U look fabulous!
  11. @@TNchick hey hi I'm still pre op so I can't offer any advice I'm nervous about this as well ill be there soon I've seen ppl on here say it's bad for three days or so and it gets better I will hope for u that it does all I can say is keep in mind the reason your even doing it is to get the surgery if u don't do what u need to do to get there u could be rescheduled and have this drawn out longer and that would suck! Good luck to u and hey if u want to vent I'm here vent away lol
  12. shellyd88

    daughters concerns

    @@Bubba's Mom hi this is my thought... she says if u just try one more time u can do it... u say it's hard to argue with that logic.... sounds like u have tried many times without the success u desire this has been around for a long time it's not a new thing ... I'd say that's the logic it's hard to argue against why waste even more time when u can gain an effective tool to help u succeed ? It sounds as if your daughter is grown as she lives far away u need to do what u feel in your heart is right for u as u are the one who must live with the result keep doing what hasn't worked or try something that will if u really feel u want this and are comfortable with your decision go for it don't let anything stand in your way best wishes to u
  13. @@Jacqbult hi I'm still pre op myself and I can say I've wanted to quit so many times I know I can't I'm in so much pain all the time from being so heavy it's hard to do anything it's all I can do to get thru the day at work then I'm home in agony for hours literally crying at times from the pain I simply can't lose enough without help I was never lucky enough to have children I wish I had it's my biggest regret in life besides letting myself get this way but if I had kids I'd want to be around for them to be able to participate with them in things to be able to keep up to not be maybe so sick from diabetes or worse that they lose their parent if we didn't have second third or more thoughts of backing out I don't think we would be normal I hope u keep the hope of what the future can be in front of u the positive things and let the negative ones stay behind best of luck
  14. shellyd88

    Snow and surgery!

    I will send positive thoughts and prayers your way this sounds like exactly my kind of luck lol! Be safe hope your surgery goes well and u have a great recovery best wishes
  15. shellyd88

    32 lbs down since 9/22

    Sorry I have no idea how that posted 4 times
  16. shellyd88

    32 lbs down since 9/22

    Congrats u must be thrilled!
  17. shellyd88

    32 lbs down since 9/22

    Congrats u must be thrilled!
  18. shellyd88

    32 lbs down since 9/22

    Congrats u must be thrilled!
  19. shellyd88

    32 lbs down since 9/22

    Congrats u must be thrilled!
  20. shellyd88

    Two week diet for surgery on...

    Good luck Nate you are so lucky to be able to do this at a young age I know u will make the best of it u have such a long life in front of u to get this under control and not have serious problems at or before middle age that may seem a long ways off to u however take my word for it time really does fly especially after age 21 lol u won't regret being happy healthy active social mobile u will gain so many benefits best if luck to u and I hope u have a smooth recovery keep us posted on how your doing post op ok
  21. @@time for june yayyy good for u and all the rest of us too.... Hear us roar!
  22. shellyd88

    One week post op????

    @@shellbell79 oh my that definately looks painful are u home now or still in the hospital? I'm still pre op so I can only imagine what your going thru I see lots of ppl on here say to use abdominal binders as it helps with the pain and moving around getting up and down and such bariatric abdominal binders at thefind.com also have u tried gas x strips? I feel so bad for u that your in pain oh I've seen ppl say they used heating pads too on their backs I think and having their spouse karate chop back and shoulders as it helps with gas I hope some of this helps and that u feel better soon and that your able to get some rest
  23. shellyd88

    One week post op????

    Are u still in the hospital ? Aren't they giving u anything for pain maybe it's the gas everyone talks about are u able to walk around at all I've also seen ppl say the fetal position help with the gas pain I sure hope u feel better soon
  24. shellyd88

    Calling All (Tobacco) Smokers...

    oh wow can I relate to this I too started young about the same age and smoked till I was 27 when my baby nephew was born and he needed to be cared for so his momma could stay in school I quit for four years and I went back to it again until 2008 it was harder the first time then the 2nd honestly after about two weeks it gets better find something to do with your hands if u have a hobby do that it will be a much easier recovery for u I really don't think u will have a desire to smoke for at least the first week after surgery besides it will delay healing and put u at more risk for blood clots if your trying to improve your health u will just be sabotaging yourself and what's the point in that? Try sugar free gum chew ice chips keep busy it really helps best wishes and good luck
  25. shellyd88

    Eating problems

    @ hi I'm on south beach it's a lot of protein and vegs no pasta rice bread Potaoes no junk food no starchy vegs or high sugar fruits it's difficult but I've gotten rid of anything not allowed no junk in house no ice cream cookies snack foods such as pretzels chips only buy quantitys of needed foods for planned meals with no leftovers to go back for later if it's here I'll eat it u can't eat what isn't there the first couple weeks are really hard it gets easier after that the less carbs and sugar u eat the less u crave good luck

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