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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by shellyd88

  1. shellyd88

    Too Small For Surgery

    @@FOXYLADYA hi I agree with everyone else see someone else better yet see her one more time and advise her to get a different profession as she is sadly lacking your current weight is at least a 100lbs over what u should weigh perhaps she doesn't believe in surgical intervention however it's your health and life not hers your decision not hers keep that in mind and don't let these ppl intimidate you or try to discourage you from your path u know your history and health better than others after all u live it! Best wishes
  2. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @@kimmerzj29 well not the same day but only a few days apart lol I'm on the 24th congrats !!!
  3. shellyd88

    The rumors have started!

    Omg!!! My heart fell when I read u feel like a snake about it how awful pls don't feel that way u owe these ppl no explanations about your personal health decisions telling them will likely only fuel gossip and unwanted comments causing u stress at a time u least need such nonsense now of course ppl will talk regardless about something or someone and if they do it afterward they will only look and sound like the jealous donkeys they are acting like remember this is not easy as some ppl like to say I've told a few ppl that if they think it's so easy they should try it and then we can talk about why they think it's so easy until then they should keep their opinions to themselves and shut the f**k up!!!
  4. So glad to hear from you we were getting so worried about you I hope you are finally on the way to a resolution to these issues have they figured out the problem yet? Thinking of you and praying all goes well and moves in the right direction for you
  5. U deserve a huge congrats on taking control of your health I can relate to your situation with husband the thing I have realized is that when ppl have these types of issues and don't learn from the life altering consequences of their choices and things haven't changed up to now they aren't likely to they are unable or unwilling to to alter their behavior due to their addiction I've come to realize these ppl cannot be counted on for any kind of support as they are too caught up in their own issues to be of help to others u have to decide how many times u are willing to "lose everything " to start over again... Until it happens again... u deserve better u may have to be your own best support and take control of other aspects as well it's a very liberating feeling all the best to you
  6. Hey nprcowboy sending thoughts and prayers your way hope a resolution has been been found and that you can get on the way to feeling better asap
  7. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hey maybe we will be having ours around the same time!
  8. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Thanks!!! And I sure hope so been dragging along thru all this since late July just want it done already how far along are u?
  9. shellyd88

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    Laughing hysterically .... Well said!
  10. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Good news I finally got a date!!!! Bad news it's two months away???? seems like so much hurry up and wait they hustle u to get all testing lose weight etc etc then finally u finish only to be told sorry dr going on a month long vacation soonest day can be a month after he returns omg I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown
  11. I've never heard of them being done both at the same time the surgeons at the bariatric clinic I go to make it mandatory if your over 50 or you have had those kind of issues
  12. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I can relate at my last appt I was told the same thing I admitted to having pumpkin pie on thanksgiving and although I still lost 10 lbs that month I was still made to feel as I was some kind of pig with this "I'm so disappointed in you look" I ate little of anything else except turkey guess I should have kept my mouth shut got a lecture that if I " let myself get crazy" that I'll be pushed back to start over until I can get "control of myself" have my meeting with my surgeon on mon will finally be given a date I'm told probly end of jan to mid February sometime I know how u feel about everything taking so long once I was told I was seeing dr and I got there was told he wasn't there that day I was freakin fuming! I started this in late July was told 3 months hmm has been 5 already by my surgery will closer to seven or eight months u just don't get real answers from anyone when I was leaving dr office last time one of the girls working there said she had lost a lot of wieght too and I asked her which procedure she had and she says " oh no I lost it the hard way I just eat healthy" nice attitude for someone working in bariatrics so nice to be ridiculed in a dr office
  13. shellyd88

    Help needed please, and prayers

    Hi I'm sorry your having so many issues I hope you get some resolution with the new drs and that u get to feeling better asap sending good thoughts your way!
  14. Oh my lord I want to know what kind of supposed WLS those ppl had if they could possibly eat that much food so soon after surgery they need to request a freakin refund just put that where it belongs some ppl will see or hear things and take it as the truth don't waste your energy trying to convince them otherwise simply prove them wrong! Good luck
  15. Sorry u had to experience that nasty bussiness they say misery loves company well they all have each other now don't they? rise above and keep going your husband sounds like a godsend how wonderful so be happy leave the negative where it belongs behind u congrats on your new life and hopefully better new friends to come ! I can somewhat relate I'm still pre op and have lost some friends already it devestated me for a while and I thought u know what I'm doing something different and nessecary to change my life for the better u can walk with me or stay behind but I will cannot and will not tolerate negativity and bitchy jealous judgemental people
  16. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Jenngf5 hi there welcome I've made some progress finally I'm getting to meet with my surgeon on dec 22 I still have to do the Cpap for a period of time first but I'm supposed to be getting a tentative date toward end of jan it's been so long since July doing all these tests just glad to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel
  17. Hi I don't know where your located but perhaps a residential obesity clinic would work for for you google it I've seen shows where they take ppl and give them the surgery and the physical therapy to help them get walking folks heavier than u too I'm sure they also have some sort of psych eval they all do so I'm sure that will be part of it too it may be an option for u best of luck
  18. shellyd88

    Feeling disappointed and unsure

    Do your research on the bypass just as u did the sleeve then decide and it is your decision not the PA not the Dr don't be bullied they aren't having the procedures or living with it after
  19. shellyd88


    Hello and welcome we have some things in common im still pre op working on finishing my testing to move forward started in July feels like forever hoping to have surgery by end of jan
  20. I agree with something sounds fishy here hmm a dr telling a person who is overweight by a 100 lbs that they don't need to lose weight? That's not reality This is not his specialty his " beliefs" should not concern u your life your decision research talk to a professional keeping u in pain and on painkillers keeps him in "business " it's likely the more weight u gain the more discomfort u will have perhaps u should reconsider this drs ethics uh I mean "beliefs"? best of luck
  21. Hi this is just my opinion you are an adult u made a decision to make your self healthier I'm sure a big part of your decision was your child she doesn't have to agree with or like it but she does have to respect it and u should be able to depend on her support in your time of need and be able to recuperate in the comfort of your own home without conflict if for no other reason than the sake of her grandchild
  22. shellyd88

    Sleeve at 23!

    Hi and welcome best of luck during this process!
  23. @@mnmlst hey hi glad to hear your doing so well that's awesome u must be so happy I hope u get your wish lol
  24. I'm still pre op for WLS but I had this happen just before another procedure I had an arrhythmia which is controlled by meds now pls don't freak out it actually can turn out to be nothing to be misread If u have an off ekg they won't put u under for surgery better to fnd out now which does nothing for your disappointment I know good news is most cardio drs are for WLS they know by removing weight it reduces risk so that shouldn't be a problem hope all turns out well best wishes
  25. shellyd88

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Yes I'm right in the middle of the hard hit area snowblower all day looks like I made no effort at all just keeps coming cars buried streets impassible supposed to be same tomm snowblower froze up and won't work lol hoping it fires up tomm hope u get rescheduled for your apt soon

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