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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by shellyd88

  1. shellyd88


    @@jaterika no one has the right to judge anyone else pay no mind to that nasty talk whatever u decide is the right decision for you at this time only u must live with what it means to your life and family others don't have to deal with all that it entails emotionally and financially and they certainly won't be paying the bills and buying the food clothes medical care and day care etc etc
  2. hi all just remember u don't have to explain or justify your weight loss or gain to anyone having surgery is a personal decision if u need the tool to help get healthier no one should be judging anyone it's your business and the people who will gossip well they will anyway if not about this then something else the same people are usually the ones saying why don't u do something about yourself then when u do they feel free to give a usually unwanted or unhelpful opinion they should be suppportive if they can't be keep your distance you don't need the stress
  3. shellyd88

    Lips and mouth sores

    I've had a couple a month since getting sleeved in February never had any before
  4. shellyd88


    I don't think the baby will suffer because of food by the time it needs a ton more nutrients u will be able to eat more and u can always supplement with liquids such as Atkins shakes or similar things whatever u decide it's the right thing for you at this time positive thoughts and prayers for you
  5. shellyd88

    Family support issues

    Hi I agree we all have had at least one of those story's told to us usually in a tone and attitude of why cant u control yourself and just eat less and excercise more well if that was possible we wouldn't consider this would we honestly I have to say that I really feel that if people don't experience it they really can't understand it's sort of like telling a drug addict not to take drugs well duhhh if only it was that simple right?
  6. shellyd88

    Peanut butter...oh no!

    I can't do ice cream either or artificial sweeteners nuts or peanut butter oats wheat horseradish dill cabbage terrible pain sweats cramps and much time spent in restroom wishing for death
  7. The cream soups might be too heavy at this point and may possibly aggravate the nausea try broths and tea warm things went down better for me in the beginning I felt awful for weeks as I wasn't getting enough fluids I literally had to force myself to drink drink drink I hope u feel better soon
  8. shellyd88

    Anyone with BMI 55+?

    @@sarah1732 hi mine was 62 sleeved February 2015 down 150 60 of that before surgery and now at 41 doing well so far
  9. Hi yes it means stop that's about right for where u are its a slow process it's very little but it's what u can handle over time it will get better if u feel it in your throat definitely stop don't get that full it's very uncomfortable be sure to chew very well don't drink to soon before or after u may not feel full measure the allowed amount and don't go over that
  10. Hi it's really hard I know the cravings may always be there unfortunately we have to resist the urge to eat them fill up with protein first and Vegs have healthy things on hand to snack on the less u eat bad things the less u will want them find things to do to keep yourself occupied boredom invites temptation if u have a hobby do that take a walk work out walk the dog clean closets whatever the more u lose the less u will want to eat weight gaining foods that aren't good for you don't keep stuff in the house that tempts you that helps me a lot if it's not here I can't eat it only wish I'd done that years ago lol
  11. In my program we were told to hold off on alcohol for a few months until we heal and then to go slow as it may affect us differently than before and they feel that if we are addicted to food we can become addicted to alcohol we were not told tho not to ever have a drink they did push the no soda and carbonated drinks thing really hard tho
  12. shellyd88


    It's likely the protein powder I had the same trouble for a few weeks also only liquids going in so it's going to come out it stops I couldn't stand any of the protein shakes at all I stopped using them they all tasted and smelled horrendous to me couldn't even choke it down if u can manage it good for u try to keep your strength up
  13. I agree with what avafern said as well you look like a normal size person congrats on getting there I also have had ppl voice loudly opinions about my weight now that I've lost weight those same ppl who have basically abandoned me are suddenly interested in my life and are " so proud" of me apparently I'm now a worthy person? The first topic of conversation is always how much have u lost? In front of anyone who cares to listen I just hate that why does it have to the first topic of every conversation?
  14. shellyd88

    Heartburn / sour stomach

    Me too was the most disgusting feeling wake up in night with my throat burning surgeon put me on RX Prilosec for two months before and three months after surgery then my RX ran out and omg!!! within 24 hours it started talk about burning couldn't even eat cottage cheese went to store and bought over the counter acid reducer I've never experienced that either before the surgery I'm assuming I'll need these forever
  15. shellyd88

    High TSH Levels

    Hi yes my surgeon tested me for that even tho I go to an endocrinologist I had thyroid cancer a few years ago had surgery and radiation my levels have been screwy ever since I had to retest until my levels were normal before surgery
  16. @@SoulGlo I also started out at a high number and have lost nearly 150 but have that much more to go to be in a so called normal weight why do u say say even if u reach your goal u will still be fat and miserable? I started on south beach in sept 2014 lost 60 lbs in five months had the sleeve in February 2015 I'm down 144 as of yesterday yes we all contributed to being overweight but we are trying and working toward changing that so don't beat yourself up u must move forward not look backward in order to succeed feel free to chat if u like ok
  17. @@CloserToFine I couldn't agree more this guy is an assclown ! Next time look around as if your trying to see whom he is referring to and say u must have confused me with someone else and keep walking toward anyone u know and change the scene he is trying to create u can't change stupid
  18. shellyd88

    Too much for me

    Hi everyone it really just takes time I had my sleeve on feb 24 I still have days where I eat a couple bites and I'm done its trial and error if u eat to fast or dont chew enough or have one bite too much it will feel stuck in your chest or throat if u drank to close to eating u will feel too full it does get better I swear u just have to be patient and don't push in things u want but aren't cleared for yet I promise u it hurts don't do it cut everything very small and chew well and it will get better
  19. Mine hasn't diagnosed in 2010 sleeve surgery feb24 this year still the same I do work on my feet all day though so perhaps if u do not maybe it will get better
  20. shellyd88

    Low Sodium V8 on preop diet?

    Yes I was allowed to have that
  21. @@Allens Comedy it's basically a delay tactic by the insurance company's in hopes u will decide it's too hard to follow the rules and the endless visits tests weigh ins etc and u give up and they don't have to pay for it
  22. @@xxjosettexx hi you absolutely can lose what u need to with a sleeve I was over a hundred lbs more than you and I'm 3.5 months post op I've lost nearly 100 lbs some surgeons try to push GB instead of sleeve it's your decision not theirs remember that best of luck
  23. shellyd88

    Surgery date is set!

    I don't know where this nurse came from I'm 3.5 months post op the pain was absolutely not horrific some discomfort for a few days kinda like a muscle pull mostly bothers when getting up and down or bending over the gas pain is worse then the surgical incisions was nauseas and bloated for about three days nothing intolerable though
  24. shellyd88

    Too much for me

    It will get better I promise everything pretty much tasted like crap or metal ewww for awhile water too it will go away it's very frustrating in the moment I found warm drinks and broth went down better baby fruit juices were good too v8 was ok I hope u feel better
  25. shellyd88

    Madly in love but holding back info

    I totally get what your saying about living in the now not in the past and not having ppl watch what u eat and commenting on it however.....what if someone tells him? or he see old photos? some may feel not telling is somehow well a lie the stress of keeping this quiet may be too much for you it's been a short time maybe see what happens then decide if u want to disclose or not

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