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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Thank you all for being so kind and supportive. That is why I love this site. I have been super secretive with everyone, hubby, and parents are the only ones who know so its been wonderful to talk to you all on here. I take a multi-with Iron, Vitamins B & D, Calcium Citrate, and it feels like I am forgetting one right now, which I probably am. I keep them in a carrier in my handbag, and just refill it on sundays. My B is sublingual, and I am on an additional iron which I am actually finishing this month for a while because My Iron is up from 6 to 183 thanks to my infusions!! Went to my 9 month official checkup and they told me they were so happy, that if I didn't lose another pound I would be well within my one year goal and were concerned, not wanting me to lose more than 10-15 more, that I may look disproportioned or sickly and I don't want that!! I hope you all are doing GREAT!!!!
  2. You look AWESOME!!! Great Job!!!
  3. You look amazing! Great job!!!!
  4. I was totally against bypass until my dr explained that it was my best option. I have always fought anemia, because of heavy menstrual cycles, endometriosis & such. I no more get my iron up and have a horrible month and I'm back down. So I had to get it normal and maintain it for 3 months prior to surgery. I'll admit also that I didn't take my multi at first, because keeping up with them all was a lot to remember. I'm much better now with taking what I should. Especially after I had to pay $2600 out of pocket for my infusions, that was an expensive lesson to learn!!!! I you stay in the normal range now you should fine, my other had bypass the March before I had mine and her iron was actually on the high side last time so she has backed off and now just takes a multi without iron, I guess it could go either way!
  5. I've only lost a cup size, don't have backfat anymore which is great but yes, mine basically look like two socks with rocks in them LOL They are finally (9months out) starting to shrink, it's like they & my belly flap are the last to budge....
  6. Awesome progress, you look great!!! Keep it up!!
  7. I won't lie, it's been hard on my marriage, now all of a sudden I get attention I never got before. I don't pay it a lot of attention because I'm not used to it (hubby is not overweight), he has become very jealous. My head still sees the old me, sometimes I make stupid choices that make me feel guilty, but I jump right back on my course & things have gone well. I started my journey at 280lbs, a lot of health problems and extremely unhappy. Today I am 180, 9 months out, year anniversary is Sept 15th, the day I considered the first day of the rest of my life!!! It has been!! I've battled anemia since, but was predisposed to it to begin with so it wasn't a shock. I take additional supplements and have had a few infusions- should be ironwoman by now! ???? I love getting to wear 'normal' clothing 'again' although I've never been this small. The only bad thing is having to buy new clothing every time I turn around but, it's a good problem!!! I hope you're all staying positive and having wonderful progress!!! I'm here to chat if you want to!!! ???? My pictures are exactly 2 years apart and the before makes me cringe!
  8. emarall


    Popcorn always reacts with me as ruffage so it's caused me dumping. Everyone is different, and if in a small amount I'm ok, but my not so smart side kicks in and says eat more so I get sick. But it's so good!! :-/ agree, eat your first serving at home so you know how you react!!!
  9. emarall

    September surgery

    Oh gosh, if I couldn't tolerate eggs I probably wouldn't get any protein. I have gotten so sick of sweet protein drinks that my Dr suggested an egg with cheese and that's probably all my breakfast has been for 2 weeks now. They did say we would find intolerance to things we never had a problem with before. I can't have anything greasy, was in a pinch and had to eat out and had a piece of chicken, and that caused dumping. 3 bite and I was so sick!!!
  10. emarall

    September surgery

    Nope, not just yall, I held at 250, loss of 29 lbs for 2 weeks, upped my protein and lost 4 lbs, now I'm holding tight at a total loss of 33lbs.... I'm discouraged to say the least. If anything, I'm not getting protein & water levels met but sheesh I have to make myself eat at all. I'm so glad I'm not alone here!!!
  11. emarall

    September surgery

    I don't know why my posts show up twice sometimes, I'm sorry!!! ????
  12. emarall

    September surgery

    My dr put me on an acid reducer from the day I left the hospital & am taking it for 2 months, when I asked why he said it was because reflux was common after bypass! Maybe ask your Dr about that too!I'm so nervous every time I eat, I'm on mushy food now and it's like heaven, I was so sick of liquids!!!
  13. emarall

    September surgery

    My dr put me on an acid reducer from the day I left the hospital & am taking it for 2 months, when I asked why he said it was because reflux was common after bypass! Maybe ask your Dr about that too!I'm so nervous every time I eat, I'm on mushy food now and it's like heaven, I was so sick of liquids!!!
  14. emarall

    September surgery

    How is everyone postop doing? I'm actually off all pain Meds & doing ok! My furthest left incision is the one that hurts the most if I walk too much. Had to coach 3-5 yr olds soccer this morning, that wasn't my best choice but had no other choice!! Since preop diet began I am down 20lbs so that helps make me feel better! I don't think I'm getting near enough protein & am so sick of sweet stuff- everything it seems is sweet & that gets old fast! Also was introduced to dumping syndrome yesterday- that was HORRIBLE!!! It had to be apple sauce, it was sugar free, but evidently did not agree!! Hope everyone is doing great!!!! And those that are just about to have surgery, good luck!! ????
  15. emarall

    September surgery

    Mine too!! I feel like the weight pulls on them and I need some support! They have me on Percocet which I've only taken at night so it doesn't hurt to lay down- and they give me horrible nightmares?!! Not worth it, I'm doing Tylenol tonight and trying to get some sleep!!

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