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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eclectick

  1. Ok, now I am getting scared, I have or had severe acid reflux, since I quit smoking it has subsided a bit..i went from taking 4 OTC Prilosec a day to taking 1 Nexium a day, I can actually go 2 days at the most...however on my 4 day with no Nexium..and I'm hurting (I ran out)

    I also have a hiatal hernia that will be removed during sleeve op, but I don't want bypass, the thought of foreign object in my body doesn't sit well with me.. my date is 32 days away...

    I am so sorry you went and going through what your going through, and so happy you posted this information here, although everyones body is different, I AM getting really scared.

  2. I'm in for a rude of wakening, not sleeved yet but I can have 2 cups of Decaf coffee in the morning...and go ALL day without anything to drink...I have always been like that..perhaps that is why I am ALWAYS dehydrated which is really not good for you..but I'm not thirsty....I am praying post-op I can find something that will MAKE me thirsty.

    I keep a bottle of Water on my night stand now...due to acid reflux..when my Nexium doesn't work I wake up an take a sip of Water and I am fine for about an hour or so..till i turn over and need another sip to cool my esophagus off.

  3. wow, 1300 calories for a new sleeve? That seems like alot... I haven't been sleeved yet..but apparently from what I hear doctors use different size "bogees" which is the size they make your sleeve...could be he used a large one and you are able to eat much more than the average bear...I don't really have an answer..sorry.

  4. Oh my goodness, I only have 12 days including the day of surgery off from work. I sure hope I will be able to go back..I have a sit down office job..but still..lot's of work to be done...and I need my job. Although my boss is very understanding...I still have to be there.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss, I am completely compassionate about what your going through. Some people say "you don't have a clue how I feel" but I actually do..lemme tell you why? <-- should make you feel a little better.

    February 2013 I had to have an emergency gallbladder operation, simple 1 day procedure you would think, but ended up getting aspiration pneumonia from the anesthesia which left me with 6 days the hospital. Wasn't planning that but had to use some of my vacation time from work. Then I found out I had Thyroid Cancer in October and had my Thyroid removed in November 2013, (no more cancer) then my boyfriends son and his girlfriend decided to do drugs and get caught so their 2 year old was brought to us temp. custody on Thanksgiving 2013...then my 24 year old son and his 2 dogs were brutally murdered during a burglary at his house...imagine loosing a child!!! then in March the druggy son of my boyfriend goes to court and tells the judge that his father is an alcoholic and is denying them court ordered visitations with their son to which is not true...they NEVER showed up and my boyfriend hardly ever drinks...but the judge took the child away from us and gave him back to the druggies <-- see how our justice system works?

    Then to make matters even worse, when I finally had enough...it was time for me and I decided to do my homework and educate myself on the Gastric sleeve to wit I made my appointment with Surgeon at the end of May 2014 and found out my insurance will cover it...but also found out I am now a diabetic.

    So..this surgery is the best choice I can make in my life..funny tho...if I have no appendix, Female parts (hysterectomy), gallbladder, thyroid and now soon to loose over half my stomach...why does God give them to us if we can survive without them? :wacko:

    Anyway...I hope that makes you feel a little better that we all have our trials and triumphs, one is no worse or better than the other..but to us..they are tragic. Just know that no matter where you are..someone is listening weather it's someone in your personal life or someone from this forum...your not alone. Keep your chin up...smile and get back on the program expeditiously and that in itself will make you feel so much better. I promise you!! :)

  6. Well like I you said, she is very spoiled and self absorbed in herself rather than you, instead of telling us how she is..concentrate on who you are ..and focus on what you will become....if you keep going on the notion that she is not compassionate enough for your taste then you will miss all the good stuff.and eventually what she likes and dislikes or what she wants or doesn't want will soon dictate your life and if you allow it...it will soon put you back to where you were before WLS and I feel that is not what you want.

    You can only tell her how you feel, what you would prefer she do or not do...but weather she does it or not..is irrelivant ...you dictate your own life...but with that being said...just try your best to except your mom for who she is..and leave it at that. It would certainly save you some heart ache in the long run..and keeps your relationship with your mom together.

  7. Perhaps the card was for you and the Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Vouchers were for your son....keep in mind, this is your journey..not your moms or your son's. I agree that it appears she is being a bit over the top..but perhaps your taking her spoiling your son a bit too much. First question you need to ask...has she always spoiled your son with these gifts? If not, then you absolutely correct in feeling the way you do...but if she has always spoiled him..then this is your cross to bare...she may not know the effects or emotions WLS participants go through and if she is not willing to educate or listen to them...you can't change that. You can only change you...you can't change other people.

    Don't ruin your relationship with your mother because she doesn't understand what YOUR going through, nor do you understand why she is doing what she is doing...but is this all worth NOT having your mom in your life? You have asked her to stop, and perhaps when the two of you butt heads..it could of been something one of you said, or the way you said it that forced her to pack and go.

    She may of left all these goodies in your house for your son...it is up to you..to overlook it...and be strong enough to say..."go ahead, put a piece of chocolate cake in my face, I am working on a healthier lifestyle and I CAN say NO"

    So, the moral of my rambling is...."Just say NO" and keep the relationship with your mom, so that your son can have one with his granny, otherwise you are or could remove her from his life if the two of your can't be mature adults and basically ...get over it. This is your journey, not hers...so no matter what she does...keep saying that to yourself..this is YOUR journey..and if she doesn't want to be a part of it...so be it...you can't force her!!

    Done rambling..sorry!! :huh:

  8. I did endoscopy, and yes they put you put..but it's for like 15 minutes. I will have blood work and EKG within 30 days prior to surgery but this is not for insurance..it's for the anesthesiologist. I was suffering severe acid reflux that warranted the endoscopy which resulted in the findings of a Hiatal Hernia that will be removed during surgery. I also quit smoking so that gave me a great deal of acid reflux relief as well.

  9. What is an EGD...I know a few month ago I had a scope done since I was experiencing really bad reflux...without the surgery yet...but after the scope his only response was.."nothing surprising" whatever that means..I know I have a hiatal hernia that will be repaired at time of surgery...I also quit smoking, and quit caffeinated coffee..doing the Decaf with sugar free hazelnut Creamer and I have noticed my reflux is not as severe as it used to be. I still take a OTC Nexium every other day as apposed to 2 a day before..so it's definitely a step forward.

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