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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by motherof5

  1. motherof5

    African American vsgers!

    The 25th is approaching fast. What does your pre-op consist of?
  2. motherof5

    African American vsgers!

    Glad that you are doing better. It will get much better and it will take time. Everything is still new. Congrats on your weight lose, its awesome.
  3. OMGoodness! You look awesome. You did a great job with that band.
  4. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Hello Hello Hello and Good morning! Can you tell I am feeling great? Well, the Miralax worked and I think I am going to stick with that until I can eat regular foods. I am also going to stick with the Activia too. I would rather have food to help me than some chemicals. I have deleveoped acid reflux and had a few heartburn sessions. That is the only con about my sleeve experience. Never had acid reflux like this and I have to take some chewables for this. I am glad to see everyone heading in the right direction,DOWN! We are still in the beginning stages and still have a long journey. Later Loser!
  5. motherof5

    Worried I'm hungry! ONE WEEK OUT

    Totally agree with Sleevarella. I felt the same hunger pains in the beginning and it drove me crazy. I knew it was a false reading. Your tummy is still healing and you will not feel much of a restriction now. But wait until you get to eat real foods. It is a totally different ball game. Make sure to stick with your NUT's plan and stop when you are satisfied. @Sleevarella: Awesome weight lose!
  6. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Being that I can not consume a lot at one time. I try to eat at least every two hours. It also helps with staying out of starvation mode. For my 2 pm meal, I had some Feta cheese with some homemade blueberry and strawberry preserves. OMGoodness! I may have that again later, lol.
  7. motherof5

    African American vsgers!

    Hey All. I was sleeved on August 26th. I will have my 4 week checkup on Monday. So far I am down 23 pounds between pre and post op. It is a long journey and we have to learn our new tummies. It is definitely easier now to drink liquids but I can only eat about a tablespoon of food at a time. So, every two hours I have something in my mouth, lol. Nice to meet you. Later losers!
  8. motherof5

    African American vsgers!

    Hey I am from Norfolk VA. I was just down there in August!
  9. motherof5

    Not losing enough weight

    It really is. I was sleeved on August 26th and I haven't put a dent in towards my goal weight, lol. I am still learning my new tummy. What it likes and dislikes.
  10. motherof5


    Ahh yes, the infamous EGD. I had it done twice before surgery. The first time I was in the Matrix (not fully there). I was awake fo rthe whole process. The nurse was surprised. I didn't feel a thing but it was a weird experience.The second time I was out like a light. They will administer meds for you to go to sleep. They may offer you a spray to numb your throat(I highly suggest it). They will insert a tube like the size of a pen into you rmouth and down to your stomach. It will be painless and hopefully you will be asleep. It will be okay.
  11. motherof5

    Not losing enough weight

    I agree with the previous posters. I think sometimes we get so caught up in what the NUT or the surgeons expect us to lose and it drives us crazy when we don't get there. As long as you are gong down it is a good thing. Some people do not reach their goal weight until 1 or 2 years out. My surgeon wants me to be 150 pounds. Being African American and with my shape, I will look sickly.lol
  12. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Was feeling so BLAH yesterday. I was pushing water and Activia to get things moving. And had some Miralax. I spend the evening in my bed. I got up this morning and felt a lot better but still no movement. The first thing I had to drink was my Miralax. After I fixed the family breakfast, it kicked in. AHHH, much better, lol. Todays agenda is to push my proteins and water. Took my vitamins already and I am good to go. Later Losers!
  13. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    I agree with the weighing thing Mskeisha. I decided that I was going to take that approach. It gives me motivation. It also made me push harder when it came to my workout times.That is the same thing I did pre-op when I was on the supervised wt management kick. Thanks for the motivational speech and there is only one way to go and that is down. I have my 4 week checkup on Monday and I hope everything is good, especially my BP.
  14. motherof5

    Happy to be really alive

    Thanks for sharing your story with us today. Very encouraging.
  15. Agreed. i am going on 4 weeks post op and that incision hurts me as well. I know for sure that I am doing too much around here and need to slow it down some, lol.
  16. motherof5

    Medicaid process

    Ohio medicaid here. I had to do a 9 month supervised visit with my PCP.
  17. Thanks for sharing this. I also bookmarked the homepage. I have been thinking about sauces to make for my meats. I am in love with the spicy mayo sauce that they use on sushi. Thanks again.
  18. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    The only vitamins my surgeon have me on right now are the Flintstones Completes. I will ask him Monday about lab work.
  19. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Awesome! I have yet to do any exercises. It is my intentions to start this Sautrday morning. I am have a probably withthe number two issue but I am pushing Activia. Feeling a litttle BLAH today, so I am going to take a nap.
  20. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    It's me ,Motherof5 checking in. Yesterday was soooo bad for me. I felt like I had a ton of bricks on my stomach. I tried to push the Protein drinks but I could not. I ate pureed meat yesterday and it was not a good thing. I felt like my tummy ws about to explode, really. Going to push the 2 Protein shakes today with Water and maybe do my kupta(meat) meal for lunch. I also have some Activia that my hubby just purchased for me and I will have some of that as well. Not going to play that game again. I was so miserable that I went to bed around 9 pm, lol. Other than that I am feeling well. Still have this little hole at one of my incision sites but it does not hurt nor does it show signs of infection. I decided to let it get some air today. I am just very surprised that it has not closed yet, weird. Later Losers!
  21. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Ha ha. I understand about the stop eating thing. Especially when it is tasty. I get mad cause I can't overindulge, that's crazy. But it is a good thing for us.
  22. I agree with Bufflehead. Call your surgeon ASAP.
  23. motherof5

    Nutribullet, Magic Bullet, Other?

    With my plan I am not allowed raw veggies only cooked. So far I am just doing the creamy peanut butter. I did put a small piece of banana one time. My NUT suggested a little pineapple in my cottage cheese.I did puree a little piece of chicken with some cream of chicken soup and it was good. I had to add more broth because it was too thick.
  24. motherof5

    I made it through surgery!

    Welcome to the losers bench Floridagirl!
  25. motherof5

    Nutribullet, Magic Bullet, Other?

    Same here. I use the Nutribullet for everything. I am currently in the puree stage and it works perfectly. I also use it for my chocolate peanut butter protein shakes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
