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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    krydmo reacted to Sarah Bauer in September surgery   
    Good to hear from you guys & that you survived the holidays. I usually just read what people have to say & that's it. But I have to vent... I am so super frustrated! I have lost 40 lbs since surgery which was on Sept. 17th. This past month I have lost nothing. I get that there are stalls, but this is crazy. I am stuck at 200 lbs. I will go up to 203 & back down to 200, it's making me doubt if what I did was worth it for 40 lbs. I consume about 750 calories a day with 80-100 grams of Protein, low carbs, low sugar & low fat.
    Is anybody else having this issue? I guess I need to call the doctor. Thanks for the feedback
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    krydmo reacted to JustJaime5 in Discouraged Already   
    @lljenkins. I just read your post about feeling discouraged and saw the responses. I was sleeved 12/9 and felt / feel exactly the same I think that is a natural part of the process. I'm approaching 3 weeks and down 20 lbs so I'm feeling a bit better. But originally I had not lost anything the first week and a half and felt the same way you did - we just made this drastic change (and are still dealing with that emotionally) and are not seeing results. After the first week and a half i drastically lost 10lbs around the week and a half mark. Then 7 more pounds followed pretty quickly and just today another 4. I think the attitude that the others have comes with time and seeing the results and soon we will start seeing things that way. I'm starting to trust in the process and know that if I follow the rules it will all work out. I am addicted to my scale which is a terrible thing. I may need to,ask someone to hide it until I can break the habit!!
    Hang in there you are not alone!!
    Ann/ other veterans while we appreciate your candor and tough love --Please remember we are new to this process, not even in a month yet and are trying to learn how to live our new life and deal with all the emotions and new feelings that come along with the surgery. Often we see others results and feel like we may be doing something wrong or even worse, start to question our decision. We will learn in time. Please be patient. That's why we come to these forums for the advice and support of those of you who have been in our shoes.
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    krydmo reacted to Luana526 in Does anyone else hate the way they feel after they eat   
    Finally! Now I feel comfortable venting because I know there are others out there like me!
    When I went to the informational meeting back in July, there were five or six people in front of the room speaking about their experiences. They were at various stages of post-op and all had either lap band, sleeve, or bypass. They were all deliriously happy--almost like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" happy. As people were asking questions, I raised my hand and explained that I have two good friends who have had gastric bypass and I had just finished a "girls weekend" with the both of them and for two days I watched them pushing food away, most of the time in disgust. I said, "I want the surgery and I want to be successful, but I don't want to loathe food." Oh, you won't, you won't, I was assured.
    Today I am six weeks post-op and I have lost 31.5 pounds, including the 14 pounds pre-op. When I was on liquids, I actually had an appetite. I was a little scared because I had read a lot on here of people saying their appetites disappeared. Well, fast forward to where I am now and I find myself repulsed by virtually all foods. And I didn't want this! Everybody made it sound like "you just won't be able to eat as much." There are the usual "suck it up" and "this is what you signed up for" responses on here, but that doesn't help because this isn't what I signed up for. I specifically asked the group of people during the informational meeting if loathing food was going to be a possibility. I didn't weigh 218 pounds because I simply loved food. I weighed 218 pounds because I ate too much of the wrong foods coupled with very little exercise.
    Furthermore, it would have been nice if someone had been honest about what that "full" feeling really feels like. It's not a "Thanksgiving full/satisfied" kind of feeling. It's something totally foreign (very hard to describe) and very unpleasant. Not because I'm eating too fast or too much or not chewing enough. It's just being at that stomach capacity and feeling even more repulsed by food. I'm actually shocked my weight isn't coming off faster because there are days I'm lucky to take in 700 calories.
    I asked several people who had already had the surgery, "Am I going to go into a restaurant and look like a freak because I can't eat?" Noooooo, I was told. So last week my husband and I went out to a very fancy restaurant (no kids was the best part!) for our anniversary and he ordered baked clams as an appetizer and I had not even a whole one. When my salmon came, all I could get down was a tiny forkful. The waiter came up to me twice to ask if everything was okay and I finally said, "I guess I wasn't as hungry as I thought. Could you just wrap it?" So he did that and I spent the rest of the time watching my husband eat. I never went crazy in restaurants (almost always brought a doggie bag home--I'm more of a grazer) but I sat there thinking, "This is exactly what I didn't want to happen." Lesson learned: don't take a bite of anything if you want to even remotely enjoy your dinner.
    Two days before my surgery I sat down for a few hours with a friend who was 10 months post-op from the sleeve (and looks fantastic, by the way) and he mentioned that he and his wife were going to a friend's house for Pasta dinner that night and he was going to bring a Protein bar and have that. I said, "Can't you just eat a meatball??" I wouldn't like that kind of attention drawn to myself but apparently it doesn't bother some people.
    My best friend is one of the bypass gals I had the girls weekend with and she said, "You'll find that you're just satisified with a lot less." I told her the other day that I would not use "satisfied" as a word to describe what I feel when I'm done eating. When a waiter has to box up my entire dinner so I can eat a tiny portion of it the next day . . . well, "satisfying" doesn't jump out at me. It was more frustrating than anything.
    All in all, I am happy I had the surgery and I love losing the weight and knowing I'm never going to see those numbers again on the scale. But I don't feel that anybody prepared me for the downside of any of this. A few people said their tastes changed dramatically and I hate, hate, hate the fact that I can't sit down and enjoy my morning coffee any longer. It has no attraction to me whatsoever. You might as well put a cup of urine in front of me. I tried a sip of wine the other day and it had even less attraction to me, and I used to enjoy a glass with my husband after the kids went to bed. It's not going to kill me not to have wine, but I didn't want it to repulse me the way it does. And I'm sad that I can't sit and enjoy a cup of coffee with someone. "Hey, let's go grab a cup of coffee" just doesn't give me a tingle any more, and I miss that. I now know that post-op means you will be a very different person afterwards in so many ways and since I'm only six weeks post-op, this is just going to take time and getting used to. There are a lot of changes to deal with. Not the least is which that I'm not used to spending this much time eating! It takes me over an hour to eat a Protein bar!
    Right now I can barely get anything down, and that unfortunately includes the chewable Vitamins. Anything remotely sweet makes me want to gag. I am seeing the doctor next week and we're going to have to put our heads together to come up with a plan because I need an alternative to those disgusting Vitamins. And don't even get me started on how nauseating the shakes are! I manage to make my own shakes with fresh fruit and a scoop of unflavored protein in the blender, but the chocolate and vanilla shakes--so done with those. Oh, and here's something I never expected: I cannot--absolutely cannot--drink plain Water. Must, must, must be flavored with something. Plain Water disgusts me.
    Whew! So glad I could vent. Please save your breath with the "you signed up for this" because nobody--nobody --was honest enough to tell a lot of what I'm feeling (including all the psych visits I had before surgery), and I'm obviously not alone. While I still would have had the surgery and technically have no regrets, I would have preferred to be a little more prepared for all these new (and sometimes unpleasant) feelings.
    As with anything, it boils down to how badly you want the rewards. There are plenty, but there are sacrifices, most of which probably just take getting used to. Someone recently asked me about the whole experience and I said I'm very happy to be losing weight and glad I did it but the whole process, in my opinion, is not for the fainthearted.
  4. Like
    krydmo reacted to MarieMarie in Slow weight loss   
    Of course I would like dramatic results since I feel I have changed my eating habits, calorie intake and exercise routine. I use to loose more on my fad diets but then regained. I sure hope this slowly but surely method wins the Game
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    krydmo reacted to christina1979 in Stall at 1.5 weeks post-op-seriously?   
    I stalled at week one and I'm almost 4 wks post op and I'm losing sooooooo damn slowly, it's making me question this whole thing. I dropped weight faster on my own before I looked to surgery. ????
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    krydmo reacted to kiki1196 in Would You Have Weight Loss Surgery Again?   
    At only 5 weeks out I have to admit I've had my doubts about my decision. However, as everyone says, it gets better everyday so I have hope I will be just in love with my sleeve as most. Being in a current stall doesn't help but I'm not letting it depress me. I'm staying on track and believe the people who say it WILL break
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    krydmo reacted to luckysmomma in Would You Have Weight Loss Surgery Again?   
    Butterfly Gal - My answer is...as sad & as pathetic as it sounds - food was a huge part of my life. I miss my life with food. I miss going out to eat. I miss lots of things like movies, family, friends, shopping, drinks, trips, dates - my life can no longer revolve around food with these outings just the outings which I guess is good, but it doesn't mean my family & friends are going to change on these outings - so I live alone & now spend even more time alone & it makes me sad. . . I didn't anticipate feeling this way, but I do. So, I do regret it & feel it is the worst mistake of my life. I will keep saying it on this site, too. I usually get lots of mean & ugly responses when I do, but if my truth can help one person not to make the same mistake as me, then, I've done a good deed for the day!
    I did the surgery because I fear for my mobility since an injury a few years ago plus I am not dead yet, I wanted to look good again once more & feel good about myself. I thought 100% it was what I wanted...it isn't!
    I didn't anticipated the shame & embarassment I feel as well. I have not told a living soul about this surgery, and I never will. I had told everyone I was preparing for it for over a year, and I told everyone I backed out of it. I am continuing Weight Watchers and trying to do what I can exercise wise - as far as the world will never know...I've lost it again using Weight Watchers not surgery. I lost 100 lbs three different times in my life prior to my injury..
    Even though I have had no complications, even lucky - I've lost weight, I have no hunger & no thirst & no cravings for anything...I wouldn't do it again. It wasn't for me, but now I have to live with that...it is starting to get a little better each day. I can eat a few bites now; I am feeling a little more normal, but I fear I will never feel like the real me again...sad!
    I hate the shakes (if I could have done shakes I wouldn't have needed the surgery in the first place), so I know hair loss is going to be terrible. I knew about Hair loss prior to surgery, but now the reality is setting in...I have hair to my waist. It is about all I got with my looks...so I am so sad about that. What is the use in being skinny again, if I have horrible hair?
    Sorry to vent! I hope I answered your question. I hope someone reads my post & re-thinks their decision. I worked from May 2012 to March 2013 to have this surgery - and I was dead wrong, period.
  8. Like
    krydmo reacted to emarall in September surgery   
    Nope, not just yall, I held at 250, loss of 29 lbs for 2 weeks, upped my Protein and lost 4 lbs, now I'm holding tight at a total loss of 33lbs.... I'm discouraged to say the least. If anything, I'm not getting protein & Water levels met but sheesh I have to make myself eat at all. I'm so glad I'm not alone here!!!
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    krydmo reacted to D.Lo in ALMOST 2 WEEKS POST OP AND FEELING MAJOR REGRET   
    Hello all, I am almost 2 weeks post op and I have been somewhat sad. I had a rough first week, had a 2 day hospital stay because of a collapsed lung and fever. Since then I have been home recovering and I have gone through so many emotions. I have to cook for my family of 3 and that time is probably the hardest. I have been following the all liquid phase to the best of my ability. I am only able to get in ONE shake and the rest is Water about 40 oz daily. I tried an egg the other morning at the approval of my doc, but I wasn't too crazy about it and I felt extremely full afterwards. I thought I'll just stick to the liquids until I move on to the puree stage the doctors must know what they are doing.
    I am worried I wont ever be able to eat a real meal again. I also think I should've done more and tried to lose it on my own although I had tried since I was 15 and I'm now 38. I keep hearing it gets better but right now I hate not being able to part take with my family at dinner time and I also dont like the way I'm feeling with the major restriction. Will I ever be able to eat somewhat normally again? I want this mental regret to go away. I have cried to my husband and thank goodness he is very supportive.
    Any comments are welcome. Please tell me it gets better from here.
  10. Like
    krydmo got a reaction from BeagleLover in Pain when sipping water   
    I had bypass, I'm a month out but I still have this problem with Water and food. When I asked my doc a week ago, he said I was still healing. Make sure you are taking small sips. Hang in there..Hopefully it gets better soon!
  11. Like
    krydmo reacted to alibye in Still no relief!   
    I chose not to take the pain meds after I left the hospital, and what you are describing is very similar to how I felt for about 5 days. I had extreme nausea. But I didn't throw up. On day 6 I had a slight improvement, and now I just finished day 7. I decided to get those shakes in one way or another, and I finally did meet my Protein goal. After adding up my day's fluids so far, I am a little over half way to goal.
    But, I have read this is kind of normal. I really felt much more normal today. Like there is hope. I just keep telling myself that every day will be a slight improvement over the one before, and if I can even get in part of my requirements, it will all sort out Soon.
    But my discharge papers really clearly stated to call the doctor if you have nausea. So I think you should call.
    Hang in there girl, this will pass.
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    krydmo reacted to AmyC65 in Still no relief!   
    Are you still on pain killers? I learned from my husband's RNY (years ago), he dehydrated b/c of the hydrocodone. When we pulled him off that, he was able to start keeping things down. I worked hard to stay clear of the hydrocodone after my surgery because of that.
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    krydmo reacted to msleslie in Still no relief!   
    You are welcome let me know what your doctor says!
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    krydmo got a reaction from msleslie in Still no relief!   
    Thanks @@msleslie!
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    krydmo reacted to Beni in Still no relief!   
    What does your doctor say? If you are not able to keep anything down specially fluids, I think you need to call him. Have you tried to get the Water a little warmer, closer to your body temperature and eating it with a teaspoon. I used to do this while I was pregnant and had horrible morning sickness. I would pretend I was eating Soup. I think because I was "eating my water" in such tiny amounts at a time, my tummy could handle it.
    I was told by my NUT that I would go on a prescription anti-acid after surgery to manage stomach acidity. Are you taking anything like that. Obviously I am not a doctor, I am just thinking. The burning sensation sounds worrisome but I have not had the surgery yet to be able to compare for myself.
    Good luck
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    krydmo reacted to eacarpenter in Still no relief!   
    I would definitely check with your Dr! My Dr gave me Protonix (pantoprazole) to start the day of surgery. It heals heal any ulcerations that can form. That has been a big help for me as I also have to take high doses of blood thinners and don't care for any further internal bleeding.
    I was able to tolerate small sips of liquids since the day after surgery and moved to pureed foods after 1 week. Granted I did not get much down the first week, and honestly, Lactaid milk, sips of Water (from a bottle...I could not do tap Water at all), and my pain meds were definitely my best friends for that first week.
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    krydmo reacted to Beni in Still no relief!   
    FIY did a bit of research on omeprazole (Prilosec) and pantoprazole (Protonix). They are both very similar drugs and I am sure our doctors will make the best choice for us. They come under a category of proton inhibitors which cause decreased acid secretion in the stomach. Now, I also found out they inhibit Vitamin B12 absorption. VERY IMPORTANT not to take it within 3 hours of Vitamins. It also states either drug must be taken whole (not crushed) and slow release is also not okay. Again the doctor has the ultimate say but I thought it was interesting. A long list of side effects is also listed just like with any drug. I feel like I understand this a little better.
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    krydmo reacted to eacarpenter in Still no relief!   
    I was given liquid hydrocodone/APAP 7.5 - 325mg...only 1 weeks worth though. And yes, I was warned about taking the Protonix well away from all Vitamins. I was taking Pepcid before the surgery (as an antihistamine because I have many food allergies), but was told to stop the Pepcid (I stil take Zyrtec daily for the allergies) and start the Protonix, which I have to continue for 4 months. The Protonix was small enough it went down ok from the 2nd day with pudding (now with water), but I did crush a few pain pills after the first week of liquid was gone. (I have back injuries from a car accident made worse by my weight, but I'm getting off those asap too, cuz I am definitely going to make the most of this new chance I have been given!)

    Like everyone says, it is just a tool...we do with it what we can.
    I know several people who have stretched their pouch and gained back all their weight...unfortunately, I work with them and they were not very supportive of my choice...but we are all different people, all with different thoughts and ideas about our past, our present, and our future.
    We CAN make this work...but its fully up to us!!
  19. Like
    krydmo reacted to Beni in Still no relief!   
    Yes, time to call the doctor
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    krydmo reacted to msleslie in Still no relief!   
    I had a similar thing and had to go in it was a stricture I'm doing great now hang in there krydmo
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    krydmo reacted to arialuvr in Miserable!   
    Hang in there! Try cutting up your pain meds into pieces they are much easier to swallow and you'll only need a smaller amount of Water. Keep taking small sips, walking eases the pain and breathe! Your on your way to a new fabulous you!
  22. Like
    krydmo reacted to JCP in I can't wait...   
    I can't wait until I can comfortably sit anywhere!
  23. Like
    krydmo reacted to melimo1002 in APPROVED!   
    Congrats. Im about 5 weeks post op. And am still so happy i made this choice
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    krydmo reacted to countrygirl in APPROVED!   
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    krydmo got a reaction from Stephanie Rodriguez68 in So excited. Dr should be submitting to my insurance today!   
    My paperwork was submitted last Monday to UHC..just got the call today that it was approved. you'll get your approval soon! Good luck!

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