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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maudeispam

  1. maudeispam

    How about a coupon/sample train?

    Come on people! Jump on "Mad Maude's coupon train!":clap2:
  2. maudeispam

    My first question.....

    Welcome to the club! My negatives are I cannot eat bread anymore and no sodas. Other than that all is well! I am on no medications. I was on high blood pressure meds, diabetes oral meds and had to wear a cpap for sleep apnea. They are all gone now! Best of luck to you on your journey!
  3. maudeispam

    hair loss...what's up with that!

    I started losing handfuls of hair about 3 months post op. It continued for about 6 weeks. I upped my protein, plus took a B-12 and Biotin daily. No more hairloss now. Oh BTW my hair is alot healthier and more manageable now!
  4. maudeispam

    First things first......When is .....

    Are we doing the Easter exchange? :cool: I am really excited about this! The Valentine one was so much fun!
  5. maudeispam

    Trip To The ER

    I have been having alot of problems with my bowels and constipation for the past four weeks. I spoke to my surgeon, dietician and regular doctor and they all said the same thing. Up the water intake, increase the Benefiber and get your exercise. I did all of those things and still continued to have problems. Yesterday I was in such intense pain that my hubby took me to the ER. Lab work, xrays, and a visual exam by the ER doc revealed nothing. My lap band surgeon was called it, he confirmed what I already knew....I am full of crap...literally. My lap band is fine and doing what it should be. Needless to say I am on a regime of ducolax, milk of mag and benefiber to get me going. I asked doc if there is anything I can do different to prevent this from happening again and he said no. Some people are just more likely to have this problem, when loosing weight and dieting. I just wanted to let you all know, so if you start feeling constipated or are having problems with your bowels....get it treated ASAP and don't wait too long.
  6. maudeispam

    Trip To The ER

    Thanks everyone for all your wonderful advice and words of wisdom! I feel like the old me again!
  7. maudeispam

    Are your children or pets overweight?

    One Basset Hound who is slim and trim and healthy and One Black Labrador is is on the husky side, but healthy as a young pup. (The Lab will be 11 on August 4th!) No children in our household yet.
  8. maudeispam

    Fill History for 9.5cc band

    I have 7ccs in my band. Last fill in January my doc said he wouldn't feel comfortable putting more in, because he wasn't sure how far he could go with the fills. (If that fill didn't work). Fortunately it is working and I am feeling restriction like I should. It varies from person to person.
  9. I'm on a antibiotic for ear infection and the doctor had it ordered in a liquid form. Sure beats trying to get those huge pills down.
  10. maudeispam


    Fried Green Tomatoes Steel Magnolias Christine and many more. I had a major brain fart!
  11. maudeispam

    Trip To The ER

    An update: I am feeling ALOT better now. I have been crapping like a goose! Thanks for all the thoughts and concerns!
  12. maudeispam

    First things first......When is .....

    I am definitely in, sounds like FUN!
  13. maudeispam

    Trip To The ER

    They said they could do a suppository if I wanted. I told them I would try this route and if I am not seeing the results I need in 12 hours I will do a suppository. An enema was never mentioned or suggested.
  14. maudeispam

    July Bandsters

    Cindy, I don't see the weightloss, but everyone around me see's it. I was de-cluttering the other day and found some pre banding pictures and compared them to more recent photos of myself. WOW.:grouphug: I couldn't believe the change in my face and upper body. :eek: This band is an awesome tool.:pray2: My butt and the fat on my back is shrinking too! :clap2:
  15. maudeispam

    troubles with sleep apena?

    I had sleep apnea and used a cpap for about a year. It sure helped me feel rested and less sleepy during the day. It seemed I was always tired all the time. Partly do to my Diabetes, but partly do to my sleep apnea. The cpap was a pain to get used to, but what a relief to actually feel rested!
  16. maudeispam

    WLS is the easy way

    Nothing is ever easy. For anyone who thinks any form of WLS is the easy way out they can kiss my arse. All the paperwork and insurance hoops, the pre surgical testing, pre surgery liquid diet, UGH!, IV's, foreign objects inserted in and taken out (laproscopic tools), the gas, the bloating, the pain, those awful protein shakes, PBing, constipation, plus the struggle to still lose the weight. Need I say more? WLS is not the easy way out, it is a tool. JMO.
  17. maudeispam

    Super Bowl!!!

  18. maudeispam

    Super Bowl!!!

    I'm afraid to say but the STEELERS are gonna steal this years super bowl away from the Seahawks.
  19. maudeispam

    July Bandsters

    WOW you all rock. I must be the turtle of the crew. I am seeing inches lost, but no weight lost according to the scale. Must be turning my flubber to muscles. I keep doing that and I am going to look like Arnold Swartnegger (spelling). LOL! Good Job Ladies!
  20. maudeispam

    My Apology to LBT

    Delarla just remember no one is perfect. You have never said or did anything to offend me in any matter. I can tell that you are a big hearted compassionate person who wants the good for everyone. I enjoy reading your posts and threads. If others don't like what you say or post then they can skip over your threads or posts. JMO
  21. maudeispam

    new puppy!! we need a name

    My cousin and his wife named their dog....D.O.G. pronounced DEE OH GEE sounds eccentric but easy to spell. Who would have thought!
  22. maudeispam

    Silly Fill Question

    It all depends on the size of your band and your personal needs. Some people need more and some need less. I am up to 7ccs in a VG band and feel some restriction, while others have less and some have more. Just depends on you. Be patient and best of luck!
  23. maudeispam

    Map your location for LBT!

    Just bumping this for the newbies!
  24. maudeispam

    Why to people get so angry about WLS?

    My MIL is one of those people who think you don't need any form of weightloss surgery. At her highest weight she weighed over 300lbs. She is still considered obese by all technical standards. She lost her weight by dieting and attending TOPS. She has never said anything nice about my surgery and the weight I have managed to loss so far. She thinks it is the easy way out. I hate how she belittles any plus size people and she is plus sized herself. Oh well.:cake:
  25. maudeispam

    Found an old picture

    You look marvelous!

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