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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RenewMe

  1. I'm 3 days post-op and there's no way I'd have the stamina for a wedding. I'm having a hard enough time staying awake during the day (without being on pain meds). Plus, I'm still so darn uncomfortable from the gas working it's way out.
  2. RenewMe

    Keeping it a secret

    I only told my parents, children, and 2 best friends initially, but as surgery has gotten closer (tomorrow!) I have become more comfortable with telling other family members. I will tell co-workers if they ask.
  3. RenewMe

    Tomorrow is D Day!

    My surgery is tomorrow as well, at 11:00. Good luck to everyone!
  4. Alex, I'm logging off for awhile. The app keeps freezing for me as well and the user interface is just not as good as the previous version.
  5. RenewMe

    I am mad at myself..

    Dump him. He sounds too wishy-washy and he's not ready for you.
  6. I can't see the images either & I am using the new version.
  7. I'm not a fan of the new app either - for the same reasons noted above.
  8. RenewMe

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    Hi, Steve! I'm Debbie and have my surgery 9/15 in Nashville. The surgery is a big event for us and it is exciting thinking about the great changes in store. I cannot wait to start this new journey. Try not to worry too much about work. You can only do so much in a day. Good luck in your journey. You'll do great.
  9. RenewMe

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I have my surgery 9/15 too. Good luck to you!
  10. RenewMe

    Breakfast at work

    Boiled eggs, Premier Protein drink, or Greek yogurt are my typical work breakfast items.
  11. I will begin my last semester of grad school next week and my surgery isn't until 9/15. I don't expect surgery to cause me any great delay with my school work. My classes have all been online. I had several hardships over the last year related to caring for dad who lived in another state, his subsequent death, and the deaths of both my grandfathers. It was a crazy-stressful year and I seriously considered throwing in the school towel in January when I got a week behind. I was in tears and overwhelmed with everything going on. I got some much needed sleep, had a different perspective, and decided to take one assignment at a time. By the end of the week I was caught up. I made sure to keep my instructors aware of what was going on when I had to travel to care for my dad. Since I had a lot of group assignments, I also let my team know if I was going to be away from my computer for a day or two and what I would have ready for my part of the assignment. I found everyone to be very considerate and helpful. So for surgery, I'll let my instructors know I'm having surgery and will be down a few days. I figure I had one of the most trying times of my life last year and made it through ok. Surgery will be a breeze compared to that. Good luck with your classes! I'm sure you'll do great.
  12. RenewMe

    What your look forward for?

    I'm looking forward to not worrying about whether or not I fit into 1 airplane seat, being able to play outside with my granddaughter without getting winded, never shopping plus size clothes again, dating, ditching the CPAP machine, and most of all just feeling better.
  13. RenewMe


    I told my boss, who is also a friend, but not the entire team I work with (12 other people). I know they would be supportive but I'm just not ready to put it out there yet. One of my co-workers is having the surgery too and she has been very open about what she's doing. I wish I was as comfortable with talking about it as she is. My immediate family is aware and is supportive, but I've asked them to keep the information to themselves for the time being.
  14. Congratulations! Prayers for a quick recovery.
  15. Yes, I'm pretty obsessed too. I've done better this week at work and have limited my forum reading to lunch breaks, but at home forget it. It's weight loss everything then. I haven't been this excited about anything in years, lol.
  16. CowgirlJane - You give me hope - thank you! I will be well on my way to my goal weight when I turn 50 next year.
  17. RenewMe

    Quick question?

    I am only required to maintain my weight, cannot gain anything. I've maintained for 4 months and have another month before surgery. liquid diet is limited to 24 hours prior to my surgery.
  18. RenewMe

    File Submitted....

  19. RenewMe


    Hi, Everyone! I'm in Smyrna and work in Nashville. My surgery is scheduled for 9/15.
  20. RenewMe

    Protein shakes?

    I'm a big fan of Premier Protein shakes too. I get them at Sam's and Kroger (in 4 packs when I have a coupon). All of the flavors are good.
  21. RenewMe

    Secret Surgery

    I've only told immediate family and 2 close work friends. I specifically told my 2 adult children not to tell their father (my ex-husband) because he has a big mouth and would tell all of our mutual friends. I'm just not ready to deal with the questions from them yet. While my ex-husband and I have a very amicable relationship, and I'm sure he'd be supportive, I just feel like it's my business to tell. Being overweight seems like such a personal struggle to me. A lot of me wanting to keep the surgery quiet is from the shame I feel for being so overweight to begin with. I can't believe I've done this to myself and that I have to resort to surgery. I imagine I will have to be more forthcoming when I go back to work since we have such a small group. I hope I'll feel differently afterwards and will be able to discuss it more openly.
  22. I'm glad I found this group! I'm an RN with an oncology nurse certification. I've worked in general medicine, neurosurgery, oncology, management, and now informatics. I will complete my master's in nursing informatics in December of this year. I'm scheduled for my surgery on 9/15 and am so ready to make this change. Lots of good things happening!
  23. Great video! Thank you for reminding us to take care of our "new" selves. I hope your surgery went well today.
  24. RenewMe

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I'm from TN and have my surgery 9/15/14. I can't wait!!
  25. RenewMe

    File Submitted....

    Good luck! I received my approval from Aetna within 5 business days. The insurance specialist was able to check the status online. My surgery is scheduled for 9/15.

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