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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Aspring424

  1. I hear u.. I started August if this year.. I have my psych evaluation on wed... And Thursday my pulmonary and 3rd weigh i .. Then my endo on Momday 10/6 .. I don't see the nut til jab.. But by then I will be done with my weigh ins..at first I was anxious... Like omg.. 6 months.. But it's going so fast...I can't wait either.. I've been ready!!! I'm going for bypass.. I have reflux and sleeve would make it worse ... How is ur experience with the surgeons office? I love the NP.. She is so nice and always emails me back on the PT portal
  2. @OhSoNique.. Thanks my surgeon too!!!! When are u having surgery?
  3. U can email me @ aspring424@gmail.com... I am also getting the RNY BYPASS.. first I went in wanting the sleeve but i have really bad reflux and sleeve would make it worse...I felt I didn't want something so invasive.. but i did my research.. girl I regret not doing this earlier.. but our time will come..
  4. Columbia Presbyterian ...it's in Manhattan. .. yea after Oct 6 I will have all my test done and only have to weigh in with my pcp.. u get so into getting these appts and getting them done time flies.. I should have my surgery scheduled for feb..
  5. The time goes faster than u think..by the time u get all ur test done.. ur half way there.. u need to have a sleep study if u snore.. endoscopy. .. pulmonary test .. a echo and a psych eval.. I have done my sleep study and my echo..Wed I go for my psych eval and pulmonary.. then on Monday I have my endoscopy. . I'm half way there and I feel like I just started..
  6. I have health first ny and I'm on my 3rd month of supervised diet.. Yes they do require it
  7. First I found out I have sleep apnea in this process . Now I had to my echo and I have mild thickness left atrium and mitral valve.. no one has even called me.. I looked it up online.. I can check my progress.. what does this mean... what else??? I'm scared to go to my endoscopy appt.. will they find someone also.. I want to cry.. I feel defeated.. idk why but I do..
  8. Aspring424

    Fat girl struggles continue..

    All the issues I am having are on the left side.. Makes sense know.. I really appreciate ur input.. Made me feel so much better... I have my endo and pulmonary to go.. And 3 more weigh ins.. I have faith I will be approved and have surgery in no time
  9. Aspring424

    Fat girl struggles continue..

    Thank you Bitter Sweet
  10. So first I went to my sleep study and found out I have sleep apnea now I go to my echo and I have some milk thickening and regurgitation. . Like I'm scared to go to my endoscopy ..like what are they gonna tell me.. I hope none of this prevents me from getting surgery.... I must add no one called me.. I read the report on a patient portal.. I will call tomorrow.. I hope if it was serious they would call me.. I feel defeated and I just want to cry!!
  11. Aspring424

    New York

    From nyc.. 3rd month of my 6 month diet
  12. Aspring424

    Sleep Study results...

    I really appreciate u guys!! I feel much better and feeling excited again.. Tomorrow is my echocardiogram ... I hope all goes well
  13. So they called me today and i have obstructive sleep apnea....I would of never thought..... I'm a lil sad.. Like how did i get to this place? How did i get so fat? My BMI is 48.. How did this happen???? I am 35 yrs old. I feel old..why? All these emotions came from that one call.. I really feel sad.. I know having co-Morbidities will help you get approved..but Idk how I feel about all this... I was so excited to get this started now I feel like what else do I have?? I don't really talk to anyone about it..cuz everyone feels like i can do it without surgery...They don't get it.other than my husband and my twins... I'm not telling anyone..but they don't really get it..they are not over weight. I'm feeling lonely right about now..and this is the only place I can let it out........ Fat girl Struggles
  14. So they called me today and i have obstructive sleep apnea....I would of never thought..... I'm a lil sad.. Like how did i get to this place? How did i get so fat? My BMI is 48.. How did this happen???? I am 35 yrs old. I feel old..why? All these emotions came from that one call.. I really feel sad.. I know having co-Morbidities will help you get approved..but Idk how I feel about all this... I was so excited to get this started now I feel like what else do I have?? I don't really talk to anyone about it..cuz everyone feels like i can do it without surgery...They don't get it.other than my husband and my twins... I'm not telling anyone..but they don't really get it..they are not over weight. I'm feeling lonely right about now..and this is the only place I can let it out........ Fat girl Struggles
  15. So I had my first appt Sept 2nd with NP.. I already did my sleep study last Sunday which I hated..I couldn't sleep.. hopefully I slept enuff.. Next week I have my endoscopy .. and my echogram.. by the end of this Month I will have all my test done and psych appt..then 3 more weigh ins.. When I started I thought omg.. 6 months of weigh ins.. I Will never get this surgery but it's going pretty fast.. now I have to decide if I want the sleeve or bypass.. I have acid reflux.. I am leaning towards sleeve..even if I have to take meds for a whole for my reflux.. it got worse as I was gaining weight.. so maybe it will go away as I lose weight.. I'm just letting everyone just starting..don't get discourage .. the time flies .. :-)
  16. What do you mix protein powder with? Does regular milk have to much fat??
  17. So tomorrow I'm going to gwt my blood work.. I was on a empty stomach.. so I shouldn't eat after 22 tonight correct ? Receptionist sed in a empty stomach.. no details
  18. So tomorrow I'm going to gwt my blood work.. I was on a empty stomach.. so I shouldn't eat after 22 tonight correct ? Receptionist sed in a empty stomach.. no details
  19. I went on my first appointment to see the NP she was really nice... I have my sleep study this Sunday.. my echo on the 15th.. still trying to schedule my pulmonary and endo appt.. I am so excited.. I'm a lil confused tho.. I had my mind set on the sleeve..I wasn't told I couldn't have it done but.. due to my acid reflux.. they do not recommend the sleeve.. I don't want to leave this forum and go to the bypass.. you guys are so cool and I learned so much..lol.. Idk if I want to do something so invasive but I don't want acid reflux to get worse.. I have time to decide.. but idk what I'm going to do. .
  20. Maybe a silly question..but what does a sleep study consists off? I need to get one done...
  21. Aspring424

    Sleep study

    I just got a call for my appt.. it's on Sunday and I have to be there 8p.. I'm excited.. my first appt was yesterday and the ball is already rolling.. I also have my cardio gram appt this month
  22. Aspring424

    pulmonary / sleep study

    May I ask what does a sleep study consists off. . I am waiting for a call from the center to schedule one.. is it over night? Sorry if my questions are silly
  23. I am excited and anxious.. My first appt with the NP.. Then we go from there.. I don't know what to expect.. I know I'm mostly likely going to have to be on a 6 month diet but that's ok.. I have already mentally prepared myself for it.. what questions should I be asking at this appt.. I don't want to miss anything..
  24. Aspring424


    Why don't ppl mind their business? I haven't even went on my first appt.. but i am serious and I am determined to make this happen... I was commenting to someone about it and another person tells me with exercise and a good diet anyone can lose weight.. If it were that easy wouldn't we all be skinny??? I have tried everything and I lose little to no weight or I yo-yo.. it's not like you get surgery and that's it you lose weight.. you do need a proper diet and you need to exercise. I didn't feel the need to explain myself so I told that person to mind their business :-)
  25. I am new to this forum and I am in the beginning stages of my journey.. I have my first appt with the NP on Tuesday 9/2.. I have health first and I believe I have to do 6 month diet.. My question is.. does everyone have an endoscopy ?

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