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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lose4life2

  1. lose4life2

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I know!!!!! I'm just trying to drink fluids!!
  2. lose4life2

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I know!!! Makes me sick thinking about it!!!!
  3. lose4life2


    Post op day 3 and doing much better. I think I'll actually get more than 32 oz of liquid today. No pain other than random gas pain, but nauseous. I took a Zofran yesterday and decided maybe I better keep taking those regular for a couple days.
  4. lose4life2

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I have to share this story and I'm sure it will make you all cringe like it did me. My nurse in the hospital told me about a lady who had a sleeve done and left the hospital and went straight to Kentucky Fried Chicken and ate a WHOLE BUCKET of chicken herself!!! Immediately ended up back in the hospital for emergency surgery. The nurse didn't know if she was even alive anymore or what happened after she left the hospital. CAN YOU IMAGINE?? I have yet to drink 32 oz in a day!!!
  5. lose4life2

    Clear protein for clear liquid phase?

    Thanks I'm doing much better today!!
  6. lose4life2

    I'm officially a Loser!

    Welcome, how are you feeling?
  7. Surgery 9/23 feeling much better today than yesterday. Decided zofran is helping so I'll continue to take those and get more fluid intake.
  8. Day two post op and pain not bad. I'm having a horrible time drinking. I did get one 16 oz water down so far. I took some gasx according to the doctor and then I got nauseous later. I'm just laying in bed now. Done walking for now.
  9. lose4life2

    Drinking after sleeve

    Okay on my way to get gas x strips now.
  10. lose4life2

    Today is the day!

    I haven't gotten that much liquid down. It's so hard!! I'm about 16 oz into the day. Should get at least 30 not to end back in hospital dehydrated. I'm trying ????
  11. lose4life2

    Drinking after sleeve

    Gosh I feel restricted just trying to drink water!! I've probably gotten 16oz in so far today!! 4 oz diluted juice and the rest just water. I'm 2 days post op. Maybe I'll try warm tea. Even In the hospital I only got a few teaspoons of liquid in and had to stop.
  12. lose4life2

    Today is the day!

    I'm post op day 2 as well and doing pretty good. I managed a shower and so far about 8 oz of liquid. I have gas rumbling all over so I spend most of my walking time walking to the bathroom ???? but no pain medication so that's good. Can't wait for tomorrow to be better than today. Good luck everyone!!
  13. lose4life2

    Today is the day!

    Mine was yesterday too. I am doing pretty good, but exhausted from being kept awake all night at the hospital. Hope you all ar doing well. I'm off for a nap.
  14. My doctor has a week 1 clear liquids and week 2 full liquids and week 3&4 puréed or mushy food.
  15. I can official join this page tomorrow.
  16. lose4life2

    September Sleevers!

    I arrive at the hospital @ 9:15 am ????
  17. lose4life2

    September Sleevers!

    Good Luck to all the 9/23 Sleevers. I'll see you on the other side!!
  18. lose4life2


    Thanks I will!
  19. lose4life2

    Ugh my Mother!

    OKay I have a rant as I'm preparing for my upcoming surgery. I told my mom about the surgery well because I didn't think it was fair to going into surgery and not tell your parents. Maybe I was wrong. Ever since I told her about it she has been driving me crazy. I live in Florida, she in Illinois. She calls and the conversation always goes to the surgery. I have been on my weight management for a couple months and actually meet the last time Friday. She always says "are you still eating your six small meals? Are you losing weight? Why don't you just keep doing that? OMG I WANT TO SCREAM!!!!! So I was adopted and my mom, her sister, my cousins are all small. All have weighed 130 or less pounds their whole life. Small hands wear size 4 1/2 and 5 rings, etc. when I was in high school I weighed top weight 150. Now I'm 5'6" and I was in gymnastics and cheer. According to my mom 150 was too much and by the time I graduated senior year and having my mom make my food for me and that's all I could eat I weighed 123. I wish I was 150 and maybe just maybe I will return to that weight. I'm going to have this surgery....but why does she drive me so crazy about it? I can't lose weight on a diet. I have been on everyone out there and have spent millions on diets. Get over it Mom. Okay rant over.......
  20. lose4life2

    Clear protein for clear liquid phase?

    Oh darn! I haven't tried my fuzzy navel. I might just have that tonight at my last drink before bed since I have to be at hospital tomorrow at 9:15 for surgery.????????????
  21. lose4life2

    Clear protein for clear liquid phase?

    I got the samples too. I chocked down the cappuccino one, but I'm not a huge coffee fan. I liked the other ones I have tried.
  22. lose4life2

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    Omg I sure hope you are able to rest enough yourself. Hope you and your mom are both recovering now.
  23. lose4life2


    I hear you. We've had some added stress in our lives the last couple days with trying to take care of my Uncle's estate since my parents live in a different state, but I hung in there and just filled a cooler of liquids and brought them with me. Now today I'm getting my house all clean so I'm ready to go to surgery tomorrow.
  24. lose4life2

    Officially lost 100lbs :)


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