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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ScreamingForMySupper

  1. Well let's just get to the point... it could be a little personal but I have to talk about this and I don't know who I can talk to... I have met my boyfriend in spring 2010 so we've been together for more than 4 years now. In the last year before my surgery I didn't feel very sexy, so we didn't do much when it came to sex. Things are different now. I am losing weight and gaining confidence every day... So first he was all jealous and he didn't want me to go out or talk to other people. Now that is under control again. I mean, I know he is in this process with me and things are changing for him as well, but it is not always for the better... We haven't had sex since my surgery, and this time it's not because I don't want to. There has been kissing and such, but he just can't perform for some reason. He says it's because I am off birth control and I am 'forcing' him to wear a condom. Yeah well it's not really the best time to get pregnant is it? Is it really that or is there something else. I really hate that he doesn't talk to me about this. I guess it is a big issue for him as well, but how can we talk about this. I mean I am finally in the right mood again and it was kind of disappointing to be honest...
  2. ScreamingForMySupper

    Ugh my Mother!

    Mothers can really get on our nerves sometimes! My mother is the same... She herself is always on some sort of diet and it is never working, but her BMI floats somewhere between 28 and 33 and she is alright with that. Ever since I was a teenager I have been following in her footsteps. When I was 15 years old, with a BMI of 20 I really hated my body already and I found myself fat and I had ugly legs so I couldn't wear dresses... when I look back at old pictures I don't get it... I do know that in my case my mother is really just worried and she cares, but the way she says things, the words she uses... Oh I hate that so much! It hurts... I do think it is good that you have told her, because like you said, it isn't fair not to tell her. Especially because this surgery IS a big deal and it will most likely go well, but still. You don't want to leave your family out of something so big. I get that. Still you can be super proud of yourself for taking this step. And I am pretty sure that once the weight comes off she will be happy for you! :-)
  3. Kicked ass at the gym this morning!

    1. Zoey716


      *High Five!!* Way to go!!

    2. motherof5
  4. ScreamingForMySupper

    What is your favorite form of exercise?

    At the moment I work out at the gym and some walking and cycling as well, but I want to start doing some classes again as well like zumba or pilates as that is more fun than just cardio/lifting
  5. ScreamingForMySupper

    Why is being in a relationship so much harder post-op?

    @@music1618 You are probably right, as we have had our best conversations ever in restaurants or while travelling. :-) I will keep that in mind!
  6. ScreamingForMySupper

    Why is being in a relationship so much harder post-op?

    @@BeagleLover Maybe... We have had that before my surgery and we were doing fine so I was really hoping that we could talk about this on our own, but the guy is not a talker. Ugh. Last night I have tried to open up the conversation again and he said nothing, but later on he gave me a hug and said sorry before he went to bed. Hmm. Don't know what to think of this.
  7. ScreamingForMySupper

    Polish and nails

    We were not allowed to wear either nail polish or acrylics at the hospital. I guess if you want to be sure you should call your own hospital and check with them. I got all these flyers to get prepared and it was in there as well.
  8. ScreamingForMySupper

    April 24, 2014

    Thanks @@steph0825 and @!
  9. ScreamingForMySupper

    April 24, 2014

    Hi all! I am new here so let me introduce myself a little. My name is Roxanne, I am currently 30 years old. I live in Utrecht, The Netherlands with my boyfriend Huib and our 3 cats. I have a bachelor in communications, but am still searching for a job. So at the moment I spent my time working out, doing some volunteer work and reading books. it would be nice to meet others who are going on the same journey. My whole adult life I have been overweight. It was always hard to lose weight and when I was feeling bad and didn't really care I would gain again... Until I was nearly 340 lbs, then I was done. I called my health insurance and asked them which steps I had to take for getting weight loss surgery and they told me. From that day I have been working towards my RNY surgery. I had to go to a dietitian to lose a few lbs and had a few screenings. 1,5 years later it was time. On April 24, 2014 my new life has started! I spent 6 days at the hospital in Beverwijk due to complications. That was quite awful and not at all how I had pictured it. But it was my story, my truth. It was not going to be easy. In the mean time I am doing much better. I have lost 58 lbs and even though my hemoglobin levels are still low, I feel great and I have much more energy. So yes, I am getting there! :-) I am definitely going to make time to read your stories as well. This is the short version of mine, for now. If you do have any questions, just ask!
  10. ScreamingForMySupper

    Hit Onederland Today!

  11. ScreamingForMySupper


  12. ScreamingForMySupper

    hospital stay

    I am fine, thanks! @@pinkhiker
  13. ScreamingForMySupper

    surgery Monday and I'm fearful

    The surgery can be scary and all support is welcome. I really loved being on Instagram in the days after surgery but then I didnt find this forum yet..... I did have some complications but had wonderful nurses and doctors who supported me and if you would ask me now... I would do it again! The first days may be painful but just do this for yourself, because YOU want it! It is soooo worth it.
  14. ScreamingForMySupper

    hospital stay

    I was in the hospital for 5 nights due to some complications, but I was the only one in my group who was in there that long!
  15. ScreamingForMySupper

    Surgery Aug 7th

    Good luck!!
  16. Welcome to the other side i love life on the losersbench!
  17. ScreamingForMySupper

    gastric bypass changed my life

    That sounds good! Wish I would have done this earlier. But I am 30 now and we still have our life ahead of us! :-)
  18. ScreamingForMySupper


    I usually feel hungry once or twice a day, but if I eat something small that is okay and it will fade away. Some people are still hungry all the time, others are never hungry anymore. I guess we're all different. But I can imagine if you work out that much that your body wants some energy! :-) Nothing to worry about.
  19. ScreamingForMySupper

    I so scared ti eat!

    I have had my surgery on April 24, 2014. Don't panic, focus on what goes down well. That is what the bariatric nurse told me. Try something new every now and then. One day it will sit well in your pouch, the next day it might not. For the first six weeks I have experienced nausea and puking at least once a day. Once my pouch was upset, it didn't want anything the rest of the day. I thought it would last forever.... I am 14 weeks out now and I can eat so much more than those first weeks! Stuff like potatoes or meat still won't sit every day, but I found out that my new me loves fish and seafood a lot. Which has Protein as well. It will get better, trust me!
  20. Lost 58 lbs! Wow. Happy.

    1. Zoey716


      That's AWESOME!! Congrats!! :D

    2. ScreamingForMySupper
  21. ScreamingForMySupper

    created new blog about my journey!

    Awesome! I am blogging about it as well... (link in my profile!) Will visit your blog.

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