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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    RedDirtRoads reacted to Pepper123 in does anyone else feel that nothing else matters?   
    Totally!!!!!!!…. hell thats what am doing right now…and am at work..
  2. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to squeaker31 in Hydroflask! Ice cold drink all day :)   
    It was recommended to me on here to try Water over ice post op and it definitely helped me get more fluids in. I still prefer ice water, it settles much better for me. It's been a challenge to drink enough when I'm at work or out and about but I found this awesome thermos by Hydroflask.
    It was 30 bucks but so worth it. It keeps ice all day and doesn't sweat so I can easily carry it around.
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    RedDirtRoads reacted to beachgurl84 in BCBS How to find your requirements   
    Hi Everyone,
    I have BCBS NC and as of yesterday they have eliminated to 6 month diet requirement. That's right, NO TIME LINE!!! I had a really hard time getting details when I started this journey on what my plan required for approval but I finally did. I thought I'd share how you too can get your medical policy detailing the requirements if your searching through "mud" like I was. It's pretty simple (but takes us forever to think of it).....
    Google "BCBS SA (state abbreviation) Corporate Medical Policy". This should take you to a page that list all the medical procedures covered by BCBS in your state that have approval requirements. In NC it's listed as "Surgery for Morbid Obesity" but I know in CA it's listed as "Bariatric Surgery".
    So search the list for one of the names (Might be "Weight Loss Surgery", who knows). Your policy will start out describing the various types of procedures covered (i.e. bypass, sleeve, lapband) and then it will list the details of the approval criteria in the Policy Guidelines section.
    One thing I noticed with the NC policy when I found out it might be changing....the last review date was June 2013. They review yearly. However, they did the review in June, approved the change July 1, and made it effective July 15. So if your review was over a year ago, you can probably expect a new document soon that may have different requirements.
    Hope this helps!
  4. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to GREATFUL in Can You Really Start Over?   
    Just an update.....
    Okay, very excited!!! Scheduled for revision surgery on Aug 7th. Going to be part insurance and self pay. BCBS will pay for the band removal, but want me to be overweight for 2 years before paying for the sleeve. I am sorry, but just do not want to wait and be overweight that long. Plus.... the job I have had for the past 25 years may be coming to an end, I may be unemployed in the next 30-60 days, and I will loose all insurance. So, DH and I talked it out, with time off work needed, the need to find a new job in the near future, loosing current insurance, etc. DO IT NOW. Take the time off now, get healthy, get fit, and be ready to enter this new chapter in my life. Got to love my DH, he is my rock. So here I go.....................
  5. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to SusieK710 in Autoimmune Issues and VSG?   
    I've had Rheumatoid Arthritits for 10 years. Coming up on 3 months post VSG. It's a mixed bag. I move easier, more limber and flexible. Not exhaused at the end of a day of working, but tired. Joint pain and fatigue are still an issue. I'd say 25% better. I'm only half way to goal so we will see if the next 30-40 pounds gives me less symptoms. My reasoning for the sleeve was endurance not relief...
  6. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to Jersrose43 in Secret Surgery   
    I told everybody and their brother and those that have negative things to say can stuff it.
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    RedDirtRoads reacted to Bandista in Did you get taller?!   
    I was a half inch taller at a recent physical -- was 5'6 and now 5'6.5! It's funny because if I had known about BMI insurance requirements and had just slouched an inch at my initial weight loss surgery weigh-in I could have avoided a lot of stress (requirement was 40 and I was just under). My theory on being taller now is that I have lost enough weight to hold my body in a whole new way. I'm working out and stretching a lot -- neck is lengthening I that I'm not turtling forward as much. Better posture, holding our heads up high -- people not looking at the belly but up at a smiling face. It's great, isn't it? Cheers!
  8. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to thesuse2000 in Weight loss percentages?   
    Here's a link to the site referred to above:
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    RedDirtRoads reacted to amorga in Sleeve surgery and PCOS   
    I am so excited to have my sleeve surgery Aug 12th! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 and have had weight issues all my life. My cycles have been all over the place, from having a constant cycle for 8 months straight, to having no cycles for 4 months at a time. On and off B/C pills to control symptoms, but now I have been trying to conceive for the past two years with no success. Obese, infertile, and hairy do not make for a very positive self-image. With a supportive husband and a strong will to succeed, I'm looking forward to getting sleeved and starting our family!
  10. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to Bluesea71 in Sleeve surgery and PCOS   
    I'm Having mine today at 9:30!!!! Just had IV put in!!!!
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    RedDirtRoads reacted to TXdjvsg in Sleeve surgery and PCOS   
    Hi ladies! I have my story to tell. I have PCOS and have struggled with weight and infertility for 15+ years. My last child was conceived after 4 years of treatment. I hadn't sleeve surgery in Nov 2012. I have lost 126 lbs in 10 months. HW: 300. CW:174. Now as for the symptoms of PCOS disappearing: not completely but almost. I still have hair issues. My OB saw some small ovarian cysts. BUT....I have had a regular on-time cycle each and every month since surgery and just found out I'm pregnant...with twins!!! So the sleeve has beat PCOS in my opinion. Hope this helps. Good luck to all of you.
  12. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to roundisashape in Okay, THIS is interesting...!   
    It took 3 tries to read this article, because I kept getting distracted by the thought of giving a mouse a sleeve - how would you even DO that!
  13. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to gamergirl in Okay, THIS is interesting...!   
    I do think the surgery changes a lot more than restriction. How else to explain why people can get off their meds for BP, diabetes etc in just a month or two after surgery, well before any significant weight loss has occurred? Some kind of "reboot" has taken place for sure if you ask me.
    I also think because of that, it behooves us to be cautious and not go back to our "old diets". Whatever old gut flora we had that was wrecking havoc probably returns to take up residence again if we do that, I suspect. Speculation Iron my part, but seems logical.
  14. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to shadowsmom in Oklahoma   
    Well got sleeved on Friday and felt like taking on the world until the next morning. Saturday was the rough day for me, every day has been a little easier since. I'm learning the language of my sleeve and she is definitely the boss! When she says stop, she means it! Lol. I quit the hydro codone on Sunday and switched to liquid Tylenol. Today didn't even need that. Today was my hubby's birthday and I made him a pan of lasagna. I told him if that didn't show how much I love him then I don't know what more I can do to prove it! I met both my Protein and liquid goals today and am a new exercise appt to my calendar starting tomorrow. Today was the first time I've recognized some of my food triggers as I drove around town. Not even being Hungry the Sonic sign tried to coax me in anyway. Oh we are over by Walmart then let's do lunch at chilis...nothing more than bad habits. They say new habits take 21 days to settle in so I'm hoping this three weeks on liquids is enough to kill off the old and establish the new! God bless, hope everyone is doing well!
  15. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to LipstickLady in "My special food"   
    Usually when someone says "no offense", what follows is quite offensive. Case in point above.
    Who said that kids were "running riot" "all day"? What a bizarre assumption. We don't even know how old the children are, do we? Do we now have to micromanage our children to be considered good parents? Sucks for me, then.
  16. Like
    RedDirtRoads reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts   
    WLS Do’s and Don’ts

    DO remove the word ONLY from your vocabulary. Ex: I’ve ONLY lost 10 Lbs in 2 weeks… Now let’s look at this again without the word ONLY: I’ve lost 10 Lbs in 2 weeks!! See what I mean? Perception is reality folks!!

    DON’T assume you’ll never eat all of your favorite foods again. This is just an excuse your brain has designed to allow you to indulge. You WILL eat all your favorites again someday, just much less but find it to me more enjoyable. Which leads directly into the next:

    DON’T do the “last meal” syndrome. You will only sabotage your weight loss you might have pre-surgery or set you back further from your ultimate goal post-op. This surgery is very serious and is for the serious minded. Use this time wisely to get the feeling of how life might be like post op.

    DO learn all of the rules pre-op that you will endure post-op. Such as, no drinking with meals, using smaller utensils and plates, engaging in some type of workout routine, limiting your sugar and sodium intake, joining as many WLS support groups as you can.

    DO Celebrate every single pound lost! Imagine one pound of butter. Yeah… that’s gone from your body forever. It is noteworthy and worth every bit of a pat on the back as any others that may go along with it.

    DON’T compare your successes and losses to others. Chances are very high that you will only come out on the short end and only find yourself disappointed. Everyone’s journeys are their own…

    DO keep track of your losses in many different ways than just the scale! Examples:

    DO keep one set of your largest clothes you’ve ever worn. Make it a point to try them on, especially when you’re having a down moment. You will find this will really pick up your spirits! This is a real rollercoaster of a ride, and anything that will keep you positive is what you should do!

    DON'T keep any other fat clothes around. Get rid of them ASAP. You're never going to fit them again, right? So... off to donations they go.

    DO take photos of yourself just before your surgery. Keep them close. Again, having a bad day? Look at them and compare them. As a matter of fact, take photos of yourself often. You will also find that the more you lose, the more you will want to take pictures. Nothing wrong with that!!! That goes with celebrating your losses.

    DO take measurements of yourself often. Keeping track of all your inches lost will really keep you on the right track when your scale is being stubborn!!

    DO reward yourself every time you hit a mini goal. Make some more worthy than others. I like to go shopping when I hit a goal, it is my favorite thing to do now.

    DON’T let the scale define you. Great majority of us will endure many fluctuations and stalls in this journey. It is what it is… patience is the key here. Meditate and envision yourself months down the road at your goal. Smile, then move on!!

    DO find out about measuring body fat! It’s more than just weight loss, FAT LOSS is the real goal here. Keep in mind that the BMI scale is greatly inaccurate and most Health Studies do prove this. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE) our body fat % ranges should be average: 25-31% for Women and 18-24% for men. Any higher is considered obese. However it does go more in depth, according to ages and more. Everyone has different genetic make ups, frame sizes and fitness levels... even a different ethnicity can post differences.

    DO have many goals in sight. Having only one, especially a simple weight goal you will find can be difficult. Have many MINI goals along your journey, and more than just ones that involve the scale. Such as, clothing size goals, body fat% goals, fitness or workout goals, dietary goals, etc…

    DO challenge yourself always!! Whether it’s a global challenge with others, or personal challenges... It will keep you motivated and always willing to go further than you ever thought you could!

    DO have a mentor! Find someone that you can trust and confide in, and that you know has “been there”. Preferably someone you know in person. You will find many folks in your life who have been there, for obesity is worldwide now and there are so many who have been able to defeat this demon. It’s not easy! It quite literally is the toughest feat I’ve ever had to endure. I can say this too, my job will never be done. This is for life!
    DON'T believe the myth that your tool has an expiration date. Yes, it's true you will lose the most weight in the first year and it's also true that the further out you are and the closer you are to goal, the harder it is to lose. However, as long as you keep up with your healthy eating and fitness routines you will continue to lose weight and / or keep it off in the many years post op. It all boils down to calories in vs. calories out.
    DON'T believe the myth that having WLS will keep the weight off forever. That is our individual responsibility.

    And finally…

    DON’T ever beat yourself up! We all make mistakes, and dare I say not one person on this Earth is perfect. I try hard to be, no doubt! I always admit that I’m a perfectionist – but I’m far from perfect. I just try to be… The only thing you can do is pick yourself up, give yourself a pep talk, perhaps contact your mentor for reassurance and move on!!! Again, this is for life. Every day you wake up is a second chance.

    DO look for solutions to your problems. Otherwise they will just become excuses.

    DON’T EVER GIVE UP! I don’t think any explanation is necessary here.

    DON'T expect the scale to post a loss every single day. As a matter of fact, don't expect it to move that much even weekly! Just keep doing all the right things and the scale will move in the right direction when it needs to.

    DO expect to see fluctuations on the scale, both down AND up. DON'T lose your head over it either. This isn't a miracle cure and the weight isn't going to magically disappear in a few weeks. You have to keep pushing with healthy eating, some type of workout and getting plenty of Fluid.

    DON'T let the scale define your journey when there are so many pieces to that puzzle!!!

    Good luck to all of you. This journey is a tough one, but if you are here, then you believed in yourself enough to give yourself the life you’ve always dreamed of. YOU WILL BE successful. Always keep that in mind.

    Add-ons by other experienced sleevers:

    DO keep a list of NSV (Non scale victories) to reflect on when times are getting hard. Can you walk up 2 extra flights of stairs before getting winded? Cross your legs?" and

    "DO NOT be afraid to change things if they aren't working. Stalls happen even gains happen. If you are on a long stall look at your eating and decided if changes need to be made. Utilize your tool!" -- Southern Sleever

    DO: Keep a food diary of what you eat and drink. This is a great learning tool as to which foods have what amounts of fat, Protein and carbs that add up to your daily intake goals. There are many ways to diary your food - from old fashioned pen and notebook to many options via smartphone apps. Keeping one is the important thing - however is right for you. I use mine now to look back for meal ideas when I hit a blank as to what to prepare for a day or a week.

    DO: Realize this is not a diet to be followed for a while then set aside. This is a permanent lifestyle change. Yes, the amount of food you eat will increase as time passes, but your relationship with food will be forever altered. How you Celebrate your joys, successes and holidays will be different. How you mourn your sorrows will be different. Some people need outside help to get through the sometimes overwhelming mental changes this process brings. If you need help with this part of the deal- reach out and get it. -- SKCUNNINGHAM

    DO roll with the punches!! -- fern

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