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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jolisue

  1. Jolisue

    13 days to surgery

    Hi! I am 3 months post op and don't have any regrets. I had the RNY and have lost 50 pounds with 50 to goal. I haven't lost anything since Thanksgiving, but I didn't gain either. I discovered grazing the food table at work, didn't record the calories, until I realized I was sabotaging myself! Anyhow, back on track! The first few days are a blur with discomfort. After that you will be amazed at how fast your weight will melt away! I recommend getting an app to track your food and exercise. I use two because I can't decide which one I like better. Many folks on this forum use Map My Fitness. Best advice I can give you is to get up and walk several times a day. This helps get rid of the gas. Good luck!
  2. I love tuna salad made with plain Greek yogurt instead of mayo. It adds protein and still moistens the tuna. I add finely chopped onion, celery and sweet relish. To me it's "normal" food so it was welcome after so much soft foods. I eat this twice a week now, and I'm 3 months post op. Chili is also soft and high in protein. Wendy's Restaurant has a small chili so it's a great go to fast meal. I'm also into ground turkey made with taco flavoring. Baked potato also works but I added protein powder to get my 80 grams met. Isopro unflavored is a good one along with plain, nf Greek yogurt. Salsa is a great addition to the potato as well. Just experiment. I learned from this forum so I'm sure you'll get great ideas. Good luck!
  3. Jolisue

    Today is my day.

    Best wishes on your wonderful journey!
  4. Jolisue


    This is to prevent ulcers. It is a normal part of post op prevention. I take Nexium.
  5. Jolisue


    Correction, I aim for 1000! Not 100!
  6. Jolisue


    My average is 1100. I aim for 100, but some days are better than others, that is why I "average."
  7. Jolisue

    Pulminary test

    Hi! You exhale as long as you can in a meter to measure exhalation. They give you a few tries. You'll be fine. I did it and I have asthma! Good luck!
  8. Jolisue

    I got a date!

    Congratulations Mark! I don't regret a minute of my decision! I'm 13 weeks out, 50 lbs down, exercising without pain, and I have energy to burn! I've got 50 lbs to go, and I'm feeling great. My best advice is for you to learn everything you can about pre, post surgery.
  9. Jolisue

    Finally I got approved!

    I'll share at 12 weeks out, And 50 lbs down, that the RNY is great! I have no regrets, and have not had a perfect road. No matter what WKS you go with, it is a tool. You will continue to have the desire to eat when not hungry. My recommendation is to get help. Support group, therapy, etc. because after your surgery, no matter which you choose, you will still have eating issues.
  10. I think that discomfort with a thin body is something for all of us to explore. Whether it's unfamiliar or scary is probably something we can all relate to on some level. If we've been overweight most of our lives or just part of lives, suddenly we are getting attention. That might be difficult, exciting, scary! Definitely not familiar. Great topic for discussion!
  11. Hi! I absolutely would do it all again! I am 12 weeks post op, and have lost 50 pounds! I have good days and bad sticking to my program. I am feeling great, and have 50 more pounds to lose. The most important thing I have learned is this: WLS is only a tool. You will continue to have food issues; head hunger, grazing, etc. WLS won't cure you of your over eating, only support group, therapy and personal commitment and grit! Once you understand this, a healthy thinner you will be realized!
  12. I appreciate these responses so much! Denial is a powerful issue for me, do weighing and measuring is necessary for me.
  13. I think weighing and measuring is the ticket! I'm too easily fooled...by myself!
  14. I drink Premiere Protein shakes. Each shake has 30 grams of protein, and they are pretty good. (160 calories.)
  15. I totally understand! This has bed. My experience too. I have actually wondered if I had the surgery! I do have to listen to my body better. I always are way past feeling full before surgery, so maybe I just don't know how to recognize the feeling? I'm rarely hungry now, so that has been really helpful. This doesn't stop the head hunger, but it helps me stop from over eating. Anyone else out there experience this?
  16. Jolisue

    Protein Amounts

    Hi! My surgeon wants me to consume 80 grams of Protein daily. It has been tough since going to normal food. The shakes make 80 grams super attainable. I take Biotin daily to help with hair loss. I'm 11 weeks post op tomorrow, and am not losing hair, although I hear it happens at about the 3 month mark, so I'm probably going to lose some as well. Since you are a lone wolf, you might get "The Big Book of Gastric Bypass." It has everything pre and post op you need to know. I read about it on this forum, so I downloaded it on my Kindle. I still refer to it.
  17. Hi Tina! I feel the same way! I had RNY 11 weeks tomorrow, and I have only felt restricted once! I jokingly asked the surgeon if he actually did the surgery. (Later realized how offensive that was!) Anyhow, it's nice to hear that someone else has this experience.
  18. I think each of us have different rules from our programs, so do what your doc recommends just to be consistent.
  19. Jolisue

    Celebrating our victories

    I'm exercising so much easier! I have lost 50 lbs with 50 to go, but what a difference 60 lbs makes on the joints! I am going 4.0 on the treadmill and I could barely do 3.0 a year ago! I'm amazed at how much easier it is to walk, hike, bike! Very happy! SW: 263 CW: 213 I need to buy a tape measure to see my inches melt away!
  20. I think you are describing the foamies. This is also common among us bypassers. It isn't fun. I have also experienced this with dry meets and eggs.
  21. I dump! ???????? However, my issue seems to be diarrhea without all the heart rate increase, cramping, etc. I have had a really hard time, and get stuck in a cycle, almost like IBS. Sorry for the TMI, but I would love to know if there are others out there like me.
  22. Jolisue

    Tailbone problems anyone?

    This is so interesting. I was reading the veteran's forum and this seems to be common. Not just the tailbone, but boniness in general, causing pain while sleeping. This is something I never thought of. I suggest you go to the veteran's forum and read what they have done to help. Best wishes to you for a pain-free commute!
  23. Jolisue

    Prop diet

    What a great journey! You can do this! Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
