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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MrsSugarbabe

  1. I'm with @JamieLogical.

    Talk with your doctor about it; know that there are medications available to help control it, IF you do develop GERD.

    I take Previcid daily and probably will for the rest of my life. Several years ago, way before my WLS, my breathing kept getting harder and harder, even just while standing and talking with someone I would have to pause for a deep breath to be able to continue talking; gasping at times. And I can't begin to tell you how frustrating the shortness of breath was anytime I was exercising! It kept getting worse over about a 2 year period. I got checked out for heart issues, none, got checked out for asthma, mild. Then the pulmonologist I was seeing saw something on an x-ray of my throat that caused him concern; sent me for a CT of my throat which confirmed his suspicions. He referred me to an otolaryngologist who I saw within 2 days. As soon as he scoped me to look at my trach and esophagus, he immediately scheduled me for surgery -- diagnosis: subglottic stenosis (Google it). I am a rare case because 1) I'm an adult 2) I'd never been on a ventilator. Even though I rarely had "acid" reflux, apparently I had asymptomatic GERD during the night. My body created this scar tissue barrier across my trachea to protect it from the GERD. Fortunately, my vocal chords were not affected by the GERD. At this point, he said it was no wonder I was having trouble breathing because my trach was 80% blocked by the scar tissue and it was like I was "sucking air through a straw." On to my very first surgery ever. Laser surgery to remove the scar tissue. Surgery was successful and several years down the road now, no reoccurrence of the subglottic stenosis. After a few tests before the surgery on my throat, and one to follow, he came to the conclusion about the "non-acidic" GERD and put me on Prevacid 2 times per day. The dose was reduced to once per day just before my WLS.

    I'm not sharing my story to scare you, just to reinforce the fact that GERD is very treatable.

  2. @@Mrs.ChangingTX

    Thanks! And I agree.....accountability helps with reaching goals and keeping it real and honest with ourselves.

    I just updated my weight tracker to this morning's weight. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to do that as a step toward being more honest with myself.

    Onward to goal we go!! @@Mrs.ChangingTX and @@ProudMomof2 and anyone else who wants to come along.

    @@JamieLogical - You are and always have been an encouragement to me and you always have sound advice. I appreciate your honesty and encouragement and your words of wisdom....always!

  3. Good morning, ladies!!! Can I hop on this train?

    Thank you for sharing your struggles with getting to goal; I'm right there with you. For the past year I have hovered within about a 15 lb. range. Got so close to moving into Onederland this time last year only to fall off the track. (I need to update my current weight on here to reflect my reality :() I'm working my way back to doing the basics that I know worked for me in the past just after surgery. So thankful that my sleeve keeps my food and liquid intake real.......real small; it's the bad choices I've made and the slippery slope I've been on that's the problem. Fortunately, I never stopped exercising, weighing and measuring, did get lazy logging food, but that's changed back to being on track.

    Let's do this!!!

  4. I registered to receive my copy of the Fresh Start Bariatric Cookbook, but when I received the email and click the link for the download, The Best Bodybuilding Cookbook downloaded instead. I'm waiting to hear back from the publisher as to why this happened. There should still be some good recipes in it :D and let's face it, we are in the bodybuilding business as we adjust to a new live with our sleeves.

  5. THIS!!

    Look, something isn't working obviously. What do you do when something isn't working? You figure out why, and change it.

    Start tracking and measuring. You can't measure where you need to be if you have no idea where you're at. What are your calories/protein/carbs per day? Do you know where they need to be in order for you to start losing again? Of not, experiment a little and find out. Tweak some stuff.

    I think going Keto is a very good start. I also think you should shock your body a bit and start moving more. If you're not doing anything currently, start. Even if it's walking. If you're already walking, walk more. If you're already exercising, start a different routine. HIIT training and weights is an amazing way to burn fat. Your body needs a jump start to get things moving again, and exercise usually is just the ticket.

    If you really want things to change, you'll find the change needed to make it happen. Good luck!!

  6. @@Walter.Sobchak

    I concur with everything everyone has already said, esp. @ShelterDog64.

    Like others have said, the person I see in the mirror isn't the same person I see in photos. Those pictures are a rude awakening.

    Your health is more important than anything. There's no time like the present to make the lifestyle changes necessary toward being healthier. I had to have the surgery for health reasons, also. Much has improved since that day, but I have to be vigilant and disciplined and stay the course or I will lose ground. The struggle is real.

    Wishing the very best to you as you travel along this road.....nothing but success!

    I read this article earlier today. It's something to ponder on; I know I will be.


  7. I LOVE my fitbit. Not only does it track my steps but I put every single thing I eat and drink it in. I've been doing it for over a year and I would probably die without it. I totally recommend getting one!

    Which Fitbit do you have @@fatontheinside? There are so many to choose from. I don't think I need all the bells and whistles. I'd prefer one that automatically syncs with my SparkPeople page while on my PC at home since I tend not to us apps on my cellphone. I'm open to suggestions.......

  8. @@Sharon Vance

    Thanks for asking the question I've been needing input on, also. I've been using a very simple activity tracker from SparkPeople that syncs with my home PC, but the software company that maintains the tracking part is closing so it will eventually quit recording my activity automatically. SparkPeople is giving all members using the tracker a $10 Amazon gift card to use toward another tracker so I've been shopping and reading reviews. There are so many trackers out there and so many different reviews, it's hard to decide which would be best for me without paying an arm and a leg for it. I don't need all the bells and whistles (at least I don't think I do :D). I will be following this topic........

  9. @@SKrae430


    I love @@unjury! It's my Protein of choice. I've only recently started using the unflavored more frequently and have found success with adding one serving (24 grams) to my strawberry lemonade (sugar-free drink mix with Water to taste). I mixed a serving of lemonade with about a half serving of strawberry with 20 ounces of Water, 1 serving of unflavored @@UNJURY, shake well, serve over ice. It is not a Meal Replacement this afternoon, just a beverage to keep me from doing something stupid :P When I choose to use a shake as a Meal Replacement, I always use a full serving of whichever flavor I'm using. vanilla is the flavor I buy and use most often. This morning I made an iced latte at work with 8 oz. skim milk, 1 serving unflavored @@UNJURY, 2 oz. espresso, sweetened to taste and a couple of pumps of SF Torani vanilla and Caramel Syrup. Because the whey Protein can clump if mixed with liquids hotter than 140 deg., I tend not to use it in hot beverages. The @@UNJURY dietitians are a huge help anytime I have a question about using their product in different things. Most recently, I inquired about adding it to some oatmeal (which I rarely eat, just had a taste for it one cold morning). They have a lot of recipes available on the @@UNJURY website and you can call the dietitians anytime during regular hours.

    Because I want to start using protein in my morning coffee, I'm going to try the GENEPRO unflavored for that purpose only. One of the other BP members told me how they incorporate it so as to avoid the clumping issue. I hope it works for me. I prefer drinking my coffee hot in the morning rather than an iced coffee beverage.

    One word of advice if you haven't already done this, I recommend actually weighing the scoopful of powder in grams on a food scale rather than depending on just scooping it out; you will get a more accurate serving size each time as the powder can pack down. Be sure to weigh the scoop empty first and zero out the scale, fill scoop and weigh again.

    I hope I've answered your question in all of this rambling :D

    If you've got any good recipes or suggestions, please share! :)

  10. I haven't thrown up a single time since surgery.

    However, there was one time that I wish I could have thrown up - about 4 months post-op and I had eaten too much of a good thing. I have learned that there is a very fine line between just enough and 1 or 2 bites too many. Some days I recognize that line before I cross it, and once in awhile, I don't and I'm miserable for about a hour.

  11. @ShelterDog64 -- You mentioned earlier using unflavored GENEPRO in your morning coffee -- do you have to keep the temperature of the coffee at a certain temp to keep the GENEPRO from clumping? My morning coffee alone fills me up, but has no Protein so I'm wanting to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, and I've seen that several folks use Genepro in their coffee. I just want to be sure before I order a tub of it. I use @@unjury Protein Powder to supplement my daily Protein intake and love it, but it will clump if the Water temp is above 140 deg. (chicken Soup flavor). I make my own latte in the afternoon and have switched from hot to iced so I can use the unflavored @@UNJURY in the latte. This is working well so far, however, sometimes I want a hot latte in the afternoon. Thanks for any suggestions!

  12. @nnagle323

    I haven't finished ready all the posts/comments on this thread yet (there are soooo many!), but I saw where you were having a problem with My Fitness Pal. You may have figured it out by now, but, if not, another tracking option is SparkPeople. I've been using it for years and find it much easier (for me) to use than My Fitness Pal was. I track my food and physical activity there and use the recipe calculator to figure the nutritional profile of any recipes I use. It's worth a shot. :)

  13. @@Torriluv87 and others who could benefit from talking with a dietitian - Check with your insurance provider to see if they offer health coaching; if so, you may be able to access a dietitian that way who can help answer any questions via a phone call. I utilize the health coaching through my insurance provider which has been a great help over the years, and I've been able to talk with the same coach over a long period of time (ie 3 coaches over an 8 year period). The coaches have always been RNs, some more specialized than the others; however, if they didn't know the answer, they were always able to direct me to appropriate resources. It's worth a shot. Another option I've used before is one of the dietitians at powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury (Unjury.com). I use their Protein powder to supplement my Protein intake and whenever I have a question, I've called their 800 number. They've been a great support over the 2.5 years I've been using @Unjury.

    I wish you the best!

  14. I'm a little more than 2 years out (last November). Total consumption at meal time will vary on the density of the food and the Protein. Typically, I can eat only 1/2 to 2/3 of a pork chop that's about 1/2-3/4 in. thick and a few bites of green Beans. Pot roast - about 3 oz. of meat and a couple bites of cooked carrots. I only eat salads with Protein added, and can only eat no more than a cup of greens with 2-3 oz. of protein. Wendy's chili - about 2/3 of a small with some shredded cheese on top. Cheeseburger w/lettuce and Tomato on a wheat bun from work cafeteria - 1/2. I can eat a whole Quest Protein Bar which fills me up for a long time. I keep them on hand for when I don't have anything else handy. I make a concoction of sausage, black Beans, tomatoes, spices, etc. to freeze and keep on hand at work - 1/2 cup is max. for me. Now that the weather has turned cold, I'm experimenting with hot oatmeal for Breakfast and so far this week a half to 3/4 cup does it for me. One boiled or fried egg fills me up. A Protein shake w/8 oz. skim milk fills me up. My morning coffee fills me up :P (12 oz. travel mug size). Taking my morning meds and supplements with Water over 30 mins. fills me up :D I always aim to eat protein first, but am trying to get some veggies in at lunch and supper. Most of my meals are consumed over a 10-30 minute period, no beverage.

  15. What do you LIKE? What makes you feel GOOD? What are you most COMFORTABLE in?

    Many years ago I sold BeautiControl cosmetics just for the discount and a little extra money. We did the color/seasons thing and I'm a winter - clothing-wise - bold, jewel tones look best on me and they happen to be the same colors I'm most comfortable in and that my eye is drawn to. I do wear some things that don't fall into that palette just because I like it. When it comes to lipstick and nail color, I choose a BLUE based color because that works best for my skin tone (olive-tans easily). I'm a graying brunette who colors her hair with the closest color to my natural (for frizz control). With foundation and concealer, I wear Almay 200 foundation and 020 concealer because it is the closest to matching my skin tone and it's the formula that (supposedly) adjusts to your skin tone.

    All that being said, I hope some of it helps. I would like to suggest that before you go to Ulta or Sephora for a make-up session (some places charge you for their time), reach out to a Mary Kay or BeautiControl consultant - they do it for free (at least that's been my experience). They get some training in the product as do the Clinique and others, unlike most Avon reps.

    Have fun with it!!! You'll get the hang of it all!!

  16. I agree with @@WLSResources/ClothingExch - it's more like a "moment." At 2 years, 2 months post-op, I still have those moments when I feel like I should have stopped two bites sooner. I keep thinking I'll learn where the stopping point is before actually getting there. I feel your pain!! All too often, unfortunately. My typical meal size remains between 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup, total, at meal time. So, I'll ask here, are you measuring all of your food at meal time? If you are, maybe try decreasing it by 2 tablespoons/bites. (Since this just occurred to me, I need to take my own advice here :P.)

    I still follow the instructions I was given pre- and post-op about eating slowly, small bites, not drinking while eating or 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after, and Protein first veggies and fruit after that. Sipping liquids all day long is a lifestyle as is exercising regularly. As you can see from my information, I have not reached my goal yet. This past year has been very challenging from an eating standpoint and I have been on the longest plateau weight-wise. Up and down within about a 5 lb. range. Onederland still eludes me. Sleeve restriction is still great for which I'm thankful. Most foods agree with me. I will admit to making some food choices that are not the best choices and attribute that fact to why I have not reached goal yet.

    Every day is a good day to have a good day!!!

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