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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GenaO

  1. GenaO

    Curves vs. Aquafit - opinions?

    My mom's DR. told her that Curvse is a waste of time, and I totally agree, i went for a little while and hated it. The Aquafit will make you lose weight, aqua arobics is suppose to be fabulous for weight loss and muscle toning. I would love to do it, but I can't seem to find anywhere around here that offers it. Plus aqua arobics is soooo much better on your joints, knees hips ect. Go for it!!
  2. I am so happy!! I have met my first goal of getting under 250:lol:. The hard work at the gym is really paying off. I love my band!!!
  3. GenaO

    Any Foodies out there?

    I'm a chef and cook for others eveyday, and have an amazing food source to pull from. It has been hard for me to not just grab anything I want out of the pantry and eat it. I'm definately a foodie too, I love gourmet stores, different and new things not your average run of the mill foods. My post band foodie adventure has been exploring Organics and clean simple foods and how I can make these foods taste like it came from a top notch restuarant.
  4. GenaO

    OOOO...my aching muscles!

    I totally hear ya on that one. I started a small group personal training session this past week and good god was i in pain. I felt like a MAC truck hit me. Everytime I would sit or go up stairs or move in any way I was in horrid pain, my husband thought I was dieing. I go back tommorow night for a second round of torture, but I will melt the pounds away. I have been told that drinking plenty of water will flush the lactic acid out of your muscles and that walking will help too, I also too hot baths and try some epson salt in your bath, its suppose to help with muscle pain. Good luck
  5. I also have a therapist who I have been seeing for a couple years now. And yes we have a comfortable relationship like friends but I know she only wants the best for me and I'm sure that is what your therapist wants for you. It will also make the Psych eval go much smoother if you tell her. She probably can do that with you, like I did with my therapist. Because she knew me so well, it took half the time to do it compared to people who didn't already have a therapist. Who knows, maybe you will even inspire her to look at her own options for weight loss and a healther life.
  6. GenaO

    Bison Steaks

    My husband and I had bison steaks last night. They were great. Tasted just like a nice steak and the nutrition can't be beat. For a 3.5 oz steak there is only 90cals and 2.4 grms of fat. A 3.5 oz skinless chicken breast has 7.4 grams of fat. Bison also has higher levels of omega3 fatty acids, Iron, antioxidants and vitimins like vitimon E. Bison also has 25% more Protein than beef. We will be adding Bison to or weekly menu.
  7. GenaO

    BODYBUGG - Digital Display is on sale

    Thanks so much for the sale update. I just ordered mine and am so excited!!! Saved $105.00
  8. GenaO

    Bison Steaks

    I get it at the grocery store.
  9. I had my 1st fill last week. My Dr. does not numb the area. It just felt like a pinch, no big deal. and all you feel when its being filled is the feeling of fullness. The dr is probably going to tell you to be on liquids the rest of the day and mushies the next, so listen to him/her. I didn't, I had a piece of deli turkey that night and had my 1st PB episode which was very unpleasant.
  10. GenaO

    A 3-week post-op Cry for Help!

    I was the same way, I stopped at Wendy's a couple times and let myself have a couple of fries and chicken nuggets. But the thing that has changed my ways is going to the gym and working out. Now I think there is no way in hell I'm eating that if I'm working out this hard. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself just yet. Until you get your first fill and start a workout routine, you probably won't want that stuff after that.
  11. GenaO

    The truth about Margarine!

    Finally, someone who gets it. I tell this to people all the time, and for some strange reason they don't want to believe it. The melting temp of margarine is 104 dergrees, your body is only 98.6, so that trans fatty margarine is floating around in your blood stream coating your artery and even causing your brain to work slow, because the margarine is coating the receptor sites making them fire slower than normal. MARGARINE IS EVIL.
  12. well that didn't work, trying to get my ticker to work
  13. I'm 1 month post op today and here is what I ate B-Oatmeal, Coffee S- 8 almonds L-1 can tuna, 1/4c peas, 1 Tbs mayo D-4 oz baked salmon, 1/2 c rice noodles <a href="Weight Loss - Diet Ticker"> <img border="0" src="<A href="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wTf9UT7/weight.png"></a">http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wTf9UT7/weight.png"></a>
  14. GenaO

    Where to buy sashimi fish?

    I definatly would try Whole Foods or a wholesale fish market. Not sure where you live but if Its anywhere near the coast you should be able to find a reputable fish monger.
  15. I was banded 2/11/08 and I have lost 21lbs. :thumbup:
  16. I had the same horrible gas pains. Gas X and a heating pad really helped. I don't know how the heating pad works but it does.
  17. Elyssa, I'm feeling better day by day, the inscion site is still terribly painful and It feels like someone beat the heck out of my abdomin. I get my staples out tomorrow and I think he is going to tell me I can eat mushies:). I'm not very hungry during the day but at night I start to get cravings, but thats Ok, cause I can't get down more than 2-3 oz at a time. I am only getting down like 500 cals a day, because I get so full so quick, which is awsome but I'm worried about not getting enough nutients. I totaly agree it's nice to know someone else is going through the open surgery blues.
  18. elyssa,I'm in the same boat as you, I'm 6 days post op and also had to have a open surgery due to past abdominal surgery, the DR told me there was a 50/50 change this would happen. I am in pain but the gas pain is what is killing me. It is scarey and the pain makes you wonder if it was worth it, but I'm tring to keep a positive attitude. You are the first person I have found that has been in my shoes, please stay in touch, I would like to have someone to talk to who knows what I'm going through
  19. GenaO

    failing optifast stage! please help.

    I have been on Optifast for 2 weeks now, surgery is tommorow moring, I had a hell of a time too. I ate carrot and celery with a little hummus everday up until 3 days ago and I have been having organic soups like tomato and corn, smooth soup for a couple days too because I couldn't hack it with just the shakes. The first week I didn;t loose any weight and was totally pissed and went and ate actual food that night, but got back on the wagon the next day.I'm totaly moody and hate everyone around me eating yummy food, my husband just ate a huge dinner and I had to go in the other room for my sanity. Optifast makes no sense to me, it has 17g of sugar and 20g of carbs, how are you supose to loose weight with that, espeacially if you have insulin resistance like me... I don't know... Good luck
  20. GenaO

    Test done before surgery

    I had to do a psych test, pulmonary lung function test, EKG, nutritional consuling, endoscopy and an upper GI series
  21. Hi there everone, I 'm having my band done in 2 weeks . I'm very excited but a little worried because I'm a chef and cook everyday, that seems pretty daunting when you have to be on a liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery. I was just wondering if there were any other chefs out there who went through this and how they handled it. :rolleyes2:
  22. GenaO

    Calling all Chefs

    Jill, thanks for your info, its nice to hear from someone in the industry. I love to cook for other people too, and see their reactions. I'm glad to hear that the band does not hinder your culinary career. Thanks
  23. Has anyone been banded by Dr. Carlos Barba in CT. Just wondering.
  24. GenaO

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hi everyone, I'm Gena and I'm having my band done Feb 11 in CT. I'm so excited, I'm actually having a party 2 weeks prior to my surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
