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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from ShellMilliner in It's like CHOOSING to GET pregnant!? LOW BMI-er here   
    I think I had a 32 BMI the day of surgery. Many of your concerns have to do with your mindset and perspective. My purpose for getting the sleeve was 90% quality of life, 10% want to be skinny. i would ask what is your purpose for this procedure? What do you ultimately want to gain from it? Then focus & let go of the concerns that do not factor into your decision.
    I can tell you that after losing 100+ pounds, decreasing my meds from 4 to 1, no longer having any health problems, wearing 1/2 my original size, and being in better shape than most people half my age more than makes up for my smaller chest size or the possible temporary loss of some hair or the adjustment to my lifestyle.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from dhrguru in Where do the Veterans go ?   
    @@B-52 Real quick...cause I'm going to be late, but just wanted to say that I hear you and agree. I wish there was a forum specifically for those who actually follow the plan or whose level of commitment is unwavering for the most part. Ive also found that some of the folks/vets that stick around are really negative & as we know...negativity is contagious. Peace & blessings
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    ProjectMe reacted to B-52 in Where do the Veterans go ?   
    Been on this forum a while....I did leave for a while, about a year....it started to get to me and I had enough.
    When I first had my surgery, and found this site, (Lapband Talk)...there were many veterans I considered my mentors, and followed their personal testimony's with interest...
    But they are all gone......left.
    I noticed there are many other people who are doing well that just "Drop off the Radar"...did they have a major setback? Failure?
    Speaking from own feelings, I don't think so......bottom line, successful people simply do not fit in here, and don't have much in common....other than once upon a time they were beginners also.
    *****I am 100% successful...lost ALL possible weight.
    *****I finished this weight loss journey...done ...completed...reached my destination with a new life, a new outlook on what and how I eat, along with a love of exercise....
    *****I have no hunger, no cravings, could care less about food or eating...a complete reversal from pre-surgery days.
    *****I will never Diet again, I eat what I want, NOT avoiding life's pleasures such as ice cream, Beer/alcohol, chips, etc, etc.
    *****I have no fear of overeating, the band sees to that...I have tried to overeat and find it impossible...does not matter where I'm at, vacation, a party, holiday dinner, venues may change but my surgery is a constant.....
    *****As a person with Lap band surgery, I cannot comprehend the notion of "Getting off track"....or the need to re-focus and start over....as long as the band does not have any issues,. I have NO FEAR of ever gaining the weight back!
    ******I have NEVER had a single issue with my band...the beginning "learning Phase" was tough, VERY Tough...but once that was past, it has been the EASIEST thing I could have ever done.....I don't even think about it!
    Bottom line, ALL my medical issues ( and there were many) have all been reversed or gone....I did have a heart attack, and that damage to the heart muscle is permanent..but tests show new arteries have branched out by-passing the damaged one...
    I can on and on......
    Having said all the above, sounds pretty good, right? YET...in a environment of negativity, I'm the odd ball here....I'm the one who has to make excuses...TOTALLY out of sync.
    So why stick around? Because of all the negativity I feel SOMEONE has to stay in place and show people that this can and does work....
    YET, by simply sharing your own life story, it hurts other people's feelings? They feel bullied???
    It's no wonder successful veterans move on.
    It got to me once and I left for a while, and it's starting to get to me again...
    I see patients and families everyday in Clinic who are experiencing catastrophic medical situations, 10 times worse than anyone here is experiencing...(best of my knowledge) and I deal in Pediatrics so I see kids as early as 12 months old, whose lives will never be easy..... and yet I do not find anywhere as near, if any, negativity as is found on this forum....
    It's crazy....either you want it or you don't....
  4. Like
    ProjectMe got a reaction from ProudGrammy in What do you do   
    Here's what works for me...
    Yoga works wonders . There are YouTube videos and an awesome App called Yoga Studio.
    Meditation/Self Hypnosis Apps
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Swampdoggie in Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?   
    This was an interesting thread. Thanks for making me think @@LipstickLady . As I thought this through, I came to the conclusion that whether we call it, cheating or choosing, simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I came across a quote that says, "If you kind of sort of try, you kind of sorta get results." In other words, the results you achieve are directly proportional with the efforts you put in. So really, whether we call it cheating or choosing...kind of a moot point in my opinion and is just semantics describing the same effort or lack thereof.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from TammyDTM in Trying to get my head straight. Input requested :)   
    @@sweetie716 I am a thyroid cancer survivor and have to take my thyroid med everyday for the rest of my life. I totally get what you're saying in regards to the "Vitamin timing". I take my thyroid med @ 5:30am, 2 of my Calcium tabs before I leave the house at 6:45am. I keep my Multivitamin in my desk at work and take it at lunchtime, then I take the other 2 calcium tabs before bed.
    I've read that 4 hrs is the optimal time to wait before taking Vitamins. My Endo and my recent blood work says my regimen is working just fine as my thyroid levels and Vitamin levels are great. Also, there have been plenty of times where I've forgotten my Vitamins and still my bloodwork is great, so I wouldn't worry too much unless your bloodwork shows a deficiency.
    Regarding the feeling fat...been there & still struggle with it. It's called body dysmorphia, and it's something I need to work on. But I'm a work in progress and my mind will catch up to my body changes in time.
    About things slowing down...things haven't really slowed much for you in my opinion. A couple of pounds could be anything (constipation, Water retention, etc.). I once stayed at the same weight for 3 weeks. Keep calm & breathe, you are doing great!
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from phatfatgirl in Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?   
    Are we held more accountable if we call it "cheating" vs. held more accountable if it's called a "choice"? I would argue that both descriptions equal "eating off plan". The stagnate scale, resulting weight gain, or if I'm lucky...no weight change, doesn't change the fact that I've detoured, however temporarily, off plan. For me, simply eating off plan results in my being held accountable...sooner or later the scale, my emotions, and my health will hold me accountable regardless of what term we use to describe it.
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    ProjectMe reacted to Swampdoggie in Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?   
    @@ProjectMe That's what I was trying to express. Its semantic. All cheating involves a choice, but not all choices are cheating. In any case, I don't care really (and don't even use the term for myself) and agree with the gist of what we're all trying to put forward. OWN all your choices.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Swampdoggie in Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?   
    This was an interesting thread. Thanks for making me think @@LipstickLady . As I thought this through, I came to the conclusion that whether we call it, cheating or choosing, simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I came across a quote that says, "If you kind of sort of try, you kind of sorta get results." In other words, the results you achieve are directly proportional with the efforts you put in. So really, whether we call it cheating or choosing...kind of a moot point in my opinion and is just semantics describing the same effort or lack thereof.
  10. Like
    ProjectMe got a reaction from Swampdoggie in Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?   
    This was an interesting thread. Thanks for making me think @@LipstickLady . As I thought this through, I came to the conclusion that whether we call it, cheating or choosing, simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I came across a quote that says, "If you kind of sort of try, you kind of sorta get results." In other words, the results you achieve are directly proportional with the efforts you put in. So really, whether we call it cheating or choosing...kind of a moot point in my opinion and is just semantics describing the same effort or lack thereof.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from MrsSugarbabe in Does WLS Help a Spouse Lose Weight?   
    I began this journey back in June...that was my orientation class and first nutrition meeting. I came home and shared the information and all the info I've learned for the past 6 months. My surgery was just a few days ago. However I lost 50+ lbs before the surgery and my husband lost over 40+ pounds. He is still losing and has his own goals. But his thought process was that we would do this together even though he doesn't need the actual surgery. I am very proud to have such support
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Aliyah14 in Christian sleevers ?   
    Definitely interceding on your behalf! God is good...even when I was riding the crazy emotional roller coaster ride of this journey. Be patient, it'll happen
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Aliyah14 in Christian sleevers ?   
    @Aliyah14. Hi I'm definitely Christian & was sleeved in December. I've lost 100+ pounds and owe it all to Jesus! BTW, while folks may not make their religious preferences known...One can get a pretty good idea where someone is spiritually by the consistent tone of their posts and the negativity/chaos that follows. Be mindful & guarded as negativity is contagious. Peace & Blessings on your journey!
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in My experience nearly one year post-op, low bmi'er, success!   
    @@Butterflyhigh I truly appreciate your thoughtful, realistic post. Words like yours are invaluable. Thank you for taking the time to share.
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    ProjectMe reacted to Aliyah14 in Christian sleevers ?   
    Wow 100 lbs that's great. I have a long way to go and haven't got started yet waiting on the financials so keep me in your prayers I'm tired of my life being put on hold it seems like due to my weight and they way people act towards me now since I'm not thin. God bless you for responding just needed to hear that. Thank you so much pray for me!
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    ProjectMe reacted to Butterflyhigh in My experience nearly one year post-op, low bmi'er, success!   
    Hi everyone!
    Thought I should log in an update. I am now 11 months post-op. I've gotten through all the challenging transitioning and healing which takes place for a good nine months or so after surgery.
    Before/After Stats: (Surgery was performed on June 9th, 2014)
    Height: 5'6
    Before Weight: 210 lbs (highest weight was 240)
    Current Weight: 127
    Before BMI: 34
    Current BMI: 20
    Surgery Day Pant Size: 16
    Current Pant Size: 2 or 0
    Things went like this:
    I had my surgery. I followed my doctors orders. I didn't pay attention to stalls. I focused on Protein and hydration. I weighted myself daily but honestly didn't pay too much attention to the number, just checked to see that the pounds were still dropping. I never obsessed over anything, just enjoyed my journey into this new lifestyle, even the tough days.
    My biggest challenges:
    Definitely drinking enough fluids. I still struggle with getting 64 oz in!! Also I should do better about tracking my food consumption every day. (If I don't track, I don't eat enough)
    The hardest time for me:
    Even months after I added solid food it seemed like eating would never "feel" normal again. Always too full, always slightly queasy after eating, always getting things stuck in my esophagus, always dealing with heartburn. There were nights when I would just be so tired of feeling sick from eating food....but I always kept in mind that this was a temporary stage and that it would pass. It did. Now I can eat anything including Pasta, bread, red meat, chicken, and lettuce. Just very little amounts.
    What I wished I had done differently:
    Added strength training as soon as I was cleared for exercise. After loosing all of this fat I also lost a lot of muscle mass which led to that gaunt post-wls sickly look for a few weeks. Now I do yoga nearly 7 days per week. It would have been waaaaay better to have started earlier when I still had muscles to work with.
    Here is the most important thing I did:
    I worked very hard in the beginning to reset my entire relationship with food. I had to find new ways of coping with stress and new ways of rewarding myself. I did a lot of personal detective work to understand the why's and how's of my food addiction. Food to me now is just a tasty fuel for my body. Do I add good or bad fuel to my machine? Without having so many emotions interwoven with the act of chewing, swallowing, and stuffing food inside my stomach, it is now easy to choose the healthy fuel.
    The coolest thing so far:
    Honestly, it's the knowledge that I have just increased my life expectancy and long-term quality of life. That's a huge deal. I can see myself as an active, engaged, healthy, and youthful senior citizen. I'm only 37 but I feel like I've given myself the most loving gift possible...a healthy future.
    Other totally awesome things:
    I take up sooo much less space in the bathtub. I spend much less money when eating out. I am oftentimes the thinnest person in the room, which is so so weird. I no longer want to hide myself inside baggy sweaters. I am wearing tank tops without an added cover-up. I look 10 years younger!! I have beautiful cheekbones which were formerly hidden underneath a plump and chubby face. There is such a thing as a clavicle bone and I LOVE running my fingers along the ridge! Getting up off the floor is so much easier. Walking though a parking lot or up the steps is much easier. I CAN LEAVE FOOD ON MY PLATE which is something I could never do before and is now one of the most empowering choices I make on a daily basis.
    The downside:
    This cost a lot of money, $14,000 out-of-pocket. I went from a C breast cup to an A. I lost all my butt. Seriously, it's a sad situation about my ass...there is none. I lost all the excess fat, but also my womanly curves. I have a very loose wrinkly stomach and a saggy place where my butt used to be. I've spent a fortune in clothes and Protein drinks. It's been tough having to explain myself to family members. The downside in no way compares to the positive things that happened as a result of my wls.
    My current goal:
    Is to consume between 1500-1800 calories per day. My nut said to change gears and fatten up my diet. I am supposed to add carbs, calories, and fat. If I don't track I am only hitting about 900-1200 calories per day. I can only eat about 1 cup of food at the most. Now when I'm stressed I find it difficult to eat as opposed to binge eating my stress away like I used to. So believe it or not, my biggest goal at the moment is to stop the weight loss and maintain my current weight.
    I hope this can be helpful to those out there who are considering getting a wls, are struggling thorough those early days when all you can focus on is sipping broth and forcing down Protein shakes, and those who are scared to take the plunge. I feel this is the best decision I could have made for my current happiness, future health and quality of life, and to model healthy eating habits/behaviors/relationship with food for my two daughters.
    Good Luck to all of you beautiful and brave people!
  17. Like
    ProjectMe got a reaction from Aliyah14 in Christian sleevers ?   
    @Aliyah14. Hi I'm definitely Christian & was sleeved in December. I've lost 100+ pounds and owe it all to Jesus! BTW, while folks may not make their religious preferences known...One can get a pretty good idea where someone is spiritually by the consistent tone of their posts and the negativity/chaos that follows. Be mindful & guarded as negativity is contagious. Peace & Blessings on your journey!
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    ProjectMe reacted to Rogofulm in How to stop losing weight without gaining it back   
    I'm telling you the truth.... If you can buckle down and follow all the rules, you'll get there. And getting slimmer is so much more rewarding than eating just another slice of..... whatever. There's no food I craved half as much as I craved the weight loss. And the on-scale and non-scale victories sustained me. I set TONS of mini goals, so I was hitting new milestones every few weeks (and sometimes days). Like, every 5 pounds down, every 10 pounds down, every round number on the scale, and even every 5 pounds less to goal, every 10 pounds less to goal, 1/10th of the way there, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, every pants size, every shirt size, every belt notch, every extra 5 minutes walked, every additional day of exercise in a row or in a week, every additional 100 steps on my Fitbit, every holiday/event that I controlled myself. I knew that it was totally ridiculous!!! But it made it a game of it, and it was great fun to be achieving those goals all the time. Good luck and try to have fun with this!
    P.S. The link is in my last post. But just in case, here it is again. http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.com/2011/03/bf-basics-carb-confusion.html
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    ProjectMe reacted to Alex Brecher in Cannot update weight   
    Thanks for reporting this issue. We should have it resolved by Monday or Tuesday.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Cannot update weight   
    I've tried updating the weight on my profile. I received a message that there needed to be a goal date. Really don't desire to put in a particular date in this field, because my goal date is when my body decides for itself. Anywho I went ahead and put a date in that field, updated my current weight, then clicked save. Even though a green msg appeared saying changes have been saved...it still shows my old weight.
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    ProjectMe reacted to Casey235 in Thank God for my Sleeve!   
    Just wanted to take the time to say I am very happy with the decision to have this surgery! I believe it was Gods will to get me and every other fellow sleever healthy!
    Thank you God for allowing my surgeon to be knowledgeable enough to perform my surgery, thank you for guiding the nurses, workers, and every one else who was a part of helping me on April 8, 2015!
    Thank you God for their knowledge and for passing it along to me to be able to live a healthier life!
    Thank you God for this website, for more reasons than one! I pray for all of those who are having problems, or struggling with something that you will guide them through the storm!
    Life is not a guarantee but Heaven can be! I'm so thankful I have a spot reserved for me there! Do you?
    I truly am thankful to God, and just want to share my experience with others! I'm sure I'm not alone here, and even though I know some will not agree with me, it's ok!
  22. Like
    ProjectMe reacted to Aliyah14 in Christian sleevers ?   
    Just want to meet some people who are share the same faith as me and are going through the process or already have gotten their sleeves. Without Jesus idk where I would be today and I know he will bless my surgery to be complications free. My faith is in Christ.
  23. Like
    ProjectMe reacted to Alex Brecher in Weight loss   
    It’s great that you’re doing your research and trying to figure out what to expect and how much weight loss to aim for…just remember that you are YOU! Your experience will be different from everyone else’s. You may lose faster, slower, or right on average.
    Remember to keep it in perspective. Even if it takes you five years to reach goal weight…who cares? You will be feeling better throughout those five years, and you will still have the rest of your life to maintain your weight. So enjoy the journey, work hard, know what to expect, and expect the curveballs that are definitely going to come.
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    ProjectMe reacted to JamieLogical in Weight loss   
    The key is, it doesn't really matter how fast or slow you lose the weight, so long as you eventually lose it. In the grand scheme of your life is it going to matter that it took you 6 months or 12 months to reach your goal when you've been living a happy, healthy life for 10+ years? We are all in this horrible mentality from past diets where we feel like we're in a race to goal so we can be "done". News flash: we'll never be "done" with weight loss surgery!
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from meryl0707 in Do you notice how much others eat?   
    Yes when I am at work. I work in a school and the majority of my coworkers are overweight. I notice how much food they are eating, and I feel bad, that I am even noticing. I definitely do not want to turn into one of those lifestyle changers who judges or looks down on others. So I tell myself that I am being completely unfair and to cut it out!

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