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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by haleytrim

  1. Hi all, I have been looking for a way to start shareing my journey. I am scheduled for the sleeve on November 17th. I start my liquid pre-op diet tomorrow. I am nervous and scared. Not about going through the procedure. I am nervous that I won't be successful. over the past 10 years, have been on several diets, worked with 5 different private trainers, tried several different styles of workouts. I work hard, I eat well, but the weight just doesn't come off. After getting injured at crossfit last spring and getting shoulder surgurey, I decided that I needed some extra help. I know a few folks who have been successful with the sleeve. I am just nervous. However, I am excited to start seeing some results. That is always the hard part after 6 months or more of a progam to get on the scale and not see results. It is so discouraging. I won't say that my trainers gave up on me. However, I got tired of that look in their eye, like I wasn't working hard enough.

    So, here I go. I am 44, 6'2" and 312 lbs. Any tips on the pre-op diet? I have a feeling, I may be pretty grumpy for a while. :)

    I swear I posted this same thing a couple of days ago. I'm on the 17th also and not particularly worried about the surgery, just about succeeding after failing so many times. I just started my pre-op yesterday and so far I have been able to handle it. My friend who was sleeved in July said jus keep thinking that there is a time limit on this diet. I'm going to take her advice and mark off the days on my calendar one at a time. Prayers up for you and keep us posted.

  2. So we are supposed to stay home and not get bargains because we are obese. Why not just extend it to not buying presents for our children and grandchildren. Maybe we should not be allowed to participate in any Holidays or sales events at all. Well I've got NEWS for the author of the Black Friday article. It is not by luck or chance that I live in America and have access to participate in Holidays and sales events or anything else I see fit. My great grandmother (at 16 years old) sailed by herself from Sweden to Galveston and cooked and cleaned in a boarding house for the rest of her life so that she and her future family could live in a country that allows even FAT people to pursue happiness!! Sorry for the rant, but that bit of trash was wrong on so many levels! Nobody is going to make me feel guilty for living in America!!! Ok, I'll put my soapbox away now.

  3. I've heard a lot of veterans on this site say you should go back to the beginning. Protein shakes and liquids then work your way back through pureed, soft mushies and solids just like when you first had the surgery. Thing is, you already know you CAN do it because you've done it before. This time you only have 10 pounds to lose...even if it is the hardest 10 pounds. LOL Good luck and you've come to the right place for support.

  4. You go right ahead and vent! I know we all read don't worry about the stalls. However, I am sure it is very frustrating when you are doing all you can and the pounds are not falling. That is what got me here in the first place. Hopefully, not being able to binge with the frustration will teach me patience. Take some quiet time out for yourself to think about all you've been through and all you've read on here. Don't give up! Oops, that's right, you can't give up. This thing is permanent! :P Sending hugs and good vibes your way

  5. Three more hours I will be going back to into surgery. I'm hoping to wake up with getting through the procedure this time with no complications. It was truly disappointing and a set back for me the first time due to low heart rate. My whole focus was thrown off and depressing. I'm asking all buddies to please pray that this time around be successful.

    Sending up prayers for your surgeon and you.

  6. Tasha,

    In my humble opinion, you are sick and prematurely dying. Obesity is a disease which causes other issues that do considerably shorten your life span. I have Diabetes Type II, neuropathy, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea. All due to obesity, and my BMI is 36. However you choose to fight your obesity, whether it is WLS or some other way, you are working to save your own life.

    Best wishes for good choices.

  7. I was sleeved on October 22, 2014.

    I have made what I think is a very quick recovery.

    I came home a day early. This morning I walked six miles. I'm planning to do 6 miles a day for the first three weeks and then get it up to 10 miles a day. Right now I'm doing 2 miles in the morning, 2 mid afternoon and 2 in the evening.

    The scale keeps on falling.

    Everthing is sugar free.

    Should I expect a stall even with the exercise I'm doing everyday?

    I'm planning to return to work next week which is very labor intensive, however I'm going to let my employees actually do the heavy lifting and the hard work for once. I'm going to start slow for when I return to work and maybe work from 8am to 11am daily and then take off and try to build up from there. I own the company so its not like I can get fired. LOL.

    This surgery has greatly impacted me already and I've also offered to all of my employees who my company insures that since our health plan won't cover sleeving, if they go to Mexico and pay for the air fare to and from, I'll pay for the surgery should anyone on the insurance plan need it... meaning immediate family members. I've told my employees I'll cover a max of $5500.00 for sleeving. I think more employers need to offer this.

    It seems like a lot, but in the end, I think it will make my insurance premiums go down.

    I wish more employers were like you. You obviously understand that obesity is a serious health risk. I work for a State Agency and our State insurance does not cover any Weight loss treatment. However it will pay several thousand dollars a month for my insulin, Diabetic pills, cholesterol meds, blood pressure medications and neuropathy meds; not to mention doctor visits and a C-PAP machine. I can't begin to estimate how many others could say the same. Can we say a-s-i-n-i-n-e?

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