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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by blondebomb

  1. We will enjoy wat we luv LATER after we get the weight off first! Just no where near amount we had been! But these pics above look great!
  2. blondebomb

    Instagram pre-op and post-op

    I am going to look u up!
  3. blondebomb

    Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers

    Luvn the quest bars! I stumbled across them at a friend of mines living healthy store. Perfect!
  4. blondebomb


    I was just looking thru myfitnesspal an looking at the total fat for the past month..I have gotten up to 39 a day..but it's been few days..it looks like I have stayed between 7 an 30 daily..pretty much all over the board. My biggest efforts have been keeping protein at min of 60 an carbs for day less then 40..by keeping my carbs below 40 for the day I steadily lose...this has been my regimen. .
  5. blondebomb

    i need help....

    I totally can relate. My hubs got me thru an my kinesiologist friend. It definitely took patients. I struggled the first 4 wks till I could get a bite of real food..I had a few choice wrds that month I was eating about every 2 hrs could not get enuff..a lot of mine was my thyroid was wrking really great so my metabolism was high! But I put unflavored protein in everything I ate! There are a ton of ideas on this site of wat to mix with a variety of things to get required protein. An I believe it was a huge help. I had a few days of feeling like I wanted to cry..but every day I was dropping some weight. Everyone is different on this journey. But u can guarantee if you follow ur plan ur surgeon gave you an don't cheat..u will be thrilled! It only gets better each day!! Hang in there!
  6. blondebomb

    i need help....

    Believe me..we all need reassurance at times an this is major lifestyle change ur doing great! Just remember you cal always call it dr and/or come here...this has helped me tremendously!
  7. blondebomb

    i need help....

    You have received good replies. Great ideas. I agree. I was in 2 days an when I got home a few days later I gained 8 pds. I was forwarned my preop nurse said not to b surprised. Mine came off that next wk. An then some fast. Don't beat yourself up! Its going to be fine. Its major surgery. .my surgeon an internists told me it'll take close to 6 months to properly heal. So baby it. Believe me the body an mind plays games bc of the programming of the behavior it's had all these yrs an it's a power struggle. Now we have to reprogram our behavior. You'll do fine! I was having my doubts the first few wks..dang it I wanted real food! Lol..but the weight drops daily! I am 8 wks out. ..60 pds down..cleaned out closet! The inches will shrink even if scales havnt caught up but it will happen! ! Congrats for getn this far an welcome to ur new you!! Its worth it..it will b just get thru the first month that's wat my surgeon told me..get thru first month..
  8. Don't get yourself wrkd up! Just never no you could breeze right thru.. it doesn't happen all the time. Keep us posted!
  9. blondebomb

    Stats when you were approved

    50 260 44 bmi Have more then 5 major medical problems an around a dozen diseases an several autoimmune diseases. .I'm 8 wks post today an 59 pds down..hang in there!
  10. blondebomb

    Anxiety is setting in!

    For those changing their lives tomorrow take deep breaths your going to be ok!!! There's a good reason your big day is tomorrow! ! A healthier you is in the so near future: ) my emotions were all over the place. ..I did take a valium the night before I felt good before hand but I had the shakes inside. It calmed them down so I could rest. Trust your Dr, the hospital staff are professional an will take good care of you..keep us posted!! If u can: )
  11. I had the same pain I also had hernia repair. My surgeon and Internists both told me it happens. the nerve ending have been cut an it takes a while to heal. My internists gave me a script for liquid lidocaine..it numbs all the way down, he said be very very careful bc you dont want to let the spoon tip too far in front ..by the time I got it I was able to live with the spasms they had finally eased up. every once in a while if I drink to much to fast it will bother me a lil but I have learned to drink slow. I hope you get some relief soon.. maybe try warm teas ...but yes everyone is differant. some ppl have the spasms an some dont. I was one that my surgeon said was reacting this way. Have you called your surgeon to let him know? get feeling better
  12. blondebomb

    Did you start your liquid diet early?

    My surgeon was very comfortable an easy to talk to, his nurse suggests 2 weeks pre to at least do 2 protein shakes of my choice nothing special. .not from his office. .an 1 balance meal daily..then the last 48 hrs..3 shakes only per day..no snacks no nothing just water or decaf coffee or tea, sf popsicle just nothing solid...he needs the liver to b smaller as small as possible for him to do his job easier an hopefully not b forced to open the tummy up. ..stick to surgeons protocol. ..it will wrk out best..it's the start of a new life! Keep us posted...
  13. blondebomb

    A light bulb went off

    Hey y'all. ..I was reading ur thread. I just wanted to say..my first few wks..was very difficult also. I had the hernia repair when I was sleeved. The spasms from my esophagus was. .well..bad! Every freaking sip I took it felt like a heart attack. .my surgeon came in an when I told him he said it does happen to some. Everyone's experience is different. I told him I needed another day hooked up for fluids so I stayed 2 days. My incisions bothered some. He developed a topical script that he gave me which has lidocaine an tramadol an 4 other ingredients to rub on tummy. An I had hydromorphine at home. I felt by thinking the same when I got home..even with all the preop classes over the months an testing on my knowledge of before an after..he warned me before If you can make it thru the first month ull b fine...BOY HE WASN'T JOKING!! I'm 8 wks out..my first few wks were brutal. .after 7 days that was my turning point..spasms started calming down, by wk 2 got better...by wk 3 I was buying an trying all kinds of brands of unflavored protein! I was gagging! I literally was crabby I wanted real food! My psych forwarned us that the brain would kick in full throttle an would b tuff! Yes I had a few crying days..my mood changed from not hungry then hungry..by my 4th wk it just really changed an I felt different. Yes my first 2 wks I was thinking wat have I done?? But I knew deep inside I wanted a life back! With all my diseases I had to do this. I refused to live fat any longer. This was an is my journey. I don't regret at all...I was determined to do this. An I think you will also be glad u did a lil later. Just concentrate on healing. .don't beat yourself up bc u can't get it all down..take a drink every 10 to 15 min. ..at least try n stay hydrated. Yes it's a lot of wrk for a few wks. It will become a habit soon. Its a learning process I'm still learning. I'm down 57 pds an have cleaned out my closet last wk..I gave my friend 8 big garbage bags full! That's the result you get! It wrks! Trust it! An questions. .that's how u learn. I do things around the house I havnt really started truly exercising per say but I go up n down stairs..listen to ur body. Rest when u need to. If u feel good take advantage walk around. What calories ur getting is goin to body for healing. Hang in there! You can do this..youv done the biggest one by having it done! Congrats..major surgery is a big deal. Don't expect to feel normal for awhile. I still pace myself. ..u can do this! ...If I sound anything but kindly honest believe me..it's not my intention. ..
  14. blondebomb


    We stopped sodas 9 yrs ago..I miss the burn but after finding out wat caused that burn I never picked up another! Carbonation is a no no for me also an I don't care. It does stretch the tummy...that's definitely a rule I'll follow from here on out...
  15. Was there hernia repair done? I had these esophagus spasms with every dang sip. Mine slowed down at day 7..then only here an there for a few more days. First 2 wks were brutal. My surgeon told me if u can make it thru first month you have it made. He was right. My internists told me with all the nerve endings severed it takes months to heal inside. He called me in a script of lidocaine an told me to very very careful an make sure I put my spoon way way as far as I can then swallow it..it will numb all the way an give some relief. That might help...it's the same lidocaine u get a dentist for numbing. Hang in there!! It gets soo much better! I'm 7 wks down..first month the hardest at least it was for me. I stayed 2 days for iv fluids I spasmed so bad felt like heart attack..It felt like my old gallbladder attacks 25 yrs ago but it's gone. It was my esophagus. .stomach itself didn't bother me..call Dr or whoever is on call..if you feel you need to..there is always a Dr on call!
  16. blondebomb


    It's normal to have mixed emotions. ..my first surgery date was screwed up had to wait another 2 wks..it was an emotional roller coaster! A friend had bypass 7 yrs ago she kept in touch with me..brought a lot of memories back for her...stay in touch here...it's been a huge boost for me here to! You'll learn a lot. I'm 7 wks post...it's challenging but doable! Your almost there!!
  17. blondebomb


    Yes you did!! Congrats! ! I said that too!! Lol..
  18. blondebomb


    I have anxiety panic disorder an a few others..I was 3 months start to finish. I was soo ready for this I was on cloud 9.. then it hit me goin thru all the preop classes that this was seriously going to happen! 2 wks before sure I started the liquid 2 x a day..last 48 hrs all 3 liquids. Shakes only. The nerves started tingling. I got anxious or really excited really..by the 2nd night before I was shaking insider. . but by the night before I took a valium. .I talked to a friend who had bypass 7 yrs ago she's a lot older an she has never regretted it. All the emotional roller coaster is normal. .happy,oh my do I really want To do this, u no questioning ur decision, wanting to cry u name it I thought about it. I had worked myself up bad an by the last night I slept great, got up showered, we went, was taken to preop, I talked to anesthesiologist she was so nice, I started getting nervous she ordered a butt load of meds, I'm a hard stick when it comes to finding my veins I forwarned. He came in..said he was on ambulance for 18 yrs..never felt a thing. I was worked up over the needle. I do it every time. But I went rolling in the bed to or with a big smile laughing an had a great team of young or staff...we talked the whole time I was getting situated an one of the staff played the gas mask right above my chest an it was just close enuff I was out an next thing I no I'm in recovery. ..it's normal to go thru the emotions, doubts, being thrilled etc...it's scary..but overall I knew deep down I was set for this. If you aren't u wouldn't b going thru the process. Take ur valium the night before If ur Dr ok it...plus they'll give u something in preop..I'm 7 wks out..an so happy. It takes courage an bravery to get this far..I thought about this for 20 yrs. I have had 10 yrs of seeing psych an talk therapy. I'm over the talk therapy. I've moved on but I do take wellbuterin daily..prbly for life. You can do this..I wish u the best an keep us posted: )
  19. blondebomb

    What is SATISFIED?

    I do portion control. I can eat about 1/2 cup or less..an I realize how real an true the statement is to eat real slow, put fork down after each bite an chew the heck out of it...it does help an it takes the brain 20 minutes to signal the full..comfortable or stop signal. My hubs has figured out my satisfied signal. After about 5 or 6 bites I literally put fork across my plate an push my plate away...I still end up leaving half of food on plate. I went on vacation last wk..us girls went...had no problem. ..I make sure I eat my protein first an if I need a bite or 2 I eat the soft veggie. .Iv been making it a point to avoid drink...so I can just make the room for food..it's a learning process. ..fortunately I havnt threw up from overeating but I have almost crossed that line..a few times..bc it was a lil late getting signal..my chest got tight..I thought I was going to run to bathroom but I made it thru..haha..now I can sense when I'm done. Its not a full feeling but it's I'm comfortable. .I definitely use myfitnesspal to log everything. .it works for me. Its a process an I'm 7 wks out an I finally feel like my life has finally turned back to where I wished I had done this yrs ago! I'm 50 an loving it! Hang in there everyone. ..we learn from trial an error an others experience. ..best wishes...luv these forums...
  20. U have some great advice above! When we had my preop psych class she said the mental part will kick in. Brain is looking for them chemicals upstairs. .do something to distract yourself. Its only for a time we are replacing certain foods to change our lifestyle. On my end, when I reach my goal weight I can add CERTAIN starches back lil by little. Remember ur goal! I'm doing this bc I refused to live in a fat unhealthy achy body any longer!! I lost myself over the past 30 yrs. And guess what!! I'm finding myself again! My surgeon told me if I can make it thru the first month I've got it made!! He's right. It takes 7 wks to change an learn a new behavior. .I have hit 7 wks an I'm feeling amazing an things are seriously taking affect as a normal way now! I had the same thoughts the first 2 wks...first wk I thought wat the heck did I do? Then the 7th day it changed dramatically! After my first postop weigh in I blew them away! I said this is wrking! Trust it..listen an follow ur surgeons protocol. .it works!! I'm down 55 pds an have cleaned out my closet the past 2 days..don't compare to others. Its ur journey. ..everyone is different. I kept telling myself I can do this! Its a lifetime of bad habits an choices we are reprogramming ourselves. . Hang in there!! Its sooooo worth it!!! Come here an ask away anytime. ..best wishes..
  21. blondebomb

    Can i go out

    Do u go alone or does someone take you? My hubs took me places bc when I started to get fatigue it hit me fast. But everyone is different. I felt like I could do anything but in actuality I had to be careful. .when I started to over do it my incisions started to tell me..just be careful. You will no. Have fun...get pampered!
  22. blondebomb

    Ketosis post-op?

    There is also the issue of the stored estrogen in fat that as it's losing. .well..it's also hormonal. Forgot to mention that earlier. May want to Google it. .I did awhile ago I can't remember everything it said but I'm goin to refresh my memory. My therapist also told me it's not unusual after surgery some depression days..bc hormone fluctuates. .it'll even out just got to get thru it.
  23. blondebomb

    Rockin Refuel

    Going to look into this also. I find that as long as my protein requirements are met the weight drops daily. An as far as the sugar my requirements were I can have up to an not exceed 10 grms per serving. .so that works for me!
  24. I downloaded the myfitnesspal on my phone..best thing ever after I learned how to use it! I track everything. ..I make sure I get my min 60 protein daily..I drink all day..an it's the last thing I do before I crawl in bed.
  25. blondebomb

    Time off of work?

    The lil bit of calories u will consume ur body will use it to heal. ..I am 7 wks out an still have energy an stamina issues. I would hope ur surgeon would write for at least 2 wks off. It took me a good 4 to 5 wks to still adjust to new lifestyle. My surgeon said if u can just get thru the first month u got it made. He's right. ..hang in there. One of the best things I've done for myself. .

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