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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kristin1031

  1. Kristin1031

    130 pounds!

    I started with 140 pounds 2 lose and I am well on my way and I have done this well so far without even a fill in my band! You will do just fine, be sure to follow the band rules and you will see great results I am sure. Be sure to add exercise into your life, this will help dramatically with the weight loss.
  2. Kristin1031

    How many calories?

    I vary this but try to stay within 1000-1200 per day, but I do vary and try to keep it mixed up so that metabolism does not get stagnate.
  3. Kristin1031

    New NSV for me!!!

    You look tremendous and yes my dear you can certainly tell. What an inspiration you are to those just beginning their journey!! Way to go Lady keep up the great work!
  4. Kristin1031

    Not losing weight

    First of all...Listen to yourself....You have lost 20 pounds in 8 days??? That is awesome weight loss......be kind to you. You just had major surgery and your body is in recovery. It will continue to heal and you will begin losing. Just follow the band rules to the letter and you will see the weight come off. The first 6 weeks after surgery is about healing your body and your band. Making sure you do not introduce solid food too quickly so that your band heals into place. Drink lots and lots of water, this is also very important and believe me you will see results.
  5. Kristin1031

    Medical ID Bracelets

    I know there was a thread about these before. I can't seem to find them. Can you tell me what you guys are having engraved on yours again? Jack I really wanted to know what you had again. Thanks for replying a second time to the same sort of thread guys!!
  6. Yeap it has finally happened for me. I would never have believe it would be this quick for me either. I feel so lucky because I have had no fill and I have been this successful. I am continuing on plan and loving it quite frankly. I have noticeablly lost this weight, at least to others. I still have trouble seeing it in a mirror.....however, I can't deny it in the size of clothes difference. I was a tight 26 and now am in a 20 and am anxious for the 18 because I have allot of clothes in the 18-16 size range that I want to wear. I am happy with the appearance but am even more happy with the energy and feeling of well being that has come over me in the past 3 1/2 months since my banding!! I want to shout it to the world......EAT HEALTHY!!! It Pays OFF!!
  7. Kristin1031

    50 Pounds Gone Forever!!!

    Thank you Kendra!! Yes it is all about being patient and letting your body adjust to what is happening. My body loses in chunks of weight, it holds on to it and then poof overnight I lost 5 pounds....that has been its norm so far that is. I am thrilled with my results, and I am very lucky to have done it all with no fill to date....Yippee!! Stay the course that is my mantra!!
  8. Kristin1031

    I Was Just Thinking.....

    If you research the band the inventors tell you this is a TOOL to assist in WL for those who have had problems keeping the weight off in the past. This tool is designed to limit portion size, it does nothing with what food goes into the pouch. That is all up to the person and the choices that we choose too make. So yes this is a lifetime adjustment on eating habits that most of us have been doing well over 20 or 30 years. These are not easy things to change or revamp. It takes will and determination and alot of encouragement and sometimes even pain, to get the changes in place and make them routine. I find now four months out it is much easier to choose healthy foods over bad ones. I truly have little to no desire for sugar. I have no desire for the bad foods that I used to slather onto my plate or shove into my mouth....LOL I now choose for healthy things that I know will keep me full and satiated longer. I have no fill and I want to keep it that way as long as I can. I am losing very well according to my surgeon who is thrilled with my progress to date. I am 9 pounds away from being halfway to goal in less than 6 months out from surgery. This is not usually the norm. I attribute this success to the amount of workouts that I put in each week. I too work out 6 days a week and 5 at the minimum. I increase the workouts every month. I also add things or change things, to keep my metabolism running on high. This whole process is not easy and anyone who wants to try it for a month I say come one. Take the plunge....they will soon find out how very hard this is. Too eat so little, too drink so much, too maintain your active body on little food, takes lots of planning and forthought. It is worth all of the trouble and inconvience that it can be at times however. I can think of nothing in my adult life that has been this challenging to me personally as my WLS surgery has been. I can also state that it has been the most rewarding experience as well. I finally feel in control of food for the first time in my life. I never will go back to the old way!!
  9. Kristin1031

    three-week plateau

    Protein will help keep you fuller longer, it is more dense and therefor takes longer to break down. I always choose protein first when I eat, and I try to not eat more than 20 grams at a sitting because our bodies cannot use much more at one time. And then it just becomes waste and hard on the kidneys. Drinking Water is key as well, it helps to make sure you stay hydrated and that you are not hungry for water instead of food. Most people mistake the cue for thirst and think they are hungry when all their bodies need is a drink of water. I try to sip something all day long, sometimes that works out fine and others I am up later trying to get in my water for the day. I do not ever NOT drink my 64+ ounces of water.
  10. Kristin1031

    Demand Your Fills

    One reason I chose my Bariatric Program and Surgeon is because they are a Center of Excellence and have been doing WLS surgery as pioneers back in the 70's as a surgical group. They have studied their patients and know what they are doing. They also know what works and does not work. Yes every patient is different and all of that but the basics are the same for all patients. As for being your own advocate that should be a given. However, when it comes to the lapband and fills, I think the surgeons know best on this issue. I think you are asking for many many complications, when you go pushing for fills that are not needed, or are too much all at once. This is a SLOW process, not speedy gonzalez.....if you want speedy then LAPBAND should never have been your decision. With that being said, I have not had a fill yet and I am losing just fine. I don't mean to sound flippant here, but I think there is far more head hunger than true hunger that rush people off for fills........and if you can't differentiate these types of hunger then that is Bandster hell for certain. My surgeon explained to me that fills are there if needed, they are not just given because. You need to evaluate the patient's diet, what they are eating daily, what type of exercise they are doing, and what amount of Water they are drinking, he said if after all of that is within band guidelines, and the patient is not losing the 1-2 pounds weekly then and only then should a fill be considered. Not just because the patient THINKS they need one! My two cents!:biggrin:
  11. Kristin1031

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    kristin1031 256...........226........199........27 Sorry I forgot to update last week....I was sick though!!
  12. Kristin1031

    fibromyalgia and hunger

    I have little problems with my fibromyalgia since my lapband surgery, I have noticed less stiffness and soreness and I attribute this to my workout regime. I know all the time I spend working out in the water has so helped my disease. I have to admit I have never connected my fibro with any food cravings. I have had no hunger since my banding, I have occasional head hunger and I know what that is now, and I head it off with doing something else and replacing what I would of done as eating in the past with either exercise or an activity of some sort. Even if it is just coming online here and logging my food or writing on my blog or reading the lapbandtalk threads.
  13. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    Yes indeed good luck, I hear they can be a bear sometimes. I am so happy I have not needed one yet!! Let us know how you do!
  14. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    We could meet somewhere in Morton that would be awesome for me, I could do it after I work out then anynight during the week except for nights that I have my own group meetings here. Anytime after 6pm would work for me since I work fulltime!! Just let me know!! I would love it as well!!
  15. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    That would be great Carol...anytime just let me know when you are coming. I love the Riverplex it has been a huge help in my weightloss success. I believe that activity is truly the key in this whole process. Good luck on your date I am sure all will go well. As for me not having a fill I can honestly tell you that I have no hunger, and have had no hunger since my surgery. I believe alot of what people think is hunger is not, it is head hunger or dehydration from not drinking enough Water. Getting enough water in the very beginning is so hard because of all the swelling all I can say is you will be sipping constantly while you are awake and when you think you can sip no more keep on sipping.....LOL
  16. Kristin1031

    Poll: Do you miss diet soda?

    I thought I too would miss it, but thankfully it has not been given a second thought. I had a sip of regular coke the other day and almost puked it was so gross tasting to me.....LOL I cam thankful for that I love Water now it is what I drink, and of course skim milk.
  17. Kristin1031

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    Hello everyone nice to have this Forum for us over forty somethings......Afterall our metabloisms are not what they were in our 20' or 30's. With that being said I have jump started mine through diet and exercise. I am never returning that god awful feeling of tired that I had before surgery. It is so nice to have energy at the end of the day and not to be a couch potato. Nice to read about everyone's success, good luck on your journey's and I am certain this will be a great Forum. Hugz,
  18. Kristin1031

    How much weight have you lost?????

    Thank you Sue: I sure can get discouraged but I know what has happened is amazing. I definately know that the exercise is the key in all of this and I truly love it. I have increased my intensity in my work outs as well, I do Water aerobics twice a week and a body pump class and I also have begun walking on the treadmill 2 miles a day on a 6% incline, that really works my butt.......I love how the exercise makes me feel. I love the enegry and sense of well being that I have now that I did not have before. You my dear are truly the inspiration, to be already more than 100 pounds down that is what I am so shooting for, I do not want to relax in this experience, I want to keep pushing for great results. I wanted to prove to myself that this can be done without feeling deprived. I now know that I am not deprived at all, and that I feel fulfilled. Great experience for me. Congratulations and keep up the continued effort I am certain you will make that goal sooner than later.
  19. Kristin1031

    How much weight have you lost?????

    Hello Forty Somethings.....I was banded on Nov 9, 2007 and I have lost 61 pounds and I have not had a fill yet.......I work out 5 to 6 days a week and I log my food and journal on Sparkpeople.com I think that helps me to track my progress and keeps me honest. I have strep throat right now and I have not eaten for two days much of anything, but Protein shakes. I will be happy to not be sick anymore. My banding is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I cannot say enough I have a goal to lose all of my weight by my one year band anniversary and I am no track to do that. I love working out it has become my new addiction. Food happily no longer controls me.
  20. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    As for the Peoria support group there is one through OSF but it for their patients only. I attend that meeting and have been asked to help mentor and faciliate that meeting. I still would like to get a group going outside of it. I want to have some support on here as well since we only meet once a month it is just enough in my opinion. If anyone is willing to meet somewhere in Peoria please let me know. I am flexible on Monday and Thursday and on Saturday or Sunday afternoons for me as well. The rest of my days are filled with work and working out religiously.
  21. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    I would love to come Ladies but since I work til 4:30 and have a Water aerobics class on Tuesday nights from 5 til 6 this will not work for me. But don't let that stop you all from getting together. It sounds like it will be lots of fun.
  22. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    I love this idea Ladies and we should definatley do this. I work fulltime and workout at the RiverPlex in Peoria 6 days a week so my time is limited. However I my Thursdays and two mondays of the month I am free. Let me know what you decide.
  23. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    Hi Becky that would be awesome....I do not have a fill either and I am doing well without it, I am trying to hold off as long as I can, simply want to see what the band can do without the saline and my surgeon told me he has had patients go a year without needing a fill. Congrats on your 15 pounds that is AWESOME!!
  24. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    Hi Karri nice to meet you, I will be 47 this fall. Yes and Carol good luck to you, I remember the excitement waiting for my surgery as well.
  25. Kristin1031

    Central Illinois Peoria-Bloomington Area

    I had my Band on Nov 9th by Dr DeBord at OSF in Peoria.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
