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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kristin1031

  1. Kristin1031

    Applying for insurance after surgery ?

    Insurance companies can deny due to weight because weight causes all sorts of physical problems to arise and the whole reason insurance companies are IN business is to MAKE money not pay it out. In other words Weight = HIGH RISK of paying out large sums. Now with that being said I am in no way defending insurance companies. I think WLS should be a wonderful welcome thing to them. However, there are those who do get the surgery who do not follow the programs and diet as instructed and eat whatever they wish and want and end up gaining all the weight back or never lose at all. This has made the insurance companies sketpical of the success of WLS in whole. I think the more they see success long term, and people whose overall health has dramatically been made better, they will jump on board. We are such a superficial society, we judge everyone by their body type. If you think you don't look at the stars and the singers and the so called famous people we tend to like or adore or fawn over or whatever you like to call it. Look at them and ask yourself are they at Healthy weights or are they grossly UNDER weight or are they OBESE or MORBIDLY OBESE? When we stop making everyone think that being like a stick figure is where we need to be, we will have done a great service to our childrens's children. When we focus on the emotional side of being heavy, we will do a great service to those hurting inside who turn to food for comfort because no one thinks they matter enough. When the majority no longer thinks that fat people are FAT because they are merely LAZY, we will be on our way to winning the WAR. Fat people are some of the most focused and determined people I know. I myself in th3 29 years my weight has been an issue has gained and lost nearly 500 pounds.....that is an amazing number. When things stop being about MONEY and start being about HEALTH then people will get the treatments they need to become healthy and stay healthy. Think about that when you step up to the polling booth this November, or if YOU CHOOSE not too! FOOD for Thought!!
  2. Kristin1031

    Last Year at this time...

    Yes this year is so different than the last. I now have my band that I fought hard to get this year!!! I went to classes and learned as much as I could about it, and how it works. I learned that the success of this BAND is not itself but how I use it. In other words it is ALL up to me and no one else whether this tool will be effective in my weightloss. I am well on my way I know that the next 20 pounds and I will be under 100 pounds to reach my goal and that was a huge goal for me....HUGE!! I wish I had done this 4 years ago, but wishing is futile. I have done it now!! I am proud to be a Bandster and I will tell anyone who wants to listen about it and how it is the most amazing journey. Healthy feel so much better than being fat.....and tired!! I love HOW HEALTHY FEELS.....it is coming and I have had tastes of it these past 4 weeks...:whoo: Congrats to all of us who are well on our way!!
  3. Be careful of how much you are eating, I was told that I should NEVER ever go above 4 ounces for the rest of my life. And I should keep at 3 ounces until I have maintained my goal weight for 6 months. The suggestion of you logging your food is a awsome thing. I use fitday.com and log everything I eat everything. I never not put it down if it went in my mouth it gets logged. This well help you see how your diet is in general and where you are high. From the looks of things I would say you are eating too many carbs and not enough Protein. Orange juice is very high in sugar and I would stear clear of that all together for awhile. If you want orange juice eat some of an orange. Fruit Juices in general are very high calorie. I tend to eat the fruit rather than the juice it is better for you. Higher in Fiber and all. I still am having issues getting in fruit. Because I eat my protein first and then whatever I have room for. At this point that is not many vegtables. Hope this helps, feel free to ask any ?
  4. Kristin1031

    intro and some ??'s

    Welcome Cat I am certain you work out if you have a 3 1/2 year old....LOL that is almost my grandsons age and he is a huge workout....LOL Do not be so hard on yourself, you need to go at your own pace not what someone else is doing.....I know it is hard seeing some people with large weightloss and thinking what am I doing WRONG....but it is not necessarily anything you are doing wrong. As Longhorn explained there are many things that make up the weightloss on the scale. Just try to follow your surgeons orders to the letter and I am sure you will soon see the scale moving downward. We didn't get here overnight we are certainly not going to get it off overnight either...:eek:
  5. Kristin1031

    Share your NSVs!

    LOL that is funny LessnLess congratulations!! Great Job!! I tis always a GOOD thing when your pants start falling off.....after WLS!! I went through my closet again today and weeded out tons more things that are swimming on me now.....YIPPEEE!!!! I tried on 3 pairs of size 20 jeans from old and they fit...I am so happy!! I worked out today for 1 1/2 hours at the club and it felt awesome......I love that I am not dragging anymore when I go work out. I love when I can get into my smaller sizes, I have alot of size 18-20 and size 16 clothes....from 5 years ago, before I gained the last 70 pounds. It will be nice to wear them again!! Hehehehe I think I might be on my way!!:clap2:
  6. Kristin1031

    Share your NSVs!

    Way to go Steph.....I would agree that is a victory....Not to mention you are 7 pounds away from ONEDERLAND....LOL I will be thrilled when I can get there. Still a ways away for me. I am beginning to notice the change when I look into a mirror now.
  7. Kristin1031

    Port Site

    There is a thread here that has pictures of scars you might want to check them out.
  8. Kristin1031

    I love my band!

    Ladybug I couldn't agree with you more.....I am only 7 weeks out and I can tell you that this was the best decision I could have ever made. I feel liberated from Overeaters Anonymous....LOL I feel for the first time ever that I am no longer controlled by food period. I am not hungry with my band......and I eat 3 ounces at a meal....no more....I am satisfied with that....LOL That would never have been me before the band......I ate platefuls of food and seconds and thirds on some things. I feel that I am able to make sound healthy food choices and I survived the holidays by doing the same things, staying away from the carbs and sweets and eating meat and veggies.....so I am on the band wagon with YOU!!!!:clap2::clap2:
  9. Kristin1031

    Keeping it a secret?

    I work for a large medical group and that would of been grounds for being fired. We cannot divulge anyone's PHI to anyone for any reason without prior patient authorization!!! She is lucky she still has a job!! Congrats on reporting it......stupidty like that hurts all of us.
  10. Kristin1031

    Keeping it a secret?

    I have told all of my family close friends and co workers, I see no reason to hide it....I made a life altering decision and I want to share it. I want others to know how wonderful this can be. I want insurance companies to know that it makes us healthier and so their claims will go down......I want this so that others who come after me can get approved easier without all the hoop jumping. I want Dr's to see that the banding is definately an option for the obese and morbidly obese patients. This is important to me. To be able to help others who are feeling the way I felt for years. I want to shout it from the roof tops. In fact we were given a rubber bracelet.....(like the livestrong) bracelets at my last support group that come from Allergen and it has the LapBand logo on it and it says I'm with the BAND. I love it and I put it on after my surgery and I wear it all the time. I am not embarrassed I am proud of my decision, for it was not an easy one.
  11. Kristin1031

    Applying for insurance after surgery ?

    I would think that there are many insurance companies out there that will cover you no matter band or not......they may choose to exclude the band....and any complications from it as pre exisiting, but I would not think they would deny you. At least not the larger companies....call United Health Care and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Aetna and some of these types of companies. Alot of them cover the band surgery now, and UHC and BCBS both do so I would they think they would not exclude you because of having this surgery. I have a wonderful insurance plan thru my work, it is a self funded plan thru the OSF Healthcare network of hospitals and medical group. It paid for my surgery I only paid $200 co pay. I love my job and took it because the medical insurance is awesome. I pay $103 a month for my insurance for DH and me. Just shop around, I am sure you can find someone.
  12. I have the same dent.....it does not bother me I am sure it will all work itself out......I am not into wearing a bikini anymore after all I am 46....LOL not 26 so I really do not care....as long as my buns fit in a size 12 jeans or below I will be quite happy.....LOL
  13. My surgeon told me that banding would definately help my acid reflux and I so hoped it would because I wanted to get off Aciphex that I had taken for 3 years. I stopped taking it 3 weeks ago and no problems and no heartburn at all. I am thrilled because that was $38 dollars a month even with my great insurance. The only pill that I still take is for my fibromyalgia. YIPPEEEEE!!! For the BAND!!
  14. Kristin1031

    Applying for insurance after surgery ?

    I work with insurance companies all day long. I am a biller for a Large Medical group of over 200 physicians. I would not suggest that you lie about your band. They will eventually find out. If you were to have to have an ER procedure of anykind or xrays or something they would find out. Plus, if you lie and are discovered it will hamper your efforts from ever obtaining insurance in the future. I do not see why the band would cause any problems getting insurance. They may not cover anything to do with the band perhaps but it should not prevent you from obtaining insurance.
  15. I do not know if I qualify as a big loser but I have 140 pounds to take off so I think I am..LOL I believe fully in counting calories and fatgrams as well as keeping track of my Protein. I think this is key in getting our bodies into the right groove so to speak. I have always been successful in losing weight it is in maintaining the loss that I have always sucked at...LOL When losing I would limit my fat to 20 grams or less a day. I am still trying to stick to this. I am eating so much less in quantity that if I want a bite of something I have it. I have lost 30 pounds in less than 2 months I think it is working for me. I also log everything I eat on FITDAY.com this helps me to visualize my success or failures. It is also free here.
  16. Kristin1031

    Where is everyone from?

    Peoria, Illinois but have lived in Fort Collins,CO, Tucson, AZ and LA. We would like to retire in Tucson....love it there. It is snowing here today, makes me remember why I like warm weather in my old age...LOL
  17. I would not risk it.....Always better to follow the Dr's orders....
  18. I guess that I carry my weight differently because of past pregnancies or whatever.....but when I went from 200 pounds to the high of 287 all of my weight was in my belly and butt. So I don't do low rise well.....but I have been the elastic waisted pant lady for quite awhile. I am so anxious to be free of them I can't tell you. I have a whole closet of size 18 and 16 clothes calling my name.........I agree with you Longhorn that the low rise pants are nasty on most people. Even the young girls who turn to them.....I find them anything but flattering. I am from the old school try to show less and be more mysterious. I know in this day and age of Brittany and Lindsay and Paris that is hard for some to understand....LOL I will be happy to just get back into some jeans period....I have 2 pair that I fit into now and I would say they are midrise at least. My port placement is to the left of my belly button and it is uncomfortable if anything rests on it.
  19. Kristin1031

    The reality of pictures

    I was warned by the RN in our bariatric program that the image in the mirror would take awhile to change. For some reason our brains don't catch up with the change right away it takes awhile. Everyone is right pictures add pounds to us anyway. So don't pay too much attention to them, look at how you are feeling and how your clothes are fitting or not fitting....LOL I have the same problem I am down 30 pounds and I do not see it in the mirror when I look. Everyone else is noticing it but me....sad but true. I was thinking people were just saying that to make me feel good. Hugz,
  20. Kristin1031

    1 Month Post Op and minus 26 pounds

    Michelle: I feel the same as you do, thank god for my band......I am thrilled. 30 pounds lost since my banding on Nov 9th and I am moving right along with working out and I do feel better than I have in years. I know it is because I don't eat junk anymore and I purged my system of all that stuff before surgery on my clear liquid diet. I have been careful not to get back into that stuff even now at the Holidays. Keep up the great work.....you are doing great. I am glad we both are not experiencing TRUE bandster hell......I feel for those who are.
  21. Kristin1031

    Nutritionally imbalanced? Be honest

    I eat my Protein first before anything else. Most of the time I have no room for anything else....so vegtables have been difficult to get in and not even trying fruits really. I was told at my preop nutrition classes that protein should be the bulk of my diet. So I have made sure that I am doing that. I log everything that I eat at FITDAY.com and I watch the pie chart there to make sure I am getting most of my calories from the protein. It is not easy by any means.......but I do ask the ? now is this what I should be eating before I eat it. I still have an occasional treat of something carb or sugary but it is rare. I fix all of our meals at home and I cook with lean cuts of chicken and beef and pork, beef has been troublesome to chew well enough......no problems with chicken or ham. I had a stuck experience last night and it all came back up, this was the first time, and I am sore today, I hope this is not because I hurt something....sheesh alot to worry about.
  22. Kristin1031

    A fool for my tool...

    What are you eating? How much are you eating? It is just a tool but didn't you get a diet or plan to follow from your surgeon? I met with a nutritionist and had to go to classes on eating and retraining myself on portions and good foods. Are you doing any excersize? This is Key I believe. I don't mean to sound nasty at all.....just curious? I would be upset if 4 months out I had not lost any weight. I think you need to look at foods and how much and not drinking with meals and the whole band plan. If you got the lapband website it has a whole plan as to how the band works.
  23. Kristin1031

    Yuck I did it!!

    Well I did what I told myself I was not going to do......LOL I ate too fast and it got stuck and then oh boy...back up it all came....LOL How disgusting....LOL I am so ashamed of myself......I know better. I know too eat slowly and chew chew chew....what was I thinking......I was eating pot roast and I was chewing it, but was eating to fast after each bite........I was not concentrating on the food.....I was concentrating on DH talking to me.....LOL WOW I do not wish for that to happen again.....back to LapBand basic 101.....there is a huge reason to eat slow and take really tiny bites.....LOL
  24. Kristin1031

    An observation and a question.

    I have not had a fill and I am not hungery either. I also follow the plan set down by my surgical group and the bariatric program that they offer. I do limit the amount of food at each meal to 3 ounces. This has worked for me because I too eat lots of Protein, I always start with the protein first finish it then if there is room, eat some vegtables and sometimes fruit. I am totally satisfied, I do not feel deprived in anyway. I am cooking the food that I feed to my DH and I am eating right along with him. I am making wholesome foods and trying to make him enjoy healthier menus. It can't hurt I figure. I also make sure to keep drinking, I am always drinking, as it still is hard for me to get in my liquid. I know that I have restriction, I can feel it, and my pouch tells me when I am full. I have begun to listen to it more these past two weeks. I think it is truly different for everyone. We are all made differently and even our bands are different, we all have different fat pads between the stomach and our band, because of the different ways in which we carry our weight. This too will make a huge difference in how much restriction you might have. I go back to the fact that my surgeon told me at my last appointment that he has had patients who did not need a fill for the first year, the band was enough restriction. I do believe alot of this road is mental, you must get yourself on the plan of eating very little and being satisfied with it. If you look at the small portion and think you are being deprived, I think ultimately you will be. Our mind is a very powerful thing, and it can make us do many things. I agree with other posters here, that I am excellent at weight loss my problem has always been maintenance. I believe the band will help me to maintain my goal because I will be unable to eat more than a tiny bit of food. I do not like feeling the pain of being over full......I have felt it twice now. It is not pleasant. I also will not allow myself to suffer not having bites of so called forbidden foods, if I want it I am going to have it, will just cut somewhere else. I will always keep my calories and fat and carbs in check by logging all of my food.
  25. Kristin1031

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    Brandy!! I say "Just Do It" You deserve it......why wait you are not that far from goal....LOL After all you have accomplished and how beautiful you are.....I would...

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