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une nouvelle vie

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by une nouvelle vie

  1. Ah negativity. You're even here where people come for support.

    1. lisacaron


      Don't let it get to you! You can change it up and set the tone for something better!

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      We all come from a different place emotionally and with our life experiences and family dynamic. All opinions are welcome here, so I just ignore the ones I don't think are nice or supportive. I guess we can't escape them. I find that calling them out on it usually fuels a negative monster, so I don't bother.

    3. une nouvelle vie

      une nouvelle vie

      You're both 100% right. Thank you.

  2. une nouvelle vie

    Anyone in Ohio?

    I can't believe I'm just now seeing this. Thank you *so* much, I really do appreciate it. I'm going to take advantage of these.
  3. une nouvelle vie

    Frustrated with whole system

    I feel for you, I do. I had to wait a long, long time to get my surgery. I was working toward having it done at a previous job and then was downsized and lost that insurance. There's no way I would have been able to pay the $1500 a month COBRA premiums to keep it. So then I get a new job and their insurance expressly prohibits weight loss surgery. I was crushed. I had to start working toward self pay. I was horribly overweight and miserable. I decided while I waited I was going to do every single thing I could to lose weight and work toward learning about the sleeve to prepare myself. I lost 85 pounds before surgery and was just sleeved at the end of June. The surgeon is waiting because that's what is best for your health. It would be highly irresponsible for them to put your health in danger to do the surgery before they feel you are ready for it. In the meantime, start taking steps and making plans to tackle the surgery head on. Learn all you can about the sleeve. Find out what makes it work and how to best utilize it. Find out what it takes to be successful with the sleeve for life so you don't have to go through another surgery. Make sure your expectations are realistic as well. Don't look at it as losing a year. Look at it as spending a year researching, preparing, and working toward a goal because the surgery isn't the end of the journey. It's just a tool along the way.
  4. une nouvelle vie

    Why are some weight loss surgery patients so clueless?

    I just assume they're asking a question they don't know the answer to and want to see if anyone is willing to answer, it really doesn't bother me. In my job I deal with people of all levels of intelligence and so what seems crystal clear to some is going to be confusing and a gray area to others. Since quite a large number of people who have weight loss surgery lose weight and gain it all back I think it's an opportunity for us to support each other and provide as much good information as we can with as little judgment as possible. As to why they'd commit to such a big surgery without a lot of research and reflection? Myriad reasons, I would imagine. Again, I think we're all assuming everyone has above average intelligence and self awareness and a lot of people simply do not. They may be feeling so desperate to lose weight they don't consider consequences or how much work really goes into it. Maybe they know someone who breezed through WLS and think they can too. As many reasons and you have people who do it.
  5. une nouvelle vie

    I Feel Disgusted With My Self

    Breathe in and out and remember this is temporary. You've got this!
  6. une nouvelle vie

    Pre op testing

    I would imagine it will depend on your surgeon, your insurance, your bloodwork, and your history with your primary care physician. Some people have little testing while others have a lot. The surgeon will want to be sure they are as certain about your health and risks as can be before they do surgery.
  7. une nouvelle vie

    Fat, Carbs and Proteins Oh My!

    Five week post-op here. I saw my surgeon and nutritionist yesterday as a followup. They both advised me to back down my Protein a little to make room for carbs. I was only thinking of protein and I was getting around 90g a day and my carbs were less than 15g each day because I was eating almost all meat. They explained that carbs are most efficient for burning fat and if there aren't any carbs I won't burn fat as well. I'm on the soft diet phase and although I'm allowed to eat more things I hadn't been, thinking I needed to focus on meat and protein. Today I'm going to have my first day of carbs over 20g. I tried to pin them down to a calorie range I should be in but they said not to think about calories now, to think about hitting 64 ounces of Water, 60-80g of protein and 35-40g of carbs and the rest will take care of itself.
  8. My best thoughts going out for these days to fly by for you and to keep you on track. When I was pre-op and felt like cheating HARD I would get out of my house in some way or I'd call a friend and talk talk talk until I was distracted. It's not easy, but so worth it. You've got this. You do.
  9. une nouvelle vie

    Really worried about weight.

    I agree with what everyone's saying about measuring and tracking your food, but I doubt you're eating enough to gain 6 pounds so quickly. This is my 5th week post op and about two weeks ago I was stuck hard and I was weighing and tracking EVERYTHING. One day I woke up 3 pounds heavier and I wanted to scream. I was eating literally between 300 and 400 calories a day. My nutritionist reminded me that my body is healing and changing and may be absorbing water. If you're drinking your recommended 64 ounces of Water a day that's about a weight of 4 pounds in water. Now, of course you urinate a lot of that out and you sweat some but you could be retaining some water. Track your food, weigh your food, and under-eat your sleeve whenever you can. It'll work out.
  10. une nouvelle vie


    I know every surgeon is different in what they expect but your data looks a lot like what I was told except I couldn't pin their office down to a target calories per day. I'm 5 weeks out and I'm trying to keep it under 600 calories a day. Not precisely sure about height factoring in but I'm 5'5". I'm not allowed to have any raw fruits or vegetables at this point. Hmm, I think I can have bananas but that's it.
  11. une nouvelle vie

    What time of day do you first get hungry?

    What time are you getting up that you're waiting until about 1:30pm to eat? Unless you're waking up around noon, I would think this isn't a good idea because you're not giving your body nutrients nor are you getting your metabolism kicking by giving it something to digest.
  12. une nouvelle vie

    Need help to not slip

    You ate more than you wanted on one day. One day is not going to make or break you. Look at how many days you've been on your journey and commit to do better each day. Forget about eating the muffin and the hash browns because you can't change it now and beating yourself up about it is just going to bring negativity in and you don't need it. Stay on track and it'll be nothing but a "I slipped once, too!" story you can tell to someone else who needs to hear about success.
  13. une nouvelle vie

    Day 2 post op

    It will definitely start to get better and you're doing all the right things. Best healing thoughts heading your way.
  14. une nouvelle vie

    finally told my daughter.

    @@BeagleLover Thank you! As soon as I typed it I thought about editing it. From the time I started keeping track it was closer to 85 pounds pre-op rather than 100. So not QUITE 100 pounds
  15. une nouvelle vie

    finally told my daughter.

    Glad you're relieved. I know everyone has their reasons to want to keep it private, but I'm a big believer in just being YOU and this tool we're all signed up for is a lifelong thing we need to live each day. Hiding it (in my opinion only) keeps it as something to be ashamed of. I'm not shouting it at random strangers or passing acquaintances, just like I wouldn't any other medical information, but people who really know me are going to know that I'm changing and see how I have to live differently now. In addition, I think with so many people having the surgery now that anytime someone loses a lot of weight people assume you DID have the surgery, so why hide? I lost almost 100 pounds pre-op in preparation of the surgery and people thought I'd had surgery when I hadn't yet. Lastly, you never know whose life you're touching. Your good example of putting your health first and getting control of your weight may serve as a role model for someone who needs it. Maybe not the person you're directly dealing with. Maybe their wife, their mother, their son, their boyfriend, their sister. You made a great choice to live your life healthier. Be proud!
  16. une nouvelle vie

    Question for post-op sleevers:

    We've got some discussion about this going here that might help: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/315267-how-much-time-off-of-work/
  17. Some people like Overeater's Anonymous. I have to admit I was a little freaked out about the 12 step program of it all when I was reading about it, so I haven't tried it. My plan is to start therapy, attend as many support groups as I can, and reading books on the subject. I'm subscribing to this topic to see what others say.
  18. une nouvelle vie

    supplements and protein

    I don't start Vitamins until later this week when I see my surgeon so I can't help with supplements but I can tell you my experience with Protein. My surgeon and nutritionists said they'd always rather have me eat protein than drink it so I've really tried to not need it. I bought some and I'm glad to have it in case I do NEED it, but I haven't needed to have any since my 3rd week post-op and I'm in my 5th week now. I purchased the unflavored type found here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E7IODXQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have mixed it in Crystal Light and I've mixed it in food like cauliflower puree. I can't taste it and it adds protein when I need it.
  19. Your day is coming up! Dr Curry did my surgery in June, he's going to take good care of you!

  20. une nouvelle vie

    How much time off of work?

    I have a desk job and work from home so I am not the norm. I took a week off, but did do some work (about 4 hours a day) on my fourth day post-op. I had no complications and very little pain. I felt 100% like myself again (except no voracious appetite) by the end of the first week.
  21. une nouvelle vie

    Healed, Bigger or Relaxed Pouch?

    I think it's really going to depend on each of us. I'm exactly 5 weeks out today and I had part of a tilapia fillet last night with no problem. I broiled tilapia and pureed it during my puree phase as well and had no issues with it. It never ceases to amaze me how complex and individual our bodies all are!
  22. une nouvelle vie

    Did you keep your surgery a secret?

    I've not been shouting it from the rooftops, but I'm not going to keep it a secret because I guarantee you if you lose a bunch of weight people are going to say you've had surgery anyway. Also, not that it's anyone's business, but if I did keep it a secret and someone asked me how I did it I'd feel like a fraud and a liar if I pretended I didn't have surgical help. Everyone has to make up their own mind on what to do, though.
  23. Good to know. I'll have to check those out! Thanks for sharing.
  24. une nouvelle vie

    Is anyone else hungry

    Like SwanRose mentions, I can certainly understand teaching you to eat slowly and to not drink with your meals or 30 minutes after. Those things make sense. I can even see why it would benefit for you to get a look at what the portion sizes will be after, but you are DEFINITELY going to be hungry doing this pre-op. A lot of hunger is "head hunger" where you just think you want to eat, but this would make you have every kind of hunger!
  25. une nouvelle vie

    Pre Op Diet Dr Curry

    Of course! Anything you need, just let me know!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
