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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shalee04

  1. Shalee04

    2 weeks today

    I was on 2 weeks liqueis pre-op , then 2 weeks after. He told me today I can move to muchies, BUT if I feel any pain or problems, to go back to liquids.
  2. Shalee04

    Getting to know you ...

    Hi, I'm Kelly 42. I am married to my wonderful husband Wes for 4 years now, But have been together for 13 years . We have 3 daughters. Jessica is 25 and in her 4th year of Grad school. The twins are 22. I am a Manager at a clothing store, Wes is a graphics engineer/ architecture draftsman/computer nerd. hehehe I met Wes after going thru a divorce and losing 130 pounds 2 years prior to that with sensiable eatring habits and excersise. Since we have been together I have gained 60 of them back. and I couldn't seem to lose them o matter what, even Jenny craig didn't work for me, so after much research I decided on the lap-band. Nov 12th was my banding date, today I am 2 weeks out. glad to meet you all, and I love these forum pages.
  3. Shalee04

    Thanksgiving stories

    I hosted my hubbys family for Turkey Day this year, and they don't know about my surgery, so it was an interesting day to say the least. They are used to seeing me eat 2 plates full of food, and snacking on all the goodies in between. This year, there was No snacking on anything, and I did put small portion of food on my plate and move it around during the dinner conversation, I ate some mashed potatoes and greavy, maybe 3 bites, and I snuck in 1 itty bitty bite of turkey. That was it. Nothing was asid, and I really don't think they noticed, and if they did, nothing was said. Desert time came and it was pie and cake because it's my twins birthdays same day as Thanksgiving this year, I had FF Jello with FF Cool Whip, and again nothing was said. They know I have been trying to lose weight for a long time. Anyways I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgivng !!!!
  4. Shalee04

    No one in Nov?

    I was banded on the 12th also.... S far things are going well, I am sore of course, some gas pains. No nausea as the Dr gave me something to take for that. All in all the surgery and recovery so far has'nt been as bad as I imaginied. I was very scared, and even started to cry and doubt myself in the room getting ready for the surgery. But I am glad I did it, and I shouldn't have let myself worry so much. I was in and out before I even knew what happened.
  5. Shalee04

    Yea Me!!

    Congratulations, Keep up the great work!!!!:clap2::clap2:
  6. Boy am I glad to read that I am not alone with this funny taste right now. I was banded on the 12th and my hubby thinks I'm nuts when I tell him that the Water tastes really weird.... I am on Clear Liquids for this week, but I have not been hungry at all. I was on full liquids for 2 weeks prior to surgery too.
  7. Shalee04

    Surgery Stories

    Hi, I had my surgery the 12th. All went well, they repaired my hiatel hernia at the same time. I was on demoral for pain as morphine makes me sick. I was on the IV for 2 days with antibiodics and also the leg compression thingys. I came home on Tuesday. in a bit of pain, but the liqued demeral they gave me works great. Gas pains are kjust that, a real pain, but slowly they are getting better, I was able to lay on my tummy and have hubby massage my back and when I got up it seemed to release some of the pressure. I have more trouble sleeping at night as I hate to sleep on my back, so I have a body pillow and I was able to last night lay with it against my tummy/body and sleep better. All in all this surgery wasn't so bad, I was scared. But my hysterectomy last year was WAYYYYY worse. Good luck everyone
  8. Shalee04

    November Surgery Dates

    1st PattyPoo Nessa3678 brandymom1234 Mom_of_Chuy sanderro Holiwood Longhorn 2nd lizzie_07 lindata KristinaDawnB lindseyann2u sconie 5th DLW Hungryforchange Forestcat 6th ndmom kandiceb jetti vanessav 7th Goldie1109 susieq125 shadst83 Cota129 8th anw5102 dawndannae stranger138 needto ebrow39 9th Miztrniceguy Banded4Life neen7171 maccy mariaxoxo4u 10th Selisejohnson omlagirl jen6740 12th jrsyshoregrl684 suebob Shalee04 13th CCFRA Princessannod1 14th lightenup! dream'n2bthin 15th RxTracy steph_cn 19th Mrs Smartypants27th 731Shawty Cherlita Julie-Ann 28th lukin puppy 29th Sassafras 30th Sasquatc
  9. Hi, Getting banded on Monday, and I can't find Liqued tylenol. Nayone know where to buy it??? Thanks, Kelly :help:
  10. Shalee04

    Liquid Tylenol?

    Thanksw everyone, I went last night to walmart and found the Rapid Blast... I bought 2 bottles. Kelly
  11. Shalee04

    Liquid Tylenol?

    Thanks Everyone. I will run over to Walmart and look for it. I usally look everywhere first before heading to a walmart, I avoid it at all costs.... :phanvan
  12. Shalee04

    Pre-op Diet

    Hi Kelly here, I'm on day 10 of my Dr's required 2 weeks all liqued pre-op diet... I have been very good about sticking to only what is allowed, except last night I went out to Olive Garden and had a 2 Bowls of Tuscanno soup. Other then that I have been strict. Surgery is on Mondaythe 12th, wohoooo Kelly :-)
  13. Shalee04

    November Surgery Dates

  14. Shalee04

    November Surgery Dates

    Nov. 12 for me.
  15. Shalee04

    NOV surgerys??

    Bakersfield,Calif here. I am getting banded on Nov. 12th. I am on day 2 of my Pre-Op Liqued only diet.
  16. Shalee04

    United Healthcare

    I have United Healthcare HRA Plus, thru GAP INC. and I was approved in 1 day. We submitted letter from surgeon, PCP, He stated I have High Blood Pressure and a few other Co- Mobitities. The Nutricionist, The Physc Evaluation. Also and I had to write a letter regarding my weight loss efforts for the past 5 years. I did my letter for 20 years actually. with weights for years and what I did to lose pounds.. with alot of emphisis on the past 5-7 years..... And they approved it in 1 day. My Dr was like WOW Amazing, So as of right now I am scheduled for surgery on Nov. 12th...:whoo: Kelly
  17. Shalee04

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    Hi Chris, I too have UHC and would love a copy of your letter to read and reference for my approval. Thanks so Much, Kelly :help: url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wy19oVb/] [/url]
  18. Shalee04

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hi Janet, I just got this message, wish I would have checked sooner, I would have gone to that meeting. I will call Mercy and see when thier next one is. I had to go to fill out paperwork for the my shrink appt on friday. I met Dr Irani at the seminar last week.
  19. Shalee04

    To NEWBIES!!!

    This was great reading, Thank you from a newbi, Kelly.
  20. Shalee04

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hi, I'm new to Bakersfield ,Ca. area, I am seeing Dr. Naik next week. Does anyone know of a support group out in this area. Kelly
  21. My surgeon charges $3500.00 up front from me , then turns around and bills out of network to the insurance and they hopefully send me something back, they say they pay 60% out of network billed.... Surgeon says if he bills in network he only ends up getting 700 back from them....... Kelly
  22. Hi , I am new and just starting my process. I went to a seminar last week, had a consultation yesterday, this week I see do my Physc and go talk to my PCP. next week its another consultation with Dr Naik. I am new to Bakersfield and don't really know anyone out here, this board has been very informative. Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
