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Everything posted by Shalee04

  1. Good Luck Karey, I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts!!!!
  2. Happy Belated Birthday Frangni, I totally missed it sorry. Glad to hear the wound vac is doing it's job. How is everything else going? So does J-Lo have to look out for her new competition? :-)
  3. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Thanks Frangi, I sure am trying to get everrything in order as much as possible before the big day. I know that my family will try thier best to keep it up, but you knw how that goes.:wink2: Today was pre-op appt. WOW sign here, initial there, seemed like I had to do that 50 times. Talked to Dr again, I had him draw on me to give me an idea of where he will be cutting, OH MY!!! I was like WOW if you can get rid of all that you are truley an amazing Dr and I might just kiss you. We went over my concerns again and my 50 more questions. He might be doing a small cresent lift after all now. We had decided at my last Appt. that I didn't really need a lift, I am more deflated than anythng, but today we talked about a small cresent lift above the nipple possibly, he will know when he gets me on the table with the implants. Best part, No charge for this cresent lift. If he would have done the original anchor or lollipop breast lift it would have been $2000. So this is ok with me. I alos reitterated my concerns with him moving my port, I have told him I can't afford for anyting to happen to my band/port. and I stay awake at night scared of a problem after PS with it. He said he will take every precaution not to cause a problem. He said he will have to move it to tighten my muscles. So I will just try and not stress over it too much. I was given all my prescriptions, about 7 of them.:tt2: Picked out a bra thing to wear afterwards, signed some more papers and then we were off. I guess there's no turning back now. So now I am home and looking in the mirror again at the marks he drew on me and trying to imagine me without that skin. I just don't think I will be getting any sleep for the next 9 days. Gym time......:cool2:
  4. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Thanks Foofy, And you will be making the journey one day soon too. I never imaagined I would be having this done so soon, but things just fell into place and the timing is perfect for us right now. So we said "why wait" I am getting nervous now, I just want it over.... I will post pix soon, scary it will be. yikes 10 days.....
  5. Sorry to hear about your little one's infection. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts for a quicks recovery.
  6. Shalee04

    Manatee's turn for plastics

    When I first looked at that pix, I thought you were the guy in the blue. Then I read the caption, WOW you are a whole new person!!! That's awsome!!!
  7. Shalee04

    Approved!!!! WhooooHOOOoo!

    Congratulations on your insurance Co. approving you!!!!
  8. I have UHC, they pre approved me on the first day paperwork was submitter. It paid everythng except the Surgeon, because he submitted out of network, I appealed but to no avail. so I feel lucky that it did pay the hospital portion, all labs and tests for pre-op.
  9. Shalee04

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Congratulations LJM on your 2 year bandaversary!!! Your an inspiration to us all!!!!
  10. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Well it is officially 2 weeks from today!!! WOW this is something I have wanted for so very long, and to wake up this mornng, and realize I will be in the Or in 2 weeks!!! This is really happening isn't it I told my husband. I'm not sure if it's excitment or fear that keeps me from falling asleep, then waking up all night this past week. And I am in a "nesting" stage, I have been cleaning, going thur cupboards, Painting, and more cleaning this week. I hired a gardener to take care of my front yard, The back the kids will have to do. I am the gardened in my family, I love to mow, plant, all the upkeep, so it will be hard for me to not do any of this afterwards. But I have promised hubby that I wont do anything untill I am released to do so. When I had my hystectomy 2 yrs ago, I was out watering and pulling a few weeds the following week, he was sooo mad. He said he will lock me in the house if he has to. WOW 2 weeks untill I can see my cookie again!! WOHOOO and I will have a belly button too. Mine has been in hiding for so long I'm not sure what to do when I see it. I am just a great big bag of emotions these days. 2 weeks.......2 weeks.........2 weeks.......
  11. I have no help for you on the subject. This is the one time am glad I had to have my emergency hysterctomy 2 years ago. Maybe with the stress of the surgery it will delay your cycle, one can hope. WOW we are only 2 weeks away now, time seems to have flown by fast. Now is when I am getting scared as we come down to the wire.
  12. Shalee04

    De-Flabby Me

    Good Luck Laura!!!
  13. Shalee04

    September 18 - LBL

    See drains is what I am most dreading I think. My hubby was even willing to take me to Dallas to LJM's Dr becasue it was drainless. But I had to be realistic and go with someone close to home, sigh,,,,, drains scare me..... Karen glad your down to only 1 drain now.
  14. Shalee04

    Thoughts on travelling for PS

    For me, I was afraid to travel out of state for my PS. I am having a hard enough time having it done 2 1/2 hours away. But I feel confident knowing I can just jump in the car and see my Dr if I need to. Good luck and it will happen for you.
  15. Shalee04

    Manatee's turn for plastics

    Looking great you are!!!
  16. I agree with Jacquie also. she has a way with words.
  17. Shalee04

    Hair Salon Tipping..how much?

    Just out of curiosity, What is the difference between a $35.00 pedicure and a $65.00 one??
  18. Karey, I don't think your being selfish at all. You say you have helped your brother alot in the past, sometimes we have to step back and hand out toughlove to our relatives who "depend" on us always helping them. I'm sure your hubby is just worried for you and this surgery, because he loves you. I too have been having these feelings of "should I really be spending this kind of money on this surgery?" it's not a neccesity of life. This is money we could use on the house, or put into our retirement. Then my husband reminds me that this isn't selfish of me to want this. I have never ever asked anyone for anything before. I got married young, divorced and raised my 3 girls on my own. We didn't have alot back then, but we had what we needed and didn't do without the basics. Now fast forward years later, life with new hubby is great, he's always been great to my kids When my college student needs $$$ he is always 1st to send it to her, no questions asked. And now there is one thing I really want for myself, this TT. And he wants to give me this, But he loves me as I am with all my extra wobbly parts. I know this will make me happier, and he will get to see me happier. So in light of everything going on in the world, if this makes me selfish then so be it. BUT I don't think it does make us selfsih, Sometimes we have to take a look at ourselves first and formost and do what we need for us. Nope I don't think your selfish.
  19. I ordered the convoluted wedge pillow. 25" x 24" x 10" high, was $37.00 I believe. I also ordered a leg wedge pillow, but it is way too small so I have to send it back. I also picked up a large hot/cold compress in 11 x 14 size. it fits across the whole tummy, so should help with swelling. I didn't get any breast ones as I already have 2 smaller compresses that should work for the girls. So far thats about it. I need to call and book a hotel room soon for a couple of nights before I can't find one. I have been procrastinating on it.
  20. Becky, sending you thoughts and prayers during this time.
  21. I ordered one last week from Make me heal.com.
  22. I feel the same way, I just can't imagine what I will look like without all the extra junk hanging there also. We are almost there!!!!
  23. Hi shortgal, Yes I did start a thread in the plastic surgery forum. I am not at goal but I am at a point where my Dr and I feel it is a good time for me to do this. I have been stuck between 178-182 now for about 4 months. sure I keep losing inches and reshaping some parts of my body, But other parts just don't budge. and myt weight seems to love 180. My thyroid stopped working a few months back, so I was put on meds for that. it seems to have helped. Anyway's I will be having a Tummy Tuck with anchor cut, mons lift and after much thought and sleepless nights I have decided to get small implants also, to give my deflated girls some fullness back in them. we thought about a lift, but I was/am really scared of it, and they aren't really so droopy as they are deflated. PS said I should do fine with implant only. That's about it for, ow it's all about the waiting, I get more scared as each day gets closer to surgery day, "am I making the right decision" I am driving my hubby nuts.
  24. Shalee04

    Tracyinks Time for TT! FREAKY

    I will be keeping my finers crossed for you Tracy. And my PS is about 2 1/2 hrs away. Sometimes we have to drive a little distance to get the best Dr for us.
  25. Shalee04

    HoosierDoula's PS Journey

    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss, and upciming PS.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
