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Everything posted by Shalee04

  1. Shalee04

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    LJM, I would think that as long as your getting in your nutrients and your baby is growing and thriving as he should be then even if you have lost weight it should be ok. Your body is still providing for the baby even if your not gaining.
  2. Donna I have a thread started here on the plastics board. it's called Shalees October Overhaul.... I haven't posted pix yet, soon.
  3. Yes you said it, But your allowed to keep saying it!!! I am excited for you too!!! I'm not having any fill taken out either, I only have 4.5cc in my band and am not restricted. I have needed a fill for awhile, but at $350.00 a fill I decided to wait till after PS. I'm not allowed to eat anything tomorrow, only liquids. :-( We are almost there.....
  4. Donna, Hope all went well with your surgery Monday. sending you good thoughts and healing wishes.
  5. Sending well wishes your way Loridee
  6. Hi Karey, You are superwoman, having all those procedures at once, Here I am fretting over boobs and tummy tuck. Your arms are going to marvelous!!! I have been looking at mine lately and wondering if I really can live with thier waveyness. Anyways take care of yourself, I will be over to the flatlands soon... How is the Anchor TT pain compared to the regular TT, and are you able to sleep on a bed or are you sleeping in a recliner???
  7. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    I just got off the phone with the tissue donation place, WOW they ask alot of questions. I'm like if you want it you can have it!!! I really don't care what you do with it.
  8. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    WOW it seems like a dream right now. 3 days!!! At least we can compare battle stories.:biggrin: I have been cooking and freezing food all weekend so my family wont starve, (like they would) But they think they would. Do you have someone to help you with the little guys? My Ps wants me to stay out near his office for a week, but we booked a room for 3 nights and plan on coming home Monday. But if I can't sleep or get comfy at the hotel I told my hubby he is to bring me home to my recliner!!:tongue2: Off to the dentist.
  9. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Thanks Jacquie, Oh my 6 weeks, I am already fretting over 2 weeks.... It's weird how some Dr's say ok to showers with your drains and others say NO WAy at all. WOW only 3 more days!!! I can't believe it.
  10. Yes it's really going to happen for us!!
  11. Karen, You look wonderful!!! Look at that flat tummy!!!! Thanks for posting your pix. I need to get hubby to take some when he gets back from his biz trip tomorow. Again you look great!!!
  12. Shalee04

    Nymphs Weight Loss To Date

    Yes I am excited, but the last couple days very nervous. I am just trying to keep busy and get everything in order here at home, today I will be cooking and freezing some more meals. (and trying not to eat too much of them) I have issues with my thighs and arms, but my tummies are what bothers me the most. Now the wrinkles around my eyes,,,,,, Maybe some day....
  13. Shalee04

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Congratulations Fanny!!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  14. Karey, glad to see you up and typing a bit. Glad things are going good for you. So how is the anchor tummy tuck cut feeling compared to your 1st TT?? I think the anchor cut is what is scaring me the most, my Ps said he wants me hunched over for at least 2 weeks to make sure it adheres good. I'm like oh man. He also told me monday no shower till all drains are out. Hmm oh man again!!! I did rent a recliner for my downstairs, I didn't knw if I would be able to climb all my stairs to my bedroom. WOHOO for the scar only going 1/2 way down. :smile2: how are you able to sit?? I mean with having the butt done. Take care of yourself and don't try and do too much.
  15. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Hi Foofy, Yes I am an apple shape, a fat one around the middle!! I am planning on taking my measurments and pix on wednesday the night before surgery. I know my Dr takes pix of me when he marks me up. I also asked him for pix of what he removes from me too. ( Because I am weird like that and want to see what is gone) He said Sure no problemo. 6 more days,,, 6 more days..... Arrgghhh I can't take the waiting....
  16. Thanks Kareys husband for letting us know shes ok!!! Tell her we are sending her quick healing wishes.
  17. Shalee04

    Input please

    I forgot to add. I still eat off of a saucer or a very small bowl. I find when I have used a normal size plate I put to much on it. So I just use the saucers. I also will measure out 1 cup of food if I am not sure, that way I don't eat more then that. and sometimes I will NOT eat all of that cup. I grew up a plate cleaner and it's hard to get over that in my mind too. I hate to throw food out, when we can just eat the little bit left, But I have worked hard on this and am learning to throw out or give it to the dog these days.
  18. Shalee04


    Cindy, sorry to hear of your pets illness. I will be keeping you andf your "baby" in my thoughts and prayers for tomorrows surgery!! I have 3 dogs and 2 cats and all are my babies!!!
  19. Hi Renewed, Hope your son is doing much better!! Are you getting super excited, we are only 1 week away!!! Have you had your pre-op appt? I had mine monday and got all my prescriptions and had to sign a gazzilion more consent forms. Oh and ask about 50 more questions.
  20. I see a big difference. and I know you must feel alot better without the hanging pannus there. I was told monday I will be having 4 drains with my Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck next week. Sending healing thoughts your way
  21. Sending healing vibes your way today Karey!!!
  22. Shalee04

    I'm so excited and I just can't hide it....

    Welcome and Congraulations!!! :regular_smile: Nov 12th is a good day to be banded. It will be my one year bandavversary!!!
  23. Shalee04

    Input please

    Foofy, I am a slow loser also compared to some. heheh I don't eat with a spoon handle although maybe I should try... hehehhe I try no more then 1 cup of food at a time. if I were to only eat 2 oz 3 times a day I would faint dead away. I still try and eat high Protein, and on most days I am good. I am type 2 diabetic so I try and stay away from sugars and most carbs. am I perfect, Nope. In July I was diagnosed with a thryoid problem, damn thing finally stopped working, it's always had a problemo, but it finally fizzled out. so I was put on meds, and that made me feel better and I started exercising again faithfully, before that I was SOOOOO tired like when I was 250, so I knew something was wrong. But I still don't lose weight much. my PS said having the Tummy tuck might jump start my body and help me lose a few more pounds. Also I don't have a tight fill. I only have had 2 fills, for 4.5 in my band. I am SOOOO afraid of being too tight, and having those problems. Sure I get stuck now every once in a while, But I like the fact that I can eat what I want to but just in moderation. My fills/ unfills cost $350.00 each , so I guess that's another reason I am afraid to be to tight. Anyways I eat about a 3/4 to a cup 3 times a day. This past 2 weeks I have been drinking a shake for Breakfast as I am supposed to be getting in over 100 grams of protein because of my upcoming surgery.
  24. Shalee04


    It's been in the high 80's low 90's here Foofy, I'll send you some heat.:biggrin: Thanks for the support on my TT. I'm not at my goal yet, but have been stuck at 178-180 now for about 4-5 months. I keep losing inches, just not the pounds. I wasn't expecting to have this PS so soon, but it just all has worked out. I have never wanted to be "skinny" per say. My band Drs goal for me was 135. Uhmm yeah right not going to happen. My goal for myself is around 155-160ish. I have to say I am happy with my weight right now, I feel 1 million times better then I did 1 year ago at 250. I just hate these jelly bellies I have. today I had my pre-op appt. I had the Dr draw on me to give me an idea as to where he would be cutting and taking off the skin at. WOW from hip to hip it is a 26 inch piece. I was amazed!!! I had hubby take some pix, I will get brave and post in the plastic surgery thread next week. Dr thinks about 6-9 pounds of skin to be removed.:wink2: I carried most of my weight in the tummy area. OK well I hope everyone is doing great!!! Keep up the work Nymphs!!

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