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About debz62

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/08/1962
  1. Happy 51st Birthday debz62!

  2. Happy 50th Birthday debz62!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary debz62!

  4. Hi Guy's, I have just returned from living Australia for the last 13 years. I had my lap band done in June in Sydney and now need to find a doctor to get a fill done in NZ. Can anyone help PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE - I live in Palmerston North and the nearest one I can see seems to be in Hamilton. Surely there must be one closer than that. Looking forward to hearing from someone. Deb
  5. debz62

    How Bout New Zealand

    Hi Everyone, Just thought I would check and see if anyone else lives around the Palmerston North area and how you guys over the ditch get on with having your fills done - how far you have to travel and how much it costs. I am about to return to Plamerston North to live. I has my op done in June and at the moment have 2 mls in my band. The surgeon I see is only about half an hour away from where I live and the fills for the first year are all covered on my insurance but if I come back there I want to know what I will be up against. Can anyone shed some light on the subject for me. Ta Deb
  6. debz62

    How Bout New Zealand

    Hi Chris, Welcome to the site and Congrats on taking the step to being banded. I was banded on 26th June this year and to date have lost just on 20kgs. I feel great and I am sure you will too as the weight just drops off. I got my first fill on the 6th of August and OMG I thought I was alright when I left the doctors surgery as I managed to swallow water or I thought I did but found out once I got home I could not even swallow my own saliva. The water must have only gone down as far as my pouch but because I swallowed such a small amount it probably didn't feel like it was still sitting there. The doctor put 3mls in my band (not very much when you think about it - not even a teaspoon) but it was too much for me. Felt like I literally swallowed a brick. I sat up all night and tried so hard to catch a few zzz's in the recliner as there is no way I could lie down. I rang the surgery 1st thing the next morning and had 1ml taken out - instant relief. Since then I have been fine - I can still manage to eat about a cup of food very slowly. Am due back to the doc's on the 8th September but if I still have this restriction I am not getting any more put in. Trick to eating I have found is slow and steady - don't get distracted and start talking etc as you tend to forget how fast you are eating. Anyway best of luck with everything and I am sure you will be fine with the fill. My doc said 99.9% of the time he can put 3 mils in and people are great with it. Trust me to be the .01% that wasn't.
  7. debz62

    How Bout New Zealand

    Hey Flax, Yeah had the band done on Thursday, home Friday feeling like I had just done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson but slowly feeling like the old me. I feel like I am having trouble swallowing and when I do drink I feel like I have a bick sitting in my chest. When I take deep breaths it hurst and I still have shoulder pain and in my collar bone so I hope these are normal things for the first few days. I am sure things will get better as the days pass. I was eating some tomato soup just before and thought I was going to throw it up the lump in my chest felt so bad so I stood over the sink trying to burp and just saliva came up. Took a couple of quick eze hoping that might help me through it and sure enough it made me feel so much better. Might give the tomato soup a miss for a while. You are doing so well with your weight loss and so are you Tracy (sorry to hear you haven't been too good). I hopped on the scales this morning and I don't think I have lost any weight since having the band put on but hopefully I will start to see some results soon. Anyway I go to see the Doc and dietician Thursday 10th so hopefully it will be all good. He gave me 3 weeks off work so I intend to make the most of it. Keep in touch. Deb
  8. Hi guy's, I just got banded on Thursday 26th and I am too experiencing much of what you have said. I thought that the liquids would be easy to take but I guess our stomchs are still getting used to having a foreign object around them. I seem to feel restriction with even small sips of shakes etc. Like you I hope all of this is normal. I don't regret having it done but I too am a little older and this is the first operation that has really knocked me. Lucky my doctor has given me 3 weeks off work because there is no way I would be able to go back after one like some of the other people that have posted on this site. I have a house full of people, my partners son and my daughters friends all sitting around watching movies and eating pizzas while I am upstairs checking out the site and sipping very slowly on a lovely banana and raspberry smoothie. I hope as the days go by things will get a little easier I am still in quite a lot of discomfort. Deb
  9. debz62

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi everyone, Well I have done it. I am home and somewhat sore but am looking forward to my new life as a healthier slimmer me. These liquids for 3 weeks are going to be just wonderful I can tell already, although I am having trouble even drinking them at the moment. I sometimes feel somewhat constricted in taking deep breaths - is this normal. I have 3 weeks off work so I hope to get plenty of rest and relaxation. Deb
  10. debz62

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Thanks so much for the good luck wishes Rastis. I know it will be the best thing - I am just really scared at the moment I have had a lot of operations before so hopefully it will go as smoothly as those. Wow you don't have far to go to reach your goal. Good on you. I will let you know how I go when I get home. Check in is at 11.15 so I suppose I might be a bit groggy tomorrow night. Deb
  11. debz62

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi guy's, My doctor has recommended 3 weeks off. Hey if that's what he say's who am I to disagree. Said 2 weeks should be enough but to take 3 to be sure. I don't want to rush anything. I am a week away from banding now and starting to get really nervous. One week down on the opti and one week to go. I must admit being able to have my one low calorie meal a day does help although I must admit I don't really mind the taste. I have tasted far worse. Has anyone ever had pico-prep the disgusting drink you have to use before a colonoscopy. If opti was anything like that we would really have something to complain about. My darling partner sat there eating some delicious looking pork spare ribs and my nose started to twitch. I could have just done with a couple of them but no I have been good. Decided to just get out of the room and do something else. Is anyone else due to be banded next week????????? Love to hear from you. Deb
  12. debz62

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Thanks for the input - yeah I was told no carbs so dinners i have just been having a small piece of chicken or fish and salad veges -lunch has been a shake and leaves with a couple of teaspoons of fat free dressing. I would love to make some vege soup but I dont think it will be the same without the pumpkin and sweet potato etc in it. I went back and checked out the papers that the dietician gave me just to make sure I was doing what she said because I was starting to self doubt. You know the more you read that someone else writes the more you think that what you have been told may be incorrect. But sure enough it's there in black and white so I will just carry on doing what I have been told and hope for the best. Cheers Deb
  13. debz62

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Guy's, I am 3 day's into my pre-op diet. Is it just me or something I should be worried about doing wrong. I was told by the dietician that I only have to replace breakfast and lunch with the opti and have a low calorie dinner and 2 cups of free veges during the day. I am finding it not too bad so far - at least I get to chew something during the day. Even the optifast is tolerable and I have not felt particularly hungry YEEEEEET. Time will tell. Deb
  14. debz62

    Before & on the way

    OMG Nat you seriously look like a different person. Congratulations. How good do you feel. I bet people really notice the difference. Good on you. Deb
  15. debz62

    How Bout New Zealand

    Hi everyone, Hope you don't mind me popping in and posting on this site. I have been living in Oz now for the past 14 years but a more passionate kiwi you couldn't get. I miss NZ sooooo much. Just been back in April and came back this time with a silver fern tattooed on my wrist much to the dismay of my Australian partner. I am relatively new to this site and have been posting on the Australian site but started reading through this one as well and having just been home (Bulls is my hometown) and telling some of my friends all about it I thought I would see what some fellow kiwis have to say about the whole experience. From what my friends were saying none of them had even heard of the procedure. I have my date 26.06.08 with Dr Michael Cox at Napean Private (Penrith). I cant wait but am still a bit anxious - went to the seminar in October so it seems to have taken forever for the time to arrive but not long now - start the Optifast next week (mmmm really looking forward to that). I am looking forward to being a happier healthier more energetic person. I am so sick of feeling like a lethargic blob with no interest in doing anything. Hopefully it will illiminate the use of my c-pap machine for sleep apnoea (no fun travelling across the ditch lugging that bloody awful thing around) my blood pressure should improve and my insulin levels I am told will also improve. I have a hiatus hernia as well but the doc said if he gets in there and it is bad he will fix that at the same time. There is some really good information that everyone else shares - certainly is worth reading through some of the threads. Some of the before and after photos are truly inspirational. Deb

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