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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Thinkingthinner1109

  1. My first thing was a scrambled egg and you would have thought I was eating a filet mignon. I can eat so far.....baked fish, baked chicken, ground beef, pork ribs if they have been cooked a long time. I am 5 weeks out but I have have to chew them to the puréed stage and I can only eat about one or one and half ounces. I have had no nausea, but I am sure to be very conscious of when I am full and stop eating. So far so good.

  2. Hi everyone I was sleeved on Aug 8th it has been so hard thus far. Didn't think it would be a walk in the park but wow. First I started surgery date at 388lbs as of today I am 318lbs the first 4 weeks the only thing stayed down was Water. Now I have been having server heartburn and nausea which is making it so hard to eat been in an out the hospital a few times now I am on 3 prescriptions to try an help. Has been the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. But still looking forward to the better days.

    Sorry you are having such problems. I hope you get better soon. I had a rough start for about the first ten days. I didn't have too much nausea but rough none the less. I regretted my decision about the first 10 days. Your days will get better and I hope very soon!

  3. So I have seen a few threads on here about Hair loss. I was just wondering has everyone lost hair? I ask because I know people post when they have issues and was just wondering if everyone's experience is? I am freaked out about losing hair. I had cancer and was freaked out about having to have chemo and losing my hair. I ended up not having to have chemo thank God for that. But now I am so scared I am going to lose all my hair.

  4. That is exactly why I didn't tell my husbands side of the family! Literally as soon as someone tells her something she picks up the phone to start the phone chain so she can make sure everyone knows your business. And I could just hear the comments....oh she isn't losing very fast....blah, blah, blah. I told my husband under NO circumstances is she to know. He said if you tell her to not say anything she won't. Lol. Yeah I have heard her tell me things like. Oh so and so said not to say anything but I know you won't repeat it so then she tells everything the other person did t want her to tell. Men are blind. He doesn't even know his own mother. Sorry about that it's just the mother in law thing brought out all that. I wouldn't answer the phone either. I out mine on vibrate and say I didn't hear it or I was down stairs doing laundry. Or exercising.

  5. I had to take two weeks. There was no way I could go back in one week. One of my incisions was very sore and sometimes when I stood up it was hard to stand up straight right away. The longer I sit the worse it was. It just all depends. I told my employer I hoped to come back in a week but I got two approved just in case.

  6. I can tell you that I work for a hospital and with out insurance and hospital benefits we are able to have bariatric surgery for pretty much free so I work with TONS of people that have had it done. I have never noticed hairloss on any of them. They did say that they noticed it on themselves but other people don't really notice. So that's kinda positive right???

    That is sooooo positive! Thank you for posting. I was freaking out!

  7. Fox-e I am the same way, I eat a couple bites every couple of hours. It's a pain in the butt. Like one slice of deli ham stuffs me. A couple of spoonfuls of sf pudding or Jello will help. I still drink 2 Protein Shakes a day to get enough Protein in. But mine is real hunger. I have never had head hunger I can listen to my stomach and didn't have gas pains except for one small one in my left shoulder about 4 days post op. So you are not alone.

  8. I don't know how much I have lost since I don't weigh myself very often, it was stressing me out. I am on soft foods, I can eat chicken, ham, ground beef with no problems. I have to take small bites and chew well and not much fits into the sleeve. I am very very careful to eat slow and recognize when I am satisfied. I am scared to death of the nausea-vomiting and thank God I have not done that yet. I still do a couple Protein Shakes a day to get all my Protein in. I walk about 5 miles most days. I see a lot of posts that people have lost tons of weight in a short amount of time and it sometimes makes me feel a little jealous to be honest.

  9. I just love all of you that say you can popcorn! Lol. I am only 3+ weeks post op so I know I can't have it right now as I am stil on soft foods. But there are only two foods I miss from having this surgery and that is pizza and popcorn. Even before surgery I would only eat one slice of pizza and iam positive when the time comes that I can try it it will be just a couple bites and popcorn, well if I can eat it will will be very small amount but just a taste at this point would satisfy me.

  10. I got the three week stall and 1 week also. It kinda ticks me off. I know everyone says be patient, but I walk 4 miles a day. Get all my Protein and fluids in. I am eating correctly. eggs, fish, chicken sugar free Jello. And I stalled at week 2. I was honesty doing better before surgery I drank two Protein Shakes a day, no Snacks and a sensible dinner. I was able to walk up to 10. Miles a day. Now I am so whipped from the surgery I can only walk 4 miles. I cannot do strength training yet, and I was able to do that before surgery. It brings you down. I have put the scale away, right after I kicked it. I am not sure how weight cannot be falling off. So I understand where you are coming from. And yeah I know it didn't all get out on in three weeks, but something should be coming off nonetheless.

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