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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by 4me4them

  1. Wore black leggings and boots with 2 inch heels for the first time EVER! Who knew I had a bit of a vixen side....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. liannatx


      Love it! Go girl.

    3. jane13


      I am wearing my leggings to work today - I am probably, unfortunately, on the "people of Wal-Mart" site :/

    4. Djmohr


      Nice! I want to go buy some boots, I am certain I could get them over my calves now.

  2. I've got maintenance figured out....only problem is I"m 40 pounds from goal....grrrr

  3. Tuesday is my Monday this week and it sure feels like it...ug

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Hump day is on its way!! Hang in there!

  4. Here's what getting complacent gets you....a week of no exercise and a weight gain of 1lb. Time to recommit!

  5. NSV!! I have a beautiful ring that my husband had made for me almost 20 years ago. I haven't been able to wear the past 10 years. It's on my finger as I type :)

    1. BigGirlPanties


      it's that awesome...my hubby bought me a new wedding band and said to use that to hold down my original ones...I tried that... they slipped right over the new ones...3 sizes different! LOL ... time for a sizing I guess ;)

  6. Heading out to the hotel tonight, surgery tomorrow at 0900. Super nervous, excited and apprehensive all at once. I'm looking forward to getitng it over with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bobbyswife


      You'll do great!

    3. lmbrandon2010


      How are you now??

    4. 4me4them


      I had some cardiac complications and so was in the hospital 4 days longer than expected. Came home with more meds than I went in with but am hopeful that is only a temporary thing. Surgery recovery has been spectacular. Thanks guys!

  7. Maybe cooking in the crock pot on day 11 of the preop diet wasn't good idea...the house smells sooooo good right now....sigh. I'm drinking some decaf ginger tea...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 4me4them


      A pork roast....will be dinner in various forms for the two dudes that live in my house (husband and adult brother) for the next couple of days.

    3. finediva


      Yum. Stay strong girl. But I feel your pain. I cooked several meals for my teenager during my pre op week, so I sympathize with you.

    4. 4me4them


      Thanks! It's just been a rough day...but I didn't waiver so yay me! On to tomorrow...

  8. This morning I'm thankful for the life I have and the blessings I've recieved in my 50 years.

  9. Hello 270s...it has been awhile. Please don't be offended if I don't stay long...I'm really just passing through!

    1. haleytrim


      Excuse me but your confidence is showing!! LOL Love it!!!

  10. And so it begins....day one of pre-op liquid diet...

    1. nicksyd


      congrats keep at it. It's the beginning of a long healthy life

  11. OMG! I'm nesting! It just hit me...I'm in the laundry room sorting lightbulbs for goodness sake. Must be nervous energy before I start the 2 week liquid diet Wednesday...

  12. Take me home county roads....heading back to WV for a visit!

    1. Packerfan61964


      What a wonderful place to visit in the fall........WEST BY GOD VIRGINIA!!!! I hope you have a GREAT time visiting there!!!!

  13. I think it is time for some new undies...just sayin.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BeagleLover


      No more granny panties. Yaay!

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      screw it....go nekkid :)

    4. ☠carolinagirl☠


      i posted a before surgery and current panty picture once..my drawers could have rose the titantic


  14. Finally, a weekend with no mindless eating! Yay Me!

  15. Frustrated, stressed from work and trying to figure out what to do....eating is no longer an option!

  16. Romaine Lettuce leaves....my new bread!

    1. Domika03


      I like the bib lettuce because it seems to 'conform' easily using it as a 'wrapper.'


  17. Why are Sunday's so much more difficutl when it comes to eating within my calories? UGH

  18. My shadow has a waist! Of course my shadow was like 32 feet tal at the time...but...MY SHADOW HAS A WAIST!

  19. I'd really rather be sleeping thank you very much.

  20. Minor binge and now I feel sick...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lite'N'Sweet


      Just make sure you remember this feeling... it'll be tucked away willpower.

    3. RJ'S/beginning


      GOOD! Now that that is out of your system...Tomorrow is another day! You got this kiddo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. 4me4them


      Many thanks all! Today IS a new day...

  21. Buh Bye 300s!

    1. une nouvelle vie

      une nouvelle vie

      That's awesome. Can't wait to join you in the under 300 club.

    2. Colleen C

      Colleen C

      I recently said goodbye to 300's too, feels great!

    3. Teachamy


      Great job! Happy for you! :)

  22. Feeling draggy this morning...

    1. Lite'N'Sweet


      Love your screen name! :)

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