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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by klovitt0171

  1. I am 8 weeks post op & I have the same issue! i had an endoscopy & they dilated a couple of strictures & i am doing better as long as i don't try to keep up w/ everyone else when eating. when i go out with others its hard because you sometimes forget that you have to eat so slowly & chew so much more but I now know when to stop before it gets bad enough that i get sick. Good luck & I'm sure it will go well & get better!

  2. You are so welcome! It's been a rough road for me as well. I had an area that also didn't heal after surgery & had to have upper GI day after surgery- they called it bleeding ulcer but it was more of an issue where they connected intestines to my new stomach pouch. It was terrible. I also have a hernia and then this stricture. I still do not regret my decision because I am now down 43lbs and once I lose 7 more pounds I'll be in 100's for first time in years. Which is an awesome feeling. I'm sure it's probably a stricture so hopefully they'll get it fixed for you & you'll be unstoppable!!! Hang in there!!! It will get better! Message me if you ever want to talk or if I can help you!

  3. Have you told your surgeon? You may have a stricture. I am also 7 weeks out & up til last week was barely able to eat or drink more than 400 calories/day. I was having so much trouble eating and drinking everything. They had me do an endoscopy & found a stricture that they dilated. I am doing much better. I am starting to get in more liquids & Protein which is helping my energy levels. My throat was sore for a couple days after the endoscopy but not daily, I just felt like food was getting stuck & had terrible pain. Sometimes I got sick & sometimes I didn't? Does this sound like your issues?

  4. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago but since my surgery & weight loss I don't have all the aches & pains I used to have. I know when I get higher Protein levels & all my fluids in I feel better but then I'll have a couple days that I don't drink as much & protein lowers & I get really tired. I still don't have my energy levels that I had before surgery but my surgery was only 7 weeks ago.

  5. I had surgery 6/24/14 w/ Dr Joya in Puerto Vallarta & had a great experience. I'm down 33 lbs so far. I did have a bleeding ulcer which happened during surgery but I had acid reflux & inflammation prior to surgery. I am in soft/puréed foods stage & struggle as well. I have issues w/ Protein because I can't digest it well yet & so many things upset my stomach right now. It's a process & I'm trying to make myself eat slowly cuz that's a big learning curve for me. My energy levels are improving but I'm still healing.

  6. I'm really supposed to be on full liquids stage weeks 2-3, I find it so strange how different each persons diet can be even though we're only on second post-op week. I couldn't handle just liquids anymore so I tried the applesauce & cottage cheese & Greek yogurt & have handled all 3 well. I can't do Soups or juices because of my acid levels & trying to heal an ulcer.

    I need to buy unflavored protein- can you find it at GNC or Vitamin Shop would rather go pick it up then have to order it & wait?

    Thanks everyone - it's been so helpful reading all the comments from others!!

  7. Congrats on 15lbs! I was down 14 pre-op which felt good to! I gained 4 w/ surgery fluids, hopefully those will all be gone in couple days!

    This is an exciting process! I am to so over liquids & I'm not able to have Soups because makes acid worse. I have found a couple interesting things like such as vanilla egg custard which is pretty good, I tried applesauce & I handled it well & tastes so good. I also like sugar free strawberry jam mixed in cottage cheese- which is pretty high in Protein to. I found a recipe for homemade applesauce which I might try. I'm trying to find some creative things I can eat. I've been reading the book: Before & After by Susan Leach- I think it's called which has ideas & recipes. We'll get there!

  8. Carol-

    Thank you so much as hearing your story is a huge reminder as to why I did this in the first place. Very Inspiring!!! Congrats!! Awesome job.

    My triglycerides & cholesterol went down just on liquid diets so soon those might actually be lowest in years which is big accomplishment alone. I just need to keep big picture in mind & I'm sure things will keep improving daily!


  9. I've always liked eggs but go through stages when I get burned out on them. I've never been a big cottage cheese fan either- I think it's texture for me but when I add in flavor I like it really helps. I bought SF strawberry Jam which was kinda good w/ it. My daughter loves to mix w/ applesauce. I'm trying to eat it as one meal because it's so Protein packed.

    I am the same way with cravings!! I know mine are all in my head cuz I haven't been hungry at all! I saw a man w/ bag of M&Ms at airport & I wanted some so bad but knew I would most likely get sick from possibly even eating one so I just had to think about something else. So hard we're going to have a lot of these mental stumbling blocks but hopefully they'll get much raided each day. I'm not doing puréed foods yet but excited about that because I think retried Beans with cheese sprinkled & melted on it sounds good to me. I love mashed potatoes too but know I need Proteins more than potatoes. It's kind of a fun new challenge in life!

  10. I have some of the exact same issues. I used to rush when I would eat and then always gulped my drinks at meal time. I am used to drinking at least 2 liters of Water a day & this sipping stuff is difficult & not drinking at meal time. I am only 1 week post op and I know it's all part of the journey & retraining ourselves like starting over. I'm trying to remember why I did this & do things the right way & hope eventually it will be the norm.

    I've read a book and found during your stage you can eat eggs (scrambled right & could even add ricotta cheese), I found a recipe for an vanilla egg custard that I heard was really good & I'm going to make that tomorrow. I had cottage cheese w/ sugar free strawberry preserved in it tonight & that was good. You might look on Amazon.com there are several books & cookbooks that might help. Keep up the great work- I'm ready to get over initial pains & soreness & get to losing stage!

  11. Hi- I was 1 week post-op today as well. I have been very sore & tire easily. I had a bleeding ulcer the day I was supposed to go home from hospital after surgery and so I stayed an extra day in the hospital. I have some bruising that looks normal & some more lower that does not. I'm concerned & have sent a message to my surgeon who Is in Mexico. I live in Indiana. I also have always had very bad stretch marks & tonight I noticed one that looked so full of liquid it looked like it would pop- nothing w/ me ever is easy. Anyone else have these issues?

    As far as I know I do not have a drain- I assume I would be able to see that if I had one, it was never mentioned.

    It's been a tough week. I have to constantly remember to sip Water because I notice I often forget. I'm ready to feel good again! I keep trying to remind myself why I did this to my body!

  12. We did expedite them & I got mine 2 weeks ago. They did not like his original birth certificate because it was old & seal wasn't good enough so we had to get new one & overnight but they're taking time getting it processed. He's called them every day the past 3 & website says it's in final processing but if it doesn't complete tomorrow we won't get it.

    I have never been to Lafayette, LA. Were you affected by the big hurricane a few years ago?

  13. I'm in Lafayette! I'm going to Mexico also. Surgery 7/8! Message me :)

    I'm originally from northwestern Indiana from a small town called- Morocco. I drive in & around Lafayette all the time. When do you start pre-op? I'm done 10lbs so far but I find it pretty hard.

    We are starting to stress because we leave on Sunday & my husband still doesn't have his passport. I told him I'm going w/out him if it doesn't come in time but not sure I should- I don't travel much. Do u have someone going w/ you? I come home on June 29th.

  14. I will. I have 6 days left until surgery- time seems to be going quickly. I am doing better w/ pre-op liquid diet but it has been much harder than I realized. I struggle mostly with the mental aspect because I have not been physically hungry. I am very excited about going to see Dr. Joya because I have heard really good things about him & his staff and the overall experience. Keep me posted on how you are doing & your experience as well.

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